Esempio n. 1
/* Atomically increases the semaphore's count (not blocking) */
int SDL_SemPost(SDL_sem *sem)
	if ( ! sem ) {
		SDL_SetError("Passed a NULL semaphore");
		return -1;

	if ( unlock_semaphore(sem->id) != 0 ) {
		SDL_SetError("release_sem() failed");
		return -1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    if ( 2 == argc )
        int	nSema = atoi( argv[1] );
        int	nError = unlock_semaphore( nSema );
        if ( 0 != nError ) {
            printf( "ReleaseSemaphore failed : %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
        printf( "Invalid argument count\n" );
int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]){
    size_t rxshm_size, txshm_size;

    bool mimic_active;
    float mimic_delay;

    unsigned int iSide, iSwing; // often used loop variables

    int32_t rx_worker_status = 0; 
    int32_t clrfreq_rx_worker_status = 0; 
    int32_t mute_output = 0; // used if rx_worker error happends

    int32_t rx_stream_reset_count = 0;
    int32_t rx_stream_error_count = 0;

    std::vector<sem_t>  sem_rx_vec(nSwings), sem_tx_vec(nSwings);

    std::vector<uint32_t> state_vec(nSwings, ST_INIT);
    uint32_t swing; // = SWING0;
    size_t nSamples_rx, nSamples_tx_pulse, nSamples_pause_after_rx, nSamples_auto_clear_freq, nSamples_rx_total;
    size_t auto_clear_freq_available = 0;

    uint32_t npulses, nerrors;
    ssize_t cmd_status;
    uint32_t usrp_driver_base_port, ip_part;

    int32_t connect_retrys = MAX_SOCKET_RETRYS; 
    int32_t sockopt;
    struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
    struct sockaddr_storage client_addr;
    socklen_t addr_size;
    uint32_t exit_driver = 0;

    uint32_t tx_worker_active;

    uhd::time_spec_t start_time, rx_start_time;

    // vector of all pulse start times over an integration period
    std::vector<uhd::time_spec_t> pulse_time_offsets;
    // vector of the sample index of pulse start times over an integration period
    std::vector<uint64_t> pulse_sample_idx_offsets;

    boost::thread_group uhd_threads;
    boost::thread_group clrfreq_threads;

    // process config file for port and SHM sizes
    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER starting to read driver_config.ini\n");
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
    boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("../driver_config.ini", pt);

  //  DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER reading rxshm_size\n");
  //  std::cout << pt.get<std::string>("shm_settings.rxshm_size") << '\n';
    rxshm_size = std::stoi(pt.get<std::string>("shm_settings.rxshm_size"));
  //  DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER reading txshm_size\n");
    txshm_size = std::stoi(pt.get<std::string>("shm_settings.txshm_size"));

    usrp_driver_base_port = std::stoi(pt.get<std::string>("network_settings.USRPDriverPort"));
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt_array;
    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER starting to read array_config.ini\n");
    boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("../array_config.ini", pt_array);
    mimic_active = std::stof(pt_array.get<std::string>("mimic.mimic_active")) != 0;
    mimic_delay  = std::stof(pt_array.get<std::string>("mimic.mimic_delay"));
    fprintf(stderr, "read from ini: mimic_active=%d, mimic_delay=%f\n", mimic_active, mimic_delay);


    // TODO also read usrp_config.ini and get antenna and side information from it. remove antenna input argument. 

    // process command line arguments
    struct arg_lit  *al_help   = arg_lit0(NULL, "help", "Prints help information and then exits");
//    struct arg_int  *ai_ant    = arg_intn("a", "antenna", NULL, 1, 2, "Antenna position index for the USRP"); 
    struct arg_int  *ai_ant_a          = arg_int0("a", "antennaA", NULL, "Antenna position index for the USRP on side A"); 
    struct arg_int  *ai_ant_b          = arg_int0("b", "antennaB", NULL, "Antenna position index for the USRP on side B"); 
    struct arg_str  *as_host           = arg_str0("h", "host", NULL, "Hostname or IP address of USRP to control (e.g usrp1)"); 
    struct arg_lit  *al_intclk         = arg_lit0("i", "intclk", "Select internal clock (default is external)"); 
    struct arg_lit  *al_interferometer = arg_lit0("x", "interferometer", "Disable tx_worker for interferometer antennas"); 
    struct arg_end  *ae_argend         = arg_end(ARG_MAXERRORS);
    void* argtable[] = {al_help, ai_ant_a, ai_ant_b, as_host, al_intclk, al_interferometer, ae_argend};
    double txrate, rxrate, txfreq, rxfreq;
    double txrate_new, rxrate_new, txfreq_new, rxfreq_new;

    DEBUG_PRINT("usrp_driver debug mode enabled\n");


    nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable);
    if (nerrors > 0) {
    if (argc == 1) {
        printf("No arguments found, try running again with --help for more information.\n");
    if(al_help->count > 0) {
        printf("Usage: ");
        arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable,"  %-25s %s\n");
        arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0]));
        return 0;
    unsigned int nSides =  ai_ant_a->count + ai_ant_b->count; 
    if( nSides == 0 ) {
        printf("No antenna index, exiting...");
        return 0;
    if(as_host->sval == NULL) {
        printf("Missing usrp host command line argument, exiting...");
        return 0;

    std::vector<int> antennaVector(nSides);
    std::vector<uint64_t> channel_numbers;
    // both sides
    if( nSides == 2 ) {
        DEBUG_PRINT("Setting side A: ant_idx %d\n",ai_ant_a->ival[0]);
        antennaVector[0] = ai_ant_a->ival[0];

        DEBUG_PRINT("Setting side B: ant_idx %d\n",ai_ant_b->ival[0]);
        antennaVector[1] = ai_ant_b->ival[0];
    } else {
     // side A
     if (ai_ant_a->count == 1) {
        DEBUG_PRINT("Setting side A: ant_idx %d\n",ai_ant_a->ival[0]);
        antennaVector[0] = ai_ant_a->ival[0];
     // side B
     } else {
        DEBUG_PRINT("Setting side B: ant_idx %d\n",ai_ant_b->ival[0]);
        antennaVector[0] = ai_ant_b->ival[0];
        DEBUG_PRINT("Warning: For one side use DIO output is always on Side A!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); // TODO correct this



    // pointers to shared memory
    std::vector<std::vector<void *>> shm_rx_vec(nSides, std::vector<void *>( nSwings));
    std::vector<std::vector<void *>> shm_tx_vec(nSides, std::vector<void *>( nSwings));

    // local buffers for tx and rx
    std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>> tx_samples(nSides,         std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>(MAX_PULSE_LENGTH,0));
    std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>> rx_data_buffer(nSides,     std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>(0));
    std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>> rx_auto_clear_freq(nSides, std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>(0));

    std::string usrpargs(as_host->sval[0]);
    usrpargs = "addr0=" + usrpargs + ",master_clock_rate=200.0e6";
//    usrpargs = "addr0=" + usrpargs + ",master_clock_rate=200.0e6,recv_frame_size=50000000";
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(usrpargs);
  //  usrp->set_rx_subdev_spec(uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t("A:A B:A"));
  //  usrp->set_tx_subdev_spec(uhd::usrp::subdev_spec_t("A:A B:A"));
    uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("sc16", "sc16");
    if (usrp->get_rx_num_channels() < nSides || usrp->get_tx_num_channels() < nSides) {  
       DEBUG_PRINT("ERROR: Number of defined channels (%i) is smaller than avaialable channels:\n    usrp->get_rx_num_channels(): %lu \n    usrp->get_tx_num_channels(): %lu \n\n", nSides, usrp->get_rx_num_channels(),   usrp->get_tx_num_channels());
       return -1;
    stream_args.channels = channel_numbers;
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);
    uhd::tx_streamer::sptr tx_stream = usrp->get_tx_stream(stream_args);

    // TODO: retry uhd connection if fails..

    // Determine port from 3rd part of ip (192.168.x.2 => port = base_port + x ) 
    int start_idx = usrpargs.find("."); 
    start_idx = usrpargs.find(".", start_idx+1);
    int end_idx = usrpargs.find(".", start_idx+1);
    ip_part = atoi(usrpargs.substr(start_idx+1, end_idx-start_idx-1).c_str());

    // initialize rxfe gpio
    kodiak_init_rxfe(usrp, nSides);
    // initialize other gpio on usrp
    init_timing_signals(usrp, mimic_active, nSides);
    //if(CAPTURE_ERRORS) {
    //    signal(SIGINT, siginthandler);
    // open shared memory buffers and semaphores created by
    // for dual polarization we use antenna numbers 20 to 35 (side is always 0)
    for(iSwing = 0; iSwing < nSwings; iSwing++) {
        for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {
            int shm_side = 0;
            shm_rx_vec[iSide][iSwing] = open_sample_shm(antennaVector[iSide], RXDIR, shm_side, iSwing, rxshm_size);
            shm_tx_vec[iSide][iSwing] = open_sample_shm(antennaVector[iSide], TXDIR, shm_side, iSwing, txshm_size);
            DEBUG_PRINT("usrp_driver rx shm addr: %p iSide: %d iSwing: %d\n", shm_rx_vec[iSide][iSwing], iSide, iSwing);

            if (antennaVector[iSide] < 19 ) { // semaphores only for antennas of first polarization TODO check if this is enough
               sem_rx_vec[iSwing] = open_sample_semaphore(antennaVector[iSide], iSwing, RXDIR);
               sem_tx_vec[iSwing] = open_sample_semaphore(antennaVector[iSide], iSwing, TXDIR);

    if(al_interferometer->count > 0) {
       DEBUG_PRINT("Disable tx_worker ...\n");
       tx_worker_active = 0;
    } else {
       tx_worker_active = 1;

    if(al_intclk->count > 0) {
    else {
    // sync clock with external 10 MHz and PPS
        DEBUG_PRINT("Set clock: external\n");
        usrp->set_clock_source("external", 0);
        DEBUG_PRINT("Set time: external\n");
        usrp->set_time_source("external", 0);
        DEBUG_PRINT("Done setting time and clock\n");

    while(true) {
        if(driversock) {

        // bind to socket for communication with
        driversock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if(driversock < 0){
            perror("opening stream socket\n");

        sockopt = 1;
        setsockopt(driversock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof(int32_t));

        sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        // TODO: maybe limit addr to interface connected to usrp_server
        sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

        fprintf(stderr, "listening on port: %d\n", usrp_driver_base_port + ip_part); 
        sockaddr.sin_port = htons(usrp_driver_base_port + ip_part);

        if( bind(driversock, (struct sockaddr *)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)) < 0){
                perror("binding tx stream socket");
        // wait for connection...
        listen(driversock, 5);

        // and accept it
        fprintf(stderr, "waiting for socket connection\n");
        addr_size = sizeof(client_addr);
        driverconn = accept(driversock, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &addr_size);
        fprintf(stderr, "accepted socket connection\n");

        while(true) {
            // wait for transport endpoint to connect?
            DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER waiting for command\n");
            uint8_t command = sock_get_cmd(driverconn, &cmd_status);
            DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER received command, status: %zu\n", cmd_status);
            // see if socket is closed..
            if(cmd_status == 11 || cmd_status == 0 || cmd_status < 0) {
                DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER lost connection to usrp_server, waiting for fresh connection, %d tries remaining\n", connect_retrys);
                if(connect_retrys-- < 0) {

            connect_retrys = MAX_SOCKET_RETRYS;

            switch(command) {
                case USRP_SETUP: {
                    // receive infomation about a pulse sequence/integration period
                    // transmit/receive center frequenies and sampling rates
                    // number of tx/rx samples
                    // number of pulse sequences per integration period, and pulse start times
                    swing      = sock_get_int16(  driverconn); 
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering USRP_SETUP command (swing %d)\n", swing);
                    txfreq_new = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                    rxfreq_new = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                    txrate_new = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                    rxrate_new = sock_get_float64(driverconn);

                    npulses = sock_get_uint32(driverconn);

                    nSamples_rx              = sock_get_uint64(driverconn);
                    nSamples_pause_after_rx  = sock_get_uint64(driverconn);
                    nSamples_auto_clear_freq = sock_get_uint64(driverconn);
                    nSamples_tx_pulse        = sock_get_uint64(driverconn);
                    nSamples_rx_total        = nSamples_rx + nSamples_pause_after_rx + nSamples_auto_clear_freq;

                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP number of requested rx samples: %d + %d pause + %d auto clear freq\n", (uint32_t) nSamples_rx, nSamples_pause_after_rx, nSamples_auto_clear_freq);
                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP number of requested tx samples per pulse: %d\n", (uint32_t) nSamples_tx_pulse);
                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP existing tx rate : %f (swing %d)\n", txrate, swing);
                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP requested tx rate: %f\n", txrate_new);

                    // resize 

                    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < npulses; i++) {
                //        DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP waiting for pulse offset %d of %d\n", i+2, npulses);
                        pulse_sample_idx_offsets[i] = sock_get_uint64(driverconn); 
                //        DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP received %zu pulse offset\n", pulse_sample_idx_offsets[i]);

                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP resize autoclear freq\n");

                    // RESIZE LOCAL BUFFERS
                    if(rx_data_buffer[0].size() < nSamples_rx_total) {
                       for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_SETUP resize autoclear freq\n");

                    if(nSamples_auto_clear_freq != 0 and rx_auto_clear_freq[0].size() < nSamples_auto_clear_freq) {
                       for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {

                    // TODO use return argument of set_xx to save new rate/freq                    
                    // if necessary, retune USRP frequency and sampling rate
                    if(rxrate != rxrate_new) {
                       rxrate = usrp->get_rx_rate();

                    if(txrate != txrate_new) {
                       txrate = usrp->get_tx_rate();

                    if(rxfreq != rxfreq_new) {
                       for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {
                          usrp->set_rx_freq(rxfreq_new, iSide);
                       rxfreq = usrp->get_rx_freq();

                    if(txfreq != txfreq_new) {
                       for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {
                          usrp->set_tx_freq(txfreq_new, iSide);
                       txfreq = usrp->get_tx_freq();

                    if(verbose) {
                        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_rx_freq()/1e6)  <<  std::endl;
                        std::cout << boost::format("Actual RX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_rx_rate()/1e6) <<  std::endl;
                        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Freq: %f MHz...") % (usrp->get_tx_freq()/1e6)  <<  std::endl;
                        std::cout << boost::format("Actual TX Rate: %f Msps...") % (usrp->get_tx_rate()/1e6) <<  std::endl;

                    // TODO: set the number of samples in a pulse. this is calculated from the pulse duration and the sampling rate 
                    // when do we know this? after USRP_SETUP
                    // create local copy of transmit pulse data from shared memory
                    std::complex<int16_t> *shm_pulseaddr;
                    size_t spb = tx_stream->get_max_num_samps();
                    size_t pulse_bytes = sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>) * nSamples_tx_pulse;
                    size_t number_of_pulses = pulse_time_offsets.size();
                    size_t num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding = nSamples_tx_pulse + 2*spb;
                    DEBUG_PRINT("spb %d, pulse length %d samples, pulse with padding %d\n", spb, nSamples_tx_pulse, num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding);

                    // TODO unpack and pad tx sample
                    for (iSide = 0; iSide<nSides; iSide++) {
                        tx_samples[iSide].resize(number_of_pulses * (num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding));                   

                        for(uint32_t p_i = 0; p_i < number_of_pulses; p_i++) {
                            shm_pulseaddr = &((std::complex<int16_t> *) shm_tx_vec[iSide][swing])[p_i*nSamples_tx_pulse];
                            memcpy(&tx_samples[iSide][spb + p_i*(num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding)], shm_pulseaddr, pulse_bytes);

                    if(SAVE_RAW_SAMPLES_DEBUG) {
                        FILE *raw_dump_fp;
                        char raw_dump_name[80];
                       // DEBUG_PRINT("Exporting %i raw tx_samples (%i + 2* %i)\n", num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding, nSamples_tx_pulse, spb);
                        for (iSide =0; iSide < nSides; iSide++){
                            sprintf(raw_dump_name,"%s/raw_samples_tx_ant_%d.cint16", diag_dir, antennaVector[iSide]);
                            raw_dump_fp = fopen(raw_dump_name, "wb");
                            fwrite(&tx_samples[iSide][0], sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>),num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding*number_of_pulses, raw_dump_fp);

                    state_vec[swing] = ST_READY; 
                    DEBUG_PRINT("changing state_vec[swing] to ST_READY\n");
                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, USRP_SETUP);

                case RXFE_SET: {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering RXFE_SET command\n");
                    RXFESettings rf_settings;
                    rf_settings.amp1 = sock_get_uint8(driverconn);
                    rf_settings.amp2 = sock_get_uint8(driverconn);
                    uint8_t attTimes2 = sock_get_uint8(driverconn);
                    rf_settings.att_05_dB = ( attTimes2 & 0x01 ) != 0;
                    rf_settings.att_1_dB  = ( attTimes2 & 0x02 ) != 0;
                    rf_settings.att_2_dB  = ( attTimes2 & 0x04 ) != 0;
                    rf_settings.att_4_dB  = ( attTimes2 & 0x08 ) != 0;
                    rf_settings.att_8_dB  = ( attTimes2 & 0x10 ) != 0;
                    rf_settings.att_16_dB = ( attTimes2 & 0x20 ) != 0;
                    kodiak_set_rxfe(usrp, rf_settings, nSides);
                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, RXFE_SET);

                case TRIGGER_PULSE: {

                    swing      = sock_get_int16(  driverconn); 
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering TRIGGER_PULSE command (swing %d)\n", swing );

                    if (state_vec[swing] != ST_READY) {
                        sock_send_uint8(driverconn, TRIGGER_BUSY);
                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE busy in state_vec[swing] %d, returning\n", state_vec[swing]);
                    else {

                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE ready\n");
                        state_vec[swing] = ST_PULSE;

                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE locking semaphore\n");

                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE semaphore locked\n");

                        // create local copy of transmit pulse data from shared memory
                        size_t spb = tx_stream->get_max_num_samps();
                        size_t pulse_bytes = sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>) * nSamples_tx_pulse;
                        size_t number_of_pulses = pulse_time_offsets.size();
                        size_t num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding = nSamples_tx_pulse + 2*spb;
                        DEBUG_PRINT("spb %d, pulse length %d samples, pulse with padding %d\n", spb, nSamples_tx_pulse, num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding);

                        // read in time for start of pulse sequence over socket
                        uint32_t pulse_time_full = sock_get_uint32(driverconn);
                        double pulse_time_frac = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                        start_time = uhd::time_spec_t(pulse_time_full, pulse_time_frac);
                        double tr_to_pulse_delay = sock_get_float64(driverconn);

                        // calculate usrp clock time of the start of each pulse over the integration period
                        // so we can schedule the io (perhaps we will have to move io off of the usrp if it can't keep up)
                        for(uint32_t p_i = 0; p_i < number_of_pulses; p_i++) {
                            double offset_time = pulse_sample_idx_offsets[p_i] / txrate;
                            pulse_time_offsets[p_i] = offset_time_spec(start_time, offset_time);
                           // DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE pulse time %d is %2.5f\n", p_i, pulse_time_offsets[p_i].get_real_secs());

                        DEBUG_PRINT("first TRIGGER_PULSE time is %2.5f and last is %2.5f\n", pulse_time_offsets[0].get_real_secs(), pulse_time_offsets.back().get_real_secs());

                        rx_start_time = offset_time_spec(start_time, tr_to_pulse_delay/1e6);
                        rx_start_time = offset_time_spec(rx_start_time, pulse_sample_idx_offsets[0]/txrate); 

                        // send_timing_for_sequence(usrp, start_time, pulse_times);
                        double pulseLength = nSamples_tx_pulse / txrate;
                        // float debugt = usrp->get_time_now().get_real_secs();
                        // DEBUG_PRINT("USRP_DRIVER: spawning worker threads at usrp_time %2.4f\n", debugt);

                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE creating rx and tx worker threads on swing %d (nSamples_rx= %d + %d pause + %d auto clear freq )\n", swing,(int) nSamples_rx, nSamples_pause_after_rx, nSamples_auto_clear_freq);
                        // works fine with tx_worker and dio_worker, fails if rx_worker is enabled
                        uhd_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(usrp_rx_worker, usrp, rx_stream, &rx_data_buffer, nSamples_rx_total, rx_start_time, &rx_worker_status));

			useconds_t usecs=1000;
                        if (tx_worker_active) { 
			  uhd_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(usrp_tx_worker, tx_stream, &tx_samples, num_samples_per_pulse_with_padding, start_time, pulse_sample_idx_offsets)); 

                        uhd_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(send_timing_for_sequence, usrp, start_time,  pulse_time_offsets, pulseLength, mimic_active, mimic_delay, nSides)); 

                        sock_send_uint8(driverconn, TRIGGER_PULSE);

                        uhd_threads.join_all(); // wait for transmit threads to finish, drawn from shared memory..
                        DEBUG_PRINT("TRIGGER_PULSE rx_worker, tx_worker and dio threads on swing %d\n joined.", swing);



                case READY_DATA: {
                    swing      = sock_get_int16(  driverconn); 
                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA command (swing %d), waiting for uhd threads to join back\n", swing);

                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA unlocking swing a semaphore\n");
                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA usrp worker threads joined, semaphore unlocked, sending metadata\n");
                    // TODO: handle multiple channels of data.., use channel index to pick correct swath of memory to copy into shm
                   // rx_worker_status =1; //DEBUG
                      fprintf(stderr, "Error in rx_worker. Setting state to %d.\n", rx_worker_status);
                      state_vec[swing] = rx_worker_status;
                      rx_worker_status = 0;
                      mute_output = 1;
                      if (rx_stream_reset_count >= MAX_STREAM_RESETS) {
                          fprintf(stderr, "READY_DATA: shutting down usrp_driver to avoid streamer reset overflow (after %dth reset)\n", rx_stream_reset_count);
                          // send all data to server, clean up and exit after that
                          exit_driver = 1;

                      if((rx_worker_status != RX_WORKER_STREAM_TIME_ERROR) && (rx_stream_error_count > 4)) {
                          // recreate rx_stream unless the error was from sending the stream command too late
                          fprintf(stderr, "READY_DATA: recreating rx_stream %dth time! (buffer overflow will occur for 126th time)\n", rx_stream_reset_count);
                          rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);
                      auto_clear_freq_available = 0;
                    else {
                      rx_stream_error_count = 0;
                      auto_clear_freq_available = 1;
                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA state: %d, ant: %d, num_samples: %zu\n", state_vec[swing], antennaVector[0], nSamples_rx);
                    sock_send_int32(driverconn, state_vec[swing]);  // send status
                    sock_send_int32(driverconn, antennaVector[0]);   // send antenna TODO do this for both antennas?
                    sock_send_int32(driverconn, nSamples_rx);     // nsamples;  send send number of samples
                    // read FAULT status   
                    bool fault;
                    for (iSide =0; iSide<nSides; iSide++){  
                        fault = read_FAULT_status_from_control_board(usrp, iSide);
                    // TODO move this in loop as soon as usrp_server receives both sides
                    sock_send_bool(driverconn, fault);     // FAULT status from conrol board
                    if (mute_output) {
                       DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA: Filling SHM with zeros (because of rx_worker error) \n");

                       for (iSide = 0; iSide<nSides; iSide++) {
                          memset(shm_rx_vec[iSide][swing],  0, rxshm_size);
                          std::fill(rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide].begin(), rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide].end(), 0);
                       mute_output = 0;
                    else {
                        DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA starting copying rx data buffer to shared memory\n");
                        // regural rx data
                        for (iSide = 0; iSide<nSides; iSide++) {
                            // DEBUG_PRINT("usrp_drivercopy to rx shm addr: %p iSide: %d iSwing: %d\n", shm_rx_vec[iSide][swing], iSide, iSwing);
                            memcpy(shm_rx_vec[iSide][swing], &rx_data_buffer[iSide][0], sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>) * nSamples_rx);
                        // auto clear freq samples
                        for (iSide = 0; iSide<nSides; iSide++) {
                            for (int iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples_auto_clear_freq; iSample++) {
                                rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide][iSample] = rx_data_buffer[iSide][nSamples_rx+nSamples_pause_after_rx+ iSample];

                    if(SAVE_RAW_SAMPLES_DEBUG) {
                        FILE *raw_dump_fp;
                        char raw_dump_name[80];
                        for (iSide=0; iSide<nSides; iSide++) {
                           sprintf(raw_dump_name,"%s/raw_samples_rx_ant_%d.cint16", diag_dir, antennaVector[iSide]);
                           raw_dump_fp = fopen(raw_dump_name, "wb");
                           fwrite(&rx_data_buffer[iSide], sizeof(std::complex<int16_t>), nSamples_rx_total, raw_dump_fp);


                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA finished copying rx data buffer to shared memory\n");
                    state_vec[swing] = ST_READY; 
                    DEBUG_PRINT("changing state_vec[swing] to ST_READY\n");

                    DEBUG_PRINT("READY_DATA returning command success \n");
                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, READY_DATA);

                case UHD_GETTIME: {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering UHD_GETTIME command\n");
                    start_time = usrp->get_time_now();

                    uint32_t real_time = start_time.get_real_secs();
                    double frac_time = start_time.get_frac_secs();

                    sock_send_uint32(driverconn, real_time);
                    sock_send_float64(driverconn, frac_time);

                    DEBUG_PRINT("UHD_GETTIME current UHD time: %d %.2f command\n", real_time, frac_time);
                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, UHD_GETTIME);
                // command to reset time, sync time with external PPS pulse
                case UHD_SYNC: {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering UHD_SYNC command\n");
                    // if --intclk flag passed to usrp_driver, set clock source as internal and do not sync time
                    if(al_intclk->count > 0) {

                    else {

                 /*       const uhd::time_spec_t last_pps_time = usrp->get_time_last_pps();
                        while (last_pps_time == usrp->get_time_last_pps()) {
                        DEBUG_PRINT("Start setting unknown pps\n");
                        DEBUG_PRINT("end setting unknown pps\n");

                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, UHD_SYNC);

                case AUTOCLRFREQ: {
                    // has to be called after GET_DATA and before USRP_SETUP
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering getting auto clear freq command\n");
//                    uint32_t num_clrfreq_samples = sock_get_uint32(driverconn);

                    iSide = 0;// TODO both sides!
                    if (auto_clear_freq_available) {
                        DEBUG_PRINT("AUTOCLRFREQ samples sending %d samples for antenna %d...\n", rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide].size(),antennaVector[iSide]);
                        sock_send_int32(driverconn, (int32_t) antennaVector[iSide]); 
                        sock_send_uint32(driverconn, (uint32_t) rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide].size());

                        // send samples                   
                        send(driverconn, &rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide][0], sizeof(std::complex<short int>) * rx_auto_clear_freq[iSide].size() , 0);
                    else {
                        sock_send_int32(driverconn, (int32_t) -1); 

                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, AUTOCLRFREQ);


                case CLRFREQ: {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering CLRFREQ command\n");
                    uint32_t num_clrfreq_samples = sock_get_uint32(driverconn);
                    uint32_t clrfreq_time_full   = sock_get_uint32(driverconn);
                    double clrfreq_time_frac     = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                    double clrfreq_cfreq         = sock_get_float64(driverconn);
                    double clrfreq_rate          = sock_get_float64(driverconn);

                    std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>> clrfreq_data_buffer(nSides, std::vector<std::complex<int16_t>>(num_clrfreq_samples));

                    uint32_t real_time; 
                    double frac_time;

                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ time: %d . %.2f \n", clrfreq_time_full, clrfreq_time_frac);
                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ rate: %.2f, CLRFREQ_nsamples %d, freq: %.2f\n", clrfreq_rate, num_clrfreq_samples, clrfreq_cfreq);
                    uhd::time_spec_t clrfreq_start_time = uhd::time_spec_t(clrfreq_time_full, clrfreq_time_frac);
                    real_time = clrfreq_start_time.get_real_secs();
                    frac_time = clrfreq_start_time.get_frac_secs();
                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ UHD clrfreq target time: %d %.2f \n", real_time, frac_time);

                    // TODO: only set rate if it is different!
                    if(rxrate != clrfreq_rate) {
                       rxrate = usrp->get_rx_rate();
                       clrfreq_rate = rxrate;
                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ actual rate: %.2f\n", clrfreq_rate);
                    //clrfreq_cfreq = usrp->get_rx_freq(); 
                    //DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ actual freq: %.2f\n", clrfreq_cfreq);
                    clrfreq_threads.create_thread(boost::bind(usrp_rx_worker, usrp, rx_stream, &clrfreq_data_buffer, num_clrfreq_samples, clrfreq_start_time, &clrfreq_rx_worker_status));


                        fprintf(stderr, "Error in clrfreq_rx_worker, resetting rx_stream: %d.\n", clrfreq_rx_worker_status);
                        fprintf(stderr, "CLRFREQ: recreating rx_stream %dth time! (buffer overflow will occur for 126th time)\n", rx_stream_reset_count);
                        rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);

                    if (rx_stream_reset_count >= MAX_STREAM_RESETS) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "CLRFREQ: shutting down usrp_driver to avoid streamer reset overflow (after %dth reset)\n", rx_stream_reset_count);
                        // finish clrfreq command, then clean up and exit to avoid buffer overflow
                        exit_driver = 1;

                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ received samples, relaying %d samples back...\n", num_clrfreq_samples);
                    sock_send_int32(driverconn, (int32_t) antennaVector[0]); // TODO both sides?
                    sock_send_float64(driverconn, clrfreq_rate);

                    // send back samples                   
                    send(driverconn, &clrfreq_data_buffer[0][0], sizeof(std::complex<short int>) * num_clrfreq_samples, 0);

                    //for(uint32_t i = 0; i < num_clrfreq_samples; i++) {
                        //DEBUG_PRINT("sending %d - %d\n", i, clrfreq_data_buffer[0][i]);
                    //    sock_send_cshort(driverconn, clrfreq_data_buffer[0][i]);
                   // }

                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ samples sent for antenna %d...\n", antennaVector[0]);
                    // restore usrp rates

                    sock_send_uint8(driverconn, CLRFREQ);
                    start_time = usrp->get_time_now();
                    real_time = start_time.get_real_secs();
                    frac_time = start_time.get_frac_secs();
                    DEBUG_PRINT("CLRFREQ finished at UHD time: %d %.2f \n", real_time, frac_time);



                case EXIT: {
                    DEBUG_PRINT("entering EXIT command\n");

                    exit_driver = 1;

                default: {
                    printf("USRP_DRIVER unrecognized command: %d, %c, exiting..\n", command, command);
            if (not check_clock_lock(usrp)) {
                fprintf(stderr,  "Error: Lost clock for USRP: %s\n ", as_host->sval[0]);
                exit_driver = 1; 

            // clean exit
            if (exit_driver) {
                DEBUG_PRINT("Shutting down driver\n");

                for(iSide = 0; iSide < nSides; iSide++) {
                    for(iSwing = 0; iSwing < nSwings; iSwing++) {
                        // fill SHM with zeros
                        memset(shm_rx_vec[iSide][iSwing], 0, rxshm_size);
                        memset(shm_tx_vec[iSide][iSwing], 0, txshm_size);

                        munmap(shm_rx_vec[iSide][iSwing], rxshm_size);
                        munmap(shm_tx_vec[iSide][iSwing], txshm_size);
            // TODO: close usrp streams?
//            sock_send_uint8(driverconn, EXIT);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
		* \brief Routine for updating command to the powercubes.
		* Depending on the operation mode (position/velocity) either position or velocity goals are sent to the hardware.
		void updatePCubeCommands()
			if (isInitialized_ == true)
				std::string operationMode;
				n_.getParam("OperationMode", operationMode);
				if (operationMode == "position")
					ROS_DEBUG("moving powercubes in position mode");
					if (PCube_->statusMoving() == false)
						//feedback_.isMoving = false;
						ROS_DEBUG("next point is %d from %d",traj_point_nr_,traj_.points.size());
						if (traj_point_nr_ < traj_.points.size())
							// if powercubes are not moving and not reached last point of trajectory, then send new target point
							ROS_DEBUG("...moving to trajectory point[%d]",traj_point_nr_);
							traj_point_ = traj_.points[traj_point_nr_];
							printf("cob_powercube_chain: Moving to position: ");
							for (int i = 0; i < traj_point_.positions.size(); i++)
								printf("%f ",traj_point_.positions[i]);
							//feedback_.isMoving = true;
							//feedback_.pointNr = traj_point_nr;
							ROS_DEBUG("...reached end of trajectory");
							finished_ = true;
						ROS_DEBUG("...powercubes still moving to point[%d]",traj_point_nr_);
				else if (operationMode == "velocity")
					ROS_DEBUG("moving powercubes in velocity mode");
						ROS_INFO("MoveVel Call");
						newvel_ = false;
					ROS_ERROR("powercubes neither in position nor in velocity mode. OperationMode = [%s]", operationMode.c_str());
				ROS_DEBUG("powercubes not initialized");
Esempio n. 5
		* \brief Routine for publishing joint_states.
		* Gets current positions and velocities from the hardware and publishes them as joint_states.
		void publishJointState()
			if (isInitialized_ == true)
				// publish joint state message
				int DOF = ModIds_param_.size();
				std::vector<double> ActualPos;
				std::vector<double> ActualVel;

				int success = PCube_->getConfig(ActualPos);
				if (!success) return;

				sensor_msgs::JointState msg;
				msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();;
				msg.velocity.resize(DOF); = JointNames_;

				for (int i = 0; i<DOF; i++ )
					msg.position[i] = ActualPos[i];
					msg.velocity[i] = ActualVel[i];
					//std::cout << "Joint " <<[i] <<": pos="<<  msg.position[i] << "vel=" << msg.velocity[i] << std::endl;


				// publish controller state message
				pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState controllermsg;
				controllermsg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

				controllermsg.joint_names = JointNames_;

				for (int i = 0; i<DOF; i++ )
					//std::cout << "Joint " <<[i] <<": pos="<<  msg.position[i] << "vel=" << msg.velocity[i] << std::endl;
					if (traj_point_.positions.size() != 0)
						controllermsg.desired.positions[i] = traj_point_.positions[i];
						controllermsg.desired.positions[i] = 0.0;
					controllermsg.desired.velocities[i] = 0.0;
					controllermsg.actual.positions[i] = ActualPos[i];
					controllermsg.actual.velocities[i] = ActualVel[i];
					controllermsg.error.positions[i] = controllermsg.desired.positions[i] - controllermsg.actual.positions[i];
					controllermsg.error.velocities[i] = controllermsg.desired.velocities[i] - controllermsg.actual.velocities[i];

Esempio n. 6
size_t sys_get_msg_size( port_id hPort )
	MsgPort_s *psPort = NULL;
	int nError = 0;

	lock_mutex( g_hPortListSema, true );

	psPort = get_port_from_handle( hPort );

	if ( NULL == psPort )
		printk( "sys_get_msg_size() attempt to receive message from invalid port %d\n", hPort );
		nError = -EINVAL;
		goto error;

	if ( psPort->mp_psFirstMsg == NULL )
		sem_id hSyncSema;

		// We take a backup here since the port might get deleted
		// when we release the g_hPortListSema semaphore.
		// If the port is deleted so is the semaphore and lock_semaphore()
		// will return an error. It's then very important not to
		// touch the port again until we has revalidated the port-handle.

		hSyncSema = psPort->mp_hSyncSema;

		unlock_mutex( g_hPortListSema );
		nError = lock_semaphore( hSyncSema, 0, INFINITE_TIMEOUT );
		lock_mutex( g_hPortListSema, true );

		if ( nError < 0 )
			goto error;

		// We must revalidate the handle after unlocking g_hPortListSema
		psPort = get_port_from_handle( hPort );

		if ( NULL == psPort )
			nError = -EINVAL;
			printk( "Message port %d deleted while we were wating for a message\n", hPort );
			goto error;
		if( lock_semaphore( psPort->mp_hSyncSema, SEM_NOSIG, 0LL ) < 0 )
			printk( "sys_get_msg_size() failed to lock mp_hSyncSema even though there were pending messages\n" );

	if ( psPort->mp_psFirstMsg == NULL )
		printk( "sys_get_msg_size() locked mp_hSyncSema even though the message list was empty on port %d\n", hPort );
		goto again;

	nError = psPort->mp_psFirstMsg->mn_nSize;

	unlock_semaphore( psPort->mp_hSyncSema );
	unlock_mutex( g_hPortListSema );
	return nError;