// This costs about 154 flops.
const Constraint::SphereOnSphereContactImpl::PositionCache& 
ensurePositionCacheRealized(const State& s) const {
    if (getMyMatterSubsystemRep().isCacheValueRealized(s, m_posCacheIx))
        return getPositionCache(s);

    const Parameters& params = getParameters(s);
    const Vec3&       p_FSf = params.m_p_FSf;
    const Vec3&       p_BSb = params.m_p_BSb;
    const Real        rf    = params.m_radius_F;
    const Real        rb    = params.m_radius_B;

    PositionCache& pc = updPositionCache(s);
    pc.kf = rf/(rf+rb); // we'll put Co at Sf + kf*p_SfSb, ~10 flops

    const Transform&  X_AF = getBodyTransformFromState(s, m_mobod_F);
    const Transform&  X_AB = getBodyTransformFromState(s, m_mobod_B);
    const Vec3& p_AF = X_AF.p();
    const Vec3& p_AB = X_AB.p();

    pc.p_FSf_A = X_AF.R() * p_FSf;            // exp. in A, 15 flops
    const Vec3 p_ASf = X_AF.p() + pc.p_FSf_A; // meas. from Ao, 3 flops

    pc.p_BSb_A = X_AB.R() * p_BSb;            // exp. in A, 15 flops
    const Vec3 p_ASb = X_AB.p() + pc.p_BSb_A; // meas. from Ao, 3 flops

    pc.p_SfSb_A = p_ASb - p_ASf;  // vec from Sf to Sb, exp. in A, 3 flops
    pc.r = pc.p_SfSb_A.norm();    // ~20 flops
    pc.oor = 1/pc.r;              // ~10 flops (might be Infinity)

    // Assume non-singular.
    UnitVec3 Cz_A(pc.p_SfSb_A * pc.oor, true); // 3 flops
    pc.isSingular = false;
    if (pc.r < TinyReal) {
        pc.isSingular = true;
        Cz_A = X_AF.z(); // arbitrary

    // Now compute the contact frame C, in A. It would be somewhat more elegant
    // to compute it in F, so that the x-y axis directions would depend only
    // on the relative pose between the two bodies. However, that is more
    // expensive than working in A and since the x-y axes are arbitrary and
    // ephemeral anyway doing it faster seems like the way to go (sherm 140502).

    // Place the contact point along the center-to-center line.
    const Vec3 p_ACo(p_ASf + pc.kf*pc.p_SfSb_A);        // 6 flops
    pc.X_AC.updP() = p_ACo;
    pc.X_AC.updR().setRotationFromOneAxis(Cz_A, ZAxis);     // ~60 flops

    // We'll need contact point Co measured from F and from B.
    pc.p_FCo_A = p_ACo - p_AF;                  // 3 flops
    pc.p_BCo_A = p_ACo - p_AB;                  // 3 flops

    getMyMatterSubsystemRep().markCacheValueRealized(s, m_posCacheIx);

    return pc;
const Constraint::LineOnLineContactImpl::PositionCache&
ensurePositionCacheRealized(const State& s) const {
    if (getMyMatterSubsystemRep().isCacheValueRealized(s, m_posCacheIx))
        return getPositionCache(s);
    PositionCache& pc = updPositionCache(s);

    const Transform& X_AF = getBodyTransformFromState(s, m_mobod_F);
    const Transform& X_AB = getBodyTransformFromState(s, m_mobod_B);

    calcPositionInfo(s, X_AF, X_AB, pc);

    getMyMatterSubsystemRep().markCacheValueRealized(s, m_posCacheIx);
    return pc;