std::vector<float> Laser::scan(double x, double y, double theta) { double current_angle = theta; updateAngle(current_angle, min_angle_); for (unsigned int r = 0; r < ranges_.size(); r++) { ranges_[r] = rayCast(x, y, current_angle); updateAngle(current_angle, resolution_angle_); } return ranges_; }
void AngleWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateAngle(e->pos()); setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); m_dragging = false; e->accept(); }
void AngleWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { m_dragging = true; setCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor); updateAngle(e->pos()); e->accept(); }
void NumberAnimation::update() { if (m_bRunning) { if (m_currentParam != "") { if (m_currentParam == "scale") { updateScale(); } if (m_currentParam == "alpha") { updateAlpha(); } if (m_currentParam == "angle") { updateAngle(); } if (m_currentParam == "width") { updateWidth(); } } } }
MediumPlane::MediumPlane() :Enemy(), m_shootChance(10), m_kMaxHealth(500), m_goingUp(true), m_goingRight(false), m_pointsOnCombo(500), m_explotionAnimationTime(1000), m_explotionRemainingTime(0) { m_tag = "Medium Plane"; m_speed = Vector2D(1.4f, 1.75f); m_direction.setX(0); m_direction.setY(DIRECTION_DOWN); updateAngle(); m_width = 80;// hardcodeado como valores iniciales antes de llamar a load m_height = 80; if (Random::getRange(-1, 1) >= 0) m_goingRight = true; generateBorderReturnOffset(); frameC = 0; m_health= m_kMaxHealth; m_pointsOnCombo = 500; m_pointOnKill = 500; m_pointOnHit = 100; m_enemyWeapon = new EnemyBaseGun(); setWeaponStats(4, 300, m_objectId, -1); m_shootingOffset = Vector2D(m_width/2, m_height/2); }
void AngleWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (m_dragging) { updateAngle(e->pos()); e->accept(); } }
void Gear_ClusteredDither::internalInit() { _clusterSize = CLAMP((int)_CLUSTER_SIZE_IN->type()->value(), 2, 512); _spotType = (eSpotType)CLAMP((int)_SPOT_TYPE_IN->type()->value(), (int)SQUARE, (int)LINE); _width = _clusterSize * 3; _sizeX = _sizeY = 0; _angle[0] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_RED_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); _angle[1] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_GREEN_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); _angle[2] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_BLUE_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); updateThreshold(); updatePolarCoordinates(); updateAngle(0); updateAngle(1); updateAngle(2); ASSERT_WARNING(_threshold); ASSERT_WARNING(_order); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void branch::update(float factor, float drawPctIn){ if( drawPct < 0.2 && drawPctIn >= 0.2 ){ if( lines.size() ){ ofPoint tipPos = lines.back().getTip();"BRANCH_GROWING", ofRandom(0.8, 0.9), 1.0, ofMap(tipPos.x, -(float)ofGetWidth()/2, (float)ofGetWidth()/2, -1, 1, true) ); } } if( ourLeafState == LEAF_DYING && leafHealthPct > 0.01 ){ leafHealthPct *= 0.98; if( leafHealthPct <= 0.01 ){ leafHealthPct = 0.0; } } if( ourLeafState == LEAF_GROWING && leafHealthPct < 1.0 ){ leafHealthPct += 0.03; if( leafHealthPct >= 1.0 ) leafHealthPct = 1.0; for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){ for(int k = 0; k < lines[i].leafs.size(); k++){ if( lines[i].leafs[k].visible == false ){ lines[i].leafs[k].visible = true; } lines[i].leafs[k].shrink = ofLerp(lines[i].leafs[k].shrink, 1.0, 0.1); } } } if( lines.size() && level == 0 && drawPctIn >= 1.0){ if( leafHealthPct < 0.7 && ourLeafState == LEAF_DYING ){ updateAngle(270); for(int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++){ children[i].updateAngle(270); } } } drawPct = drawPctIn; for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){ lines[i].update(factor, leafHealthPct); lines[i].scale = powf(ofClamp(drawPct*4, 0, 1), 0.2); if( leafHealthPct > 0.3 && ourLeafState != LEAF_DYING ){ lines[i].restoreAngleToTarget(); } } for(int k = 0; k < children.size(); k++){ children[k].update(factor, MAX(0, ofLerp(children[k].drawPct, drawPct-1.0, 0.1)) ); } }
/** * Start the motor to move according to the set registers. **/ void StepperMotor::startMovement(void){ if(!poweredOn){ throw MotorException("motor drivers are not powered on"); } // Execute motion. waitTillReady(); modbus->writeU16(motorIndex, CRD514KD::Registers::CMD_1, CRD514KD::CMD1Bits::EXCITEMENT_ON); modbus->writeU16(motorIndex, CRD514KD::Registers::CMD_1, CRD514KD::CMD1Bits::EXCITEMENT_ON | CRD514KD::CMD1Bits::START); modbus->writeU16(motorIndex, CRD514KD::Registers::CMD_1, CRD514KD::CMD1Bits::EXCITEMENT_ON); updateAngle(); }
// Estimate FPS, use for fixed interval timer driven animation void intervalTimer (int i) { glutTimerFunc(timerDelay, intervalTimer, 1); // compute frames / second intervalTimerCalls++; if (intervalTimerCalls * timerDelay >= 1000) { sprintf(message[0],"Level %s %5d fps",levelName, frameCount); intervalTimerCalls = frameCount = 0; if (currentView == 0) sprintf(message[2], "Camera: Front"); else sprintf(message[2], "Camera: Ship"); sprintf(message[5], "Warbird"); sprintf(message[6], "%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f", warbird->getX(), warbird->getY(), warbird->getZ()); sprintf(message[8], "U. Missile"); sprintf(message[9], "%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f", planet[1]->getX(), planet[1]->getY(), planet[1]->getZ()); sprintf(message[11], "T. Missile"); sprintf(message[12], "%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f", planet[9]->getX(), planet[9]->getY(), planet[9]->getZ()); glutSetWindow(dataWindow); glutPostRedisplay(); } if(keyMod[GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL]){ if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_UP]){ warbird->pitch(1.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_DOWN]){ warbird->pitch(-1.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_LEFT]){ warbird->roll(1.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_RIGHT]){ warbird->roll(-1.0); } } if(!keyMod[GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL]){ if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_UP]){ warbird->move(10.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_DOWN]){ warbird->move(-10.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_LEFT]){ warbird->yaw(1.0); } if(keyDown[GLUT_KEY_RIGHT]){ warbird->yaw(-1.0); } } updateAngle(); // fixed interval timer }
Unit::Unit(string id) : PI(GameConstants::PI), m_speed(GameConstants::PLAYER_SPEED), m_radius(GameConstants::PLAYER_RADIUS), m_positionAngle(RandomFloat(0, 2 * PI)), m_targetAngle(m_positionAngle), m_state(UNIT_STATE::WAITING), m_directionAngle(m_positionAngle), m_currentWeapon(WeaponFactory::getInstance()->getNewWeapon(WeaponType::PISTOL)), m_isSelected(false), m_previousState(UNIT_STATE::WAITING), m_rank(UNIT_RANK::A), m_experience(0), m_id(id), m_anim("walingAssaltAnimation", Vector2D(-100, -100)), m_selectAnimation("selectorAnimation", Vector2D(-100, -100)), m_xpBar(m_position + Vector2D(-m_radius, 0), Vector2D(0.4f, 0.7f), 100, sf::Color(4, 254, 253, 255), sf::Color(17, 169, 169, 255)), m_weaponUpgradeUI(m_position, Vector2D(100,100)), m_light(new Light(m_id, m_position, Vector2D(0.19f, 0.19f), sf::Color(255, 205, 180, 185), Vector2D(0, 0), 0, "starLight")) { m_positionAngle = RandomFloat(0, 2 * PI); m_directionAngle = m_positionAngle; m_targetAngle = m_positionAngle; m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(60); m_anim.setRadius(m_radius + 50); m_anim.SetLooping(false); m_selectAnimation.setFramesPerSecond(60); m_selectAnimation.setRadius(m_radius + 90); m_selectAnimation.SetLooping(false); updateAngle(m_positionAngle); m_currentWeapon.update(getPositionByAngle(m_positionAngle), m_directionAngle, 0); m_currentWeapon.setParentId(m_id); rankImg.setPosition(Vector2D(m_position + Vector2D(-m_radius + 30, 20)).toSFMLVector()); rankImg.setSize(sf::Vector2f(12, 12)); rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankA")); LightManager::getInstance()->AddLight(m_light); }
void BasicPhysicsComponent::update(Uint32 dt){ PhysicsComponent::update(dt); updateAngle(dt); updatePosition(dt); }
void stepNetwork(void) { int i, k, pi, pi2, nbytes, newfd; char remoteIP[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct sockaddr_storage remoteaddr; socklen_t addrlen; struct timeval tv; if(getDeathMessage(sendbuf)) { for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket && !connection[k].bot) { snd(connection[k].socket, "\r\n"); snd(connection[k].socket, sendbuf); snd(connection[k].socket, "\r\n> "); } } } tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1; readfds = master; if(select(fdmax + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1) { print_error("select"); exit(5); } for(i = 0; i <= fdmax; ++i) { if(FD_ISSET(i, &readfds)) { if(i == listener) { addrlen = sizeof remoteaddr; newfd = accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteaddr, &addrlen); if(newfd == -1) { print_error("accept"); } else { getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&remoteaddr, addrlen, remoteIP, sizeof remoteIP, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == 0) { connection[k].socket = newfd; playerJoin(k); updateName(k, "Anonymous"); allSendPlayerPos(k); break; } } if(k == conf.maxPlayers) { close(newfd); printf("new connection from %s on socket %d refused: max connections\n", remoteIP, newfd); } else { FD_SET(newfd, &master); if(newfd > fdmax) { fdmax = newfd; } printf("new connection from %s on socket %d accepted\n", remoteIP, newfd); snd(newfd, WELCOME); } } } else { if((nbytes = recv(i, buf, sizeof buf, 0)) <= 0) { if(nbytes == 0) { printf("socket %d hung up\n", i); } else { print_error("recv"); } for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == i) { disconnectPlayer(k); allSendPlayerLeave(k); break; } } close(i); FD_CLR(i, &master); } else { pi = -1; for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(connection[k].socket == i) { pi = k; break; } } for(k = 0; k < nbytes && pi >= 0; ++k) { unsigned char c = buf[k]; if(c != '\r' && c != '\n') { if(isprint(c) && connection[pi].msgbufindex < 128 - 2) { connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex++] = c; } } else { if(connection[pi].msgbufindex == 0) { continue; } connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex] = '\0'; connection[pi].msgbuf[connection[pi].msgbufindex + 1] = '\0'; connection[pi].msgbufindex = 0; if(connection[pi].echo) { snd(i, connection[pi].msgbuf); snd(i, "\r\n"); } if(!overdrive)printf("%16s (%d): \"%s\"\n", getPlayer(pi)->name, pi, connection[pi].msgbuf); switch(connection[pi].msgbuf[0]) { case 'n': { updateName(pi, connection[pi].msgbuf + 2); break; } case 'v': { updateVelocity(pi, atof(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2)); break; } case 'z': { updateZoom(atof(connection[pi].msgbuf + 2)); break; } case 'c': { clearTraces(pi); break; } case 'o': { overdrive = !overdrive; break; } case 'b': { connection[pi].bot = !connection[pi].bot; if(connection[pi].bot) { sendOwnId(i, pi); for(pi2 = 0; pi2 < conf.maxPlayers; ++pi2) { if(connection[pi2].socket) { sendPlayerPos(i, pi2); } } } break; } case 'f': { toggleFps(); break; } case 'i': { if(strcmp("init", connection[pi].msgbuf) == 0) { reinitialize(); } break; } case 'x': { if(strcmp("xit", connection[pi].msgbuf) == 0) { exit(0); } break; } case 'e': { connection[pi].echo = !connection[pi].echo; break; } case 'q': { disconnectPlayer(pi); allSendPlayerLeave(pi); break; } case 'r': { validateOld(pi); break; } default: { updateAngle(pi, atof(connection[pi].msgbuf)); break; } } if(connection[pi].socket && !connection[pi].bot) { snd(i, "> "); } } } } } } } for(k = 0; k < conf.maxPlayers; ++k) { if(getPlayer(k)->active && getPlayer(k)->timeoutcnt > 2) { disconnectPlayer(k); allSendPlayerLeave(k); } } }
/* AngleControl::onAngleTextChanged * Called when the angle text box is changed *******************************************************************/ void AngleControl::onAngleTextChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { this->angle = text_angle->getNumber(); updateAngle(); }
/* AngleControl::setAngle * Sets the angle to display *******************************************************************/ void AngleControl::setAngle(int angle) { this->angle = angle; text_angle->setNumber(angle); updateAngle(); }
void knob::drawKnob( QPainter * _p ) { if( updateAngle() == false && !m_cache.isNull() ) { _p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache ); return; } m_cache = QImage( size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); m_cache.fill( qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); QPainter p( &m_cache ); QPoint mid; if( m_knobNum == knobStyled ) { p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); // Perhaps this can move to setOuterRadius() if( m_outerColor ) { QRadialGradient gradient( centerPoint(), outerRadius() ); gradient.setColorAt(0.4, _p->pen().brush().color() ); gradient.setColorAt(1, *m_outerColor ); p.setPen( QPen( gradient, lineWidth(), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ) ); } else { QPen pen = p.pen(); pen.setWidth( (int) lineWidth() ); pen.setCapStyle( Qt::RoundCap ); p.setPen( pen ); } p.drawLine( calculateLine( centerPoint(), outerRadius(), innerRadius() ) ); p.end(); _p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache ); return; } // Old-skool knobs const float radius = m_knobPixmap->width() / 2.0f - 1; mid = QPoint( width() / 2, m_knobPixmap->height() / 2 ); p.drawPixmap( static_cast<int>( width() / 2 - m_knobPixmap->width() / 2 ), 0, *m_knobPixmap ); p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); const int centerAngle = angleFromValue( model()->centerValue(), model()->minValue(), model()->maxValue(), m_totalAngle ); const int arcLineWidth = 2; const int arcRectSize = m_knobPixmap->width() - arcLineWidth; QColor col; if( m_knobNum == knobVintage_32 ) { col = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Shadow ); } else { col = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ); } col.setAlpha( 70 ); p.setPen( QPen( col, 2 ) ); p.drawArc( mid.x() - arcRectSize/2, 1, arcRectSize, arcRectSize, 315*16, 16*m_totalAngle ); switch( m_knobNum ) { case knobSmall_17: { p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-2 ) ); break; } case knobBright_26: { p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-5 ) ); break; } case knobDark_28: { p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) ); const float rb = qMax<float>( ( radius - 10 ) / 3.0, 0.0 ); const float re = qMax<float>( ( radius - 4 ), 0.0 ); QLineF ln = calculateLine( mid, re, rb ); ln.translate( 1, 1 ); p.drawLine( ln ); break; } case knobGreen_17: { p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::BrightText), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius ) ); break; } case knobVintage_32: { p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Shadow), 2 ) ); p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-2, 2 ) ); break; } } p.drawArc( mid.x() - arcRectSize/2, 1, arcRectSize, arcRectSize, (90-centerAngle)*16, -16*(m_angle-centerAngle) ); p.end(); _p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache ); }
void Routine::performLoop() { updateAngle(); loop(); STRIP->show(); }
void MediumPlane::update() { /*if (!m_dead) { if (m_exploting) { updateExplotionAnimation(); } } m_enemyWeapon->update(); if (!m_dead && !m_dying) { //Si esta en la parte de abajo de la pantalla, Sube if (m_position.getY() >= (Game::Instance()->getGameHeight()/3) - m_height) { m_direction.setX(0); m_direction.setY(DIRECTION_UP); m_goingUp = true; } else { m_goingUp = false; } //Si llega a un borde, invierta la dirección en X if ((!m_goingRight) && (m_position.getX() <= m_borderReturnOffset)) { flip(); } if ((m_goingRight) && (m_position.getX() >= m_borderReturnOffset)) { flip(); } //Si no esta subiendo, tiende a moverse hacia la derecha o izquierda, segun corresponda if (!m_goingUp) { if (m_goingRight) { m_direction.setX(DIRECTION_RIGHT); m_direction.m_y += Random::getFloatRange(-0.25f, 0.25f); m_direction.normalize(); } else { m_direction.setX(DIRECTION_LEFT); m_direction.m_y += Random::getFloatRange(-0.25f, 0.25f); m_direction.normalize(); } } if (m_position.getY() < 50) { m_direction.m_y = DIRECTION_DOWN; } //Analiza si debe disparar if (!m_goingUp) { int shootLuck = Random::getRange(0, 1000); if (shootLuck <= m_shootChance) { shoot(); } } } //Actualiza la posición y comunica a los clientes Enemy::update(); */ /******************************Update Mati*************************************/ if (!m_dead) { if (m_exploting) { updateExplotionAnimation(); } } m_enemyWeapon->update(); if (!m_dead && !m_dying) { m_direction.setX(0); m_direction.setY(DIRECTION_DOWN); frameC++; if(frameC>60 and 120>frameC) { m_direction.setY(7*sinf((360-frameC*6+270)*0.01745329251f)); m_direction.setX(7*cosf((360-frameC*6+270)*0.01745329251f)); } updateAngle(); int shootLuck = Random::getRange(0, 1000); if (shootLuck <= m_shootChance) { shoot(); } } Enemy::update(); /********************************************************************************/ }
void Gear_ClusteredDither::runVideo() { _image = _VIDEO_IN->type(); if (_image->isNull()) return; _outImage = _VIDEO_OUT->type(); _outImage->resize(_image->width(), _image->height()); _data = _image->data(); _outData = _outImage->data(); unsigned char *iterData = (unsigned char*)_data; unsigned char *iterOutData = (unsigned char*)_outData; int prevSizeX = _sizeX; int prevSizeY = _sizeY; _sizeX = _image->width(); _sizeY = _image->height(); NOTICE("Changing cluster"); // If cluster size has changed, recompute threshold matrix. int prevClusterSize = _clusterSize; _clusterSize = CLAMP((int)_CLUSTER_SIZE_IN->type()->value(), 2, MAX((int)_image->height(),4)); bool clusterChanged = (prevClusterSize != _clusterSize); if (clusterChanged) _width = _clusterSize * 3; // XXX computeThreshold deux fois!!! // Set spot type. eSpotType prevSpotType = _spotType; _spotType = (eSpotType)CLAMP((int)_SPOT_TYPE_IN->type()->value(), (int)SQUARE, (int)LINE); bool spotTypeChanged = (prevSpotType != _spotType); if (clusterChanged || spotTypeChanged) updateThreshold(); NOTICE("...done"); if (_sizeX != prevSizeX || _sizeY != prevSizeY) { NOTICE("Updating polar coordinates"); updatePolarCoordinates(); NOTICE("Changing angles"); _angle[0] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_RED_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); _angle[1] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_GREEN_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); _angle[2] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_BLUE_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); updateAngle(0); updateAngle(1); updateAngle(2); NOTICE("...done"); } else { NOTICE("Changing angles"); double angleR = _angle[0]; _angle[0] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_RED_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); double angleG = _angle[1]; _angle[1] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_GREEN_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); double angleB = _angle[2]; _angle[2] = DEG2RAD(CLAMP((int)_ANGLE_BLUE_IN->type()->value(), 0, 360)); if (clusterChanged || _angle[0] != angleR) updateAngle(0); if (clusterChanged || _angle[1] != angleG) updateAngle(1); if (clusterChanged || _angle[2] != angleB) updateAngle(2); NOTICE("...done"); } iterData = (unsigned char*) _data; iterOutData = (unsigned char*) _outData; Array2DType<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator rIt = _rChannel[0].begin(), gIt = _rChannel[1].begin(), bIt = _rChannel[2].begin(); for (int y=0; y<_sizeY; ++y) { for (int x=0; x<_sizeX; ++x, ++rIt, ++gIt, ++bIt) { *iterOutData++ = getValue(*iterData++, rIt->first, rIt->second); *iterOutData++ = getValue(*iterData++, gIt->first, gIt->second); *iterOutData++ = getValue(*iterData++, bIt->first, bIt->second); iterOutData++; iterData++; } } }
void Unit::update(float dt) { m_weaponUpgradeUI.setPosition(m_position); m_weaponUpgradeUI.update(dt); m_weaponUpgradeUI.setCurrentWeapon(& m_currentWeapon); m_weaponUpgradeUI.setRank(m_rank); m_light->setPosition(m_position); m_xpBar.update(); m_xpBar.setPosition(m_position + Vector2D(-20, 20)); m_anim.update(dt); m_anim.setRotation((m_directionAngle - (PI )) * 180 / PI); m_anim.setPosition(m_position); rankImg.setPosition(Vector2D(m_position + Vector2D(-m_radius + 30, 20)).toSFMLVector()); m_selectAnimation.update(dt); m_selectAnimation.setPosition(m_position); //if given a move order if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::MOVING) { //find direction to target int direction = getDirectionToTarget(); //increment angle updateAngle(m_positionAngle + dt * m_speed * direction); m_directionAngle = m_positionAngle + PI / 2 * direction; //check if unit is at destination if (fabs(m_positionAngle - m_targetAngle) <= fabs(m_speed * dt)) { //set state to waiting m_state = UNIT_STATE::WAITING; } } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::WAITING) { } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::FIRING) { fireWeapon(); } if (isPlayer()) { if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::MOVING) { if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 0) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("red"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 1) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("walingAssaltAnimation"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 2) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("yellow"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 3) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("white"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::WAITING) { if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 0) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("red"); m_anim.SetLooping(false); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 1) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("walingAssaltAnimation"); m_anim.SetLooping(false); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 2) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("yellow"); m_anim.SetLooping(false); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 3) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("white"); m_anim.SetLooping(false); } } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::FIRING) { if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 0) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("red"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 1) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("walingAssaltAnimation"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 2) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("yellow"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } else if (SceneManager::getInstance()->playerColorIndex == 3) { m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(30); m_anim.changeAnimation("white"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); } } } else { if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::MOVING) { switch (m_unitType) { case UNIT_TYPE::ASSAULT: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("scoutWalking"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::CQB: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("tankWalking"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::SNIPER: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("sniperWalking"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; } } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::WAITING) { switch (m_unitType) { case UNIT_TYPE::ASSAULT: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("scoutWalking"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::CQB: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("tankWalking"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::SNIPER: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("sniperWalking"); m_anim.setPosition(m_position + Vector2D(10, 0)); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; } } else if (m_state == UNIT_STATE::FIRING) { switch (m_unitType) { case UNIT_TYPE::ASSAULT: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("scoutShooting"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::CQB: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("tankShooting"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; case UNIT_TYPE::SNIPER: m_anim.setFramesPerSecond(120); m_anim.changeAnimation("sniperShooting"); m_anim.SetLooping(true); break; } } } m_currentWeapon.update(getPositionByAngle(m_positionAngle), m_directionAngle, dt); if (m_isSelected) { m_selectAnimation.SetLooping(true); m_selectAnimation.setDoOnce(true); } else { m_selectAnimation.SetLooping(false); m_selectAnimation.reset(); } if (m_experience > 600) { m_xpBar.setFGColor(sf::Color(60, 179, 113, 255)); } if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::A) { } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::B) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankB")); } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::C) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankC")); } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::D) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankD")); } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::E) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankE")); } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::F) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankF")); } else if (m_rank == UNIT_RANK::G) { rankImg.setTexture(AssetLoader::getInstance()->findTextureByKey("RankG")); } }