VRShopEditorDlg::VRShopEditorDlg(QMainWindow *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { setupUi(this); m_SceneEditor.setQVTKWidgets(m_pQVTKWidgetSceneEditorPose); m_ObjectEditor.setQVTKWidgets(m_pQVTKWidgetSceneEditorObject); setWindowTitle(tr("VR Shop Editor Dialog")); connect(actionLoadScene, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotLoadScene())); connect(actionSaveScene, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSaveScene())); //Exit application connect(actionExit,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); //Calling functions updateCategory(); connect(m_pComboBoxCategoryPose, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(updateProduct(const QString &))); connect(m_pComboBoxProductPose, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(updateProductID(const QString &))); connect(m_pComboBoxProductCodePose, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(addImage2Widget(const QString &))); updateTexture(); connect(m_pComboBoxTextureMapsName, SIGNAL(highlighted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(addTexture2Widget(const QString &))); updatePrimitive(); }
void Molecule::removeMesh(Mesh *mesh) { Q_D(Molecule); if(mesh) { d->meshes[mesh->id()] = 0; // 0 based arrays stored/shown to user int index = mesh->index(); d->meshList.removeAt(index); for (int i = index; i < d->meshList.size(); ++i) d->meshList[i]->setIndex(i); mesh->deleteLater(); disconnect(mesh, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveRemoved(mesh); } }
void Molecule::removeCube(Cube *cube) { Q_D(Molecule); if(cube) { d->cubes[cube->id()] = 0; // 0 based arrays stored/shown to user int index = cube->index(); d->cubeList.removeAt(index); for (int i = index; i < d->cubeList.size(); ++i) d->cubeList[i]->setIndex(i); cube->deleteLater(); disconnect(cube, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveRemoved(cube); } }
void Molecule::removeRing(Fragment *ring) { Q_D(Molecule); if(ring) { d->rings[ring->id()] = 0; // 0 based arrays stored/shown to user int index = ring->index(); d->ringList.removeAt(index); for (int i = index; i < d->ringList.size(); ++i) { d->ringList[i]->setIndex(i); } ring->deleteLater(); disconnect(ring, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); // emit primitiveRemoved(ring); } }
void Molecule::removeResidue(Residue *residue) { Q_D(Molecule); if(residue) { d->residues[residue->id()] = 0; // 0 based arrays stored/shown to user int index = residue->index(); d->residueList.removeAt(index); for (int i = index; i < d->residueList.size(); ++i) { d->residueList[i]->setIndex(i); } residue->deleteLater(); disconnect(residue, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveRemoved(residue); } }
Fragment * Molecule::addRing(unsigned long id) { Q_D(Molecule); Fragment *ring = new Fragment(this); if (id >= d->rings.size()) d->rings.resize(id+1,0); d->rings[id] = ring; d->ringList.push_back(ring); ring->setId(id); ring->setIndex(d->ringList.size()-1); // now that the id is correct, emit the signal connect(ring, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); // emit primitiveAdded(ring); return(ring); }
Residue * Molecule::addResidue(unsigned long id) { Q_D(Molecule); Residue *residue = new Residue(this); if (id >= d->residues.size()) d->residues.resize(id+1,0); d->residues[id] = residue; d->residueList.push_back(residue); residue->setId(id); residue->setIndex(d->residueList.size()-1); // now that the id is correct, emit the signal connect(residue, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveAdded(residue); return(residue); }
Mesh * Molecule::addMesh(unsigned long id) { Q_D(Molecule); Mesh *mesh = new Mesh(this); if (id >= d->meshes.size()) d->meshes.resize(id+1,0); d->meshes[id] = mesh; d->meshList.push_back(mesh); mesh->setId(id); mesh->setIndex(d->meshList.size()-1); // now that the id is correct, emit the signal connect(mesh, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveAdded(mesh); return(mesh); }
Cube *Molecule::addCube(unsigned long id) { Q_D(Molecule); Cube *cube = new Cube(this); if(id >= d->cubes.size()) d->cubes.resize(id+1,0); d->cubes[id] = cube; // Does this still want to have the same index as before somehow? d->cubeList.push_back(cube); cube->setId(id); cube->setIndex(d->cubeList.size()-1); // now that the id is correct, emit the signal connect(cube, SIGNAL(updated()), this, SLOT(updatePrimitive())); emit primitiveAdded(cube); return(cube); }
void BoxPrimitive::setSize(const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& size) { mSize = size; updatePrimitive(); }