SelectProfileWidget::SelectProfileWidget(IRoster *ARoster, IGateways *AGateways, IOptionsManager *AOptionsManager, const IGateServiceDescriptor &ADescriptor, QWidget *AParent) : QWidget(AParent) { ui.setupUi(this); FVisible = true; FAutoSelect = true; FRoster = ARoster; FGateways = AGateways; FOptionsManager = AOptionsManager; FDescriptor = ADescriptor; ui.wdtProfiles->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout); ui.wdtProfiles->layout()->setMargin(0); connect(FRoster->instance(),SIGNAL(opened()),SLOT(onRosterOpened())); connect(FRoster->instance(),SIGNAL(closed()),SLOT(onRosterClosed())); connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(loginReceived(const QString &, const QString &)), SLOT(onServiceLoginReceived(const QString &, const QString &))); connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(errorReceived(const QString &, const QString &)), SLOT(onGatewayErrorReceived(const QString &, const QString &))); connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(streamServicesChanged(const Jid &)), SLOT(onStreamServicesChanged(const Jid &))); connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(serviceEnableChanged(const Jid &, const Jid &, bool)), SLOT(onServiceEnableChanged(const Jid &, const Jid &, bool))); connect(FGateways->instance(),SIGNAL(servicePresenceChanged(const Jid &, const Jid &, const IPresenceItem &)), SLOT(onServicePresenceChanged(const Jid &, const Jid &, const IPresenceItem &))); updateProfiles(); }
void OptionsDetailed::init() { updateProfiles(); cFormat->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); formatChanged( cFormat->currentText() ); }
void SelectProfileWidget::setAutoSelectProfile(bool AAuto) { if (FAutoSelect != AAuto) { FAutoSelect = AAuto; updateProfiles(); } }
AddAction::AddAction(QWidget *parent, const char *name, const Mode &mode): AddActionBase(parent, name), theMode(mode) { connect(this, SIGNAL( selected(const QString &) ), SLOT( updateForPageChange() )); connect(this, SIGNAL( selected(const QString &) ), SLOT( slotCorrectPage() )); curPage = 0; updateProfiles(); updateButtons(); updateObjects(); updateProfileFunctions(); }
void OptionsSimple::profileRemove() { const QString profileName = cProfile->currentText(); const int ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("Do you really want to remove the profile: %1").arg(profileName), i18n("Remove profile?") ); if( ret == KMessageBox::Yes ) { QDomDocument list("soundkonverter_profilelist"); QFile listFile( KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data","soundkonverter/profiles.xml") ); if( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { if( list.setContent( &listFile ) ) { QDomElement root = list.documentElement(); if( root.nodeName() == "soundkonverter" && root.attribute("type") == "profilelist" ) { QDomElement profileElement; QDomNodeList conversionOptionsElements = root.elementsByTagName("conversionOptions"); for( int i=0; i<conversionOptionsElements.count(); i++ ) { if("profileName") == profileName ) { delete config->data.profiles[profileName]; config->data.profiles.remove(profileName); root.removeChild(; break; } } } } listFile.close(); } if( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { updateProfiles(); emit customProfilesEdited(); QTextStream stream(&listFile); stream << list.toString(); listFile.close(); } } }
void MyoDevice::runDeviceLoop() { WearableDevice::setDeviceStatus(deviceStatus::RUNNING); GestureFilter gestureFilter(state, 0, mainGui); posePipeline.registerFilter(&gestureFilter); posePipeline.registerFilter(WearableDevice::sharedData); AveragingFilter averagingFilter(5); MyoTranslationFilter translationFilter(state); orientationPipeline.registerFilter(&averagingFilter); orientationPipeline.registerFilter(&translationFilter); orientationPipeline.registerFilter(WearableDevice::sharedData); mainGui->connectSignallerToProfileWidgets(&profileSignaller); AveragingFilter rssiAveragingFilter(5); rssiPipeline.registerFilter(&rssiAveragingFilter); rssiPipeline.registerFilter(WearableDevice::sharedData); connectPipeline.registerFilter(WearableDevice::sharedData); std::chrono::milliseconds rssi_start = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); /* Used to control when to request rssi */ std::chrono::milliseconds rssi_finish; try { Hub hub(appIdentifier); hub.setLockingPolicy(hub.lockingPolicyNone); Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(myoFindTimeout); if (!myo) { std::cout << "Could not find a Myo." << std::endl; WearableDevice::setDeviceStatus(deviceStatus::ERR); return; } MyoCallbacks myoCallbacks(*this); hub.addListener(&myoCallbacks); while (true) { if (WearableDevice::stopDeviceRequested()) { break; } filterDataMap extraData = gestureFilter.getExtraDataForSCD(); if (extraData.size() > 0) { WearableDevice::sharedData->setInput(extraData); WearableDevice::sharedData->process(); } if (profileSignaller.getProfileName() != prevProfileName) { prevProfileName = profileSignaller.getProfileName(); updateProfiles(); } rssi_finish = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); if ((rssi_finish - rssi_start).count() > MIN_RSSI_DELAY) { myo->requestRssi(); rssi_start = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); }; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; WearableDevice::setDeviceStatus(deviceStatus::ERR); return; } WearableDevice::setDeviceStatus(deviceStatus::DONE); }
void UmlPackage::importHeader(FileIn & in) { Token & tk =; if (tk.what() != "xml") in.error("xml version expected"); if (tk.valueOf("version") != "1.0") { UmlCom::trace("Only import xml 1.0"); return; } in.setEncoding(tk.valueOf("encoding")); (void); // update tk if (tk.what() == "xmi:xmi") { WrapperStr ver = tk.valueOf("xmi:version"); if (ver.isEmpty()) UmlCom::trace("warning : unknown xmi version<br><br>"); else if (ver != "2.1") UmlCom::trace("warning : imported file is not xmi 2.1<br><br>"); FromEclipse = // for instance RSA Eclipse xmi export !tk.valueOf("xmlns:ecore").isEmpty(); if (FromEclipse) UmlCom::trace("xmi file produced under <b>Eclipse</b><br><br>"); // read all before stereotype use WrapperStr prof_st; Q3ValueList<WrapperStr> base_v; while ((void), !tk.close("xmi:xmi")) { if (UmlClass::isAppliedStereotype(tk, prof_st, base_v)) break; UmlCom::targetItem()->import(in, tk); } solveRefs(); if (NumberOfProfile != 0) // to take into account inheritances updateProfiles(); // read stereotype use while (!tk.close("xmi:xmi")) { applyStereotype(in, tk); (void); } } else if ((tk.what() == "uml:model") || (tk.what() == "uml:profile")) { // Borland Together 2006 for Eclipse // Visual Paradigm for UML 6.1 // RSA Eclipse (profile) WrapperStr ver = tk.valueOf("xmi:version"); if (ver.isEmpty()) UmlCom::trace("warning : unknown xmi version<br><br>"); else if (ver != "2.1") UmlCom::trace("warning : imported file is not xmi 2.1<br><br>"); FromEclipse = // .uml !tk.valueOf("xmlns:ecore").isEmpty(); if (FromEclipse) UmlCom::trace("xmi file produced under <b>Eclipse</b><br><br>"); UmlCom::targetItem()->import(in, tk); solveRefs(); if (NumberOfProfile != 0) updateProfiles(); } else in.error("uml:model or uml:profile or xmi:xmi expected, nothing imported"); }
void UmlPackage::importIt(FileIn & in, Token & token, UmlItem * where) { while (where->kind() != aPackage) where = where->parent(); WrapperStr s = token.valueOf("name"); if (s.isEmpty()) { static unsigned n = 0; s.sprintf("anonymous %u", ++n); } UmlPackage * pack = create((UmlPackage *) where, s); if (pack == 0) in.error("cannot create package '" + s + "' in '" + where->name() + "'"); bool profile = (token.what() == "uml:profile") || (token.xmiType() == "uml:Profile"); if (profile) { pack->set_Stereotype("profile"); pack->set_PropertyValue("xmiId", token.xmiId()); NumberOf -= 1; NumberOfProfile += 1; if (!(s = token.valueOf("metamodelreference")).isEmpty()) pack->set_PropertyValue("metamodelReference", s); if (!(s = token.valueOf("metaclassreference")).isEmpty()) pack->set_PropertyValue("metaclassReference", s); } s = token.xmiId(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { pack->addItem(s, in); if (! token.closed()) { WrapperStr k = token.what(); const char * kstr = k; if (profile) { while (, !token.close(kstr)) { if ((token.what() == "packagedelement") && (token.xmiType() == "uml:Extension")) { if (! token.closed()) in.finish(token.what()); } else if (token.what() == "packageimport") pack->packageImport(in, token); else pack->UmlItem::import(in, token); } updateProfiles(); } else while (, !token.close(kstr)) pack->UmlItem::import(in, token); } } else if (! token.valueOf("href", s)) in.error("xmi:id is missing"); // doesn't return else { in.warning("bypass external package " + s); if (! token.closed()) in.finish(token.what()); } pack->unload(TRUE, FALSE); }
QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget( QWidget* parent, const QString& format, QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::Type type, const QString& provider ) : QWidget( parent ) , mFormat( format ) , mProvider( provider ) , mRasterLayer( nullptr ) , mRasterFileName( QString() ) , mPyramids( false ) , mPyramidsFormat( QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff ) { setupUi( this ); setType( type ); if ( mBuiltinProfiles.isEmpty() ) { // key=profileKey values=format,profileName,options mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_adefault" ] = ( QStringList() << "" << tr( "Default" ) << "" ); // these GTiff profiles are based on Tim's benchmarks at // // big: no compression | medium: reasonable size/speed tradeoff | small: smallest size mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_1big" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "No compression" ) << "COMPRESS=NONE BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_2medium" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "Low compression" ) << "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_3small" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "High compression" ) << "COMPRESS=DEFLATE PREDICTOR=2 ZLEVEL=9" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_4jpeg" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << "COMPRESS=JPEG JPEG_QUALITY=75" ); // overview compression schemes for GTiff format, see // and // TODO - should we offer GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE option here or in QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget ? mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_1big" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "No compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=NONE BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW=IF_NEEDED" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_2medium" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "Low compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=PACKBITS" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_3small" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "High compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=DEFLATE PREDICTOR_OVERVIEW=2 ZLEVEL=9" ); // how to set zlevel? mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_4jpeg" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << "JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW=75 COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=JPEG PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=YCBCR INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW=PIXEL" ); } connect( mProfileComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsTable, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( optionsTableChanged() ) ); connect( mOptionsHelpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( helpOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsValidateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateOptions() ) ); // create eventFilter to map right click to swapOptionsUI() // mOptionsLabel->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsLineEdit->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsStackedWidget->installEventFilter( this ); updateControls(); updateProfiles(); QgsDebugMsg( "done" ); }
void QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::setFormat( const QString& format ) { mFormat = format; updateControls(); updateProfiles(); }
void OptionsSimple::init() { updateProfiles(); }
bool OptionsDetailed::saveCustomProfile( bool lastUsed ) { if( wPlugin && currentPlugin ) { QString profileName; if( lastUsed ) { profileName = "soundkonverter_last_used"; } else { bool ok; profileName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("New profile"), i18n("Enter a name for the new profile:"), "", &ok ); if( !ok ) return false; } if( profileName.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("You cannot save a profile without a name."), i18n("Profile name is empty") ); return false; } QStringList profiles; profiles += i18n("Very low"); profiles += i18n("Low"); profiles += i18n("Medium"); profiles += i18n("High"); profiles += i18n("Very high"); profiles += i18n("Lossless"); profiles += i18n("Hybrid"); profiles += i18n("Last used"); profiles += "Last used"; profiles += i18n("User defined"); if( !lastUsed ) profiles += "soundkonverter_last_used"; if( profiles.contains(profileName) ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("You cannot overwrite the built-in profiles."), i18n("Profile already exists") ); return false; } QDomDocument list("soundkonverter_profilelist"); QDomElement root; bool profileFound = false; QFile listFile( KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data","soundkonverter/profiles.xml") ); if( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { if( list.setContent( &listFile ) ) { root = list.documentElement(); if( root.nodeName() == "soundkonverter" && root.attribute("type") == "profilelist" ) { QDomNodeList conversionOptionsElements = root.elementsByTagName("conversionOptions"); for( int i=0; i<conversionOptionsElements.count(); i++ ) { if("profileName") == profileName ) { int ret; if( lastUsed ) ret = KMessageBox::Yes; else ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("A profile with this name already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite the existing one?"), i18n("Profile already exists") ); if( ret == KMessageBox::Yes ) { ConversionOptions *conversionOptions = currentConversionOptions( false ); delete config->data.profiles[profileName]; config->data.profiles[profileName] = conversionOptions; root.removeChild(; QDomElement profileElement = conversionOptions->toXml(list); profileElement.setAttribute("profileName",profileName); root.appendChild(profileElement); profileFound = true; break; } else { return false; } } } } } listFile.close(); } if( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { if( list.childNodes().isEmpty() ) { root = list.createElement("soundkonverter"); root.setAttribute("type","profilelist"); list.appendChild(root); } if( !profileFound ) { ConversionOptions *conversionOptions = currentConversionOptions( false ); config->data.profiles[profileName] = conversionOptions; QDomElement profileElement = conversionOptions->toXml(list); profileElement.setAttribute("profileName",profileName); root.appendChild(profileElement); } updateProfiles(); emit customProfilesEdited(); QTextStream stream(&listFile); stream << list.toString(); listFile.close(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }