Esempio n. 1
void update_system_details()
	ui_print(" * Verifying filesystems...\n");
    ui_print(" * Verifying partition sizes...\n");
Esempio n. 2
    SetDataState("Starting", "backup", 0, 0);

    if (ensure_path_mounted(SDCARD_ROOT) != 0) {
        ui_print("-- Could not mount: %s.\n-- Aborting.\n",SDCARD_ROOT);
        SetDataState("Unable to mount", "/sdcard", 1, 1);
        return 1;

    // Create backup folder
    struct tm *t;
    char timestamp[64];
    char image_dir[255];
    char exe[255];
    time_t start, stop;
    time_t seconds;
    seconds = time(0);
    t = localtime(&seconds);
    sprintf(timestamp,"%04d-%02d-%02d--%02d-%02d-%02d",t->tm_year+1900,t->tm_mon+1,t->tm_mday,t->tm_hour,t->tm_min,t->tm_sec); // make time stamp
    sprintf(image_dir,"%s/%s/%s/", backup_folder, device_id, timestamp); // for backup folder

    if (recursive_mkdir(image_dir))
        LOGE("Unable to create folder: '%s'\n", backup_folder);
        SetDataState("Backup failed", image_dir, 1, 1);
        return -1;

    // Record the start time

    // Prepare operation
    ui_print("\n[BACKUP STARTED]\n");
    ui_print(" * Backup Folder: %s\n", backup_folder);
    ui_print(" * Verifying filesystems...\n");
    ui_print(" * Verifying partition sizes...\n");
    unsigned long long sdc_free = sdcext.sze - sdcext.used;

    // Compute totals
    int total = 0;
    unsigned long long total_img_bytes = 0, total_file_bytes = 0;
    CalculateBackupDetails(&total, &total_img_bytes, &total_file_bytes);
    unsigned long long total_bytes = total_img_bytes + total_file_bytes;

    if (total == 0 || total_bytes == 0)
        LOGE("Unable to compute target usage (%d partitions, %llu bytes)\n", total, total_bytes);
        SetDataState("Backup failed", image_dir, 1, 1);
        return -1;

    ui_print(" * Total number of partition to back up: %d\n", total);
    ui_print(" * Total size of all data, in KB: %llu\n", total_bytes / 1024);
    ui_print(" * Available space on the SD card, in KB: %llu\n", sdc_free / 1024);

    // We can't verify sufficient space on devices where sdcard is a portion of the data partition
    // Verify space
    if (sdc_free < (total_bytes + 0x2000000))       // We require at least 32MB of additional space
        LOGE("Insufficient space on SDCARD. Required space is %lluKB, available %lluKB\n", (total_bytes + 0x2000000) / 1024, sdc_free / 1024);
        SetDataState("Backup failed", image_dir, 1, 1);
        return -1;
    ui_print(" * This device does not support verifying available free space.\n");

    // Prepare progress bar...
    unsigned long long img_bytes_remaining = total_img_bytes;
    unsigned long long file_bytes_remaining = total_file_bytes;
    unsigned long img_byte_time = 0, file_byte_time = 0;
    struct stat st;


    // SYSTEM
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_SYSTEM_VAR, &sys, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))       return 1;

    // DATA
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_DATA_VAR, &dat, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))         return 1;

    // BOOT
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_BOOT_VAR, &boo, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))         return 1;

    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_RECOVERY_VAR, &rec, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))     return 1;

    // CACHE
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_CACHE_VAR, &cac, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))        return 1;

    // SP1
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_SP1_VAR, &sp1, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))          return 1;

    // SP2
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_SP2_VAR, &sp2, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))          return 1;

    // SP3
    if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_SP3_VAR, &sp3, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))          return 1;

    if (stat(, &st) ==0)
        if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_ANDSEC_VAR, &ase, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))       return 1;

    // SD-EXT
    if (stat(, &st) ==0)
        if (phx_do_backup(VAR_BACKUP_SDEXT_VAR, &sde, image_dir, total_img_bytes, total_file_bytes, &img_bytes_remaining, &file_bytes_remaining, &img_byte_time, &file_byte_time))        return 1;

    ui_print(" * Verifying filesystems...\n");
    ui_print(" * Verifying partition sizes...\n");


    // Average BPS
    unsigned long int img_bps = total_img_bytes / img_byte_time;
    unsigned long int file_bps = total_file_bytes / file_byte_time;

    LOGI("img_bps = %lu  total_img_bytes = %llu  img_byte_time = %lu\n", img_bps, total_img_bytes, img_byte_time);
    ui_print("Average backup rate for file systems: %lu MB/sec\n", (file_bps / (1024 * 1024)));
    ui_print("Average backup rate for imaged drives: %lu MB/sec\n", (img_bps / (1024 * 1024)));

    if (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_SKIP_MD5_GENERATE_VAR) == 1)
        // If we're skipping MD5 generation, our BPS is faster by about 1.65
        file_bps = (unsigned long) (file_bps / 1.65);
        img_bps = (unsigned long) (img_bps / 1.65);

    img_bps += (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_IMG_RATE) * 4);
    img_bps /= 5;

    if (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_USE_COMPRESSION_VAR))    file_bps += (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_FILE_COMP_RATE) * 4);
    else                                                    file_bps += (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_FILE_RATE) * 4);
    file_bps /= 5;

    DataManager_SetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_IMG_RATE, img_bps);
    if (DataManager_GetIntValue(VAR_USE_COMPRESSION_VAR))    DataManager_SetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_FILE_COMP_RATE, file_bps);
    else                                                    DataManager_SetIntValue(VAR_BACKUP_AVG_FILE_RATE, file_bps);

    int total_time = (int) difftime(stop, start);
    unsigned long long new_sdc_free = (sdcext.sze - sdcext.used) / (1024 * 1024);
    sdc_free /= (1024 * 1024);

    ui_print("[%lu MB TOTAL BACKED UP TO SDCARD]\n",(unsigned long) (sdc_free - new_sdc_free));
    ui_print("[BACKUP COMPLETED IN %d SECONDS]\n\n", total_time); // the end
    SetDataState("Backup Succeeded", "", 0, 1);
    return 0;