void Navigator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* /*ev*/) { if (_score) { rescale(); updateViewRect(); } }
void Navigator::setScoreView(ScoreView* v) { if (_cv) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(viewRectMoved(const QRectF&)), _cv, SLOT(setViewRect(const QRectF&))); disconnect(_cv, SIGNAL(viewRectChanged()), this, SLOT(updateViewRect())); } _cv = QPointer<ScoreView>(v); if (v) { _score = v->score(); rescale(); connect(this, SIGNAL(viewRectMoved(const QRectF&)), v, SLOT(setViewRect(const QRectF&))); connect(_cv, SIGNAL(viewRectChanged()), this, SLOT(updateViewRect())); rescale(); updateViewRect(); } else {
void DocumentDatasViewport::updateObjectsRect() { if(m_view.isLoading()) return; m_objectsRect = {}; for(const auto& objRnd : m_view.objectRenderers().getOrdered()) m_objectsRect |= objRnd->getVisualArea(); m_onlyObjectsRect = m_objectsRect; int nbInputs = 0, nbOutputs = 0; for (const auto& data : m_documentDatas.get()) { if (data->isInput()) ++nbInputs; if (data->isOutput()) ++nbOutputs; } if (nbInputs) m_objectsRect.adjust(-(dataMarginW + dataRectSize + tagMargin + tagW), 0, 0, 0); if (nbOutputs) m_objectsRect.adjust(0, 0, dataMarginW + tagMargin + tagW, 0); // Ensure the area is not empty if there is at least one data if ((nbInputs || nbOutputs) && !m_objectsRect.height()) m_objectsRect.setHeight(10.f); updateViewRect(); }
void Navigator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { if (_score) { rescale(); updateViewRect(); layoutChanged(); } }
void Viewport::updateObjectsRect() { if (m_view.isLoading()) return; m_objectsRect = Rect(); for(const auto& objRnd : m_view.objectRenderers().getOrdered()) m_objectsRect |= objRnd->getVisualArea(); updateViewRect(); }
void Navigator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { if (ev->size().height() == ev->oldSize().height()) return; if (_score) { rescale(); Page* lp = _score->pages().back(); int w = int ((lp->x() + lp->width()) * matrix.m11()); if (w != cachedWidth) { cachedWidth = w; updateViewRect(); layoutChanged(); } } else recreatePixmap = true; }
void QImageWidget::updateImage(const cv::Mat& inputImage) { m_String = QString::number(inputImage.cols) + "x" + QString::number(inputImage.rows); switch ( inputImage.type() ) { case CV_8UC1: cv::cvtColor(inputImage, m_cvMat, CV_GRAY2RGB); break; case CV_8UC3: cv::cvtColor(inputImage, m_cvMat, CV_BGR2RGB); break; } assert(m_cvMat.isContinuous()); // QImage needs the data to be stored continuously in memory m_QImage = QImage((const uchar*)m_cvMat.data, m_cvMat.cols, m_cvMat.rows, m_cvMat.cols * 3, QImage::Format_RGB888); // Assign OpenCV's image buffer to the QImage updateViewRect(m_cvMat.rows, m_cvMat.cols); update(); }
void Director::updateProjection() { FZ_ASSERT(OSW::Instance(), "OS Wrapper is not defined."); updateViewRect(); if(!(m_dirtyFlags & kFZDDirty_projection)) return; // VIEW PORT // The view port must be the display size in pixels. // Display size is not equal to the screen size, an application could not use the whole screen. fzSize viewPort = getViewPort(); glViewport(0, 0, viewPort.width, viewPort.height); // PROJECTION // The projection must be calculated using the canvas size. No pixels here. fzSize canvasSize = getCanvasSize(); fzOrientation orientation = getOrientation(); if(orientation == kFZOrientation_LandscapeLeft || orientation == kFZOrientation_LandscapeRight) FZ_SWAP(canvasSize.width, canvasSize.height); switch (m_projection) { case kFZProjection2D: { fzMath_mat4OrthoProjection(0, canvasSize.width, 0, canvasSize.height, -1024, 1024, m_transformMV); break; } default: FZ_RAISE("Director: Unrecognized projection."); } m_orientationTransform = FZAffineTransformIdentity; if(orientation == kFZOrientation_LandscapeLeft) { m_orientationTransform.translate(canvasSize.width, 0); m_orientationTransform.rotate(FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(90)); fzMat4 mat; fzMath_mat4Multiply(m_transformMV, m_orientationTransform, mat); fzMath_mat4Copy(mat, m_transformMV); }else if(orientation == kFZOrientation_LandscapeRight) { m_orientationTransform.translate(0, canvasSize.height); m_orientationTransform.rotate(FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-90)); fzMat4 mat; fzMath_mat4Multiply(m_transformMV, m_orientationTransform, mat); fzMath_mat4Copy(mat, m_transformMV); } m_orientationTransform = m_orientationTransform.getInverse(); m_dirtyFlags &= ~kFZDDirty_projection; if(p_runningScene) { p_runningScene->updateLayout(); if(p_hud) p_hud->updateLayout(); } }
void Viewport::moveView(const types::Point& delta) { m_viewDelta -= delta; updateViewRect(); }
void QImageWidget::loadQImage(const QString &filename) { m_QImage.load(filename); updateViewRect(m_QImage.height(), m_QImage.width()); update(); }
void QImageWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { updateViewRect(m_QImage.height(), m_QImage.width()); update(); }
void UVWidget::resizeGL( int width, int height ) { updateViewRect( width, height ); }