Esempio n. 1
TEST(Utils, UriCoding) {
    string src1 = "This is a simple & short test.";
    string src2 = "$ & < > ? ; # : = , \" ' ~ + %-_";
    string src3 = "! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? % # [ ]";
    string src4 =
        "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i "
        "j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - _ . ~";

    string dst1 = "This%20is%20a%20simple%20%26%20short%20test.";
    string dst2 =
    string dst3 =
    string dst4 =

    EXPECT_STREQ(dst1.c_str(), uri_encode(src1).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(dst2.c_str(), uri_encode(src2).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(dst3.c_str(), uri_encode(src3).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(dst4.c_str(), uri_encode(src4).c_str());

    EXPECT_STREQ(src1.c_str(), uri_decode(dst1).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(src2.c_str(), uri_decode(dst2).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(src3.c_str(), uri_decode(dst3).c_str());
    EXPECT_STREQ(src4.c_str(), uri_decode(dst4).c_str());
Esempio n. 2
File: ocsp.c Progetto: eworm-de/ipxe
 * Build OCSP URI string
 * @v ocsp		OCSP check
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int ocsp_uri_string ( struct ocsp_check *ocsp ) {
	struct x509_ocsp_responder *responder =
	char *base64;
	char *sep;
	size_t base64_len;
	size_t uri_len;
	size_t len;
	int rc;

	/* Sanity check */
	if ( ! responder->uri.len ) {
		DBGC ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" has no OCSP URI\n",
		       ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ) );
		rc = -ENOTTY;
		goto err_no_uri;

	/* Calculate base64-encoded request length */
	base64_len = ( base64_encoded_len ( ocsp->request.builder.len )
		       + 1 /* NUL */ );

	/* Allocate and construct the base64-encoded request */
	base64 = malloc ( base64_len );
	if ( ! base64 ) {
		rc = -ENOMEM;
		goto err_alloc_base64;
	base64_encode ( ocsp->, ocsp->request.builder.len,
			base64, base64_len );

	/* Calculate URI-encoded base64-encoded request length */
	uri_len = ( uri_encode ( URI_PATH, base64, ( base64_len - 1 /* NUL */ ),
				 NULL, 0 ) + 1 /* NUL */ );

	/* Allocate and construct the URI string */
	len = ( responder->uri.len + 1 /* possible "/" */ + uri_len );
	ocsp->uri_string = zalloc ( len );
	if ( ! ocsp->uri_string ) {
		rc = -ENOMEM;
		goto err_alloc_uri;
	memcpy ( ocsp->uri_string, responder->, responder->uri.len );
	sep = &ocsp->uri_string[ responder->uri.len - 1 ];
	if ( *sep != '/' )
		*(++sep) = '/';
	uri_encode ( URI_PATH, base64, base64_len, ( sep + 1 ), uri_len );
	DBGC2 ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" URI is %s\n",
		ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ), ocsp->uri_string );

	/* Success */
	rc = 0;

	free ( base64 );
	return rc;
Esempio n. 3
 * Unparse URI
 * @v buf		Buffer to fill with URI string
 * @v size		Size of buffer
 * @v uri		URI to write into buffer, or NULL
 * @v fields		Bitmask of fields to include in URI string, or URI_ALL
 * @ret len		Length of URI string
int unparse_uri ( char *buf, size_t size, struct uri *uri,
		  unsigned int fields ) {
	/* List of characters that typically go before certain fields */
	static char separators[] = { /* scheme */ 0, /* opaque */ ':',
				     /* user */ 0, /* password */ ':',
				     /* host */ '@', /* port */ ':',
				     /* path */ 0, /* query */ '?',
				     /* fragment */ '#' };
	int used = 0;
	int i;

	DBG ( "URI unparsing" );
	dump_uri ( uri );
	DBG ( "\n" );

	/* Ensure buffer is NUL-terminated */
	if ( size )
		buf[0] = '\0';

	/* Special-case NULL URI */
	if ( ! uri )
		return 0;

	/* Iterate through requested fields */
	for ( i = URI_FIRST_FIELD; i <= URI_LAST_FIELD; i++ ) {
		const char *field = uri_get_field ( uri, i );
		char sep = separators[i];

		/* Ensure `fields' only contains bits for fields that exist */
		if ( ! field )
			fields &= ~( 1 << i );

		/* Store this field if we were asked to */
		if ( fields & ( 1 << i ) ) {
			/* Print :// if we're non-opaque and had a scheme */
			if ( ( fields & URI_SCHEME_BIT ) &&
			     ( i > URI_OPAQUE ) ) {
				used += ssnprintf ( buf + used, size - used,
						    "://" );
				/* Only print :// once */
				fields &= ~URI_SCHEME_BIT;

			/* Only print separator if an earlier field exists */
			if ( sep && ( fields & ( ( 1 << i ) - 1 ) ) )
				used += ssnprintf ( buf + used, size - used,
						    "%c", sep );

			/* Print contents of field, possibly encoded */
			if ( URI_ENCODED & ( 1 << i ) )
				used += uri_encode ( field, buf + used,
						     size - used, i );
				used += ssnprintf ( buf + used, size - used,
						    "%s", field );

	return used;
Esempio n. 4
 * Format URI
 * @v uri		URI
 * @v buf		Buffer to fill with URI string
 * @v size		Size of buffer
 * @ret len		Length of URI string
size_t format_uri ( const struct uri *uri, char *buf, size_t len ) {
	static const char prefixes[URI_FIELDS] = {
		[URI_OPAQUE] = ':',
		[URI_PASSWORD] = ':',
		[URI_PORT] = ':',
		[URI_PATH] = '/',
		[URI_QUERY] = '?',
		[URI_FRAGMENT] = '#',
	char prefix;
	size_t used = 0;
	unsigned int field;

	/* Ensure buffer is NUL-terminated */
	if ( len )
		buf[0] = '\0';

	/* Special-case NULL URI */
	if ( ! uri )
		return 0;

	/* Generate fields */
	for ( field = 0 ; field < URI_FIELDS ; field++ ) {

		/* Skip non-existent fields */
		if ( ! uri_field ( uri, field ) )

		/* Prefix this field, if applicable */
		prefix = prefixes[field];
		if ( ( field == URI_HOST ) && ( uri->user != NULL ) )
			prefix = '@';
		if ( ( field == URI_PATH ) && ( uri->path[0] == '/' ) )
			prefix = '\0';
		if ( prefix ) {
			used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ), ( len - used ),
					    "%c", prefix );

		/* Encode this field */
		used += uri_encode ( uri_field ( uri, field ), field,
				     ( buf + used ), ( len - used ) );

		/* Suffix this field, if applicable */
		if ( ( field == URI_SCHEME ) && ( ! uri->opaque ) ) {
			used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ), ( len - used ),
					    "://" );

	if ( len ) {
		DBGC ( uri, "URI formatted" );
		uri_dump ( uri );
		DBGC ( uri, " to \"%s%s\"\n", buf,
		       ( ( used > len ) ? "<TRUNCATED>" : "" ) );

	return used;
Esempio n. 5
S3Params S3BucketReader::constructReaderParams(BucketContent& key) {
    S3Params readerParams = this->params;

    // encode the key name but leave the "/"
    // "/encoded_path/encoded_name"
    string keyEncoded = uri_encode(key.getName());
    find_replace(keyEncoded, "%2F", "/");


    S3DEBUG("key: %s, size: %" PRIu64, readerParams.getKeyUrl().c_str(), readerParams.getKeySize());
    return readerParams;
Esempio n. 6
std::string srv_debug(const Ctracker_input& ti)
	std::ostringstream os;
	os << "<!DOCTYPE HTML><meta http-equiv=refresh content=60><title>XBT Tracker</title>";
	os << "<table>";
	if (ti.m_info_hash.empty())
		for (auto& i : m_torrents)
			if (!i.second.leechers && !i.second.seeders)
			os << "<tr><td class=ar>" << i.second.fid
				<< "<td><a href=\"?info_hash=" << uri_encode(i.first) << "\">" << hex_encode(i.first) << "</a>"
				<< "<td>" << (i.second.dirty ? '*' : ' ')
				<< "<td class=ar>" << i.second.leechers
				<< "<td class=ar>" << i.second.seeders;
	else if (const t_torrent* i = find_torrent(ti.m_info_hash))
		debug(*i, os);
	os << "</table>";
	return os.str();
Esempio n. 7
void Cconnection::read(const std::string& v)
#ifndef NDEBUG
	std::cout << v << std::endl;
	if (srv_config().m_log_access)
		static std::ofstream f("xbt_tracker_raw.log");
		f << srv_time() << '\t' << inet_ntoa(m_a.sin_addr) << '\t' << ntohs(m_a.sin_port) << '\t' << v << std::endl;
	Ctracker_input ti;
	size_t e = v.find('?');
	if (e == std::string::npos)
		e = v.size();
		size_t a = e + 1;
		size_t b = v.find(' ', a);
		if (b == std::string::npos)
		while (a < b)
			size_t c = v.find('=', a);
			if (c++ == std::string::npos)
			size_t d = v.find_first_of(" &", c);
			if (d == std::string::npos)
			ti.set(v.substr(a, c - a - 1), uri_decode(v.substr(c, d - c)));
			a = d + 1;
	if (!ti.m_ipa || !is_private_ipa(m_a.sin_addr.s_addr))
		ti.m_ipa = m_a.sin_addr.s_addr;
	str_ref torrent_pass;
	size_t a = 4;
	if (a < e && v[a] == '/')
		if (a + 32 < e && v[a + 32] == '/')
			torrent_pass.assign(&v[a], 32);
			a += 33;
	std::string h = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
	std::string s;
	bool gzip = true;
	switch (a < v.size() ? v[a] : 0)
	case 'a':
		if (ti.valid())
			gzip = false;
			std::string error = srv_insert_peer(ti, false, find_user_by_torrent_pass(torrent_pass, ti.m_info_hash));
			s = error.empty() ? srv_select_peers(ti) : (boost::format("d14:failure reason%d:%se") % error.size() % error).str();
	case 'd':
		if (srv_config().m_debug)
			h += "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
			s = srv_debug(ti);
	case 's':
		if (v.size() >= 7 && v[6] == 't')
			h += "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
			s = srv_statistics();
		else if (srv_config().m_full_scrape || !ti.m_info_hash.empty())
			gzip = srv_config().m_gzip_scrape && ti.m_info_hash.empty();
 			s = srv_scrape(ti, find_user_by_torrent_pass(torrent_pass, ti.m_info_hash));
	if (s.empty())
		if (!ti.m_info_hash.empty() || srv_config().m_redirect_url.empty())
			h = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n";
			h = "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"
				"Location: " + srv_config().m_redirect_url + (ti.m_info_hash.empty() ? "" : "?info_hash=" + uri_encode(ti.m_info_hash)) + "\r\n";
	else if (gzip)
		shared_data s2 = xcc_z::gzip(s);
#ifndef NDEBUG
		static std::ofstream f("xbt_tracker_gzip.log");
		f << srv_time() << '\t' << v[5] << '\t' << s.size() << '\t' << s2.size() << std::endl;
		if (s2.size() + 24 < s.size())
			h += "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
			s = to_string(s2);
	h += "\r\n";
#ifdef WIN32
	m_write_b = shared_data(h.size() + s.size());
	memcpy(, h);
	memcpy( + h.size(), s);
	int r = m_s.send(m_write_b);
	std::array<iovec, 2> d;
	d[0].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
	d[0].iov_len = h.size();
	d[1].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
	d[1].iov_len = s.size();
	msghdr m;
	m.msg_name = NULL;
	m.msg_namelen = 0;
	m.msg_iov = const_cast<iovec*>(;
	m.msg_iovlen = d.size();
	m.msg_control = NULL;
	m.msg_controllen = 0;
	m.msg_flags = 0;
	int r = sendmsg(m_s, &m, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
	if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
		if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAECONNRESET)
			std::cerr << "send failed: " << Csocket::error2a(WSAGetLastError()) << std::endl;
	else if (r != h.size() + s.size())
#ifndef WIN32
		if (r < h.size())
			m_write_b = shared_data(h.size() + s.size());
			memcpy(, h);
			memcpy( + h.size(), s);
			m_write_b = make_shared_data(s);
			r -= h.size();
		m_r = m_write_b;
	if (m_r.empty())
Esempio n. 8
static int handle_lua_request(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  struct mg_request_info *request_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
  u_int len = (u_int)strlen(request_info->uri);
  char username[33] = { 0 };

     //|| (strcmp(request_info->request_method, "GET"))
     || (ntop->getRedis() == NULL /* Starting up... */))
    return(send_error(conn, 403 /* Forbidden */, request_info->uri, 
		      "Unexpected HTTP method or ntopng still starting up..."));

  if(ntop->get_HTTPserver()->is_ssl_enabled() && (!request_info->is_ssl))
    redirect_to_ssl(conn, request_info);

  if(enable_users_login) {
    if((len > 4)
       && ((strcmp(&request_info->uri[len-4], ".css") == 0)
	   || (strcmp(&request_info->uri[len-3], ".js")) == 0))
    else if(!is_authorized(conn, request_info, username)) {
      redirect_to_login(conn, request_info);
    } else if(strcmp(request_info->uri, AUTHORIZE_URL) == 0) {
      authorize(conn, request_info);

  ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[HTTP] %s", request_info->uri);

  if(strstr(request_info->uri, "//")
     || strstr(request_info->uri, "&&")
     || strstr(request_info->uri, "??")
     || strstr(request_info->uri, "..")) {
    ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "[HTTP] The URL %s is invalid/dangerous",
    return(send_error(conn, 400 /* Bad Request */, request_info->uri,
		      "The URL specified contains invalid/dangerous characters"));

  if((strncmp(request_info->uri, "/lua/", 5) == 0)
     || (strcmp(request_info->uri, "/") == 0)) {
    /* Lua Script */
    char path[255] = { 0 }, uri[2048];
    struct stat buf;

    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", httpserver->get_scripts_dir(),
	     (strlen(request_info->uri) == 1) ? "/lua/index.lua" : request_info->uri);

    if((stat(path, &buf) == 0) && (S_ISREG (buf.st_mode))) {
      Lua *l = new Lua();

      ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[HTTP] %s [%s]", request_info->uri, path);

      if(l == NULL) {
	ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "[HTTP] Unable to start Lua interpreter");
	return(send_error(conn, 500 /* Internal server error */,
			  "Internal server error", "%s", "Unable to start Lua interpreter"));
      } else {
	l->handle_script_request(conn, request_info, path);
	delete l;
	return(1); /* Handled */

    uri_encode(request_info->uri, uri, sizeof(uri)-1);

    return(send_error(conn, 404, "Not Found", PAGE_NOT_FOUND, uri));
  } else {
    ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[HTTP] Serving file %s%s", 
				 ntop->get_HTTPserver()->get_docs_dir(), request_info->uri);
    return(0); /* This is a static document so let mongoose handle it */
Esempio n. 9
void Cconnection::read(const std::string& v)
#ifndef NDEBUG
	std::cout << v << std::endl;
	if (m_server->config().m_log_access)
		static std::ofstream f("xbt_tracker_raw.log");
		f << m_server->time() << '\t' << inet_ntoa(m_a.sin_addr) << '\t' << ntohs(m_a.sin_port) << '\t' << v << std::endl;
	Ctracker_input ti;
	size_t e = v.find('?');
	if (e == std::string::npos)
		e = v.size();
		size_t a = e + 1;
		size_t b = v.find(' ', a);
		if (b == std::string::npos)
		while (a < b)
			size_t c = v.find('=', a);
			if (c++ == std::string::npos)
			size_t d = v.find_first_of(" &", c);
			if (d == std::string::npos)
			ti.set(v.substr(a, c - a - 1), uri_decode(v.substr(c, d - c)));
			a = d + 1;
	if (!ti.m_ipa || !is_private_ipa(m_a.sin_addr.s_addr))
		ti.m_ipa = m_a.sin_addr.s_addr;
	std::string torrent_pass0;
	size_t a = 4;
	if (a < e && v[a] == '/')
		if (a + 1 < e && v[a + 1] == '/')
			a += 2;
		if (a + 32 < e && v[a + 32] == '/')
			torrent_pass0 = v.substr(a, 32);
			a += 33;
			if (a + 40 < e && v[a + 40] == '/')
				a += 41;
	std::string h = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
	Cvirtual_binary s;
	bool gzip = true;
	switch (a < v.size() ? v[a] : 0)
	case 'a':
		if (!ti.valid())
		gzip = false;
		if (0)
			s = Cbvalue().d(bts_failure_reason, bts_banned_client).read();
			std::string error = m_server->insert_peer(ti, false, m_server->find_user_by_torrent_pass(torrent_pass0, ti.m_info_hash));
			s = error.empty() ? m_server->select_peers(ti) : Cbvalue().d(bts_failure_reason, error).read();
	case 'd':
		if (m_server->config().m_debug)
			gzip = m_server->config().m_gzip_debug;
			h += "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
			s = Cvirtual_binary(m_server->debug(ti));
	case 's':
		if (v.size() >= 7 && v[6] == 't')
			gzip = m_server->config().m_gzip_debug;
			h += "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\r\n";
			s = Cvirtual_binary(m_server->statistics());
		else if (m_server->config().m_full_scrape || ti.m_compact || !ti.m_info_hash.empty())
			gzip = m_server->config().m_gzip_scrape && !ti.m_compact && ti.m_info_hash.empty();
			s = m_server->scrape(ti);
	if (s.empty())
		if (!ti.m_peer_id.empty() || m_server->config().m_redirect_url.empty())
			h = "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n";
			h = "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"
				"Location: " + m_server->config().m_redirect_url + (ti.m_info_hash.empty() ? "" : "?info_hash=" + uri_encode(ti.m_info_hash)) + "\r\n";
	else if (gzip)
		Cvirtual_binary s2 = xcc_z::gzip(s);
#ifndef NDEBUG
		static std::ofstream f("xbt_tracker_gzip.log");
		f << m_server->time() << '\t' << v[5] << '\t' << s.size() << '\t' << s2.size() << std::endl;
		if (s2.size() + 24 < s.size())
			h += "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
			s = s2;
	h += "\r\n";
#ifdef WIN32
	m_write_b.resize(h.size() + s.size());
	memcpy(m_write_b.data_edit(),, h.size()); + h.size());
	int r = m_s.send(m_write_b);
	boost::array<iovec, 2> d;
	d[0].iov_base = const_cast<char*>(;
	d[0].iov_len = h.size();
	d[1].iov_base = const_cast<unsigned char*>(;
	d[1].iov_len = s.size();
	msghdr m;
	m.msg_name = NULL;
	m.msg_namelen = 0;
	m.msg_iov = const_cast<iovec*>(;
	m.msg_iovlen = d.size();
	m.msg_control = NULL;
	m.msg_controllen = 0;
	m.msg_flags = 0;
	int r = sendmsg(m_s, &m, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
	if (r == SOCKET_ERROR)
		if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAECONNRESET)
			std::cerr << "send failed: " << Csocket::error2a(WSAGetLastError()) << std::endl;
	else if (r != h.size() + s.size())
#ifndef WIN32
		if (r < h.size())
			m_write_b.resize(h.size() + s.size());
			memcpy(m_write_b.data_edit(),, h.size()); + h.size());
			m_write_b = s;
			r -= h.size();
		m_r = m_write_b;
		m_r += r;
	if (m_r.empty())
Esempio n. 10
File: uri.c Progetto: brain0/ipxe
 * Encode URI field string
 * @v field		URI field index
 * @v string		String
 * @v buf		Buffer
 * @v len		Length of buffer
 * @ret len		Length of encoded string (excluding NUL)
size_t uri_encode_string ( unsigned int field, const char *string,
                           char *buf, ssize_t len ) {

    return uri_encode ( field, string, strlen ( string ), buf, len );