int main(void){ usart_init(BAUDRATE); TCCR1A |= (1<<COM1A1)|(1<<COM1B1)|(1<<WGM11); TCCR1B |= (1<<WGM12)|(1<<WGM13)|(1<<CS10); ICR1=0xFFFF; sei(); #ifdef MASTER rx_check = 1; usart_write("atz0\r"); _delay_ms(500); usart_write("atn=lelamp"); _delay_ms(200); usart_write("atp=1234"); _delay_ms(200); usart_status.usart_ready = 0; rx_check = 0; #endif while(1){ if(usart_status.usart_ready){ uint16_t val = usart_rx_buffer[1]<<8|usart_rx_buffer[2]; if(usart_rx_buffer[0] == OA_NUM){ OCR1A = val; }else if(usart_rx_buffer[0] == OB_NUM){ OCR1B = val; }else{ //if command not found: echo. usart_write_str(usart_rx_buffer); } usart_status.usart_ready = 0; } } }
FRESULT play(FIL *fp) { UINT bytesread; FRESULT res; prepare_decoder(); do { WORD idx; res = f_read(fp, buf, 256, &bytesread); if ( res ) { usart_write_string("f_read failed :"); usart_write( (res / 10) + '0' ); usart_write( (res % 10) + '0' ); usart_write_cr(); return res; } if ( bytesread == 0 ) break; // usart_write_string("set 256 bytes..."); PORTD &= ~XDCS; idx = 0; do { do {} while (! (PIND & DREQ)); xchg_spi(buf[idx++]); } while (--bytesread); PORTD |= XDCS; // usart_write_string("done\r\n"); } while (1); usart_write_string("play done, reset vs1011e\r\n"); PORTD &= ~XRESET; return FR_OK; }
int main(void) { // clock prescaler CLKPR = BIT(CLKPCE); // enable prescaler change CLKPR = BITS(0b0000, CLKPS0); // divider 1 // disable JTAG - control F port MCUCR = BIT(JTD); MCUCR = BIT(JTD); // LED outputs bit_set(DDRF, LEDS); bit_set(PORTF, LEDS); // button inputs bit_clear(DDRD, BIT(BTN1) | BIT(BTN2)); // IO inputs bit_clear(DDRB, BIT(IO1)); bit_clear(DDRC, BIT(IO2)); // initialize comms usb_init(); usart_init(); // wait for USB configuration // while (!usb_configured()); _delay_ms(1000); // heartbeat timer (timer0) TCCR0A = BITS(0b10, WGM00); // CTC mode (mode 2) TCCR0B = BITS(0b101, CS00); // divider 1024 TIMSK0 = BIT(OCIE0A); // enable compare A on timer0 OCR0A = 250; // 62.5Hz TCNT0 = 0; sei(); // enable interrupts bit_clear(PORTF, BIT(LED2G)); /*uint8_t n; char buf[16];*/ while (1) { usart_write("3:s1\n"); usart_write("4:s-1\n"); _delay_ms(3000); usart_write("3:s-1\n"); usart_write("4:s1\n"); _delay_ms(3000); } }
int Ax12Class::move(unsigned char ID, long Position) { char Position_H,Position_L; Position_H = Position >> 8; // 16 bits - 2 x 8 bits variables Position_L = Position; TChecksum = (ID + AX_GOAL_LENGTH + AX_WRITE_DATA + AX_GOAL_POSITION_L + Position_L + Position_H); while ( TChecksum >= 255){ TChecksum -= 255; } Checksum = 255 - TChecksum; digitalWrite(Direction_Pin,HIGH); // Set Tx Mode usart_write(AX_START); // Send Instructions over Serial usart_write(AX_START); usart_write(ID); usart_write(AX_GOAL_LENGTH); usart_write(AX_WRITE_DATA); usart_write(AX_GOAL_POSITION_L); usart_write(Position_L); usart_write(Position_H); usart_write(Checksum); delayMicroseconds(TX_DELAY_TIME); digitalWrite(Direction_Pin,LOW); // Set Rx Mode return (read_error()); // Return the read error }
/* Sends a query/response over a serial communication */ static int modbus_send(uint8_t *query, int query_length) { uint16_t s_crc; int i; s_crc = crc16(query, query_length); for (i = 0; i < query_length; i++) { usart_write(query[i]); } // zum Schluss die CRC senden usart_write(s_crc >> 8); usart_write(s_crc & 0x00FF); return i; }
/** * \ingroup usartcmdline * \b ADC-Befehl analoge Werte der AD-Wandler anzeigen */ int16_t command_ADC(char *outbuffer) { if (outbuffer) // nur bei USART return cmd_502(outbuffer); #if USE_ADC int8_t i; for (i=0; i<MAX_VAR_ARRAY; i++) { usart_write("\r\nADC-Kanal(%i) = %i",i,var_array[i]); } usart_write("\r\n"); #endif return 0; }
int main() { char str[1024] = {0}; int len = 0; SysTick_Config(720000); usart_init(); usart_write("Hello, rnrOS!\r\n", 15); while (1){ len = usart_read(str, 1024); usart_write(str, len); len = 0; } }
void main_task(void *args) { uint8_t buf = 0; usart_write(DEBUG_USART, (uint8_t *)"Enter some text:\r\n", 18); for(;;) { usart_read(DEBUG_USART, &buf, 1); usart_write(DEBUG_USART, &buf, 1); if (buf == '\r') { buf = '\n'; usart_write(DEBUG_USART, &buf, 1); } } }
void xb_nonvolatile(char *rs) { /* Commit changes to the Xbee to non-volatile memory. */ usart_text("ATWR"); usart_write('\r'); xb_response(rs); }
void xb_exit_command(char *rs) { /* Leave XBee command mode. */ usart_text("ATCN"); usart_write('\r'); xb_response(rs); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //print Time void command_time (void) { // unsigned char hh = (time/3600)%24; // unsigned char mm = (time/60)%60; // unsigned char ss = time %60; usart_write ("\n\rTIME: %2i:%2i:%2i\r\n",hh,mm,ss); }
void usart_put_command(command_t cmd) { usart_putword(cmd.code); usart_putword(cmd.length); if (cmd.length > 0) usart_write(, cmd.length); }
// Prints a series of ascii characters on the serial port for the specified SerialInstance. void serial_instance_print(SerialInstance* instance, char* string) { while (*string) // Unsafe & exploitable { usart_write(&instance->_Usart, *string++); } }
/** * \brief Send a char to ISO7816. * * \param uc_char Char to be sent. * * \return status of US_CSR. */ static uint32_t iso7816_send_char(uint8_t uc_char) { uint32_t ul_status; if (USART_RCV == gs_uc_state) { usart_reset_status(ISO7816_USART); usart_reset_iterations(ISO7816_USART); usart_reset_nack(ISO7816_USART); gs_uc_state = USART_SEND; } /* Wait USART ready for transmit. */ while ((usart_get_status(ISO7816_USART) & US_CSR_TXRDY) == 0) { } /* There is no character in the US_THR, transmit a char. */ usart_write(ISO7816_USART, uc_char); ul_status = usart_get_status(ISO7816_USART) & (US_CSR_OVRE | US_CSR_FRAME | US_CSR_PARE | US_CSR_TIMEOUT | US_CSR_NACK | US_CSR_ITER); if (ul_status != 0) { /** There are errors happened, reset the status bit. */ usart_reset_status(ISO7816_USART); } /* Return status. */ return (ul_status); }
void usart_print( char *msg ) { int len = strlen( msg ); for ( int c = 0; c < len; c++ ) usart_write( (uint8_t)*msg++ ); }
int main(void) { u8 cnt; board_setup(); configure_leds(C); light_leds(C, 0x0); enable_interrupt(0, IT_RAISING_EDGE); enable_interrupt(1, IT_LEVEL); usart_init(9600); sei(); light_leds(C, 0x1); { u8 hw[] = "HELLO WORLD\n"; usart_write(hw, sizeof(hw)-1); } for (;;) { int_clear_ack(0); int_clear_ack(1); led_cbk[cur_led_cbk](); _delay_ms(1000); } return 0; }
size_t usart_print(usart * usx, const char * s) { size_t n = 0; while (*s) { usart_write(usx, (uint16_t) *s++); n++; } return n; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //print/edit NTP Server IP void command_ntp (void) { #if USE_NTP write_eeprom_ip(NTP_IP_EEPROM_STORE); (*((unsigned long*)&ntp_server_ip[0])) = get_eeprom_value(NTP_IP_EEPROM_STORE,NTP_IP); usart_write("NTP_Server: %1i.%1i.%1i.%1i\r\n",ntp_server_ip[0],ntp_server_ip[1],ntp_server_ip[2],ntp_server_ip[3]); #endif //USE_NTP }
/** * \ingroup tcpcmdcommon * \b Ver-Befehl zeige enc28j60 chip version */ int16_t command_ver (char *outbuffer) { #if USE_ENC28J60 if (outbuffer) { sprintf_P(outbuffer,PSTR("250 ok. ENC28J60-Version: %1x\r\n"), enc28j60_revision); return strlen(outbuffer); } else { usart_write("ENC28J60-Version: %1x\r\n", enc28j60_revision); return 0; } #endif #if USE_RTL8019 usart_write("RTL8019 Ethernetcard\r\n"); #endif }
//Routine für das schreiben eines Puffers uint8_t usart_write_buffer(const uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) { while (len-->0) { uint8_t retval = usart_write(*buffer++); if (retval!=0x80) return len; } return len; }
//Routine für das schreiben eines Puffers aus dem Programmspeicher uint8_t usart_write_buffer_p(const uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) { while (len-->0) { uint8_t retval = usart_write(pgm_read_byte(buffer++)); if (retval!=0x80) return len; } return len; }
unsigned int usart_printf(const char* fmt, ...) { char buf[255]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); int length = vsnprintf(buf, 255, fmt, va); va_end(va); return usart_write(buf, length); }
/** * \ingroup usartcmdline * \b TCP-Befehl zeige TCP-Tabelle */ int16_t command_tcp (char *outbuffer) { if (outbuffer) // momentan nur bei USART return cmd_502(outbuffer); for (unsigned char index = 0;index<MAX_TCP_ENTRY;index++) { usart_write("%2i",index); usart_write(" IP:%3i",(tcp_entry[index].ip&0x000000FF)); usart_write(".%3i",((tcp_entry[index].ip&0x0000FF00)>>8)); usart_write(".%3i",((tcp_entry[index].ip&0x00FF0000)>>16)); usart_write(".%3i",((tcp_entry[index].ip&0xFF000000)>>24)); usart_write(" SRC_PORT:%4i",HTONS(tcp_entry[index].src_port)); usart_write(" DEST_PORT:%4i",HTONS(tcp_entry[index].dest_port)); usart_write(" Time:%4i\r\n",tcp_entry[index].time); } return 0; }
//void xb_set_reg(const char *command, char *rs) void xb_set_reg(char *command, char *rs) { /* Write value to an XBee register. * Returns OK or maybe ERROR. */ usart_text("AT"); usart_text(command); usart_write('\r'); xb_response(rs); }
/** Write character. */ int usart_putc (usart_t usart, char ch) { int ret; ret = usart_write (usart, &ch, 1); if (ret == 1) return ch; return ret; }
//void xb_get_reg(const char *command, char *rs) void xb_get_reg(char *command, char *rs) { /* Read the value of an XBee register. * Returns a value of the register or * maybe ERROR. */ usart_text("AT"); usart_text(command); usart_write('\r'); xb_response(rs); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // print Temperaturen void command_ow (void) { // ist schon in main.c erwähnt !!! // Speicherplatz für 1-wire Sensorwerte extern volatile int16_t ow_array[MAXSENSORS]; uint8_t i; int16_t TWert; for(i=0; i<MAXSENSORS; i++) { TWert = ow_array[i]; usart_write ("Sensor %i: ",i); // Vorzeichen if ( ow_array[i] < 0 ) { usart_write ("-"); TWert *= (-1); } usart_write ("%i,%i\r\n",(TWert/10),(TWert%10)); } }
/** * \ingroup usartcmdline * \b OW-Befehl T-Werte der fixen DS18x20 anzeigen */ int16_t command_OWread(char *outbuffer) { if (outbuffer) // nur bei USART return cmd_502(outbuffer); #if USE_OW uint8_t i; lese_Temperatur(); usart_write("\r\nFixed T-Sensor Werte:"); for (i=0; i<MAXSENSORS; i++) { usart_write("\r\n%i: %i",(i+1),ow_array[i]); } usart_write("\r\n"); #endif return 0; }
/** Write formatted output to the debug UART. */ void debug_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char buf[128]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); usart_write(DEBUG_UART, (uint8_t *)buf, strlen(buf)); va_end(ap); }
/** * \ingroup tcpcmdcommon * \b MAC-Befehl zeige eigene MAC-Adresse */ int16_t command_mac (char *outbuffer) { if (outbuffer) { sprintf_P(outbuffer,PSTR("250 ok. My MAC: %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\r\n"),mymac[0],mymac[1],mymac[2],mymac[3],mymac[4],mymac[5]); return strlen(outbuffer); } else { usart_write("My MAC: %2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x\r\n",mymac[0],mymac[1],mymac[2],mymac[3],mymac[4],mymac[5]); return 0; } }