JobHistoryView::~JobHistoryView() { IniConfig & ini = userConfig(); ini.pushSection( "JobHistoryView" ); //saveTreeView( ini, job_history_columns ); ini.popSection(); }
void saveAssetTree( RecordTreeView * lv ) { IniConfig & cfg = userConfig(); cfg.pushSection( "BachAssetList" ); lv->saveTreeView(cfg,AssetColumns); cfg.popSection(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BachKeywordView::saveState() { IniConfig & cfg = userConfig(); cfg.pushSection( "BachKeywordView" ); saveTreeView( cfg,KeywordColumns ); cfg.popSection(); }
bool LoadMenuSetup(int user_number) { if (!pSecondUserRec) { MenuSysopLog("Mem Error"); return false; } UnloadMenuSetup(); if (!user_number) { return false; } File userConfig(syscfg.datadir, CONFIG_USR); if (!userConfig.Exists()) { return false; } WUser user; application()->users()->ReadUser(&user, user_number); if (userConfig.Open(File::modeReadOnly | File::modeBinary)) { userConfig.Seek(user_number * sizeof(user_config), File::seekBegin); int len = userConfig.Read(pSecondUserRec, sizeof(user_config)); userConfig.Close(); if (len != sizeof(user_config) || !IsEqualsIgnoreCase(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pSecondUserRec->name), user.GetName())) { memset(pSecondUserRec, 0, sizeof(user_config)); strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pSecondUserRec->name), user.GetName()); return 0; } nSecondUserRecLoaded = user_number; return true; } return false; }
void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ce ) { IniConfig & cfg = userConfig(); cfg.pushSection( "MainWindow" ); cfg.writeString( "FrameGeometry", QString("%1,%2,%3,%4").arg( pos().x() ).arg( pos().y() ).arg( size().width() ).arg( size().height() ) ); cfg.popSection(); QMainWindow::closeEvent(ce); }
void ViewColors::readColors() { IniConfig & c = userConfig(); c.pushSection( mViewName ); for( int i=0; i<mColors.size(); i++ ) { ColorOption & co = mColors[i]; co.fg = c.readColor( co.role + "fg", co.fg ); = c.readColor( co.role + "bg", ); } c.popSection(); }
void JobHistoryView::setupModel() { if( !mModel ) { mModel = new RecordSuperModel(this); RecordDataTranslator * rdt = new RecordDataTranslator(mModel->treeBuilder()); rdt->setRecordColumnList(QStringList() << "key" << "fkeyjob" << "fkeyhost" << "message" << "fkeyuser" << "created"); setModel( mModel ); IniConfig & ini = userConfig(); ini.pushSection( "JobHistoryView" ); setupTreeView( ini, job_history_columns ); ini.popSection(); } }
/*! Saves any changes to the profile and character sets it contains. Note that any changes to the character sets are stored separately to the system character sets. This allows the user to revert back to a system character using the handwriting settings application. */ void QIMPenProfile::save() const { QSettings usrConfig("Trolltech",userConfig()); usrConfig.beginGroup("Settings"); usrConfig.setValue("MultiTimeout", msTimeout); if (tstyle) usrConfig.setValue("Style", pstyle == BothCases ? "BothCases" : "ToggleCases" ); if (istyle) usrConfig.setValue("IgnoreTimeout", isTimeout); // each set knows if its modified. if (!sets.isEmpty()) saveData(); }
void QIMPenProfile::load() { #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION static int translation_installed = 0; if (!translation_installed) { QtopiaApplication::loadTranslations("libqmstroke"); translation_installed++; } #endif QTranslatableSettings config(filename, QSettings::IniFormat); config.beginGroup( "Handwriting" ); pname = config.value( "Name" ).toString(); pdesc = config.value( "Description" ).toString(); tstyle = config.value( "CanSelectStyle", false ).toBool(); istyle = config.value( "CanIgnoreStroke", false ).toBool(); config.endGroup(); config.beginGroup( "Settings" ); pstyle = BothCases; QString s = config.value( "Style", "BothCases" ).toString(); if ( s == "ToggleCases" ) pstyle = ToggleCases; msTimeout = config.value( "MultiTimeout", 500 ).toInt(); isTimeout = config.value( "IgnoreTimeout", 200 ).toInt(); // Read user configuration QSettings usrConfig("Trolltech",userConfig()); usrConfig.beginGroup( "Settings" ); msTimeout = usrConfig.value( "MultiTimeout", msTimeout ).toInt(); if ( tstyle && usrConfig.contains( "Style" ) ) { pstyle = BothCases; QString s = usrConfig.value( "Style", "BothCases" ).toString(); if ( s == "ToggleCases" ) pstyle = ToggleCases; } if ( istyle && usrConfig.contains( "IgnoreTimeout" ) ) { isTimeout = usrConfig.value( "IgnoreTimeout", isTimeout ).toInt(); } }
void WriteMenuSetup(int user_number) { if (!user_number) { return; } WUser user; application()->users()->ReadUser(&user, user_number); strcpy(pSecondUserRec->name, user.GetName()); File userConfig(syscfg.datadir, CONFIG_USR); if (!userConfig.Open(File::modeReadWrite | File::modeBinary | File::modeCreateFile)) { return; } userConfig.Seek(user_number * sizeof(user_config), File::seekBegin); userConfig.Write(pSecondUserRec, sizeof(user_config)); userConfig.Close(); }
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int result=0; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, true, L"FreezerSingleProcessMutex"); if (hMutex == NULL) { LOG_5( "Error: Couldn't create mutex, exiting" ); return false; } if( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { LOG_5( "Error: Another process owns the mutex, exiting" ); QList<int> pids; if( pidsByName( "freezer.exe", &pids ) ) { int otherProcessId = pids[0]; if( otherProcessId == processID() ) { if( pids.size() < 2 ) return false; otherProcessId = pids[1]; } LOG_5( "Trying to find window with process pid of " + QString::number( otherProcessId ) ); EnumWindows( AFEnumWindowsProc, LPARAM(otherProcessId) ); } return false; } QLibrary excdll( "exchndl.dll" ); if( !excdll.load() ) { qWarning( excdll.errorString().toLatin1().constData() ); } disableWindowsErrorReporting( "assburner.exe" ); #endif signal(SIGSEGV, oops_handler); signal(SIGABRT, oops_handler); QApplication a(argc, argv); if( !initConfig( "freezer.ini" ) ) { #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // Fallback if the config file does not exist in the current folder if( !initConfig( "/etc/ab/freezer.ini" ) ) #endif return -1; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QString cp = "h:/public/" + getUserName() + "/Blur"; if( !QDir( cp ).exists() ) cp = "C:/Documents and Settings/" + getUserName(); initUserConfig( cp + "/freezer.ini" ); #else initUserConfig( QDir::homePath() + "/.freezer" ); #endif initStone( argc, argv ); classes_loader(); initStoneGui(); { JobList showJobs; bool showTime = false; QString currentView; QStringList loadViewFiles; for( int i = 1; i<argc; i++ ){ QString arg( argv[i] ); if( arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" ) { LOG_1( QString("Freezer v") + VERSION ); LOG_1( "Options:" ); LOG_1( "-current-render" ); LOG_1( "\tShow the current job that is rendering on this machine\n" ); LOG_1( "-show-time" ); LOG_1( "\tOutputs summary of time executed for all sql statement at program close\n" ); LOG_1( "-user USER" ); LOG_1( "\tSet the logged in user to USER: Requires Admin Privs" ); LOG_1( "-current-view VIEWNAME" ); LOG_1( "\tMake VIEWNAME the active view, once they are all loaded" ); LOG_1( "-load-view FILE" ); LOG_1( "\tRead a saved view config from FILE" ); LOG_1( stoneOptionsHelp() ); return 0; } else if( arg.endsWith("-show-time") ) showTime = true; else if( arg.endsWith( "-current-render" ) ) { showJobs = Host::currentHost().activeAssignments().jobs(); } else if( arg.endsWith("-user") && (i+1 < argc) ) { QString impersonate( argv[++i] ); if( User::hasPerms( "User", true ) ) // If you can edit users, you can login as anyone User::setCurrentUser( impersonate ); } else if( arg.endsWith("-current-view") && (i+1 < argc) ) { currentView = QString( argv[++i] ); } else if( arg.endsWith("-load-view") && (i+1 < argc) ) { loadViewFiles << QString(argv[++i]); } } // Share the database across threads, each with their own connection FreezerCore::setDatabaseForThread( classesDb(), Connection::createFromIni( config(), "Database" ) ); { loadPythonPlugins(); MainWindow m; IniConfig & cfg = userConfig(); cfg.pushSection( "MainWindow" ); QStringList fg = cfg.readString( "FrameGeometry", "" ).split(','); cfg.popSection(); if( fg.size()==4 ) { m.resize( QSize( fg[2].toInt(), fg[3].toInt() ) ); m.move( QPoint( fg[0].toInt(), fg[1].toInt() ) ); } if( showJobs.size() ) m.jobPage()->setJobList( showJobs ); foreach( QString viewFile, loadViewFiles ) m.loadViewFromFile( viewFile ); if( !currentView.isEmpty() ) m.setCurrentView( currentView );; result = a.exec(); if( showTime ){ Database * tm = Database::current(); LOG_5( " Sql Time Elapsed" ); LOG_5( "| Select | Update | Insert | Delete | Total |" ); LOG_5( "-----------------------------------------------" ); LOG_5( QString( "| %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 |\n") .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlSelect ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlUpdate ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlInsert ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime( Table::SqlDelete ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedSqlTime() ) ); LOG_5( " Index Time Elapsed" ); LOG_5( "| Added | Updated | Incoming | Deleted | Search | Total |" ); LOG_5( "-----------------------------------------------" ); LOG_5( QString( "| %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 |\n") .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexAdded ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexUpdated ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexIncoming ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexRemoved ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime( Table::IndexSearch ) ) .arg( tm->elapsedIndexTime() ) ); tm->printStats(); } } } shutdown(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN CloseHandle( hMutex ); #endif return result; }