Esempio n. 1
static void TestGetRulesAndSourceSet() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UTransliterator *utrans = utrans_openU(transSimpleID, -1, UTRANS_FORWARD, NULL, 0, NULL, &status);
    if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
        USet* uset;
        UChar ubuf[kUBufMax];
        int32_t ulen;

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        ulen = utrans_toRules(utrans, FALSE, ubuf, kUBufMax, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || ulen <= 50 || ulen >= 100) {
            log_err("FAIL: utrans_toRules unescaped, expected noErr and len 50-100, got error=%s and len=%d\n",
                    u_errorName(status), ulen);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        ulen = utrans_toRules(utrans, FALSE, NULL, 0, &status);
        if ( status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || ulen <= 50 || ulen >= 100) {
            log_err("FAIL: utrans_toRules unescaped, expected U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR and len 50-100, got error=%s and len=%d\n",
                    u_errorName(status), ulen);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        ulen = utrans_toRules(utrans, TRUE, ubuf, kUBufMax, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || ulen <= 100 || ulen >= 200) {
            log_err("FAIL: utrans_toRules escaped, expected noErr and len 100-200, got error=%s and len=%d\n",
                    u_errorName(status), ulen);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        uset = utrans_getSourceSet(utrans, FALSE, NULL, &status);
        ulen = uset_toPattern(uset, ubuf, kUBufMax, FALSE, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || ulen <= 4 || ulen >= 20) {
            log_err("FAIL: utrans_getSourceSet useFilter, expected noErr and len 4-20, got error=%s and len=%d\n",
                    u_errorName(status), ulen);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        uset = utrans_getSourceSet(utrans, TRUE, NULL, &status);
        ulen = uset_toPattern(uset, ubuf, kUBufMax, FALSE, &status);
        if ( U_FAILURE(status) || ulen <= 4 || ulen >= 20) {
            log_err("FAIL: utrans_getSourceSet ignoreFilter, expected noErr and len 4-20, got error=%s and len=%d\n",
                    u_errorName(status), ulen);

    } else {
        log_data_err("FAIL: utrans_openRules(%s) failed, error=%s (Are you missing data?)\n",
                transSimpleCName, u_errorName(status));
Esempio n. 2
static void expectItems(const USet* set,
                        const char* items) {
    const char* p = items;
    UChar ustr[4096], itemStr[4096];
    char buf[4096];
    char *pat;
    UErrorCode ec;
    int32_t expectedSize = 0;
    int32_t itemCount = uset_getItemCount(set);
    int32_t itemIndex = 0;
    UChar32 start = 1, end = 0;
    int32_t itemLen = 0, length;

    ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    length = uset_toPattern(set, ustr, sizeof(ustr), TRUE, &ec);
    if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
        log_err("FAIL: uset_toPattern => %s\n", u_errorName(ec));
    pat=aescstrdup(ustr, length);

    if (uset_isEmpty(set) != (strlen(items)==0)) {
        log_data_err("FAIL: %s should return %s from isEmpty (Are you missing data?)\n",
                strlen(items)==0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

    /* Don't test patterns starting with "[^" */
    if (u_strlen(ustr) > 2 && ustr[1] == 0x5e /*'^'*/) {

    while (*p) {


        if (start > end || start == -1) {
            /* Fetch our next item */
            if (itemIndex >= itemCount) {
                log_data_err("FAIL: ran out of items iterating %s (Are you missing data?)\n", pat);

            itemLen = uset_getItem(set, itemIndex, &start, &end,
                                   itemStr, sizeof(itemStr), &ec);
            if (U_FAILURE(ec) || itemLen < 0) {
                log_err("FAIL: uset_getItem => %s\n", u_errorName(ec));

            if (itemLen == 0) {
                log_verbose("Ok: %s item %d is %c-%c\n", pat,
                            itemIndex, oneUCharToChar(start),
            } else {
                itemStr[itemLen] = 0;
                u_UCharsToChars(itemStr, buf, itemLen+1);
                log_verbose("Ok: %s item %d is \"%s\"\n", pat, itemIndex, buf);


        if (*p=='{') {
            const char* stringStart = ++p;
            int32_t stringLength = 0;
            char strCopy[64];

            while (*p++ != '}') {
            stringLength = (int32_t)(p - stringStart - 1);
            strncpy(strCopy, stringStart, stringLength);
            strCopy[stringLength] = 0;

            u_charsToUChars(stringStart, ustr, stringLength);
            ustr[stringLength] = 0;
            if (itemLen == 0) {
                log_err("FAIL: for %s expect \"%s\" next, but got a char\n",
                        pat, strCopy);

            if (u_strcmp(ustr, itemStr) != 0) {
                log_err("FAIL: for %s expect \"%s\" next\n",
                        pat, strCopy);

        else {
            UChar32 c;

            u_charsToUChars(p, ustr, 1);
            c = ustr[0];

            if (itemLen != 0) {
                log_err("FAIL: for %s expect '%c' next, but got a string\n",
                        pat, *p);

            if (c != start++) {
                log_err("FAIL: for %s expect '%c' next\n",
                        pat, *p);


    if (uset_size(set) == expectedSize) {
        log_verbose("Ok: %s size is %d\n", pat, expectedSize);
    } else {
        log_err("FAIL: %s size is %d, expected %d\n",
                pat, uset_size(set), expectedSize);
Esempio n. 3
static void expectContainment(const USet* set,
                              const char* list,
                              UBool isIn) {
    const char* p = list;
    UChar ustr[4096];
    char *pat;
    UErrorCode ec;
    int32_t rangeStart = -1, rangeEnd = -1, length;
    ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    length = uset_toPattern(set, ustr, sizeof(ustr), TRUE, &ec);
    if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
        log_err("FAIL: uset_toPattern() fails in expectContainment() - %s\n", u_errorName(ec));
    pat=aescstrdup(ustr, length);

    while (*p) {
        if (*p=='{') {
            const char* stringStart = ++p;
            int32_t stringLength = 0;
            char strCopy[64];

            while (*p++ != '}') {
            stringLength = (int32_t)(p - stringStart - 1);
            strncpy(strCopy, stringStart, stringLength);
            strCopy[stringLength] = 0;

            u_charsToUChars(stringStart, ustr, stringLength);
            if (uset_containsString(set, ustr, stringLength) == isIn) {
                log_verbose("Ok: %s %s \"%s\"\n", pat,
                            (isIn ? "contains" : "does not contain"),
            } else {
                log_data_err("FAIL: %s %s \"%s\" (Are you missing data?)\n", pat,
                        (isIn ? "does not contain" : "contains"),

        else {
            UChar32 c;

            u_charsToUChars(p, ustr, 1);
            c = ustr[0];

            if (uset_contains(set, c) == isIn) {
                log_verbose("Ok: %s %s '%c'\n", pat,
                            (isIn ? "contains" : "does not contain"),
            } else {
                log_data_err("FAIL: %s %s '%c' (Are you missing data?)\n", pat,
                        (isIn ? "does not contain" : "contains"),

            /* Test the range API too by looking for ranges */
            if (c == rangeEnd+1) {
                rangeEnd = c;
            } else {
                if (rangeStart >= 0) {
                    if (uset_containsRange(set, rangeStart, rangeEnd) == isIn) {
                        log_verbose("Ok: %s %s U+%04X-U+%04X\n", pat,
                                    (isIn ? "contains" : "does not contain"),
                                    rangeStart, rangeEnd);
                    } else {
                        log_data_err("FAIL: %s %s U+%04X-U+%04X (Are you missing data?)\n", pat,
                                (isIn ? "does not contain" : "contains"),
                                rangeStart, rangeEnd);
                rangeStart = rangeEnd = c;


    if (rangeStart >= 0) {
        if (uset_containsRange(set, rangeStart, rangeEnd) == isIn) {
            log_verbose("Ok: %s %s U+%04X-U+%04X\n", pat,
                        (isIn ? "contains" : "does not contain"),
                        rangeStart, rangeEnd);
        } else {
            log_data_err("FAIL: %s %s U+%04X-U+%04X (Are you missing data?)\n", pat,
                    (isIn ? "does not contain" : "contains"),
                    rangeStart, rangeEnd);