Esempio n. 1
/* Truncate the msg to the width by placing ellipsis in the middle and put the
 * result to the buffer. */
static void
truncate_with_ellipsis(const char msg[], size_t width, char buffer[])
	const size_t screen_len = utf8_strsw(msg);
	const size_t screen_left_len = (width - 3)/2;
	const size_t screen_right_len = (width - 3) - screen_left_len;
	const size_t left = utf8_nstrsnlen(msg, screen_left_len);
	const size_t right = utf8_nstrsnlen(msg, screen_len - screen_right_len);
	strncpy(buffer, msg, left);
	strcpy(buffer + left, "...");
	strcpy(buffer + left + 3, msg + right);
	assert(utf8_strsw(buffer) == width);
Esempio n. 2
static void
column_line_print(const void *data, int column_id, const char buf[],
		size_t offset, AlignType align)
	strncpy(print_buffer +
			utf8_nstrsnlen(print_buffer, offset), buf, strlen(buf));
Esempio n. 3
/* Draws box and title of the menu. */
static void
draw_menu_frame(const menu_state_t *m)
	const size_t title_len = getmaxx(menu_win) - 2*4;
	const char *const suffix = menu_and_view_are_in_sync(m->d, m->view)
	                         ? ""
	                         : replace_home_part(m->d->cwd);
	const char *const at = (suffix[0] == '\0' ? "" : " @ ");
	char *const title = format_str("%s%s%s", m->d->title, at, suffix);

	if(utf8_strsw(title) > title_len)
		const size_t len = utf8_nstrsnlen(title, title_len - 3);
		strcpy(title + len, "...");

	box(menu_win, 0, 0);
	wattron(menu_win, A_BOLD);
	checked_wmove(menu_win, 0, 3);
	wprint(menu_win, " ");
	wprint(menu_win, title);
	wprint(menu_win, " ");
	wattroff(menu_win, A_BOLD);

Esempio n. 4
TEST(length_is_less_or_equal_to_string_length, IF(utf8_locale))
	const char *str = "01 R\366yksopp - You Know I Have To Go (\326z"
	                  "g\374r \326zkan 5 AM Edit).mp3";
	const size_t len = strlen(str);
	size_t i;

	for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
		assert_true(utf8_nstrsnlen(str, i) <= i);
Esempio n. 5
/* Prints item prefixed with a label truncating the item if it's too long.
 * Returns increment for curr_y. */
static int
print_item(const char label[], const char path[], int curr_y)
	const int max_width = getmaxx(menu_win) - strlen(label) - 2;
	const size_t print_len = utf8_nstrsnlen(path, max_width);

	mvwaddstr(menu_win, curr_y, 2, label);
	if(path[print_len] == '\0')
		wprint(menu_win, path);
		char path_buf[PATH_MAX];
		copy_str(path_buf, MIN(sizeof(path_buf), print_len + 1), path);
		wprint(menu_win, path_buf);

	return 2;
Esempio n. 6
/* Draws single menu item at position specified by line argument.  Non-zero
 * clear argument suppresses drawing current items in different color. */
static void
draw_menu_item(menu_state_t *ms, int pos, int line, int clear)
	menu_data_t *const m = ms->d;
	int i;
	int off;
	char *item_tail;
	const int width = (curr_stats.load_stage == 0) ? 100 : getmaxx(menu_win) - 2;

	/* Calculate color for the line. */
	int attrs;
	col_attr_t col = cfg.cs.color[WIN_COLOR];
	if(cfg.hl_search && ms->search_highlight &&
			ms->matches != NULL && ms->matches[pos][0] >= 0)
		cs_mix_colors(&col, &cfg.cs.color[SELECTED_COLOR]);
	if(!clear && pos == m->pos)
		cs_mix_colors(&col, &cfg.cs.color[CURR_LINE_COLOR]);
	attrs = COLOR_PAIR(colmgr_get_pair(col.fg, | col.attr;

	/* Calculate offset of m->hor_pos's character in item text. */
	off = 0;
	i = m->hor_pos;
	while(i-- > 0 && m->items[pos][off] != '\0')
		off += utf8_chrw(m->items[pos] + off);

	item_tail = strdup(m->items[pos] + off);
	replace_char(item_tail, '\t', ' ');

	wattron(menu_win, attrs);

	/* Clear the area. */
	checked_wmove(menu_win, line, 1);
	if(curr_stats.load_stage != 0)
		wprintw(menu_win, "%*s", width, "");

	/* Draw visible part of item. */
	checked_wmove(menu_win, line, 2);
	if(utf8_strsw(item_tail) > (size_t)(width - 2))
		void *p;
		const size_t len = utf8_nstrsnlen(item_tail, width - 3 - 2 + 1);
		memset(item_tail + len, ' ', strlen(item_tail) - len);
		p = realloc(item_tail, len + 4);
		if(p != NULL)
			item_tail = p;
			strcpy(item_tail + len - 1, "...");
		wprint(menu_win, item_tail);
		const size_t len = utf8_nstrsnlen(item_tail, width - 2 + 1);
		item_tail[len] = '\0';
		wprint(menu_win, item_tail);

	wattroff(menu_win, attrs);

	if(ms->search_highlight && ms->matches != NULL && ms->matches[pos][0] >= 0)
		draw_search_match(item_tail, ms->matches[pos][0] - m->hor_pos,
				ms->matches[pos][1] - m->hor_pos, line, width, attrs);
