Esempio n. 1
bool stringlist_iget_as_bool( const stringlist_type * stringlist, int index, bool * valid) {
  const char * string_value = stringlist_iget( stringlist, index);
  bool value = false;

  if (valid != NULL)
    *valid = false;

  if (util_sscanf_bool(string_value , &value))
    if (valid != NULL)
      *valid = true;

  return value;
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path   = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * init_file   = argv[3];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[4];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file );
  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
  test_work_area_install_file( work_area , init_file );
  test_work_area_set_store(work_area, true); 
  bool strict = true;
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
  enkf_fs_type * init_fs = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);
  enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
  run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( init_fs , 0 ,0 , "simulations/run0");
  enkf_node_type * field_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "PORO" );
  bool forward_init;
  test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));
  test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( field_node ) , forward_init );
  test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
  util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
  create_runpath( enkf_main );
  test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));

  if (forward_init)
    util_copy_file( init_file , "simulations/run0/petro.grdecl");

    bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( enkf_main_get_ensemble_size(enkf_main) , true);
    int error = 0;
    stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();  
    enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg ,  &error , false , msg_list );
    stringlist_free( msg_list );
    bool_vector_free( iactive );
    test_assert_int_equal(error, 0); 


  run_arg_free( run_arg );
Esempio n. 3
void ensemble_config_init_SURFACE( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config ) {
  const config_content_item_type * item = config_get_content_item( config , SURFACE_KEY );
  if (item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      const char * key           = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
        hash_type * options = hash_alloc();  /* INIT_FILE:<init_files>  OUTPUT_FILE:<outfile>  BASE_SURFACE:<base_file> */
        config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , options , 1 );
          const char * init_file_fmt   = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char * output_file     = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_FILE_KEY);
          const char * base_surface    = hash_safe_get( options , BASE_SURFACE_KEY);
          const char * min_std_file    = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY);
          const char *  forward_string = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;
          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          if ((init_file_fmt == NULL) || (output_file == NULL) || (base_surface == NULL)) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** error: when entering a surface you must provide arguments:\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:/path/to/input/files%%d  \n",INIT_FILES_KEY);
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:name_of_output_file\n", OUTPUT_FILE_KEY);
            fprintf(stderr,"**   %s:base_surface_file\n",BASE_SURFACE_KEY);
            enkf_config_node_type * config_node = ensemble_config_add_surface( ensemble_config , key , forward_init);
            enkf_config_node_update_surface( config_node , base_surface , init_file_fmt , output_file , min_std_file );
        hash_free( options );
int main( int argc , char ** argv) {
    const char * case1 = argv[1];
    const char * case2 = argv[2];
    const char * compatible_string = argv[3];
    bool compatible;
    ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum1 = ecl_sum_fread_alloc_case( case1 , ":");
    ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum2 = ecl_sum_fread_alloc_case( case2 , ":");

    test_assert_true( ecl_sum_is_instance( ecl_sum1 ));
    test_assert_true( ecl_sum_is_instance( ecl_sum2 ));
    test_assert_true( ecl_sum_report_step_compatible( ecl_sum1 , ecl_sum1) );
    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( compatible_string , &compatible ));

    test_assert_true( ecl_sum_report_step_compatible( ecl_sum1 , ecl_sum1) );
    test_assert_true( ecl_sum_report_step_compatible( ecl_sum2 , ecl_sum2) );
    test_assert_bool_equal( compatible , ecl_sum_report_step_compatible( ecl_sum1 , ecl_sum2 ));

    ecl_sum_free( ecl_sum1 );
    ecl_sum_free( ecl_sum2 );
Esempio n. 5
bool config_schema_item_valid_string(config_item_types value_type , const char * value)
  switch(value_type) {
    return util_sscanf_isodate( value , NULL );
    return util_sscanf_int( value , NULL );
    return util_sscanf_double( value , NULL );
    return util_sscanf_bool( value , NULL );
    return util_sscanf_bytesize( value , NULL);
    return true;
Esempio n. 6
void plot_config_init(plot_config_type * plot_config , const config_type * config ) {
  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_PATH_KEY))
    plot_config_set_path( plot_config , config_get_value( config , PLOT_PATH_KEY ));

  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_DRIVER_KEY))
    plot_config_set_driver( plot_config , config_get_value( config , PLOT_DRIVER_KEY ));
  if (config_item_set( config , IMAGE_VIEWER_KEY))
    plot_config_set_viewer( plot_config , config_get_value( config , IMAGE_VIEWER_KEY ));

  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_DRIVER_KEY))
    plot_config_set_driver( plot_config , config_get_value( config , PLOT_DRIVER_KEY ));
  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_ERRORBAR_MAX_KEY))
    plot_config_set_errorbar_max( plot_config , config_get_value_as_int( config , PLOT_ERRORBAR_MAX_KEY ));
  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_ERRORBAR_KEY))
    plot_config_set_plot_errorbar( plot_config , config_get_value_as_bool( config , PLOT_ERRORBAR_KEY ));  

  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_HEIGHT_KEY))
    plot_config_set_height( plot_config , config_get_value_as_int( config , PLOT_HEIGHT_KEY ));

  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_WIDTH_KEY))
    plot_config_set_width( plot_config , config_get_value_as_int( config , PLOT_WIDTH_KEY ));

  if (config_item_set( config , PLOT_REFCASE_KEY)) {
    const char * plot_refcase_string = config_get_value( config , PLOT_REFCASE_KEY );
    bool plot_refcase;
    if (!util_sscanf_bool( plot_refcase_string , &plot_refcase)) {
      fprintf(stderr ,
              "Warning: The PLOT_REFCASE option should have value True | False. The value:%s will be interpreted as True" , 

      plot_refcase = true;
    plot_config_set_plot_refcase( plot_config , plot_refcase );
Esempio n. 7
bool analysis_module_set_var( analysis_module_type * module , const char * var_name , const char * string_value ) {
  bool set_ok = false;
    int  int_value;
    if (util_sscanf_int( string_value , &int_value )) 
      set_ok = analysis_module_set_int( module , var_name , int_value );
    if (set_ok)
      return true;
    double double_value;
    if (util_sscanf_double( string_value , &double_value )) 
      set_ok = analysis_module_set_double( module , var_name , double_value );
    if (set_ok)
      return true;
    bool bool_value;
    if (util_sscanf_bool( string_value , &bool_value)) 
      set_ok = analysis_module_set_bool( module , var_name , bool_value );

    if (set_ok)
      return true;

  set_ok = analysis_module_set_string( module , var_name , string_value );
  if (!set_ok)
    fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: failed to set %s=%s for analysis module:%s\n", var_name , string_value , module->user_name);
  return set_ok;
Esempio n. 8
void ensemble_config_init_GEN_KW( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config ) {
  const config_content_item_type * gen_kw_item = config_get_content_item( config , GEN_KW_KEY );
  if (gen_kw_item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( gen_kw_item ); i++) {
      config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( gen_kw_item , i );

      const char * key             = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
      const char * template_file   = config_content_node_iget_as_path( node , 1 );
      const char * enkf_outfile    = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
      const char * parameter_file  = config_content_node_iget_as_path( node , 3 );
      hash_type * opt_hash         = hash_alloc();

      config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , opt_hash , 4 );
        const char *  forward_string = hash_safe_get( opt_hash , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
        enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
        bool forward_init = false;
        if (forward_string) {
          if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
            fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
        config_node = ensemble_config_add_gen_kw( ensemble_config , key , forward_init);
        enkf_config_node_update_gen_kw( config_node , 
                                        enkf_outfile , 
                                        template_file , 
                                        parameter_file , 
                                        hash_safe_get( opt_hash , MIN_STD_KEY ) , 
                                        hash_safe_get( opt_hash , INIT_FILES_KEY));
      hash_free( opt_hash );
Esempio n. 9
bool config_content_item_iget_as_bool(const config_content_item_type * item, int occurence , int index) {
  bool value;
  config_schema_item_assure_type(item->schema , index , CONFIG_BOOL);
  util_sscanf_bool( config_content_item_iget(item , occurence ,index) , &value );
  return value;
Esempio n. 10
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file , false);
  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;
    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * gen_param_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "PARAM" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * gen_param_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( gen_param_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_param_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_param_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( gen_param_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "PARAM_INIT");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/PARAM_INIT");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( gen_param_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( gen_param_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      enkf_node_type * gen_param_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "PARAM" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
        enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( gen_param_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/PARAM_INIT" );

        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/PARAM_INIT" , "w");
        fprintf(stream , "0\n1\n2\n3\n" );
        fclose( stream );
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_param_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 0 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "1" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 1 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_param_node , fs , "2" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/PARAM.INC" ));
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/PARAM.INC" , "r");
        double v0,v1,v2,v3;
        fscanf(stream , "%lg %lg %lg %lg" , &v0,&v1,&v2,&v3);
        fclose( stream );                
        test_assert_double_equal( 0 , v0);
        test_assert_double_equal( 1 , v1);
        test_assert_double_equal( 2 , v2);
        test_assert_double_equal( 3 , v3);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
  test_work_area_free( work_area );
Esempio n. 11
bool config_schema_item_validate_set(const config_schema_item_type * item , stringlist_type * token_list , const char * config_file, const config_path_elm_type * path_elm , config_error_type * error_list) {
  bool OK = true;
  int argc = stringlist_get_size( token_list ) - 1;
  if (item->validate->argc_min >= 0) {
    if (argc < item->validate->argc_min) {
      OK = false;
        char * error_message;
        if (config_file != NULL)
          error_message = util_alloc_sprintf("Error when parsing config_file:\"%s\" Keyword:%s must have at least %d arguments.",config_file , item->kw , item->validate->argc_min);
          error_message = util_alloc_sprintf("Error:: Keyword:%s must have at least %d arguments.",item->kw , item->validate->argc_min);

        config_error_add( error_list , error_message );

  if (item->validate->argc_max >= 0) {
    if (argc > item->validate->argc_max) {
      OK = false;
        char * error_message;

        if (config_file != NULL)
          error_message = util_alloc_sprintf("Error when parsing config_file:\"%s\" Keyword:%s must have maximum %d arguments.",config_file , item->kw , item->validate->argc_max);
          error_message = util_alloc_sprintf("Error:: Keyword:%s must have maximum %d arguments.",item->kw , item->validate->argc_max);

        config_error_add( error_list , error_message );

     OK - now we have verified that the number of arguments is correct. Then
     we start actually looking at the values.
  if (OK) {
    /* Validating selection set - first common, then indexed */
    if (item->validate->common_selection_set) {
      for (int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
        if (!set_has_key(item->validate->common_selection_set , stringlist_iget( token_list , iarg + 1))) {
          config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("%s: is not a valid value for: %s.",stringlist_iget( token_list , iarg + 1) , item->kw));
          OK = false;
    } else if (item->validate->indexed_selection_set != NULL) {
      for (int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
        if ((item->validate->argc_max > 0) || (iarg < item->validate->argc_min)) {  /* Without this test we might go out of range on the indexed selection set. */
          const set_type * selection_set = validate_iget_selection_set( item->validate , iarg);
          if (selection_set) {
            if (!set_has_key( selection_set, stringlist_iget( token_list , iarg + 1))) {
              config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("%s: is not a valid value for item %d of \'%s\'.",stringlist_iget( token_list , iarg + 1) , iarg + 1 , item->kw));
              OK = false;

      Observe that the following code might rewrite the content of
      argv for arguments referring to path locations.

    /* Validate the TYPE of the various argumnents */
      for (int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
        const char * value = stringlist_iget(token_list , iarg + 1);
        switch (validate_iget_type( item->validate , iarg)) {
        case(CONFIG_STRING): /* This never fails ... */
          if (!util_sscanf_isodate( value , NULL ))
            config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Failed to parse:%s as an ISO date: YYYY-MM-DD.",value));
          if (!util_sscanf_int( value , NULL ))
            config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Failed to parse:%s as an integer.",value));
          if (!util_sscanf_double( value , NULL )) {
            config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Failed to parse:%s as a floating point number.", value));
            OK = false;
          // As long as we do not reuqire the path to exist it is just a string.
            char * path = config_path_elm_alloc_abspath( path_elm , value );
            if (!util_entry_exists(path)) {
              config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Can not find entry %s in %s ",value , config_path_elm_get_relpath( path_elm) ));
              OK = false;
            free( path );
              1. If the supplied value is an abolute path - do nothing.
              2. If the supplied is _not_ an absolute path:

                 a. Try if the relocated exists - then use that.
                 b. Else - try if the util_alloc_PATH_executable() exists.
            if (!util_is_abs_path( value )) {
              char * relocated  = __alloc_relocated__(path_elm , value);
              char * path_exe   = util_alloc_PATH_executable( value );

              if (util_file_exists(relocated)) {
                if (util_is_executable(relocated))
                  stringlist_iset_copy( token_list , iarg , relocated);
              } else if (path_exe != NULL)
                stringlist_iset_copy( token_list , iarg , path_exe);
                config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Could not locate executable:%s ", value));

            } else {
              if (!util_is_executable( value ))
                config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Could not locate executable:%s ", value));
          if (!util_sscanf_bool( value , NULL )) {
            config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Failed to parse:%s as a boolean.", value));
            OK = false;
          if (!util_sscanf_bytesize( value , NULL)) {
            config_error_add( error_list , util_alloc_sprintf("Failed to parse:\"%s\" as number of bytes." , value));
            OK = false;
          util_abort("%s: config_item_type:%d not recognized \n",__func__ , validate_iget_type(item->validate , iarg));
  return OK;
Esempio n. 12
void ensemble_config_init_FIELD( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , const config_type * config , ecl_grid_type * grid) {
  const config_content_item_type * item = config_get_content_item( config , FIELD_KEY );
  if (item != NULL) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < config_content_item_get_size( item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node( item , i );
      const char *  key                     = config_content_node_iget( node , 0 );
      const char *  var_type_string         = config_content_node_iget( node , 1 );
      enkf_config_node_type * config_node;
        hash_type * options = hash_alloc();
        int    truncation = TRUNCATE_NONE;
        double value_min  = -1;
        double value_max  = -1;
        config_content_node_init_opt_hash( node , options , 2 );
        if (hash_has_key( options , MIN_KEY)) {
          truncation |= TRUNCATE_MIN;
          value_min   = atof(hash_get( options , MIN_KEY));

        if (hash_has_key( options , MAX_KEY)) {
          truncation |= TRUNCATE_MAX;
          value_max   = atof(hash_get( options , MAX_KEY));
        if (strcmp(var_type_string , DYNAMIC_KEY) == 0) {
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , false);
          enkf_config_node_update_state_field( config_node , truncation , value_min , value_max );
        } else if (strcmp(var_type_string , PARAMETER_KEY) == 0) {
          const char *  ecl_file          = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
          const char *  init_file_fmt     = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char *  init_transform    = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  output_transform  = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  min_std_file      = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY );
          const char *  forward_string    = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;

          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , forward_init);
          enkf_config_node_update_parameter_field( config_node, 
                                                   ecl_file          , 
                                                   init_file_fmt     , 
                                                   min_std_file      , 
                                                   truncation        , 
                                                   value_min         , 
                                                   value_max         ,    
                                                   init_transform    , 
                                                   output_transform   );
        } else if (strcmp(var_type_string , GENERAL_KEY) == 0) {
          /* General - not really interesting .. */
          const char *  ecl_file          = config_content_node_iget( node , 2 );
          const char *  enkf_infile       = config_content_node_iget( node , 3 );
          const char *  init_file_fmt     = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_FILES_KEY );
          const char *  init_transform    = hash_safe_get( options , INIT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  output_transform  = hash_safe_get( options , OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  input_transform   = hash_safe_get( options , INPUT_TRANSFORM_KEY );
          const char *  min_std_file      = hash_safe_get( options , MIN_STD_KEY );
          const char *  forward_string    = hash_safe_get( options , FORWARD_INIT_KEY );
          bool forward_init = false;

          if (forward_string) {
            if (!util_sscanf_bool( forward_string , &forward_init))
              fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: parsing %s as bool failed - using FALSE \n",forward_string);
          config_node = ensemble_config_add_field( ensemble_config , key , grid , forward_init);
          enkf_config_node_update_general_field( config_node,
                                                 ecl_file , 
                                                 enkf_infile , 
                                                 init_file_fmt , 
                                                 min_std_file , 
                                                 truncation , value_min , value_max , 
                                                 init_transform , 
                                                 input_transform , 

        } else 
          util_abort("%s: field type: %s is not recognized\n",__func__ , var_type_string);
        hash_free( options );
Esempio n. 13
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * init_file = argv[3];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[4];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file );

  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
  test_work_area_install_file( work_area , init_file );

    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;

    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * surface_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( surface_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( surface_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "Surface.irap");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/Surface.irap");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( surface_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( surface_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , 0 ,0 , "simulations/run0");
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( surface_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/Surface.irap" );
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg , &error );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);

        error = 0;
          enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);
          state_map_type * state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
          state_map_iset(state_map, 0, STATE_INITIALIZED);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model(state, run_arg , &error, false, msg_list);

        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);

      util_copy_file( init_file , "simulations/run0/Surface.irap");
        int error = 0; 
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg , &error );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error); 
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg , &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error); 

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC" ));
      test_assert_true( enkf_node_fload( surface_node , "simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC"));
        double value;
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * Xfile = argv[1];
  bool MSW;
  ecl_file_type * rst_file = ecl_file_open( Xfile , 0 );
  ecl_rsthead_type * rst_head = ecl_rsthead_alloc( ecl_file_get_global_view(rst_file) , ecl_util_filename_report_nr( Xfile ));
  test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( argv[2] , &MSW ));
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_file );
  test_assert_not_NULL( rst_head );
    int iwell;
    const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , IWEL_KW , 0 );
    const ecl_kw_type * icon_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ICON_KW , 0 );
    ecl_kw_type * scon_kw = NULL;

    bool caseMSW = false;

    for (iwell = 0; iwell < rst_head->nwells; iwell++) {
      const int iwel_offset = rst_head->niwelz * iwell;
      int num_connections   = ecl_kw_iget_int( iwel_kw , iwel_offset + IWEL_CONNECTIONS_INDEX );
      int iconn;
      well_conn_collection_type * wellcc = well_conn_collection_alloc( );
      well_conn_collection_type * wellcc_ref = well_conn_collection_alloc();

      for (iconn = 0; iconn < num_connections; iconn++) {
        well_conn_type * conn = well_conn_alloc_from_kw( icon_kw , scon_kw , rst_head , iwell , iconn );
        test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( conn ));
        test_assert_not_NULL( conn );
        if (!MSW)
          test_assert_bool_equal( well_conn_MSW( conn ) , MSW);
          caseMSW |= well_conn_MSW( conn );
        well_conn_collection_add( wellcc , conn );
        well_conn_collection_add_ref( wellcc_ref , conn );
        test_assert_int_equal( iconn + 1 , well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ));
        test_assert_ptr_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , iconn) , conn);
        test_assert_ptr_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc_ref , iconn) , conn);
      well_conn_collection_free( wellcc_ref );

        int i;
        for (i=0; i < well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ); i++)
          test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , i )));
        well_conn_collection_type * wellcc2 = well_conn_collection_alloc();
        int i;
        test_assert_int_equal( well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc ) , 
                               well_conn_collection_load_from_kw( wellcc2 , iwel_kw , icon_kw , scon_kw , iwell , rst_head));
        for (i=0; i < well_conn_collection_get_size( wellcc2 ); i++) {
          test_assert_true( well_conn_is_instance( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc2 , i )));
          test_assert_true( well_conn_equal( well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc2 , i ) , well_conn_collection_iget_const( wellcc , i )));
        well_conn_collection_free( wellcc2 );
      well_conn_collection_free( wellcc );
    test_assert_bool_equal( caseMSW , MSW);

  exit( 0 );
Esempio n. 15
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
  const char * root_path = argv[1];
  const char * config_file = argv[2];
  const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
  test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc(config_file );
  test_work_area_copy_directory_content( work_area , root_path );
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;
    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));
    util_clear_directory( "Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * gen_kw_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * gen_kw_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( gen_kw_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_kw_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( gen_kw_config_node , "/tmp", 0);
        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( gen_kw_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "MULTFLT_INIT");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/MULTFLT_INIT");
        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( gen_kw_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( gen_kw_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      run_arg_type * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , 0 , 0 , "simulations/run0");
      enkf_node_type * gen_kw_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "MULTFLT" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();
        bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main ) , true);
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( gen_kw_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "simulations/run0/MULTFLT_INIT" );

        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_kw_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg ,  &error );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);
        error = 0;
          enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
          state_map_type * state_map = enkf_fs_get_state_map(fs);
          state_map_iset(state_map , 0 , STATE_INITIALIZED);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg ,  &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        bool_vector_free( iactive );
        test_assert_true(LOAD_FAILURE & error);
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/MULTFLT_INIT" , "w");
        fprintf(stream , "123456.0\n" );
        fclose( stream );
        int error = 0;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( gen_kw_node , "simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg ,  &error );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error);
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , run_arg , &error , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_int_equal(0, error);

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( gen_kw_node , fs , "MULTFLT" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 123456.0 , value);

      test_assert_true( util_is_file ("simulations/run0/parameters.txt")); //Export of gen kw params

      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "simulations/run0/MULTFLT.INC" ));
        FILE * stream = util_fopen("simulations/run0/MULTFLT.INC" , "r");
        double value;
        fscanf(stream , "%lg" , &value);
        fclose( stream );
        test_assert_double_equal( 123456.0 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "simulations" , true , true );
      run_arg_free( run_arg );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );
  test_work_area_free( work_area );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
    const char * config_file = argv[1];
    const char * init_file = argv[2];
    const char * forward_init_string = argv[3];
    bool forward_init;
    bool strict = true;
    enkf_main_type * enkf_main;

    test_assert_true( util_sscanf_bool( forward_init_string , &forward_init));

    util_clear_directory( "/tmp/Storage" , true , true );
    enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( NULL , config_file , strict , true );
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
        const enkf_config_node_type * surface_config_node = enkf_node_get_config( surface_node );
        char * init_file1 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , NULL , 0);
        char * init_file2 = enkf_config_node_alloc_initfile( surface_config_node , "/tmp", 0);

        test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( surface_config_node ) , forward_init );
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file1 , "Surface.irap");
        test_assert_string_equal( init_file2 , "/tmp/Surface.irap");

        free( init_file1 );
        free( init_file2 );
      test_assert_bool_equal( enkf_node_use_forward_init( surface_node ) , forward_init );
      if (forward_init)
        test_assert_bool_not_equal( enkf_node_initialize( surface_node , 0 , enkf_state_get_rng( state )) , forward_init);
      // else hard_failure()
    test_assert_bool_equal( forward_init, ensemble_config_have_forward_init( enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )));
    if (forward_init) {
      enkf_state_type * state   = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , 0 );
      enkf_fs_type * fs = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main );
      enkf_node_type * surface_node = enkf_state_get_node( state , "SURFACE" );
      node_id_type node_id = {.report_step = 0 ,  
                              .iens = 0,
                              .state = ANALYZED };

      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "/tmp/simulations/run0" ));
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_has_data( surface_node , fs, node_id ));
        util_unlink_existing( "/tmp/simulations/run0/Surface.irap" );
        test_assert_false( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_false( loadOK );

        loadOK = true;
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_false( loadOK );

      util_copy_file( init_file , "/tmp/simulations/run0/Surface.irap");
        bool loadOK = true;
        stringlist_type * msg_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

          run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
          enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_forward_init( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0" , 0 ));
        enkf_state_forward_init( state , fs , &loadOK );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );
        enkf_state_load_from_forward_model( state , fs , &loadOK , false , msg_list );
        stringlist_free( msg_list );
        test_assert_true( loadOK );

          double value;
          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);

          test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
          test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "/tmp/simulations" , true , true );
      create_runpath( enkf_main );
      test_assert_true( util_is_directory( "/tmp/simulations/run0" ));
      test_assert_true( util_is_file( "/tmp/simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC" ));
      test_assert_true( enkf_node_fload( surface_node , "/tmp/simulations/run0/SURFACE.INC"));
        double value;
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "0" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2735.7461 , value);
        test_assert_true( enkf_node_user_get( surface_node , fs , "5" , node_id , &value)); 
        test_assert_double_equal( 2737.0122 , value);
      util_clear_directory( "/tmp/simulations" , true , true );
    enkf_main_free( enkf_main );