Esempio n. 1
static void epochOffsetTest(int64_t epochOffset, int64_t units, UDateTimeScale scale)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int64_t universal = 0;
    int64_t universalEpoch = epochOffset * units;
    int64_t local = utmscale_toInt64(universalEpoch, scale, &status);

    if (local != 0) {
        log_err("utmscale_toInt64(epochOffset, scale, &status): scale = %d epochOffset = %lld, result = %lld.\n", scale, epochOffset, local);

    local = utmscale_toInt64(0, scale, &status);

    if (local != -epochOffset) {
        log_err("utmscale_toInt64(0, scale): scale = %d, result = %lld.\n", scale, local);

    universal = utmscale_fromInt64(-epochOffset, scale, &status);

    if (universal != 0) {
        log_err("from(-epochOffest, scale): scale = %d, epochOffset = %lld, result = %lld.\n", scale, epochOffset, universal);

    universal = utmscale_fromInt64(0, scale, &status);

    if (universal != universalEpoch) {
        log_err("utmscale_fromInt64(0, scale): scale = %d, result = %lld.\n", scale, universal);
static void TestToInt64(void)
    int32_t scale;
    int64_t result;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    result = utmscale_toInt64(0, -1, &status);
    if (status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
        log_err("utmscale_toInt64(0, -1, &status) did not generate U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n");

    for (scale = 0; scale < UDTS_MAX_SCALE; scale += 1) {
        int64_t toMin, toMax;

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        toMin = utmscale_getTimeScaleValue((UDateTimeScale)scale, UTSV_TO_MIN_VALUE, &status);
        toMax = utmscale_getTimeScaleValue((UDateTimeScale)scale, UTSV_TO_MAX_VALUE, &status);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        result = utmscale_toInt64(0, (UDateTimeScale)scale, &status);
        if (status == U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
            log_err("utmscale_toInt64(0, %d, &status) generated U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n", scale);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        result = utmscale_toInt64(toMin, (UDateTimeScale)scale, &status);
        if (status == U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
            log_err("utmscale_toInt64(toMin, %d, &status) generated U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n", scale);

        if (toMin > U_INT64_MIN) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            result = utmscale_toInt64(toMin - 1, (UDateTimeScale)scale, &status);
            if (status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
                log_err("utmscale_toInt64(toMin - 1, %d, &status) did not generate U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n", scale);

        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        result = utmscale_toInt64(toMax, (UDateTimeScale)scale, &status);
        if (status == U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
            log_err("utmscale_toInt64(toMax, %d, &status) generated U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n", scale);

        if (toMax < U_INT64_MAX) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            result = utmscale_toInt64(toMax + 1, (UDateTimeScale)scale, &status);
            if (status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
                log_err("utmscale_toInt64(toMax + 1, %d, &status) did not generate U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n", scale);

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    result = utmscale_toInt64(0, UDTS_MAX_SCALE, &status);
    if (status != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
        log_err("utmscale_toInt64(0, UDTS_MAX_SCALE, &status) did not generate U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR.\n");
Esempio n. 3
static void roundTripTest(int64_t value, UDateTimeScale scale)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int64_t rt = utmscale_toInt64(utmscale_fromInt64(value, scale, &status), scale, &status);

    if (rt != value) {
        log_err("Round-trip error: time scale = %d, value = %lld, round-trip = %lld.\n", scale, value, rt);
Esempio n. 4
static void toLimitTest(int64_t toLimit, int64_t fromLimit, UDateTimeScale scale)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int64_t result = utmscale_toInt64(toLimit, scale, &status);

    if (result != fromLimit) {
        log_err("toLimit failure: scale = %d, toLimit = %lld , utmscale_toInt64(toLimit, scale, &status) = %lld, fromLimit = %lld.\n",
            scale, toLimit, result, fromLimit);
 * ICU's Universal Time Scale is designed to be tick-for-tick compatible with
 * .Net System.DateTime. Verify that this is so for the
 * .Net-supported date range (years 1-9999 AD).
 * This requires a proleptic Gregorian calendar because that's what .Net uses.
 * Proleptic: No Julian/Gregorian switchover, or a switchover before
 * any date that we test, that is, before 0001 AD.
static void
TestDotNet() {
    static const UChar utc[] = { 0x45, 0x74, 0x63, 0x2f, 0x47, 0x4d, 0x54, 0 }; /* "Etc/GMT" */
    const int32_t dayMillis = 86400 * INT64_C(1000);    /* 1 day = 86400 seconds */
    const int64_t dayTicks = 86400 * INT64_C(10000000);
    const DotNetDateTimeTicks *dt;
    UCalendar *cal;
    UErrorCode errorCode;
    UDate icuDate;
    int64_t ticks, millis;
    int32_t i;

    /* Open a proleptic Gregorian calendar. */
    errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    cal = ucal_open(utc, -1, "", UCAL_GREGORIAN, &errorCode);
    ucal_setGregorianChange(cal, -1000000 * (dayMillis * (UDate)1), &errorCode);
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
        log_err("ucal_open(UTC/proleptic Gregorian) failed: %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
    for(i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(dotNetDateTimeTicks); ++i) {
        /* Test conversion from .Net/Universal time to ICU time. */
        dt = dotNetDateTimeTicks + i;
        millis = utmscale_toInt64(dt->ticks, UDTS_ICU4C_TIME, &errorCode);
        ucal_setDate(cal, dt->year, dt->month - 1, dt->day, &errorCode); /* Java & ICU use January = month 0. */
        icuDate = ucal_getMillis(cal, &errorCode);
        if(millis != icuDate) {
            /* Print days not millis to stay within printf() range. */
            log_err("utmscale_toInt64(ticks[%d], ICU4C)=%dd != %dd=ucal_getMillis(%04d-%02d-%02d)\n",
                    (int)i, (int)(millis/dayMillis), (int)(icuDate/dayMillis), (int)dt->year, (int)dt->month, (int)dt->day);

        /* Test conversion from ICU time to .Net/Universal time. */
        ticks = utmscale_fromInt64((int64_t)icuDate, UDTS_ICU4C_TIME, &errorCode);
        if(ticks != dt->ticks) {
            /* Print days not ticks to stay within printf() range. */
            log_err("utmscale_fromInt64(date[%d], ICU4C)=%dd != %dd=.Net System.DateTime(%04d-%02d-%02d).Ticks\n",
                    (int)i, (int)(ticks/dayTicks), (int)(dt->ticks/dayTicks), (int)dt->year, (int)dt->month, (int)dt->day);

Esempio n. 6
void Win32DateTimeTest::testLocales(TestLog *log)
    SYSTEMTIME winNow;
    UDate icuNow = 0;
    FILETIME ft;
    UnicodeString zoneID;
    const TimeZone *tz = TimeZone::createDefault();

    if (! uprv_getWindowsTimeZoneInfo(&tzi, zoneID.getBuffer(), zoneID.length())) {
        UBool found = FALSE;
        int32_t ec = TimeZone::countEquivalentIDs(zoneID);

        for (int z = 0; z < ec; z += 1) {
            UnicodeString equiv = TimeZone::getEquivalentID(zoneID, z);

            if (found = uprv_getWindowsTimeZoneInfo(&tzi, equiv.getBuffer(), equiv.length())) {

        if (! found) {

    SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
    SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tzi, &st, &winNow);

    int64_t wftNow = ((int64_t) ft.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    int64_t udtsNow = utmscale_fromInt64(wftNow, UDTS_WINDOWS_FILE_TIME, &status);

    icuNow = (UDate) utmscale_toInt64(udtsNow, UDTS_ICU4C_TIME, &status);

    int32_t lcidCount = 0;
    Win32Utilities::LCIDRecord *lcidRecords = Win32Utilities::getLocales(lcidCount);

    for(int i = 0; i < lcidCount; i += 1) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        WCHAR longDateFormat[81], longTimeFormat[81], wdBuffer[256], wtBuffer[256];
        int32_t calType = 0;

        // NULL localeID means ICU didn't recognize this locale
        if (lcidRecords[i].localeID == NULL) {

        GetLocaleInfoW(lcidRecords[i].lcid, LOCALE_SLONGDATE,   longDateFormat, 81);
        GetLocaleInfoW(lcidRecords[i].lcid, LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, longTimeFormat, 81);
        GetLocaleInfoW(lcidRecords[i].lcid, LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER|LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, (LPWSTR) calType, sizeof(int32_t));

        char localeID[64];

        uprv_strcpy(localeID, lcidRecords[i].localeID);
        uprv_strcat(localeID, getCalendarType(calType));

        UnicodeString ubBuffer, udBuffer, utBuffer;
        Locale ulocale(localeID);
        int32_t wdLength, wtLength;

        wdLength = GetDateFormatW(lcidRecords[i].lcid, DATE_LONGDATE, &winNow, NULL, wdBuffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(wdBuffer));
        wtLength = GetTimeFormatW(lcidRecords[i].lcid, 0, &winNow, NULL, wtBuffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(wtBuffer));

        if (uprv_strchr(localeID, '@') > 0) {
            uprv_strcat(localeID, ";");
        } else {
            uprv_strcat(localeID, "@");

        uprv_strcat(localeID, "compat=host");

        Locale wlocale(localeID);
        DateFormat *wbf = DateFormat::createDateTimeInstance(DateFormat::kFull, DateFormat::kFull, wlocale);
        DateFormat *wdf = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, wlocale);
        DateFormat *wtf = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kFull, wlocale);

        wbf->format(icuNow, ubBuffer);
        wdf->format(icuNow, udBuffer);
        wtf->format(icuNow, utBuffer);

        if (ubBuffer.indexOf(wdBuffer, wdLength - 1, 0) < 0) {
            UnicodeString baseName(wlocale.getBaseName());
            UnicodeString expected(wdBuffer);

            log->errln("DateTime format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected date \"" + expected +
                       "\" got \"" + ubBuffer + "\"");

        if (ubBuffer.indexOf(wtBuffer, wtLength - 1, 0) < 0) {
            UnicodeString baseName(wlocale.getBaseName());
            UnicodeString expected(wtBuffer);

            log->errln("DateTime format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected time \"" + expected +
                       "\" got \"" + ubBuffer + "\"");

        if ( != 0) {
            UnicodeString baseName(wlocale.getBaseName());
            UnicodeString expected(wdBuffer);

            log->errln("Date format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected \"" + expected +
                       "\" got \"" + udBuffer + "\"");

        if ( != 0) {
            UnicodeString baseName(wlocale.getBaseName());
            UnicodeString expected(wtBuffer);

            log->errln("Time format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected \"" + expected +
                       "\" got \"" + utBuffer + "\"");
        delete wbf;
        delete wdf;
        delete wtf;

    delete tz;