Esempio n. 1
static int pipe_echo_start(char* pipeName) {
  int r;

#ifndef _WIN32
    uv_fs_t req;
    uv_fs_unlink(uv_default_loop(), &req, pipeName, NULL);

  server = (uv_handle_t*)&pipeServer;
  serverType = PIPE;

  r = uv_pipe_init(loop, &pipeServer, 0);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_init: %s\n", uv_strerror(r));
    return 1;

  r = uv_pipe_bind(&pipeServer, pipeName);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_bind: %s\n", uv_strerror(r));
    return 1;

  r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&pipeServer, SOMAXCONN, on_connection);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_listen: %s\n", uv_strerror(r));
    return 1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
api_init (Server *server)
    Api *api = &server->api;
    int rc = 0;

    api->reusable_base = NULL;
    api->base_alloc = false;

    debug ("pipe unlink: %s", server->host_pipe);
    uv_fs_t req;
    uv_fs_unlink (server->loop, &req, server->host_pipe, NULL);
    // ignore error if pipe doesn't already exist

    debug ("pipe init");
    rc = uv_pipe_init (server->loop, (uv_pipe_t *) api, 0);
    if (rc < 0)
        goto error;

    debug ("pipe bind: %s", server->host_pipe);
    rc = uv_pipe_bind ((uv_pipe_t *) api, server->host_pipe);
    if (rc < 0)
        goto error;

    return G_OK;

    if (rc)
        debug ("error: %s", uv_strerror (rc));
    return G_ERR;
Esempio n. 3
uv_stream_t* createPipeServer(uv_loop_t* pLoop, const std::string& name,
  int mask, WebApplication* pWebApplication) {

  // We own pWebApplication. It will be destroyed by the socket but if in
  // the future we have failure cases that stop execution before we get
  // that far, we MUST delete pWebApplication ourselves.

  // Deletes itself when destroy() is called, which occurs in freeServer()
  Socket* pSocket = new Socket();
  // TODO: Handle error
  uv_pipe_init(pLoop, &pSocket->handle.pipe, true);
  pSocket->handle.isTcp = false;
  pSocket-> = pSocket;
  pSocket->pWebApplication = pWebApplication;

  mode_t oldMask = 0;
  if (mask >= 0)
    oldMask = umask(mask);
  int r = uv_pipe_bind(&pSocket->handle.pipe, name.c_str());
  if (mask >= 0)

  if (r) {
    return NULL;
  r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&pSocket->, 128, &on_request);
  if (r) {
    return NULL;

  return &pSocket->;
Esempio n. 4
int run_ipc_send_recv_helper(uv_loop_t* loop, int inprocess) {
  int r;

  is_in_process = inprocess;

  memset(&ctx2, 0, sizeof(ctx2));

  r = uv_pipe_init(loop, &ctx2.listen, 0);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  r = uv_pipe_init(loop, &, 1);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  if (inprocess) {
    r = uv_pipe_bind(&ctx2.listen, TEST_PIPENAME_3);
    ASSERT(r == 0);

    r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&ctx2.listen, SOMAXCONN, listen_cb);
    ASSERT(r == 0);
  } else {
    r = uv_pipe_open(&, 0);
    ASSERT(r == 0);


  r = uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static int run_worker(uv_loop_t *loop, struct engine *engine)
	/* Control sockets or TTY */
	auto_free char *sock_file = NULL;
	uv_pipe_t pipe;
	uv_pipe_init(loop, &pipe, 0); = engine;
	if (g_interactive) {
		printf("[system] interactive mode\n> ");
		uv_pipe_open(&pipe, 0);
		uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*) &pipe, tty_alloc, tty_read);
	} else {
		(void) mkdir("tty", S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG);
		sock_file = afmt("tty/%ld", getpid());
		if (sock_file) {
			uv_pipe_bind(&pipe, sock_file);
			uv_listen((uv_stream_t *) &pipe, 16, tty_accept);
	/* Run event loop */
	uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
	if (sock_file) {
	return kr_ok();
Esempio n. 6
/* Set up an IPC pipe server that hands out listen sockets to the worker
 * threads. It's kind of cumbersome for such a simple operation, maybe we
 * should revive uv_import() and uv_export().
void start_connection_dispatching(uv_handle_type type, unsigned int num_servers, struct server_ctx* servers, char* listen_address, int listen_port)
    int rc;
    struct ipc_server_ctx ctx;
    uv_loop_t* loop;
    unsigned int i;

    loop = uv_default_loop();
    ctx.num_connects = num_servers;

    if (type == UV_TCP)
        uv_ip4_addr(listen_address, listen_port, &listen_addr);

        rc = uv_tcp_init(loop, (uv_tcp_t*) &ctx.server_handle);
        rc = uv_tcp_bind((uv_tcp_t*) &ctx.server_handle, (const struct sockaddr*)&listen_addr, 0);
        printf("Listening on %s:%d\n", listen_address, listen_port);

    rc = uv_pipe_init(loop, &ctx.ipc_pipe, 1);
    rc = uv_pipe_bind(&ctx.ipc_pipe, "HAYWIRE_CONNECTION_DISPATCH_PIPE_NAME");
    rc = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) &ctx.ipc_pipe, 128, ipc_connection_cb);

    for (i = 0; i < num_servers; i++)

    rc = uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
    uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &ctx.server_handle, NULL);
    rc = uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);

    for (i = 0; i < num_servers; i++)
Esempio n. 7
static int pipe_echo_start(char* pipeName) {
  int r;

  server = (uv_handle_t*)&pipeServer;
  serverType = PIPE;

  r = uv_pipe_init(loop, &pipeServer);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_init: %s\n",
    return 1;

  r = uv_pipe_bind(&pipeServer, pipeName);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_bind: %s\n",
    return 1;

  r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&pipeServer, SOMAXCONN, on_connection);
  if (r) {
    fprintf(stderr, "uv_pipe_listen: %s\n",
    return 1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 8
 * Class:     com_iwebpp_libuvpp_handles_PipeHandle
 * Method:    _bind
 * Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;)I
extern "C" JNIEXPORT  jint JNICALL Java_com_iwebpp_libuvpp_handles_PipeHandle__1bind
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject that, jlong pipe, jstring name) {

  uv_pipe_t* handle = reinterpret_cast<uv_pipe_t*>(pipe);
  const char* n = env->GetStringUTFChars(name, 0);
  int r = uv_pipe_bind(handle, n);
  if (r) {
    ThrowException(env, handle->loop, "uv_pipe_bind", n);
  env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name, n);
  return r;
Esempio n. 9
static int run_ipc_send_recv_pipe(int inprocess) {
  int r;

  ctx.expected_type = UV_NAMED_PIPE;

  r = uv_pipe_init(uv_default_loop(), &ctx.send.pipe, 1);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  r = uv_pipe_bind(&ctx.send.pipe, TEST_PIPENAME);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  r = uv_pipe_init(uv_default_loop(), &ctx.send2.pipe, 1);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  r = uv_pipe_bind(&ctx.send2.pipe, TEST_PIPENAME_2);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  r = run_test(inprocess);
  ASSERT(r == 0);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 10
void durotanInit() {
    int err;
    durotan = malloc(sizeof(uv_pipe_t));
    uv_pipe_init(loop, durotan, 0);

    uv_fs_t req;
    uv_fs_unlink(loop, &req, SOCKET, NULL);
    err = uv_pipe_bind(durotan, SOCKET);
    if(err) ERROR("durotan bind", err);

    err = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) durotan, 128, durotanOnConnection);
    if(err) ERROR("durotan listen", err);

    printf("durotan: listening\n");
Esempio n. 11
int main() {
    loop = uv_default_loop();

    uv_pipe_t server;
    uv_pipe_init(loop, &server, 0);

    signal(SIGINT, remove_sock);

    int r;
    if ((r = uv_pipe_bind(&server, "echo.sock"))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Bind error %s\n", uv_err_name(r));
        return 1;
    if ((r = uv_listen((uv_stream_t*) &server, 128, on_new_connection))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Listen error %s\n", uv_err_name(r));
        return 2;
    return uv_run(loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
Esempio n. 12
static PyObject *
Pipe_func_bind(Pipe *self, PyObject *args)
    int r;
    char *name;

    RAISE_IF_HANDLE_CLOSED(self, PyExc_HandleClosedError, NULL);

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:bind", &name)) {
        return NULL;

    r = uv_pipe_bind((uv_pipe_t *)UV_HANDLE(self), name);
    if (r != 0) {
        RAISE_UV_EXCEPTION(UV_HANDLE_LOOP(self), PyExc_PipeError);
        return NULL;

Esempio n. 13
File: pipe.c Progetto: imclab/pyuv
static PyObject *
Pipe_func_bind(Pipe *self, PyObject *args)
    int err;
    char *name;

    RAISE_IF_HANDLE_CLOSED(self, PyExc_HandleClosedError, NULL);

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:bind", &name)) {
        return NULL;

    err = uv_pipe_bind(&self->pipe_h, name);
    if (err < 0) {
        RAISE_UV_EXCEPTION(err, PyExc_PipeError);
        return NULL;

Esempio n. 14
static bool caerOutputUnixSocketServerInit(caerModuleData moduleData) {
	// First, always create all needed setting nodes, set their default values
	// and add their listeners.
	sshsNodeCreateString(moduleData->moduleNode, "socketPath", "/tmp/caer.sock", 2, PATH_MAX, SSHS_FLAGS_NORMAL,
		"Unix Socket path for writing output data (server mode, create new socket).");
		moduleData->moduleNode, "backlogSize", 5, 1, 32, SSHS_FLAGS_NORMAL, "Maximum number of pending connections.");
	sshsNodeCreateInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "concurrentConnections", 10, 1, 128, SSHS_FLAGS_NORMAL,
		"Maximum number of concurrent active connections.");

	// Allocate memory.
	size_t numClients         = (size_t) sshsNodeGetInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "concurrentConnections");
	outputCommonNetIO streams = malloc(sizeof(*streams) + (numClients * sizeof(uv_stream_t *)));
	if (streams == NULL) {
		caerModuleLog(moduleData, CAER_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for streams structure.");
		return (false);

	streams->server = malloc(sizeof(uv_pipe_t));
	if (streams->server == NULL) {

		caerModuleLog(moduleData, CAER_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory for network server.");
		return (false);

	// Initialize common info.
	streams->isTCP         = false;
	streams->isUDP         = false;
	streams->isPipe        = true;
	streams->activeClients = 0;
	streams->clientsSize   = numClients;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < streams->clientsSize; i++) {
		streams->clients[i] = NULL;

	// Remember address.
	streams->address = sshsNodeGetString(moduleData->moduleNode, "socketPath");

	streams->server->data = streams;

	// Initialize loop and network handles.
	int retVal = uv_loop_init(&streams->loop);
	UV_RET_CHECK(retVal, moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, "uv_loop_init", free(streams->server);
				 free(streams->address); free(streams); return (false));

	retVal = uv_pipe_init(&streams->loop, (uv_pipe_t *) streams->server, false);
	UV_RET_CHECK(retVal, moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, "uv_pipe_init", uv_loop_close(&streams->loop);
				 free(streams->server); free(streams->address); free(streams); return (false));

	retVal = uv_pipe_bind((uv_pipe_t *) streams->server, streams->address);
	UV_RET_CHECK(retVal, moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, "uv_pipe_bind", libuvCloseLoopHandles(&streams->loop);
				 uv_loop_close(&streams->loop); free(streams->address); free(streams); return (false));

	retVal = uv_listen(
		streams->server, sshsNodeGetInt(moduleData->moduleNode, "backlogSize"), &caerOutputCommonOnServerConnection);
	UV_RET_CHECK(retVal, moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, "uv_listen", libuvCloseLoopHandles(&streams->loop);
				 uv_loop_close(&streams->loop); free(streams->address); free(streams); return (false));

	// Start.
	if (!caerOutputCommonInit(moduleData, -1, streams)) {

		return (false);

	return (true);
Esempio n. 15
File: pipe.hpp Progetto: larroy/uvpp
 bool bind(const std::string& name)
     return uv_pipe_bind(get(), name.c_str()) == 0;
Esempio n. 16
extern "C" int
rust_uv_pipe_bind(uv_pipe_t *pipe, char *name) {
    return uv_pipe_bind(pipe, name);