Esempio n. 1
void esp_sj_uart_init(struct v7 *v7) {
  sj_us[0].v7 = sj_us[1].v7 = v7;
  os_timer_setfn(&sj_us[0].timer, esp_sj_uart_dispatcher, (void *) 0);
  os_timer_setfn(&sj_us[1].timer, esp_sj_uart_dispatcher, (void *) 1);
  s_uart_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "configure", UART_configure);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "onRecv", UART_onRecv);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "recv", UART_recv);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "setRXEnabled", UART_setRXEnabled);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "onTXEmpty", UART_onTXEmpty);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "sendAvail", UART_sendAvail);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_uart_proto, "send", UART_send);
  v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "UART", UART_get);

  sj_us[0].uart_no = 0;
  sj_us[0].obj = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set_proto(v7, sj_us[0].obj, s_uart_proto);
  v7_set(v7, sj_us[0].obj, "_u", ~0, v7_mk_number(0));
  v7_own(v7, &sj_us[0].obj);

  sj_us[1].uart_no = 1;
  sj_us[1].obj = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set_proto(v7, sj_us[1].obj, s_uart_proto);
  v7_set(v7, sj_us[1].obj, "_u", ~0, v7_mk_number(1));
  v7_own(v7, &sj_us[1].obj);
Esempio n. 2
void sj_init_uart(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t uart = V7_UNDEFINED, uart_proto = V7_UNDEFINED,
           uart_ctor = V7_UNDEFINED;
  v7_own(v7, &uart);
  v7_own(v7, &uart_proto);
  v7_own(v7, &uart_ctor);

  uart = v7_mk_object(v7);
  uart_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
  uart_ctor = v7_mk_function_with_proto(v7, UART_ctor, uart_proto);

  v7_def(v7, uart, "dev", ~0, _V7_DESC_HIDDEN(1), uart_ctor);
  v7_set_method(v7, uart_proto, "read", UART_read);
  v7_set_method(v7, uart_proto, "write", UART_write);
  v7_set_method(v7, uart_proto, "recv", UART_recv);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "UART", ~0, uart);
    enum v7_err rcode = v7_exec(
        v7, " = function (d) { return new; }", NULL);
    assert(rcode == V7_OK);
#if defined(NDEBUG)
    (void) rcode;

  v7_disown(v7, &uart_ctor);
  v7_disown(v7, &uart_proto);
  v7_disown(v7, &uart);
Esempio n. 3
 * Mongoose event handler. If JavaScript callback was provided, call it
static void http_ev_handler(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) {
  struct user_data *ud = (struct user_data *) c->user_data;

  if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_REQUEST) {
    /* HTTP request has arrived */

    if (v7_is_callable(ud->v7, ud->handler)) {
      /* call provided JavaScript callback with `request` and `response` */
      v7_val_t request = v7_mk_object(ud->v7);
      v7_own(ud->v7, &request);
      v7_val_t response = v7_mk_object(ud->v7);
      v7_own(ud->v7, &response);
      setup_request_object(ud->v7, request, ev_data);
      setup_response_object(ud->v7, response, c, request);
      sj_invoke_cb2_this(ud->v7, ud->handler, ud->obj, request, response);
      v7_disown(ud->v7, &request);
      v7_disown(ud->v7, &response);
    } else {
       * no JavaScript callback provided; serve the request with the default
       * options by `mg_serve_http()`
      struct mg_serve_http_opts opts;
      memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
      mg_serve_http(c, ev_data, opts);
  } else if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_REPLY) {
    /* HTTP response has arrived */

    /* if JavaScript callback was provided, call it with `response` */
    if (v7_is_callable(ud->v7, ud->handler)) {
      v7_val_t response = v7_mk_object(ud->v7);
      v7_own(ud->v7, &response);
      setup_request_object(ud->v7, response, ev_data);
      sj_invoke_cb1_this(ud->v7, ud->handler, ud->obj, response);
      v7_disown(ud->v7, &response);

      c->flags |= MG_F_CLOSE_IMMEDIATELY;
  } else if (ev == MG_EV_TIMER) {
    sj_invoke_cb0_this(ud->v7, ud->timeout_callback, ud->obj);
  } else if (ev == MG_EV_CLOSE) {
    if (c->listener == NULL && ud != NULL) {
      v7_set(ud->v7, ud->obj, "_c", ~0, v7_mk_undefined());
      v7_disown(ud->v7, &ud->obj);
      v7_disown(ud->v7, &ud->timeout_callback);
      c->user_data = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
 * Returns an object describing the free memory.
 * sysfree: free system heap bytes
 * jssize: size of JS heap in bytes
 * jsfree: free JS heap bytes
 * strres: size of reserved string heap in bytes
 * struse: portion of string heap with used data
 * objnfree: number of free object slots in js heap
 * propnfree: number of free property slots in js heap
 * funcnfree: number of free function slots in js heap
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err GC_stat(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  /* take a snapshot of the stats that would change as we populate the result */
  size_t sysfree = sj_get_free_heap_size();
  size_t jssize = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_SIZE);
  size_t jsfree = jssize - v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_USED);
  size_t strres = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_STRING_HEAP_RESERVED);
  size_t struse = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_STRING_HEAP_USED);
  size_t objfree = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_OBJ_HEAP_FREE);
  size_t propnfree = v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_PROP_HEAP_FREE);
  *res = v7_mk_object(v7);

  v7_set(v7, *res, "sysfree", ~0, v7_mk_number(sysfree));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "jssize", ~0, v7_mk_number(jssize));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "jsfree", ~0, v7_mk_number(jsfree));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "strres", ~0, v7_mk_number(strres));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "struse", ~0, v7_mk_number(struse));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "objfree", ~0, v7_mk_number(objfree));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "objncell", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_OBJ_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "propnfree", ~0, v7_mk_number(propnfree));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "propncell", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_PROP_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "funcnfree", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_HEAP_FREE)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "funcncell", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_HEAP_CELL_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "astsize", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_AST_SIZE)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "owned", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_OWNED)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "owned_max", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_FUNC_OWNED_MAX)));

  return V7_OK;
Esempio n. 5
void Bot::onJoin(bot_exchange_format& f) {
	long l = _onJoin.GetLength();
	if (l == 0) return;

	v7_val_t user = v7_mk_object(v7);

	v7_val_t userName = v7_mk_string(v7, std::string(f[1]).c_str(), ~0, 1);
	v7_set(v7, user, "name", ~0, userName);

	v7_val_t flags = v7_mk_number((u_long)f[2]);
	v7_set(v7, user, "flags", ~0, flags);

	v7_val_t age = v7_mk_number((u_char)f[3]);
	v7_set(v7, user, "age", ~0, age);

	v7_val_t count = v7_mk_number((int)f[4]);
	v7_set(v7, user, "count", ~0, count);
	v7_val_t gifts = v7_mk_number((u_long)f[5]);
	v7_set(v7, user, "gifts", ~0, gifts);

	long i;
	v7_val_t* func;
	v7_val_t args;
	for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		func = (v7_val_t*)_onJoin.GetAt(i);
		args = v7_mk_array(v7);
		v7_array_push(v7, args, user);

		v7_apply(v7, *func, *v7Obj, args, NULL);
Esempio n. 6
File: js_oop.c Progetto: QUSIR/v7
int main(void) {
    enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
    struct v7 *v7 = v7_create();
    v7_val_t ctor_func, proto, eval_result;

    proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
    ctor_func = v7_mk_function_with_proto(v7, MyThing_ctor, proto);
    v7_def(v7, ctor_func, "MY_CONST", ~0,
           (V7_DESC_WRITABLE(0) | V7_DESC_CONFIGURABLE(0)), v7_mk_number(123));
    v7_set_method(v7, proto, "myMethod", &MyThing_myMethod);
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "MyThing", ~0, ctor_func);

    rcode = v7_exec(v7,
      print('MyThing.MY_CONST = ', MyThing.MY_CONST); \
      var t = new MyThing(456); \
      print('t.MY_CONST = ', t.MY_CONST); \
      print('t.myMethod = ', t.myMethod); \
      print('t.myMethod() = ', t.myMethod());",
    if (rcode != V7_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "exec error: %d\n", (int) rcode);

    return (int) rcode;
Esempio n. 7
void sj_gpio_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t gpio = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "GPIO", ~0, gpio);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "setMode", GPIO_setMode);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "read", GPIO_read);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "write", GPIO_write);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "setISR", GPIO_setISR);

  v7_set(v7, gpio, "INOUT", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_MODE_INOUT));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "IN", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_MODE_INPUT));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "OUT", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT));

  v7_set(v7, gpio, "FLOAT", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_PULL_FLOAT));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "PULLUP", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_PULL_PULLUP));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "PULLDOWN", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_PULL_PULLDOWN));

  v7_set(v7, gpio, "OFF", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_OFF));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "POSEDGE", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "NEGEDGE", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_NEGEDGE));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "ANYEDGE", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_ANYEDGE));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "LOLEVEL", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_LOLEVEL));
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "HILEVEL", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, GPIO_INTR_HILEVEL));
   * TODO(mkm): figure out what to do with this "esp specific" mode.
   * It's not really ESP specific, but the soft debouncer is currently
   * implemented in esp8266 platform code.
  v7_set(v7, gpio, "CLICK", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, 6 /* GPIO_INTR_TYPE_ONCLICK */));

  if (v7_exec_file(v7, "gpio.js", NULL) != V7_OK) {
    /* TODO(mkm): make setup functions return an error code */
Esempio n. 8
void sj_sys_js_init(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t sys, fs;

  sys = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Sys", ~0, sys);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "prof", Sys_prof);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "reboot", Sys_reboot);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "setLogLevel", Sys_setLogLevel);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "time", Sys_time);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "wdtFeed", Sys_wdtFeed);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "wdtSetTimeout", Sys_wdtSetTimeout);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "wdtEnable", Sys_wdtEnable);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "wdtDisable", Sys_wdtDisable);
  fs = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, sys, "fs", ~0, fs);
  v7_set_method(v7, fs, "free", Sys_fs_getFreeSpace);
Esempio n. 9
void miot_console_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t console_v = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_own(v7, &console_v);

  v7_set_method(v7, console_v, "log", Console_log);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "console", ~0, console_v);

  v7_disown(v7, &console_v);
Esempio n. 10
void sj_gpio_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  s_v7 = v7;
  v7_val_t gpio = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "GPIO", ~0, gpio);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "setmode", GPIO_setmode);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "read", GPIO_read);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "write", GPIO_write);
  v7_set_method(v7, gpio, "setisr", GPIO_setisr);
Esempio n. 11
void sj_init_sys(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t sys;

  sys = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Sys", ~0, sys);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "prof", Sys_prof);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "wdtFeed", Sys_wdtFeed);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "reboot", Sys_reboot);
  v7_set_method(v7, sys, "setLogLevel", Sys_setLogLevel);
Esempio n. 12
static void export_read_only_vars_to_v7(struct v7 *v7) {
  struct ro_var *rv;
  if (v7 == NULL) return;
  v7_val_t obj = v7_mk_object(v7);
  for (rv = g_ro_vars; rv != NULL; rv = rv->next) {
    v7_set(v7, obj, rv->name, ~0, v7_mk_string(v7, *rv->ptr, ~0, 1));
  v7_val_t Sys = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Sys", ~0);
  v7_set(v7, Sys, "ro_vars", ~0, obj);
Esempio n. 13
static enum v7_err Sys_prof(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  *res = v7_mk_object(v7);

  v7_set(v7, *res, "sysfree", 7, v7_mk_number(sj_get_free_heap_size()));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "used_by_js", 10,
         v7_mk_number(v7_heap_stat(v7, V7_HEAP_STAT_HEAP_USED)));
  v7_set(v7, *res, "used_by_fs", 10, v7_mk_number(sj_get_fs_memory_usage()));

  return V7_OK;
Esempio n. 14
void sj_v7_ext_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t gc;

  v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "usleep", global_usleep);

  gc = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "GC", ~0, gc);
  v7_set_method(v7, gc, "stat", GC_stat);
  v7_set_method(v7, gc, "gc", GC_gc);
Esempio n. 15
void sj_mqtt_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t mqtt_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_val_t mqtt_connect =
      v7_mk_function_with_proto(v7, sj_mqtt_connect, mqtt_proto);
  v7_val_t mqtt;
  v7_own(v7, &mqtt_connect);

  mqtt = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_own(v7, &mqtt);

  v7_set(v7, mqtt, "connect", ~0, mqtt_connect);
  v7_def(v7, mqtt, "proto", ~0, V7_DESC_ENUMERABLE(0), mqtt_proto);

  v7_set_method(v7, mqtt_proto, "publish", MQTT_publish);
  v7_set_method(v7, mqtt_proto, "subscribe", MQTT_subscribe);
  v7_set_method(v7, mqtt_proto, "on", MQTT_on);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "MQTT", ~0, mqtt);

  v7_disown(v7, &mqtt);
  v7_disown(v7, &mqtt_connect);
Esempio n. 16
void Bot::onText(bot_exchange_format& f) {
	long i, l;
	l = _onTexts.GetLength();
	std::string nick = std::string(f[1]);
	std::string text = std::string(f[2]);

	v7_val_t attr;

	if ((u_char)f[3] == 0) {
		attr = v7_mk_undefined();
	else {
		attr = v7_mk_object(v7);

		v7_val_t size = v7_mk_number((u_char)f[4]);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "size", ~0, size);

		COLORREF col = (u_long)f[5];
		int r = GetRValue(col);
		int g = GetGValue(col);
		int b = GetBValue(col);
		char strCol[8];
		sprintf(strCol, "#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b);
		v7_val_t color = v7_mk_string(v7, strCol, ~0, 1);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "color", ~0, color);

		v7_val_t effects = v7_mk_number((u_long)f[6]);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "effects", ~0, effects);

		v7_val_t charset = v7_mk_number((u_char)f[7]);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "charset", ~0, charset);

		v7_val_t pitch = v7_mk_number((u_char)f[8]);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "pitch", ~0, pitch);

		std::string font = std::string(f[9]);
		v7_val_t fontName = v7_mk_string(v7, font.c_str(), ~0, 1);
		v7_set(v7, attr, "font", ~0, fontName);

	v7_val_t nickName = v7_mk_string(v7, nick.c_str(), ~0, 0);
	v7_val_t fullText = v7_mk_string(v7, text.c_str(), ~0, 0);
	for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		v7_val_t* func = (v7_val_t*)_onTexts.GetAt(i);
		v7_val_t args;
		args = v7_mk_array(v7);
		v7_array_push(v7, args, nickName);
		v7_array_push(v7, args, fullText);
		v7_array_push(v7, args, attr);
		v7_apply(v7, *func, *v7Obj, args, NULL);

Esempio n. 17
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Http_createServer(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);

  if (!v7_is_callable(v7, cb)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Invalid argument");
    goto clean;
  *res = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set_proto(v7, *res, sj_http_server_proto);
  v7_set(v7, *res, "_cb", ~0, cb);

  return rcode;
Esempio n. 18
void init_updater_clubby(struct v7 *v7) {
  (void) v7;

  s_v7 = v7;
  v7_val_t updater = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_val_t sys = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Sys", ~0);
  s_updater_notify_cb = V7_UNDEFINED;
  v7_own(v7, &s_updater_notify_cb);

  v7_def(v7, sys, "updater", ~0, V7_DESC_ENUMERABLE(0), updater);
  v7_set_method(v7, updater, "notify", Updater_notify);
  v7_set_method(v7, updater, "start", Updater_startupdate);

  v7_def(s_v7, updater, "GOT_REQUEST", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, UJS_GOT_REQUEST));

  v7_def(s_v7, updater, "COMPLETED", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, UJS_COMPLETED));

  v7_def(s_v7, updater, "NOTHING_TODO", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, UJS_NOTHING_TODO));

  v7_def(s_v7, updater, "FAILED", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, UJS_ERROR));

  sj_clubby_register_global_command("/v1/SWUpdate.Update", handle_update_req,

  sj_clubby_register_global_command(clubby_cmd_ready, handle_clubby_ready,
Esempio n. 19
static void setup_request_object(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t request,
                                 struct http_message *hm) {
  int i, qslen = hm->query_string.len;
  v7_val_t headers = v7_mk_object(v7);

  /* TODO(lsm): implement as getters to save memory */
  v7_set(v7, request, "headers", ~0, headers);
  v7_set(v7, request, "method", ~0,
         v7_mk_string(v7, hm->method.p, hm->method.len, 1));
  v7_set(v7, request, "url", ~0,
         v7_mk_string(v7, hm->uri.p, hm->uri.len + (qslen == 0 ? 0 : qslen + 1),
  v7_set(v7, request, "body", ~0,
         v7_mk_string(v7, hm->body.p, hm->body.len, 1));

  for (i = 0; hm->header_names[i].len > 0; i++) {
    const struct mg_str *name = &hm->header_names[i];
    const struct mg_str *value = &hm->header_values[i];
    v7_set(v7, headers, name->p, name->len,
           v7_mk_string(v7, value->p, value->len, 1));
Esempio n. 20
void sj_wifi_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t s_wifi = v7_mk_object(v7);

  v7_own(v7, &s_wifi);

  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "setup", sj_Wifi_setup);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "connect", Wifi_connect);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "disconnect", Wifi_disconnect);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "status", Wifi_status);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "show", Wifi_show);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "ip", Wifi_ip);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "changed", Wifi_changed);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "scan", Wifi_scan);
  v7_set_method(v7, s_wifi, "ready", Wifi_ready);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Wifi", ~0, s_wifi);

  v7_set(v7, s_wifi, "CONNECTED", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, SJ_WIFI_CONNECTED));
  v7_set(v7, s_wifi, "DISCONNECTED", ~0,
         v7_mk_number(v7, SJ_WIFI_DISCONNECTED));
  v7_set(v7, s_wifi, "GOTIP", ~0, v7_mk_number(v7, SJ_WIFI_IP_ACQUIRED));

  v7_disown(v7, &s_wifi);
Esempio n. 21
void init_adcjs(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t adc = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "ADC", ~0, adc);
  v7_set_method(v7, adc, "read", ADC_read);
  v7_set_method(v7, adc, "readVoltage", ADC_readVoltage);
Esempio n. 22
 * Create request object, used by `Http.request()` and `Http.get()`
static enum v7_err sj_http_request_common(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t opts,
                                          v7_val_t cb, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  char addr[200];
  struct mg_connection *c;
  struct user_data *ud;
  struct mg_connect_opts copts;
  int force_ssl;

  memset(&copts, 0, sizeof(copts));
   * Determine type of provided `opts`, and if it's a string, then parse
   * it to object
  if (v7_is_string(opts)) {
    rcode = sj_url_parse(v7, opts, &opts);
    if (rcode != V7_OK) {
      goto clean;
  } else if (!v7_is_object(opts)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "opts must be an object or a string URL");
    goto clean;

   * Now, `opts` is guaranteed to be an object.
   * Let's retrieve needed properties
  v7_val_t v_h = v7_get(v7, opts, "hostname", ~0);
  if (v7_is_undefined(v_h)) {
    v_h = v7_get(v7, opts, "host", ~0);
  v7_val_t v_p = v7_get(v7, opts, "port", ~0);
  v7_val_t v_uri = v7_get(v7, opts, "path", ~0);
  v7_val_t v_m = v7_get(v7, opts, "method", ~0);
  v7_val_t v_hdrs = v7_get(v7, opts, "headers", ~0);

  /* Perform options validation and set defaults if needed */
  int port = v7_is_number(v_p) ? v7_to_number(v_p) : 80;
  const char *host = v7_is_string(v_h) ? v7_to_cstring(v7, &v_h) : "";
  const char *uri = v7_is_string(v_uri) ? v7_to_cstring(v7, &v_uri) : "/";
  const char *method = v7_is_string(v_m) ? v7_to_cstring(v7, &v_m) : "GET";

  v7_val_t v_pr = v7_get(v7, opts, "protocol", ~0);
  const char *protocol = v7_is_string(v_pr) ? v7_to_cstring(v7, &v_pr) : "";
  force_ssl = (strcasecmp(protocol, "https") == 0);
  if ((rcode = fill_ssl_connect_opts(v7, opts, force_ssl, &copts)) != V7_OK) {
    goto clean;

  /* Compose address like host:port */
  snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%s:%d", host, port);

   * Try to connect, passing `http_ev_handler` as the callback, which will
   * call provided JavaScript function (we'll set it in user data below).
   * TODO(alashkin): change mg_connect_opt to mg_connect_http_opt
  if ((c = mg_connect_opt(&sj_mgr, addr, http_ev_handler, copts)) == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Cannot connect");
    goto clean;

   * Attach mongoose's built-in HTTP event handler to the connection, and send
   * necessary headers
  mg_printf(c, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", method, uri);
  mg_printf(c, "Host: %s\r\n", host);
  http_write_headers(v7, v_hdrs, c);
  mg_printf(c, "%s", "\r\n");

   * Allocate and initialize user data structure that is used by the JS HTTP
   * interface. Create the request object (which will have the request
   * prototype `sj_http_request_proto`), and set provided callback function.
  c->user_data = ud = (struct user_data *) calloc(1, sizeof(*ud));

  ud->v7 = v7;
  ud->obj = v7_mk_object(v7);
  ud->handler = cb;

  v7_own(v7, &ud->obj);
  v7_set_proto(v7, ud->obj, sj_http_request_proto);

  /* internal property: mongoose connection */
  v7_set(v7, ud->obj, "_c", ~0, v7_mk_foreign(c));

  /* internal property: callback function that was passed as an argument */
  v7_set(v7, ud->obj, "_cb", ~0, ud->handler);

  *res = ud->obj;

  return rcode;
Esempio n. 23
 * Make a new MQTT client.
 * Arguments:
 * url: url where to connect to
 * opts: option object
 * Recognized option object properties:
 * - clientId: string; mqtt client id. defaults to
 *             Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 10)
 * Example:
 * var client = MQTT.connect('mqtt://');
 * client.on('connect', function () {
 *   client.subscribe('presence');
 *   client.publish('presence', 'Hello mqtt');
 * });
 * client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
 *   console.log(message);
 * });
 * TLS can be enabled by choosing the `mqtts://` protocol. In that
 * case the default port is 8883 as defined by IANA.
 * The API is modeled after
enum v7_err sj_mqtt_connect(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  const char *url;
  size_t len;
  struct mg_str host, scheme;
  unsigned int port;
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  struct user_data *ud;
  char *url_with_port = NULL;
  int use_ssl = 0;
  v7_val_t urlv = v7_arg(v7, 0), opts = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t client_id;
  v7_val_t proto =
      v7_get(v7, v7_get(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "MQTT", ~0), "proto", ~0);

  if (!v7_is_string(urlv)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "invalid url string");
    goto clean;

  url = v7_get_string(v7, &urlv, &len);

  if (mg_parse_uri(mg_mk_str(url), &scheme, NULL, &host, &port, NULL, NULL,
                   NULL) < 0) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "invalid url string");
    goto clean;

  if (mg_vcmp(&scheme, "mqtt") == 0) {
    url += sizeof("mqtt://") - 1;
  } else if (mg_vcmp(&scheme, "mqtts") == 0) {
    url += sizeof("mqtts://") - 1;
    use_ssl = 1;
  } else {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "unsupported protocol");
    goto clean;

  client_id = v7_get(v7, opts, "clientId", ~0);
  if (v7_is_undefined(client_id)) {
    rcode = v7_exec(v7, "Math.random().toString(16).substr(2,8)", &client_id);
    if (rcode != V7_OK) {
      goto clean;

  if (port == 0) {
    if (asprintf(&url_with_port, "%.*s%s", (int) host.len, host.p,
                 (use_ssl ? ":8883" : ":1883")) < 0) {
      rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Out of memory");
      goto clean;

  nc =
      mg_connect(&sj_mgr, url_with_port ? url_with_port : url, mqtt_ev_handler);
  if (nc == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "cannot create connection");
    goto clean;

  if (use_ssl) {
    mg_set_ssl(nc, NULL, NULL);
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "SSL not enabled");
    goto clean;

  *res = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set_proto(v7, *res, proto);

  ud = calloc(1, sizeof(*ud));
  if (ud == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Out of memory");
    goto clean;
  ud->v7 = v7;
  ud->client = *res;
  ud->client_id = strdup(v7_get_cstring(v7, &client_id));
  if (ud->client_id == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Out of memory");
    goto clean;
  nc->user_data = ud;
  v7_own(v7, &ud->client);

  v7_def(v7, *res, "_nc", ~0, _V7_DESC_HIDDEN(1), v7_mk_foreign(v7, nc));


  return rcode;
Esempio n. 24
 * Parse URL; used for:
 * - `URL.parse()`
 * - `Http.request()` and `Http.get()`, when provided `opts` is a string.
static enum v7_err sj_url_parse(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t url_v, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t opts, protocol_v;
  size_t i, j, len;
  int state = 0;
  const char *url;

  if (!v7_is_string(url_v)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "URL must be a string");
    goto clean;

  url = v7_get_string_data(v7, &url_v, &len);
  opts = v7_mk_object(v7);
  for (i = j = 0; j < len; j++) {
    switch (state) {
      case 0:
        if (url[j] == '/') {
          protocol_v = v7_mk_string(v7, url + i, j - i - 1, 1);
          v7_set(v7, opts, "protocol", ~0, protocol_v);
          j += 1;
          i = j + 1;
          state = 1;
      case 1:
        if (url[j] == '/' || (j > i && url[j] == ':') || j == len - 1) {
          int hl = j - i;
          if (j == len - 1 && url[j] != '/' && url[j] != ':') hl++;
          v7_set(v7, opts, "hostname", ~0, v7_mk_string(v7, url + i, hl, 1));
          if (url[j] == '/' || j == len - 1) {
            const char *protocol = v7_to_cstring(v7, &protocol_v);
            int port = strcasecmp(protocol, "https") == 0 ? 443 : 80;
            v7_set(v7, opts, "port", ~0, v7_mk_number(port));
            i = j;
            if (j == len - 1) j--;
            state = 3;
          } else {
            i = j + 1;
            state = 2;
      case 2:
        if (url[j] == '/' || j == len - 1) {
          char ps[6];
          size_t l = j - i;
          if (j == len - 1) l++;
          if (l > sizeof(ps) - 1) l = sizeof(ps) - 1;
          memcpy(ps, url + i, l);
          ps[l] = '\0';
          v7_set(v7, opts, "port", ~0, v7_mk_number(atoi(ps)));
          i = j;
          if (j == len - 1) j--;
          state = 3;
      case 3:
        if (j == len - 1) {
          v7_val_t path_v = j - i > 0 ? v7_mk_string(v7, url + i, j - i + 1, 1)
                                      : v7_mk_string(v7, "/", 1, 1);
          v7_set(v7, opts, "path", ~0, path_v);
  *res = opts;

  return rcode;
Esempio n. 25
Bot::Bot(bot_manager* mgr, const char* name, const char* workDir) {

	_mgr = mgr;
	_name = name;
	/*_workDir = std::string(ExePath()).c_str();
	_workDir += L"\\plugins\\BMP\\";
	TString botNamee = name;
	_workDir += botNamee.GetAsWChar();

	MessageBox(NULL, _workDir.GetAsChar(), "Work Dir", 0);*/


	_workDir = workDir;
	_workDir += L"bmp\\";

	bool isScriptOk = true;
	if (!EnsureDirExists(_workDir.GetAsWChar())) {
		isScriptOk = false;

	_charset.color = RGB(0xff, 0x99, 0x00);
	_activeBot = this;

	_scriptFile = _workDir.GetAsWChar();
	_scriptFile += L"main.js";

	if (isScriptOk && !FileExists(std::string(_scriptFile.GetAsChar()))) {
		TString strSay = L"BMP Plugin will not work, please put file 'main.js' into work dir. (";
		strSay += _scriptFile.GetAsWChar();
		strSay += L")";
		MessageBox(NULL, strSay.GetAsChar(), "BMP Bot Alert", 0);
		isScriptOk = false;

	v7 = v7_create();
	enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
	v7_val_t result;

	//events function define
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "on", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsBotEvent);

	//utilities functions
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "say", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsBotSay);
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "setTimeout", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsSetTimeout);
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "setInterval", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsSetInterval);
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "clearTimeout", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsClearTimeout);
	v7_set_method(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "clearInterval", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsClearInterval);

	botObj = new v7_val_t;
	v7_own(v7, botObj);
	*botObj = v7_mk_object(v7);
	v7_val_t botName = v7_mk_string(v7, name, ~0, 1);
	v7_set(v7, *botObj, "name", ~0, botName);
	v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "BOT", ~0, *botObj);
	v7_set_method(v7, *botObj, "setFontStyle", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsBotFontStyle);
	v7_set_method(v7, *botObj, "load", (v7_cfunction_t*)&jsBotLoadFile);

	//rcode = v7_exec(v7, "var a = \"aaa\"; say(a); print(\"Yeah\");", &result);
	if (isScriptOk) {
		rcode = v7_exec_file(v7, _scriptFile.GetAsChar(), &result);

		if (rcode != V7_OK) {
			if (result == V7_SYNTAX_ERROR) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail syntax error", "Nooo", 0);
			else if (result == V7_EXEC_EXCEPTION) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, exception", "Nooo", 0);
			else if (result == V7_EXEC_EXCEPTION) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, exception", "Nooo", 0);
			else if (result == V7_AST_TOO_LARGE) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, ast too large", "Nooo", 0);
		else {
			v7_val_t vObj;
			v7_own(v7, &vObj);
			vObj = v7_mk_object(v7);
			v7Obj = &vObj;

Esempio n. 26
/* Callback for json_walk() */
static void frozen_cb(void *data, const char *name, size_t name_len,
                      const char *path, const struct json_token *token) {
  struct json_parse_ctx *ctx = (struct json_parse_ctx *) data;
  v7_val_t v = V7_UNDEFINED;

  (void) path;

  v7_own(ctx->v7, &v);

  switch (token->type) {
      v = v7_mk_string(ctx->v7, token->ptr, token->len, 1 /* copy */);
      v = v7_mk_number(ctx->v7, cs_strtod(token->ptr, NULL));
    case JSON_TYPE_TRUE:
      v = v7_mk_boolean(ctx->v7, 1);
      v = v7_mk_boolean(ctx->v7, 0);
    case JSON_TYPE_NULL:
      v = V7_NULL;
      v = v7_mk_object(ctx->v7);
      v = v7_mk_array(ctx->v7);

      /* Object or array has finished: deallocate its frame */
      ctx->frame = free_json_frame(ctx, ctx->frame);
    } break;

      LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Wrong token type %d\n", token->type));

  if (!v7_is_undefined(v)) {
    if (name != NULL && name_len != 0) {
      /* Need to define a property on the current object/array */
      if (v7_is_object(ctx->frame->val)) {
        v7_set(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val, name, name_len, v);
      } else if (v7_is_array(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val)) {
         * TODO(dfrank): consult name_len. Currently it's not a problem due to
         * the implementation details of frozen, but it might change
        int idx = (int) cs_strtod(name, NULL);
        v7_array_set(ctx->v7, ctx->frame->val, idx, v);
      } else {
        LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Current value is neither object nor array\n"));
    } else {
      /* This is a root value */
      assert(ctx->frame == NULL);

       * This value will also be the overall result of JSON parsing
       * (it's already owned by the `v7_alt_json_parse()`)
      ctx->result = v;

    if (token->type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT_START ||
        token->type == JSON_TYPE_ARRAY_START) {
      /* New object or array has just started, so we need to allocate a frame
       * for it */
      struct json_parse_frame *new_frame = alloc_json_frame(ctx, v);
      new_frame->up = ctx->frame;
      ctx->frame = new_frame;

  v7_disown(ctx->v7, &v);
Esempio n. 27
void sj_http_api_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t Http = v7_mk_undefined();
  v7_val_t URL = v7_mk_undefined();

  sj_http_server_proto = v7_mk_undefined();
  sj_http_response_proto = v7_mk_undefined();
  sj_http_request_proto = v7_mk_undefined();

   * All values are owned temporarily: static values like
   * `sj_http_server_proto` will be owned later forever, in `sj_http_init()`.
   * This is needed to support freezing
  v7_own(v7, &Http);
  v7_own(v7, &URL);
  v7_own(v7, &sj_http_server_proto);
  v7_own(v7, &sj_http_response_proto);
  v7_own(v7, &sj_http_request_proto);

  sj_http_server_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
  sj_http_response_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);
  sj_http_request_proto = v7_mk_object(v7);

  /* NOTE(lsm): setting Http to globals immediately to avoid gc-ing it */
  Http = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "Http", ~0, Http);
  v7_set(v7, Http, "_serv", ~0, sj_http_server_proto);
  v7_set(v7, Http, "_resp", ~0, sj_http_response_proto);
  v7_set(v7, Http, "_req", ~0, sj_http_request_proto);

  v7_set_method(v7, Http, "createServer", Http_createServer);
  v7_set_method(v7, Http, "get", Http_get);
  v7_set_method(v7, Http, "request", Http_createClient);

  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_server_proto, "listen", Http_Server_listen);

  /* Initialize response prototype */
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_response_proto, "writeHead",
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_response_proto, "write", Http_response_write);
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_response_proto, "end", Http_response_end);
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_response_proto, "serve", Http_response_serve);

  /* Initialize request prototype */
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_request_proto, "write", Http_request_write);
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_request_proto, "end", Http_request_end);
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_request_proto, "abort", Http_request_abort);
  v7_set_method(v7, sj_http_request_proto, "setTimeout",

  URL = v7_mk_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), "URL", ~0, URL);
  v7_set_method(v7, URL, "parse", URL_parse);

  v7_disown(v7, &sj_http_request_proto);
  v7_disown(v7, &sj_http_response_proto);
  v7_disown(v7, &sj_http_server_proto);
  v7_disown(v7, &URL);
  v7_disown(v7, &Http);