void CVehicleDamageBehaviorBlowTire::Activate(bool activate)
  if (activate == m_isActive)

  if (activate && m_pVehicle->IsDestroyed())

	if (activate)
		// NOTE: stance and physics position when getting into vehicles is set wrong
		if (!gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile())

  IVehicleComponent* pComponent = m_pVehicle->GetComponent(m_component.c_str());
  if (!pComponent)

  IVehiclePart* pPart = pComponent->GetPart(0);
  if (!pPart)

  // if IVehicleWheel available, execute full damage behavior. if null, only apply effects
  IVehicleWheel* pWheel = pPart->GetIWheel();
  if (activate)
    IEntity* pEntity = m_pVehicle->GetEntity();
    IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = pEntity->GetPhysics();
    const Matrix34& wheelTM = pPart->GetLocalTM(false);
    const SVehicleStatus& status = m_pVehicle->GetStatus();

    if (pWheel)
      const pe_cargeomparams* pParams = pWheel->GetCarGeomParams();  
      // handle destroyed wheel
      pe_params_wheel wheelParams;
      wheelParams.iWheel = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();            
      wheelParams.minFriction = wheelParams.maxFriction = 0.5f * pParams->maxFriction;      
      if (IVehicleMovement* pMovement = m_pVehicle->GetMovement())
        SVehicleMovementEventParams params;
        params.pComponent = pComponent;
        params.iValue = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();
        pMovement->OnEvent(IVehicleMovement::eVME_TireBlown, params);

      if (status.speed > 0.1f)
        // add angular impulse
        pe_action_impulse angImp;
        float amount = m_pVehicle->GetMass() * status.speed * Random(0.25f, 0.45f) * -sgn(wheelTM.GetTranslation().x);
        angImp.angImpulse = pEntity->GetWorldTM().TransformVector(Vec3(0,0,amount));    
      m_aiImmobilizedTimer = m_pVehicle->SetTimer(-1, AI_IMMOBILIZED_TIME*1000, this);  

    if (!gEnv->pSystem->IsSerializingFile())
      // add linear impulse       
      pe_action_impulse imp;
      imp.point = pPart->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();

      float amount = m_pVehicle->GetMass() * Random(0.1f, 0.15f);

      if (pWheel)
        amount *= max(0.5f, min(10.f, status.speed));

        if (status.speed < 0.1f)
          amount = -0.5f*amount;
        amount *= 0.5f;

      imp.impulse = pEntity->GetWorldTM().TransformVector(Vec3(0,0,amount));

      // effect
      IParticleEffect* pEffect = gEnv->pParticleManager->FindEffect(TIRE_BLOW_EFFECT);
      if (pEffect)
        int slot = pEntity->LoadParticleEmitter(-1, pEffect);
        if (slot > -1)
          float rotation = pWheel ? 0.5f * gf_PI * -sgn(wheelTM.GetTranslation().x) : gf_PI;
          Matrix34 tm = Matrix34::CreateRotationZ(rotation);        
          pEntity->SetSlotLocalTM(slot, tm);

			// remove affected decals
				Vec3 pos = pPart->GetWorldTM().GetTranslation();
				AABB aabb = pPart->GetLocalBounds();
				float radius = aabb.GetRadius();
				Vec3 vRadius(radius,radius,radius);
        AABB areaBox(pos-vRadius, pos+vRadius);
        IRenderNode * pRenderNode = NULL;				
        if (IEntityRenderProxy *pRenderProxy = (IEntityRenderProxy*)pEntity->GetProxy(ENTITY_PROXY_RENDER))
					pRenderNode = pRenderProxy->GetRenderNode();

        gEnv->p3DEngine->DeleteDecalsInRange(&areaBox, pRenderNode);
    if (pWheel)
      // restore wheel properties        
      IPhysicalEntity* pPhysics = m_pVehicle->GetEntity()->GetPhysics();    
      pe_params_wheel wheelParams;

      for (int i=0; i<m_pVehicle->GetWheelCount(); ++i)
        const pe_cargeomparams* pParams = m_pVehicle->GetWheelPart(i)->GetIWheel()->GetCarGeomParams();

        wheelParams.iWheel = i;
        wheelParams.bBlocked = 0;
        wheelParams.suspLenMax = pParams->lenMax;
        wheelParams.bDriving = pParams->bDriving;      
        wheelParams.minFriction = pParams->minFriction;
        wheelParams.maxFriction = pParams->maxFriction;

			if (IVehicleMovement* pMovement = m_pVehicle->GetMovement())
				SVehicleMovementEventParams params;
				params.pComponent = pComponent;
				params.iValue = pWheel->GetWheelIndex();
				// reset the particle status
				pMovement->OnEvent(IVehicleMovement::eVME_TireRestored, params);
    m_aiImmobilizedTimer = -1;

  m_isActive = activate;      
Esempio n. 2
bool CGutModel::CreateSphere(float radius, sVertexDecl *pVertexDecl, int stacks, int slices)

	m_pMeshArray = new sModelMesh[1];
	sModelMesh *pMesh = m_pMeshArray;
	if ( NULL==pMesh )
		return false;

	m_pMeshArray[0].m_pVertexChunks = new sModelVertexChunk[1];
	sModelVertexChunk *pVertexChunk = m_pMeshArray[0].m_pVertexChunks;
	if ( NULL==pVertexChunk )
		return false;

	if ( pVertexDecl )
		pVertexChunk->m_VertexDecl = *pVertexDecl;

	int num_vertices = (stacks+1)*(slices+1);
	int num_triangles = stacks*slices*2;
	int num_indices = num_triangles * 3;

	m_pMeshArray[0].m_iNumVertexChunks = 1;
	pVertexChunk->m_pVertexArray = new sModelVertex[num_vertices];
	sModelVertex *pVertices = pVertexChunk->m_pVertexArray;
	if ( NULL==pVertices )
		return false;

	pVertexChunk->m_pBatchArray = new sModelBatch[1];
	sModelBatch *pBatch = pVertexChunk->m_pBatchArray;
	if ( NULL==pBatch )
		return false;

	m_iNumMeshes = 1;
	m_iNumFaces = num_triangles;
	m_iNumVertices = num_vertices;

	pMesh->m_iNumFaces = num_triangles;
	pMesh->m_iNumVertices = num_vertices;

	pBatch->m_iNumIndices = num_indices;
	pBatch->m_iNumPrimitives = num_triangles;
	pBatch->m_iNumVertices = num_vertices;
	pBatch->m_iIndexArrayBegin = 0;
	pBatch->m_iIndexArrayEnd = num_indices;

	pVertexChunk->m_iNumBatches = 1;
	pVertexChunk->m_iNumIndices = num_indices;
	pVertexChunk->m_iNumVertices = num_vertices;
	pVertexChunk->m_iNumPrimitives = num_triangles;

	Vector4 vDefaultColor(1.0f);
	Vector4 vRadius(radius);

	const float theta_start_degree = 0.0f;
	const float theta_end_degree = 360.0f;
	const float phi_start_degree = -90.0f;
	const float phi_end_degree = 90.0f;

	float ts = FastMath::DegToRad(theta_start_degree);
	float te = FastMath::DegToRad(theta_end_degree);
	float ps = FastMath::DegToRad(phi_start_degree);
	float pe = FastMath::DegToRad(phi_end_degree);

	float theta_total = te - ts;
	float phi_total = pe - ps;
	float theta_inc = theta_total/stacks;
	float phi_inc = phi_total/slices;

	float ty_start = 1.0f;
	float ty_step = -1.0f/(float)slices;
	float tx_start = 1.0f;
	float tx_step = -1.0f/(float)stacks;

	Vector4 vTexcoord(tx_start, ty_start, 0.0f);

	int i,j;
	int index = 0;
	float theta = ts;

	for ( i=0; i<=stacks; i++ )
		float phi = ps;
		float sin_theta, cos_theta;
		FastMath::SinCos(theta, sin_theta, cos_theta);

		for ( j=0; j<=slices; j++, index++ )
			float sin_phi, cos_phi;
			FastMath::SinCos(phi, sin_phi, cos_phi);
			Vector4 vNormal(cos_phi * cos_theta, sin_phi, cos_phi * sin_theta);
			// Position
			pVertices[index].m_Position = vRadius * vNormal;
			// Normal
			pVertices[index].m_Normal = vNormal;
			// Color
			pVertices[index].m_Color = vDefaultColor;
			// Texcoord
			pVertices[index].m_Texcoord[0] = vTexcoord;
			// inc phi
			phi += phi_inc;
			// inc texcoord
			vTexcoord[1] += ty_step;
		// inc theta
		theta += theta_inc;
		// reset & inc texcoord
		vTexcoord[0] += tx_step;
		vTexcoord[1] = ty_start;

	// build index array

	unsigned short *pIndices = new unsigned short[num_triangles*3];
	if ( pIndices==NULL )
		delete [] pVertices;
		return false;

	pVertexChunk->m_pIndexArray = pIndices;

	int base = 0;
	index = 0;

	// triangle list
	for ( i=0; i<stacks; i++ )
		for ( j=0; j<slices; j++ )
			pIndices[index++] = base;
			pIndices[index++] = base+1;
			pIndices[index++] = base+slices+1;

			pIndices[index++] = base+1;
			pIndices[index++] = base+slices+2;
			pIndices[index++] = base+slices+1;


	return true;