testTortureExecute (void)
#if 0
Esempio n. 2
void va1(int* x, char* y, ...) {
	va_list argp;
	va_start(argp, y);
	va2(x, y, &argp);
Esempio n. 3
void test02(const Array<T>& x)
    CIMValue va(x);
    CIMValue va2(va);
    CIMValue va3;
    va3 = va2;
    // Create a null constructor
    CIMType type = va.getType();            // get the type of v
    CIMValue va4(type,true);
    CIMValue va5;
    va5 = va4;
#ifdef IO
    if (verbose)
        cout << "\n----------------------\n";
        XmlWriter::printValueElement(va3, cout);

        Array<T> t;
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(t == x);
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va3.typeCompatible(va2));
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (!va.isNull());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va.isArray());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (!va2.isNull());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va2.isArray());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (!va3.isNull());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va3.isArray());

        // Note that this test depends on what is built.  Everything has
        // 2 entries.
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va.getArraySize() == 3);

        // Confirm that va4 (and va5) is Null, and array and zero length
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va4.isNull());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va4.isArray());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va4.getArraySize() == 0);
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va4.typeCompatible(va));
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va5.isNull());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va5.isArray());
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va5.getArraySize() == 0);
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT (va5.typeCompatible(va));

        // Test toMof
        Buffer mofOutput;
        MofWriter::appendValueElement(mofOutput, va);

        // Test toXml
        Buffer out;
        XmlWriter::appendValueElement(out, va);
        XmlWriter::appendValueElement(out, va);
        // Test toString
        String valueString = va.toString();
#ifdef IO
        if (verbose)
            cout << "MOF = [" << mofOutput.getData() << "]" << endl;
            cout << "toString Output [" << valueString << "]" << endl;
        // There should be no exceptions to this point so the
        // catch simply terminates.
    catch(Exception& e)
        cerr << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << endl;

    // Test the Null Characteristics
        // Set the initial one to Null
        va.setNullValue(va.getType(), true, 0);
        PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(va.getArraySize() == 0);
        va.setNullValue(va.getType(), false);

        // get the String and XML outputs for v
        String valueString2 = va.toString();
        Buffer xmlBuffer;
        XmlWriter::appendValueElement(xmlBuffer, va);

        Buffer mofOutput2;
        MofWriter::appendValueElement(mofOutput2, va);
#ifdef IO
        if (verbose)
            cout << "MOF NULL = [" << mofOutput2.getData() << "]" << endl;
            cout << "toString NULL Output [" << valueString2 << "]" << endl;
            cout << " XML NULL = [" << xmlBuffer.getData() << "]" << endl;
    catch(Exception& e)
        cerr << "Error: " << e.getMessage() << endl;

Esempio n. 4
    void BinomialVanillaEngine<T>::calculate() const {

        DayCounter rfdc  = process_->riskFreeRate()->dayCounter();
        DayCounter divdc = process_->dividendYield()->dayCounter();
        DayCounter voldc = process_->blackVolatility()->dayCounter();
        Calendar volcal = process_->blackVolatility()->calendar();

        Real s0 = process_->stateVariable()->value();
        QL_REQUIRE(s0 > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given");
        Volatility v = process_->blackVolatility()->blackVol(
            arguments_.exercise->lastDate(), s0);
        Date maturityDate = arguments_.exercise->lastDate();
        Rate r = process_->riskFreeRate()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
            rfdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
        Rate q = process_->dividendYield()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
            divdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
        Date referenceDate = process_->riskFreeRate()->referenceDate();

        // binomial trees with constant coefficient
        Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatRiskFree(
                new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc)));
        Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatDividends(
                new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc)));
        Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> flatVol(
                new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc)));

        boost::shared_ptr<PlainVanillaPayoff> payoff =
        QL_REQUIRE(payoff, "non-plain payoff given");

        Time maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

        boost::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess1D> bs(
                         new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(
                                      flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol));

        TimeGrid grid(maturity, timeSteps_);

        boost::shared_ptr<T> tree(new T(bs, maturity, timeSteps_,

        boost::shared_ptr<BlackScholesLattice<T> > lattice(
            new BlackScholesLattice<T>(tree, r, maturity, timeSteps_));

        DiscretizedVanillaOption option(arguments_, *process_, grid);

        option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

        // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
        // binomial tree (Odegaard)

        // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying price (s2) &
        // option values (p2) at this point
        Array va2(option.values());
        QL_ENSURE(va2.size() == 3, "Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
        Real p2h = va2[2]; // high-price
        Real s2 = lattice->underlying(2, 2); // high price

        // Rollback to second-last step, and get option value (p1) at
        // this point
        Array va(option.values());
        QL_ENSURE(va.size() == 2, "Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
        Real p1 = va[1];

        // Finally, rollback to t=0
        Real p0 = option.presentValue();
        Real s1 = lattice->underlying(1, 1);

        // Calculate partial derivatives
        Real delta0 = (p1-p0)/(s1-s0);   // dp/ds
        Real delta1 = (p2h-p1)/(s2-s1);  // dp/ds

        // Store results
        results_.value = p0;
        results_.delta = delta0;
        results_.gamma = 2.0*(delta1-delta0)/(s2-s0);    //d(delta)/ds
        results_.theta = blackScholesTheta(process_,
void ShapeFunctionTriangleSigned::calc()
    // based on the answer in http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/383804/calculate-uv-coordinates-of-3d-point-on-plane-of-m.html
    // check out also: http://www.had2know.com/academics/triangle-area-perimeter-angle-3-coordinates.html
    lmx::Vector<double> f(dim), p1(dim), p2(dim), p3(dim);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[0]->getX(), 0);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[0]->getY(), 1);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[0]->getZ(), 2);
    p2.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[1]->getX(), 0);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[1]->getY(), 1);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[1]->getZ(), 2);
    p3.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[2]->getX(), 0);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[2]->getY(), 1);
    p1.writeElement(gp->getSupportNodes()[2]->getZ(), 2);

    lmx::Vector<double> f1(dim), f2(dim), f3(dim); // calculate vectors from point f to vertices p1, p2 and p3:
    f1.subs( p1, f);
    f2.subs( p2, f);
    f3.subs( p3, f);
    lmx::Vector<double> va(dim), va1(dim), va2(dim), va3(dim);
    double a, a1, a2, a3;
    va.multElements(p1-p2, p1-p3);
    va1.multElements(f2, f3);
    va2.multElements(f3, f1);
    va3.multElements(f1, f2);
    lmx::Vector<double> vaa1(dim), vaa2(dim), vaa3(dim);
    a = va.norm2();
    a1 = std::copysign( va1.norm2()/a, va*va1 );
    a2 = std::copysign( va2.norm2()/a, va*va2 );
    a3 = std::copysign( va3.norm2()/a, va*va3 );

    phi.writeElement( a1, 0, 0 );
    phi.writeElement( a2, 0, 0 );
    phi.writeElement( a3, 0, 0 );
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[1]->gety() - gp->supportNodes[2]->gety() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 1, 0 );
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[2]->getx() - gp->supportNodes[1]->getx() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 2, 0 );
//   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[2]->gety() - gp->supportNodes[0]->gety() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 1, 1 );
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[0]->getx() - gp->supportNodes[2]->getx() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 2, 1 );
//   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[0]->gety() - gp->supportNodes[1]->gety() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 1, 2 );
//   phi.writeElement(
//       ( gp->supportNodes[1]->getx() - gp->supportNodes[0]->getx() )
//       / ( 2*gp->jacobian ), 2, 2 );

//   cout << "phi = " << phi << endl;
Esempio n. 6
    void BinomialBarrierEngine<T,D>::calculate() const {

        DayCounter rfdc  = process_->riskFreeRate()->dayCounter();
        DayCounter divdc = process_->dividendYield()->dayCounter();
        DayCounter voldc = process_->blackVolatility()->dayCounter();
        Calendar volcal = process_->blackVolatility()->calendar();

        Real s0 = process_->stateVariable()->value();
        QL_REQUIRE(s0 > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given");
        Volatility v = process_->blackVolatility()->blackVol(
            arguments_.exercise->lastDate(), s0);
        Date maturityDate = arguments_.exercise->lastDate();
        Rate r = process_->riskFreeRate()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
            rfdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
        Rate q = process_->dividendYield()->zeroRate(maturityDate,
            divdc, Continuous, NoFrequency);
        Date referenceDate = process_->riskFreeRate()->referenceDate();

        // binomial trees with constant coefficient
        Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatRiskFree(
                new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc)));
        Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatDividends(
                new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc)));
        Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> flatVol(
                new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc)));

        boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff =
        QL_REQUIRE(payoff, "non-striked payoff given");

        Time maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

        boost::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess1D> bs(
                         new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(
                                      flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol));

        // correct timesteps to ensure a (local) minimum, using Boyle and Lau
        // approach. See Journal of Derivatives, 1/1994,
        // "Bumping up against the barrier with the binomial method"
        // Note: this approach works only for CoxRossRubinstein lattices, so
        // is disabled if T is not a CoxRossRubinstein or derived from it.
        Size optimum_steps = timeSteps_;
        if (boost::is_base_of<CoxRossRubinstein, T>::value && 
            maxTimeSteps_ > timeSteps_ && s0 > 0 && arguments_.barrier > 0) {
            Real divisor;
            if (s0 > arguments_.barrier)
               divisor = std::pow(std::log(s0 / arguments_.barrier), 2);
               divisor = std::pow(std::log(arguments_.barrier / s0), 2);
            if (!close(divisor,0)) {
                for (Size i=1; i < timeSteps_ ; ++i) {
                    Size optimum = Size(( i*i * v*v * maturity) / divisor);
                    if (timeSteps_ < optimum) {
                        optimum_steps = optimum;
                        break; // found first minimum with iterations>=timesteps

            if (optimum_steps > maxTimeSteps_) 
               optimum_steps = maxTimeSteps_; // too high, limit

        TimeGrid grid(maturity, optimum_steps);

        boost::shared_ptr<T> tree(new T(bs, maturity, optimum_steps,

        boost::shared_ptr<BlackScholesLattice<T> > lattice(
            new BlackScholesLattice<T>(tree, r, maturity, optimum_steps));

        D option(arguments_, *process_, grid);
        option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

        // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
        // binomial tree 
        // (see J.C.Hull, "Options, Futures and other derivatives", 6th edition, pp 397/398)

        // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying prices (s2) &
        // option values (p2) at this point
        Array va2(option.values());
        QL_ENSURE(va2.size() == 3, "Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
        Real p2u = va2[2]; // up
        Real p2m = va2[1]; // mid
        Real p2d = va2[0]; // down (low)
        Real s2u = lattice->underlying(2, 2); // up price
        Real s2m = lattice->underlying(2, 1); // middle price
        Real s2d = lattice->underlying(2, 0); // down (low) price

        // calculate gamma by taking the first derivate of the two deltas
        Real delta2u = (p2u - p2m)/(s2u-s2m);
        Real delta2d = (p2m-p2d)/(s2m-s2d);
        Real gamma = (delta2u - delta2d) / ((s2u-s2d)/2);

        // Rollback to second-last step, and get option values (p1) at
        // this point
        Array va(option.values());
        QL_ENSURE(va.size() == 2, "Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
        Real p1u = va[1];
        Real p1d = va[0];
        Real s1u = lattice->underlying(1, 1); // up (high) price
        Real s1d = lattice->underlying(1, 0); // down (low) price

        Real delta = (p1u - p1d) / (s1u - s1d);

        // Finally, rollback to t=0
        Real p0 = option.presentValue();

        // Store results
        results_.value = p0;
        results_.delta = delta;
        results_.gamma = gamma;
        // theta can be approximated by calculating the numerical derivative
        // between mid value at third-last step and at t0. The underlying price
        // is the same, only time varies.
        results_.theta = (p2m - p0) / grid[2];