Esempio n. 1
 *  FUNCTION:  Lag_max
 *  PURPOSE: Find the lag that has maximum correlation of scal_sig[] in a
 *           given delay range.
 *      The correlation is given by
 *           cor[t] = <scal_sig[n],scal_sig[n-t]>,  t=lag_min,...,lag_max
 *      The functions outputs the maximum correlation after normalization
 *      and the corresponding lag.
Word16 Lag_max ( /* o   : lag found                               */
    vadState1 *vadSt,    /* i/o : VAD state struct                        */
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                     */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                          */    
    Word16 scal_fac,    /* i   : scaled signal factor.                   */
    Word16 scal_flag,   /* i   : if 1 use EFR compatible scaling         */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch        */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                             */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                             */
    Word16 *cor_max,    /* o   : normalized correlation of selected lag  */
    Flag dtx            /* i   : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0   */
    Word16 i, j;
    Word16 *p;
    Word32 max, t0;
    Word16 max_h, max_l, ener_h, ener_l;
    Word16 p_max = 0; /* initialization only needed to keep gcc silent */
    long lTemp;

	max = MIN_32;                
    p_max = lag_max;            
    for (i = lag_max, j = (PIT_MAX-lag_max-1); i >= lag_min; i--, j--)  
       if (corr[-i] >= max) 
          max = corr[-i];         
          p_max = i;              
    /* compute energy */

    t0 = 0;                          
    p = &scal_sig[-p_max];       
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++)
        //t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p);
		lTemp = (*p) * (*p);

		if (lTemp != 0x40000000)
			lTemp = lTemp * 2;
			lTemp = MAX_32;

		lTemp = lTemp + t0;

		if (lTemp > MAX_32)
			t0 = MAX_32;
		else if (lTemp < MIN_32)
			t0 = MIN_32;
			t0 = (Word32)lTemp;

    /* 1/sqrt(energy) */

    if (dtx)
    {  /* no test() call since this if is only in simulation env */
       /* check tone */
       vad_tone_detection (vadSt, max, t0);
    t0 = Inv_sqrt (t0);  /* function result */

    if (scal_flag)
       t0 = L_shl (t0, 1);
    /* max = max/sqrt(energy)  */

    L_Extract (max, &max_h, &max_l);
    L_Extract (t0, &ener_h, &ener_l);

    t0 = Mpy_32 (max_h, max_l, ener_h, ener_l);
    if (scal_flag)
      t0 = L_shr (t0, scal_fac);
      *cor_max = extract_h (L_shl (t0, 15)); /* divide by 2 */
      *cor_max = extract_l(t0);

    return (p_max);
static Word16 Lag_max(  /* o   : lag found                               */
    vadState *vadSt,    /* i/o : VAD state struct                        */
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                     */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                          */
    Word16 scal_fac,    /* i   : scaled signal factor.                   */
    Word16 scal_flag,   /* i   : if 1 use EFR compatible scaling         */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch        */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                             */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                             */
    Word16 *cor_max,    /* o   : normalized correlation of selected lag  */
    Flag dtx,           /* i   : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0   */
    Flag *pOverflow     /* i/o : overflow Flag                           */
    register Word16 i;
    Word16 *p;
    Word32 max;
    Word32 t0;
    Word16 max_h;
    Word16 max_l;
    Word16 ener_h;
    Word16 ener_l;
    Word16 p_max = 0; /* initialization only needed to keep gcc silent */
    Word32 L_temp;
    Word32 L_temp_2;
    Word32 L_temp_3;
    Word32  *p_corr = &corr[-lag_max];

    max = MIN_32;
    p_max = lag_max;

    for (i = lag_max; i >= lag_min; i--)
        /* The negative array index is equivalent to a negative */
        /* address offset, i.e., corr[-i] == *(corr - i)        */
        if (*(p_corr++) >= max)
            max = *(p_corr++);
            p_max = i;

    /* compute energy */

    t0 = 0;

    /* The negative array index is equivalent to a negative          */
    /* address offset, i.e., scal_sig[-p_max] == *(scal_sig - p_max) */
    p = &scal_sig[-p_max];
    for (i = (L_frame >> 2); i != 0; i--)
        t0 = amrnb_fxp_mac_16_by_16bb((Word32) * (p), (Word32) * (p), t0);
        t0 = amrnb_fxp_mac_16_by_16bb((Word32) * (p), (Word32) * (p), t0);
        t0 = amrnb_fxp_mac_16_by_16bb((Word32) * (p), (Word32) * (p), t0);
        t0 = amrnb_fxp_mac_16_by_16bb((Word32) * (p), (Word32) * (p), t0);

    t0 <<= 1;
    /* 1/sqrt(energy) */

    if (dtx)
    {  /* no test() call since this if is only in simulation env */
        /* check tone */
#ifdef VAD2
        *rmax = max;
        *r0 = t0;
        /* check tone */
        vad_tone_detection(vadSt, max, t0, pOverflow);

    t0 = Inv_sqrt(t0, pOverflow);

    if (scal_flag)
        if (t0 > (Word32) 0x3fffffffL)
            t0 = MAX_32;
            t0 = t0 << 1;

    /* max = max/sqrt(energy)  */
    /* The following code is an inlined version of */
    /* L_Extract (max, &max_h, &max_l), i.e.       */
    /*                                             */
    /* *max_h = extract_h (max);                   */
    max_h = (Word16)(max >> 16);

    /* L_temp_2 = L_shr(max,1), which is used in      */
    /* the calculation of *max_l (see next operation) */
    L_temp_2 = max >> 1;

    /* *max_l = extract_l (L_msu (L_shr (max, 1), *max_h, 16384)); */
    L_temp_3 = (Word32)(max_h << 15);

    L_temp = L_temp_2 - L_temp_3;

    max_l = (Word16)L_temp;

    /* The following code is an inlined version of */
    /* L_Extract (t0, &ener_h, &ener_l), i.e.      */
    /*                                             */
    /* *ener_h = extract_h (t0);                   */
    ener_h = (Word16)(t0 >> 16);

    /* L_temp_2 = L_shr(t0,1), which is used in        */
    /* the calculation of *ener_l (see next operation) */

    L_temp_2 = t0 >> 1;

    L_temp_3 = (Word32)(ener_h << 15);

    L_temp = L_temp_2 - L_temp_3;

    ener_l = (Word16)L_temp;

    t0 = Mpy_32(max_h, max_l, ener_h, ener_l, pOverflow);

    if (scal_flag)
        t0 = L_shr(t0, scal_fac, pOverflow);

        if (t0 > (Word32) 0X0000FFFFL)
            *cor_max = MAX_16;
        else if (t0 < (Word32) 0xFFFF0000L)
            *cor_max = MIN_16;
            *cor_max = (Word16)(t0 >> 1);
static Word16 Lag_max(  /* o : lag found                               */
    vadState *vadSt,    /* i/o : VAD state struct                      */
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                   */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i : scaled signal.                          */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i : length of frame to compute pitch        */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i : maximum lag                             */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i : minimum lag                             */
    Word16 old_lag,     /* i : old open-loop lag                       */
    Word16 *cor_max,    /* o : normalized correlation of selected lag  */
    Word16 wght_flg,    /* i : is weighting function used              */
    Word16 *gain_flg,   /* o : open-loop flag                          */
    Flag dtx,           /* i : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0   */
    Flag   *pOverflow   /* o : overflow flag                           */
    Word16 i;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 *p;
    Word16 *p1;
    Word32 max;
    Word32 t0;
    Word16 t0_h;
    Word16 t0_l;
    Word16 p_max;
    const Word16 *ww;
    const Word16 *we;
    Word32 t1;
    Word16 temp;

    ww = &corrweight[250];
    we = &corrweight[123 + lag_max - old_lag];

    max = MIN_32;
    p_max = lag_max;

    for (i = lag_max; i >= lag_min; i--)
        t0 = corr[-i];

        /* Weighting of the correlation function.   */
        L_Extract(corr[-i], &t0_h, &t0_l, pOverflow);
        t0 = Mpy_32_16(t0_h, t0_l, *ww, pOverflow);
        if (wght_flg > 0)
            /* Weight the neighbourhood of the old lag. */
            L_Extract(t0, &t0_h, &t0_l, pOverflow);
            t0 = Mpy_32_16(t0_h, t0_l, *we, pOverflow);

        /*       if (L_sub (t0, max) >= 0) */
        if (t0 >= max)
            max = t0;
            p_max = i;
    p  = &scal_sig[0];
    p1 = &scal_sig[-p_max];
    t0 = 0;
    t1 = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++, p++, p1++)
        t0 = L_mac(t0, *p, *p1, pOverflow);
        t1 = L_mac(t1, *p1, *p1, pOverflow);

    if (dtx)
    {   /* no test() call since this if is only in simulation env */
#ifdef VAD2
        /* Save max correlation */
        vadSt->L_Rmax = L_add(vadSt->L_Rmax, t0, pOverflow);
        /* Save max energy */
        vadSt->L_R0 =   L_add(vadSt->L_R0, t1, pOverflow);
        /* update and detect tone */
        vad_tone_detection_update(vadSt, 0, pOverflow);
        vad_tone_detection(vadSt, t0, t1, pOverflow);

    /* gain flag is set according to the open_loop gain */
    /* is t2/t1 > 0.4 ? */
    temp = pv_round(t1, pOverflow);
    t1 = L_msu(t0, temp, 13107, pOverflow);
    *gain_flg = pv_round(t1, pOverflow);

    *cor_max = 0;

    return (p_max);
Esempio n. 4
static Word16 Lag_max ( /* o   : lag found                               */
    vadState *vadSt,    /* i/o : VAD state struct                        */
    Word32 corr[],      /* i   : correlation vector.                     */
    Word16 scal_sig[],  /* i   : scaled signal.                          */    
    Word16 scal_fac,    /* i   : scaled signal factor.                   */
    Word16 scal_flag,   /* i   : if 1 use EFR compatible scaling         */
    Word16 L_frame,     /* i   : length of frame to compute pitch        */
    Word16 lag_max,     /* i   : maximum lag                             */
    Word16 lag_min,     /* i   : minimum lag                             */
    Word16 *cor_max,    /* o   : normalized correlation of selected lag  */
    Flag dtx            /* i   : dtx flag; use dtx=1, do not use dtx=0   */
    Word16 i, j;
    Word16 *p;
    Word32 max, t0;
    Word16 max_h, max_l, ener_h, ener_l;
    Word16 p_max = 0; /* initialization only needed to keep gcc silent */
    max = MIN_32;               move32 (); 
    p_max = lag_max;            move16 ();
    for (i = lag_max, j = (PIT_MAX-lag_max-1); i >= lag_min; i--, j--)  
       test ();  
       if (L_sub (corr[-i], max) >= 0) 
          max = corr[-i];       move32 ();  
          p_max = i;            move16 ();  
    /* compute energy */

    t0 = 0;                     move32 ();     
    p = &scal_sig[-p_max];      move16 (); 
    for (i = 0; i < L_frame; i++, p++)
        t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p);
    /* 1/sqrt(energy) */

    if (dtx)
    {  /* no test() call since this if is only in simulation env */
#ifdef VAD2
       *rmax = max;		move32();
       *r0 = t0;		move32();
       /* check tone */
       vad_tone_detection (vadSt, max, t0);
    t0 = Inv_sqrt (t0); move32 (); /* function result */

    if (scal_flag)
       t0 = L_shl (t0, 1);
    /* max = max/sqrt(energy)  */

    L_Extract (max, &max_h, &max_l);
    L_Extract (t0, &ener_h, &ener_l);

    t0 = Mpy_32 (max_h, max_l, ener_h, ener_l);
    if (scal_flag)
      t0 = L_shr (t0, scal_fac);
      *cor_max = extract_h (L_shl (t0, 15)); /* divide by 2 */
      *cor_max = extract_l(t0);

    return (p_max);