Esempio n. 1
// doesn't this always return iteration?
// This does always return iteration. Sorry. I don't know the hint of this commet.
int PathFinder::shortestLength(int iteration=1){
  std::vector<Point> neighbors;
  std::set<Point>::iterator it;
  // Why allocate newClosed on the heap? make it stack allocated, and you get destruction for free
  //yest the swap is  better choice 
  std::set<Point> newClosed;

  for(it=closed->begin(); it != closed->end(); it++){
    for(int i=0; i< neighbors.size(); i++){
      Point neighbor = neighbors[i];
	  // magic numbers like -1 aren't good here
      //don't quite get the idea of this comment
      if(validPoint(neighbor) && (*open)[neighbor] == -1) return iteration;

      if(validPoint(neighbor) && (*open)[neighbor] == 0 && (*pointStatus)[neighbor] !=1){
	(*open)[neighbor]=iteration +1;

  return iteration;
Esempio n. 2
// takes a char (L, R, B), point, and initial direction and gets
// the next point
static point charToPoint(char letter, int difference, point currentPoint) {
    if (difference == COL_DEC) {
        if (letter == 'L') {
        } else if (letter == 'R') {
        } else if (letter == 'B') {
    } else if (difference == COL_INC) {
        if (letter == 'L') {
        } else if (letter == 'R') {
        } else if (letter == 'B') {
    } else if (difference == ROW_DEC) {
        if (currentPoint.x%2 == currentPoint.y%2) {
            if (letter == 'L') {
            } else if (letter == 'R') {
            } else if (letter == 'B') {
        } else {
            if (letter == 'L') {
            } else if (letter == 'R') {
            } else if (letter == 'B') {
    } else if (difference == ROW_INC) {
        if (currentPoint.x%2 == currentPoint.y%2) {
            if (letter == 'L') {
            } else if (letter == 'R') {
            } else if (letter == 'B') {
        } else {
            if (letter == 'L') {
            } else if (letter == 'R') {
            } else if (letter == 'B') {

    if (!validPoint(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y)) {
        currentPoint.x = -1;
    return currentPoint;
Esempio n. 3
// Create the board
static void createBoard(Game g, int discipline[], int dice[]) {
    g->gameBoard = malloc (sizeof (struct _board));
    assert(g->gameBoard != NULL);

    // Create the points that exist
    int x = 0;
    while (x < NUM_POINTS_X) {
        int y = 0;
        while (y < NUM_POINTS_Y) {
            if (validPoint(x, y)) {
                createPoint(g, x, y);

    // Create the regions that exist
    x = 0;
    int i = 0;

    while (x < NUM_REGIONS_X) {
        int y = 0;
        while (y < NUM_REGIONS_Y) {
            if (validRegion(x, y)) {
                createRegion(g, x, y, i, dice[i], discipline[i]);
                // Add the region to the points around it
                addRegionToPoints(g, x, y);
Esempio n. 4
// free all the memory malloced for points
static void disposePoints(Game g) {
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    while (x < NUM_POINTS_X) {
        y = 0;
        while (y < NUM_POINTS_Y) {
            if (validPoint(x, y)) {
Esempio n. 5
std::vector<Point> PathFinder::getPath(Point point, int iteration) {
  //reverst the direction to the start --> end
    std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
    return path;

  std::vector<Point> neighbors = getNeighbors(point);
  for(int i=0; i<neighbors.size(); i++){

    Point neighbor=neighbors[i];

    if(validPoint(neighbor) && (*open)[neighbor]==iteration){
      return getPath(neighbor, iteration-1);
  //If there is no available path, return the empty 
  std::vector<Point> result;
  return result;
Esempio n. 6
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> PathPlanner::getPath(Eigen::Vector3f start, Eigen::Vector3f end, cv::Mat3b * image)
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> path;
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> pathImg;

    //Objects are outside the configuration space, so get the closest point
    Eigen::Vector2i lastPoint;
        if(!findClosestPoint(start, end, bot_in_pixels_))
            return path;

    //Check if we can just go straight there unobstructed
    if(traceLine(worldToImg(start), worldToImg(end)))
    else if(aStar(worldToImg(start), worldToImg(end), pathImg))
        pathImg = smoothPath(pathImg);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < pathImg.size(); i++)

        drawPath(path, *image);

    return path;
// moving average on vector nPoints a,(b,(c)) of given sensor, thread safe
// container: unique class object
// xma:      average type
// pv:       use xma to smooth position or velocity
// nPoints:  window length, longer window equals smoother results, but slower end-point convergence
//              estimate: nPoints = freq *  w_time; [s = 1/s * s]
// initEndEff:  user set start point
void moving_average(DataContainer* container, int sensor_in)
  // xma average type
  int xma = container->getInt(1);
  int pv = container->getInt(2);
  int nPoints = container->getInt(3);
  // tell container in getVec which flag to strike
  int accessor;
  // to smooth vector entries
  int a = 0;
  int b = 0;
  int c = 0;
  // interactive marker menu 1:notchecked 2:checked
  double ui_validjumps = 1;
  // iteration counter
  int count = 1;
  // invalid iteration counter
  int invalidCount = 0;
  // time between last saved window-entry
  double t_delta = 0.;
  // smoothed entries
  double x = 0.;
  double y = 0.;
  double z = 0.;
  // velocity is calculated by the last two smoothed entries divided by their t_delta
  // Suffix _delta indicates incremental steps.
  double v_x = 0.;
  double v_y = 0.;
  double v_z = 0.;
  double x_delta = 0.;
  double y_delta = 0.;
  double z_delta = 0.;
  double v_x_delta = 0.;
  double v_y_delta = 0.;
  double v_z_delta = 0.;
  // EMA adjusting factor
  double alpha;
  // XMA weights
  std::vector<double> weights;
  // temporary for setVec, p:3,4,5 v:6,7,8
  std::vector<double> vec_out(9, 0);
  // first t_delta will therefore be huge
  vec_out[0] = ros::Time::now().toNSec();
  // info on how many points were involved
  vec_out[2] = nPoints;
  // temporary vector for getVec
  std::vector<double> tmp(6, 0);
  // intital end-effector position
  std::vector<double> initEndEff(6, 0);
  // window holds past nPoints, w[length-1] is the oldest entry
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > w;
  // timespan before rechecking Flag
  struct timespec req, rem;
  req.tv_sec = 0;
  req.tv_nsec = 30000000;  // 33Hz

  if (sensor_in == 15)
  {  // 3D point
    accessor = 1;
    a = 3;
    b = 4;
    c = 5;
    initEndEff[0] = ros::Time::now().toNSec();
    initEndEff[1] = sensor_in;
    initEndEff[2] = nPoints;
    initEndEff[3] = container->getInt(5);
    initEndEff[4] = container->getInt(6);
    initEndEff[5] = container->getInt(7);
    for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i)
    vec_out[1] = 16;
    ROS_ERROR(NNAME": xma for Sensor_in %d not set up.", sensor_in);

  // calculate weights
  weights.resize(nPoints, 1. / nPoints);  // SMA
  if (xma == 1)
  {  // LMA
    double sum = 0.;
    for (int i = 1; i <= nPoints; ++i)
      weights[nPoints - i] = 1. / nPoints * i;
      sum += 1. / nPoints * i;
    // normalize, division gets superfluous
    for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i)
      weights[i] /= sum;
  else if (xma == 2)
  {  // EMA
    // choose alpha (0;1), close to 1: aggressive response
    // 0: stay on init value
    // 1: output the input
    alpha = nPoints/100;

  while (!ros::isShuttingDown() && container->getInt(14) == 0)
    // do until valid vector
    bool valid = false;
    while (!valid)
      if (container->checkVecFlag(accessor, sensor_in) == 1)
        container->getVec(accessor, sensor_in, tmp);

        if (validPoint(container, tmp, w[0]))
          valid = true;
          w.insert(w.begin(), 1, tmp);
          container->setInt(12, 0);
          invalidCount = 0;
        else if (invalidCount > 90)
          container->setInt(12, 1);
          invalidCount = 0;
        nanosleep(&req, &rem);
        if (ros::isShuttingDown()) {

    if (xma < 2)
    {  // SMA LMA
      x = 0.;
      y = 0.;
      z = 0.;
      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i)
        x += w[i][a] * weights[i];
        y += w[i][b] * weights[i];
        z += w[i][c] * weights[i];
    {  // EMA
      x = alpha * w[0][a] + (1. - alpha) * vec_out[3];
      y = alpha * w[0][b] + (1. - alpha) * vec_out[4];
      z = alpha * w[0][c] + (1. - alpha) * vec_out[5];

    // calculate deltas and (velocity @EXPERIMENTAL), change!
    if (accessor == 1)
      t_delta = (w[0][0] - vec_out[0]);  // kinect uses secs
      t_delta = (w[0][0] - vec_out[0]) * 1e-9;  // android nsces to secs

    if (pv > 0)
      x_delta = x - vec_out[3];
      y_delta = y - vec_out[4];
      z_delta = z - vec_out[5];
      if (pv > 1)
        v_x = x_delta / t_delta;
        v_y = y_delta / t_delta;
        v_z = z_delta / t_delta;
        if (pv > 2 && count > 0)
          v_x_delta = (v_x - vec_out[6]);
          v_y_delta = (v_y - vec_out[7]);
          v_z_delta = (v_z - vec_out[8]);

    // refresh outgoing vector
    vec_out[0] = w[0][0];
    if (pv == 0)
      vec_out[3] = x;
      vec_out[4] = y;
      vec_out[5] = z;
    else if (pv == 1)
      vec_out[3] = x_delta;
      vec_out[4] = y_delta;
      vec_out[5] = z_delta;
    else if (pv == 2)
      vec_out[3] = v_x;
      vec_out[4] = v_y;
      vec_out[5] = v_z;
    else if (pv == 3 && count > 0)
      vec_out[3] = v_x_delta;
      vec_out[4] = v_y_delta;
      vec_out[5] = v_z_delta;

    // hold on to data for next loop
    if (pv > 0)
      vec_out[3] = x;
      vec_out[4] = y;
      vec_out[5] = z;
      if (pv > 2)
        vec_out[6] = v_x;
        vec_out[7] = v_y;
        vec_out[8] = v_z;
Esempio n. 8
// returns TRUE if it is legal for the current
// player to make the specified action, FALSE otherwise->
// "legal" means everything is legal:
//   * that the action code is a valid action code which is legal to
//     be made at this time
//   * that any path is well formed and legal ie consisting only of
//     the legal direction characters and of a legal length,
//     and which does not leave the island into the sea at any stage->
//   * that disciplines mentioned in any retraining actions are valid
//     discipline numbers, and that the university has sufficient
//     students of the correct type to perform the retraining
// eg when placing a campus consider such things as:
//   * is the path a well formed legal path
//   * does it lead to a vacent vertex?
//   * under the rules of the game are they allowed to place a
//     campus at that vertex?  (eg is it adjacent to one of their ARCs?)
//   * does the player have the 4 specific students required to pay for
//     that campus?
// It is not legal to make any action during Terra Nullis ie
// before the game has started->
// It is not legal for a player to make the moves OBTAIN_PUBLICATION
// or OBTAIN_IP_PATENT (they can make the move START_SPINOFF)
// you can assume that any pths passed in are NULL terminated strings->
int isLegalAction(Game g, action a) {
    int isLegal = TRUE;
    printf("Checking if an action is legal\n");
    int player = getWhoseTurn(g);
    int flag = 1;
    // Protect from stupid shit
    if ((a.actionCode < PASS) || (a.actionCode > RETRAIN_STUDENTS)) {
        printf("Invalid Action Code\n");
        flag = 0;
    } else if (a.actionCode == RETRAIN_STUDENTS) {
        printf("You've Called a retrain, checking if discipline");
        printf("within the bounds\n");
        // If it's a retrain action make sure the to
        // and from are in a nice range.
        if ((a.disciplineTo < STUDENT_THD)
            || (a.disciplineTo > STUDENT_MMONEY)) {
            printf("Invalid Discpline Code\n");
            flag = 0;
        if ((a.disciplineFrom < STUDENT_THD)
            || (a.disciplineFrom > STUDENT_MMONEY)) {
            printf("Invalid Discpline Code\n");
            flag = 0;

    printf("The Flag when testing is %d\n", flag);

    if (flag == 1) {
        // Check all the basic stuff
        if (getTurnNumber(g) == TERRA_NULLIS) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
        } else if ((a.actionCode < 0) || (a.actionCode > MAX_ACTION)) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
        } else if ((getWhoseTurn(g) < 0) || (getWhoseTurn(g) > NUM_UNIS)) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
        } else if (a.actionCode == OBTAIN_IP_PATENT ||
            a.actionCode == OBTAIN_PUBLICATION) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
        if (a.actionCode <= 3 && a.actionCode > 0 && isLegal) {
            if (validString(a.destination) == FALSE) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (validPoint(pathToPoint(a.destination).x,
                pathToPoint(a.destination).y) == FALSE) {
                isLegal = FALSE;

        // edge actionEdge = pathToEdgeF (a.destination);

        // Check that someone can get an arc
        if (a.actionCode == OBTAIN_ARC && isLegal) {
            printf("Checking if the arc is legal. Arc:%s\n", a.destination);
            if (validNewEdge(g, pathToEdgeF(a.destination), player) == FALSE) {
                printf("Geographically Valid Edge\n");
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_BQN) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_BPS) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;

        // Check that someone can get a Campus
        if (a.actionCode == BUILD_CAMPUS && isLegal) {
            if (validNewContents(g, a.destination, player) == FALSE) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_BQN) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_BPS) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MJ) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MTV) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;

        if (a.actionCode == BUILD_GO8 && isLegal) {
            point actionPoint =  pathToPoint(a.destination);
            if (g->gameBoard->points[actionPoint.x][actionPoint.y]->contents !=
                player) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MJ) < 2) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MMONEY) < 3) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getTotalGO8s(g) == 8) {
                isLegal = FALSE;

        if (a.actionCode == START_SPINOFF && isLegal) {
            if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MJ) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MTV) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (getStudents(g, player, STUDENT_MMONEY) < 1) {
                isLegal = FALSE;

        if (a.actionCode == RETRAIN_STUDENTS && isLegal) {
            int exchange = getExchangeRate(g, player, a.disciplineFrom,
            if (getStudents(g, player, a.disciplineFrom) < exchange) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
            } else if (a.disciplineFrom == STUDENT_THD) {
                isLegal = FALSE;
    } else if (flag == 0) {
        isLegal = FALSE;
    return isLegal;
Esempio n. 9
std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> PathPlanner::getNeighbours(Eigen::Vector2i p)
    Eigen::Vector2i p0(p(0) + 1, p(1));
    Eigen::Vector2i p1(p(0) - 1, p(1));
    Eigen::Vector2i p2(p(0), p(1) + 1);
    Eigen::Vector2i p3(p(0), p(1) - 1);

    Eigen::Vector2i p4(p(0) + 1, p(1) + 1);
    Eigen::Vector2i p5(p(0) - 1, p(1) - 1);
    Eigen::Vector2i p6(p(0) - 1, p(1) + 1);
    Eigen::Vector2i p7(p(0) + 1, p(1) - 1);

    std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> points;


    //Disallow walking through diagonal cracks
    if(validPoint(p4) && (validPoint(p0) || validPoint(p2)))
    if(validPoint(p5) && (validPoint(p1) || validPoint(p3)))
    if(validPoint(p6) && (validPoint(p1) || validPoint(p2)))
    if(validPoint(p7) && (validPoint(p0) || validPoint(p3)))

    return points;
Esempio n. 10
bool PathPlanner::findClosestPoint(Eigen::Vector3f start, Eigen::Vector3f & end, int radius)
    Eigen::Vector2i imgPoint = worldToImg(end);

    std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> points, validPoints;

    while(radius-- > 0)
        //Collect valid pixels on the Bresenham circle
        int f = 1 - radius;
        int ddFx = 0;
        int ddFy = -2 * radius;
        int x = 0;
        int y = radius;

        points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0), imgPoint(1) + radius));
        points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0), imgPoint(1) - radius));
        points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) + radius, imgPoint(1)));
        points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) - radius, imgPoint(1)));

        while(x < y)
            if(f >= 0)
                ddFy += 2;
                f += ddFy;
            ddFx += 2;
            f += ddFx + 1;
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) + x, imgPoint(1) + y));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) - x, imgPoint(1) + y));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) + x, imgPoint(1) - y));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) - x, imgPoint(1) - y));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) + y, imgPoint(1) + x));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) - y, imgPoint(1) + x));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) + y, imgPoint(1) - x));
            points.push_back(Eigen::Vector2i(imgPoint(0) - y, imgPoint(1) - x));

    for(size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
        if(<cv::Vec<unsigned char, 3> >(,[0]
                        == 0)

    Eigen::Vector2i startPoint = worldToImg(start);
    float bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();

    for(size_t i = 0; i < validPoints.size(); i++)
        float distance = (startPoint.cast<float>()

        if(distance < bestDistance)
            bestDistance = distance;
            end = imgToWorld(;

    return validPoint(worldToImg(end));