void ControlleurFigurine::exec()
    int mercure;
        mercure = m_vue.exec();
    while(!valide() && mercure != QDialog::Rejected);
Esempio n. 2
   * Put masks to white, images are conserved
   * \param[out] maskLeft Mask of the left image (initialized to corresponding image size).
   * \param[out] maskRight  Mask of the right image (initialized to corresponding image size).
   * \return True.
  virtual bool computeMask(
    image::Image< unsigned char > & maskLeft,
    image::Image< unsigned char > & maskRight )
    std::vector< matching::IndMatch > vec_KVLDMatches;

    image::Image< unsigned char > imageL, imageR;
    image::ReadImage( _sLeftImage.c_str(), &imageL );
    image::ReadImage( _sRightImage.c_str(), &imageR );

    image::Image< float > imgA ( imageL.GetMat().cast< float >() );
    image::Image< float > imgB(imageR.GetMat().cast< float >());

    std::vector< Pair > matchesFiltered, matchesPair;

    for( std::vector< matching::IndMatch >::const_iterator iter_match = _vec_PutativeMatches.begin();
          iter_match != _vec_PutativeMatches.end();
          ++iter_match )
      matchesPair.push_back( std::make_pair( iter_match->i_, iter_match->j_ ) );

    std::vector< double > vec_score;

    //In order to illustrate the gvld(or vld)-consistant neighbors, the following two parameters has been externalized as inputs of the function KVLD.
    openMVG::Mat E = openMVG::Mat::Ones( _vec_PutativeMatches.size(), _vec_PutativeMatches.size() ) * ( -1 );
    // gvld-consistancy matrix, intitialized to -1,  >0 consistancy value, -1=unknow, -2=false
    std::vector< bool > valide( _vec_PutativeMatches.size(), true );// indices of match in the initial matches, if true at the end of KVLD, a match is kept.

    size_t it_num = 0;
    KvldParameters kvldparameters;//initial parameters of KVLD
    //kvldparameters.K = 5;
    while (
      it_num < 5 &&
      kvldparameters.inlierRate >
        imgA, imgB,
        _vec_featsL, _vec_featsR,
        matchesPair, matchesFiltered,
        vec_score, E, valide, kvldparameters ) )
      kvldparameters.inlierRate /= 2;
      std::cout<<"low inlier rate, re-select matches with new rate="<<kvldparameters.inlierRate<<std::endl;
      kvldparameters.K = 2;

    bool bOk = false;
    if( !matchesPair.empty())
      // Get mask
        &maskLeft, &maskRight,
        _vec_featsL, _vec_featsR,
      bOk = true;
      maskLeft.fill( 0 );
      maskRight.fill( 0 );

    return bOk;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc,char*argv[]) {
	std::cout<<"Warming: K-VLD may suffer performance degradation under Linux OS!"<<std::endl
	<<"Please first check existing result in the output folder as a reference!"<<std::endl;
	//================= load images ======================//
	cv::Mat image1, image2;
	int imageID=4;// index of a pair of images you want to use in folder demo_images
	std::string index;
	std::stringstream f;
	std::string input=std::string(SOURCE_DIR)+"/demo_image/IMG_";
	image1= cv::imread(input+index+".jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
	image2= cv::imread(input+index+"bis.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

	cv::Mat image1color, image2color, concat;//for visualization
	image1color= cv::imread(input+index+".jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	image2color= cv::imread(input+index+"bis.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	//=============== compute SIFT points =================//
	std::cout<<"Extracting SIFT features"<<std::endl;
	std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> feat1,feat2;

	cv::SIFT detector;//default setting is ok, 5 levels generate too much features

	cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
	cv::Mat descriptors1,descriptors2;

	std::cout<< "sift:: 1st image: " << feat1.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;

	std::cout<< "sift:: 2nd image: " << feat2.size() << " keypoints"<<std::endl;
	//=============== compute matches using brute force matching ====================//
	std::vector<cv::DMatch> matches;
	bool bSymmetricMatches = false;//caution, activate this with knn matching will cause errors.
	cv::BFMatcher matcher(cv::NORM_L2, bSymmetricMatches);
	if (bSymmetricMatches){
		std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch>> knnmatches;
		for (std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch>>::const_iterator it=knnmatches.begin();it!=knnmatches.end();it++){
			if (it->at(0).distance<sift_matching_criterion*it->at(1).distance) 
	//=============== convert openCV sturctures to KVLD recognized elements
	Image<float> If1, If2;
	Convert_image(image1, If1);
	Convert_image(image2, If2);

	std::vector<keypoint> F1, F2;
	Convert_detectors(feat1,F1);//we only need detectors for KVLD
	Convert_detectors(feat2,F2);//we only need detectors for KVLD
	std::vector<Pair> matchesPair;

	//===============================  KVLD method ==================================//
	std::cout<<"K-VLD starts with "<<matches.size()<<" matches"<<std::endl;

	std::vector<Pair> matchesFiltered;
	std::vector<double> vec_score;

	//In order to illustrate the gvld(or vld)-consistant neighbors, the following two parameters has been externalized as inputs of the function KVLD.
	libNumerics::matrix<float> E = libNumerics::matrix<float>::ones(matches.size(),matches.size())*(-1);
	// gvld-consistency matrix, intitialized to -1, >0 consistency value, -1=unknow, -2=false  

	std::vector<bool> valide(matches.size(), true);// indices of match in the initial matches, if true at the end of KVLD, a match is kept.

	size_t it_num=0;
	KvldParameters kvldparameters;//initial parameters of KVLD
	while (it_num < 5 && kvldparameters.inlierRate>KVLD(If1, If2,F1,F2, matchesPair, matchesFiltered, vec_score,E,valide,kvldparameters)) {
		std::cout<<"low inlier rate, re-select matches with new rate="<<kvldparameters.inlierRate<<std::endl;
		if (matchesFiltered.size()==0) kvldparameters.K=2;
	std::cout<<"K-VLD filter ends with "<<matchesFiltered.size()<<" selected matches"<<std::endl;

	//================= write files to output folder ==================//
	std::cout<<"Writing results to the output folder..."<<std::endl;
	std::string output=std::string(SOURCE_DIR)+"/demo_output/IMG_"+index+"_";
	writeResult(output,F1, F2, matchesPair, matchesFiltered, vec_score);
	//================= Visualize matching result ====================//

	cv::vconcat(image1color, image2color,concat);
	for(  std::vector<cv::DMatch>::const_iterator ptr = matches.begin(); ptr != matches.end(); ++ptr)
		cv::KeyPoint start = feat1[ptr->queryIdx]; 
		cv::KeyPoint end = feat2[ptr->trainIdx];
		cv::line( concat,start.pt, end.pt+cv::Point2f(0,image1.rows),cv::Scalar(0, 255,0 ));


	//========== KVLD result =============//
	cv::vconcat(image1color, image2color,concat);

	//draw gvld-consistant neighbors (not exhostive)
	for (int it1=0; it1<matchesPair.size()-1;it1++){
		for (int it2=it1+1; it2<matchesPair.size();it2++){
			if (valide[it1] && valide[it2] &&  E(it1,it2)>=0){

				cv::KeyPoint l1 = feat1[matchesPair[it1].first];
				cv::KeyPoint l2 = feat1[matchesPair[it2].first];

				cv::KeyPoint r1 = feat2[matchesPair[it1].second];
				cv::KeyPoint r2 = feat2[matchesPair[it2].second];

				cv::line(concat,l1.pt, l2.pt,cv::Scalar(255,0,255),2);
				cv::line(concat,r1.pt+cv::Point2f(0,image1.rows), r2.pt+cv::Point2f(0,image1.rows),cv::Scalar(255,0,255),2);

	for( std::vector<Pair >::const_iterator ptr = matchesFiltered.begin(); ptr != matchesFiltered.end(); ++ptr)
		size_t i = ptr->first;
		size_t j = ptr->second;
		cv::KeyPoint start = feat1[i]; 
		cv::KeyPoint end = feat2[j];
		cv::line( concat,start.pt, end.pt+cv::Point2f(0,image1.rows),cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0 ));

	std::cout<<"Please check the output folder for results."<<std::endl;
	return 0;