Esempio n. 1
basicFunctionHelper(sqlite3_context *aCtx,
                    int aArgc,
                    sqlite3_value **aArgv)
  void *userData = ::sqlite3_user_data(aCtx);

  mozIStorageFunction *func = static_cast<mozIStorageFunction *>(userData);

  nsRefPtr<ArgValueArray> arguments(new ArgValueArray(aArgc, aArgv));
  if (!arguments)

  nsCOMPtr<nsIVariant> result;
  if (NS_FAILED(func->OnFunctionCall(arguments, getter_AddRefs(result)))) {
    NS_WARNING("User function returned error code!");
                           "User function returned error code",
  int retcode = variantToSQLiteT(aCtx, result);
  if (retcode == SQLITE_IGNORE) {
    ::sqlite3_result_int(aCtx, SQLITE_IGNORE);
  } else if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) {
    NS_WARNING("User function returned invalid data type!");
                           "User function returned invalid data type",
AsyncBindingParams::bind(sqlite3_stmt * aStatement)
  // We should bind by index using the super-class if there is nothing in our
  // hashtable.
  if (!mNamedParameters.Count())
    return BindingParams::bind(aStatement);

  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageError> err;

  for (auto iter = mNamedParameters.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    const nsACString &key = iter.Key();

    // We do not accept any forms of names other than ":name", but we need to
    // add the colon for SQLite.
    nsAutoCString name(":");
    int oneIdx = ::sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(aStatement, name.get());

    if (oneIdx == 0) {
      nsAutoCString errMsg(key);
      errMsg.AppendLiteral(" is not a valid named parameter.");
      err = new Error(SQLITE_RANGE, errMsg.get());

    // XPCVariant's AddRef and Release are not thread-safe and so we must not
    // do anything that would invoke them here on the async thread.  As such we
    // can't cram aValue into mParameters using ReplaceObjectAt so that
    // we can freeload off of the BindingParams::Bind implementation.
    int rc = variantToSQLiteT(BindingColumnData(aStatement, oneIdx - 1),
    if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
      // We had an error while trying to bind.  Now we need to create an error
      // object with the right message.  Note that we special case
      // SQLITE_MISMATCH, but otherwise get the message from SQLite.
      const char *msg = "Could not covert nsIVariant to SQLite type.";
      if (rc != SQLITE_MISMATCH) {
        msg = ::sqlite3_errmsg(::sqlite3_db_handle(aStatement));
      err = new Error(rc, msg);

  return err.forget();
AsyncBindingParams::iterateOverNamedParameters(const nsACString &aName,
                                               nsIVariant *aValue,
                                               void *voidClosureThunk)
  NamedParameterIterationClosureThunk *closureThunk =
    static_cast<NamedParameterIterationClosureThunk *>(voidClosureThunk);

  // We do not accept any forms of names other than ":name", but we need to add
  // the colon for SQLite.
  nsAutoCString name(":");
  int oneIdx = ::sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(closureThunk->statement,

  if (oneIdx == 0) {
    nsAutoCString errMsg(aName);
    errMsg.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(" is not a valid named parameter."));
    closureThunk->err = new Error(SQLITE_RANGE, errMsg.get());
    return PL_DHASH_STOP;

  // XPCVariant's AddRef and Release are not thread-safe and so we must not do
  // anything that would invoke them here on the async thread.  As such we can't
  // cram aValue into self->mParameters using ReplaceObjectAt so that we can
  // freeload off of the BindingParams::Bind implementation.
  int rc = variantToSQLiteT(BindingColumnData(closureThunk->statement,
                                              oneIdx - 1),
  if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
    // We had an error while trying to bind.  Now we need to create an error
    // object with the right message.  Note that we special case
    // SQLITE_MISMATCH, but otherwise get the message from SQLite.
    const char *msg = "Could not covert nsIVariant to SQLite type.";
    if (rc != SQLITE_MISMATCH)
      msg = ::sqlite3_errmsg(::sqlite3_db_handle(closureThunk->statement));

    closureThunk->err = new Error(rc, msg);
    return PL_DHASH_STOP;
  return PL_DHASH_NEXT;
BindingParams::bind(sqlite3_stmt *aStatement)
  // Iterate through all of our stored data, and bind it.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < mParameters.Length(); i++) {
    int rc = variantToSQLiteT(BindingColumnData(aStatement, i), mParameters[i]);
    if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
      // We had an error while trying to bind.  Now we need to create an error
      // object with the right message.  Note that we special case
      // SQLITE_MISMATCH, but otherwise get the message from SQLite.
      const char *msg = "Could not covert nsIVariant to SQLite type.";
      if (rc != SQLITE_MISMATCH)
        msg = ::sqlite3_errmsg(::sqlite3_db_handle(aStatement));

      nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageError> err(new Error(rc, msg));
      return err.forget();

  return nullptr;
Esempio n. 5
aggregateFunctionFinalHelper(sqlite3_context *aCtx)
  void *userData = ::sqlite3_user_data(aCtx);
  mozIStorageAggregateFunction *func =
    static_cast<mozIStorageAggregateFunction *>(userData);

  nsRefPtr<nsIVariant> result;
  if (NS_FAILED(func->OnFinal(getter_AddRefs(result)))) {
    NS_WARNING("User aggregate final function returned error code!");
                           "User aggregate final function returned error code",

  if (variantToSQLiteT(aCtx, result) != SQLITE_OK) {
    NS_WARNING("User aggregate final function returned invalid data type!");
                           "User aggregate final function returned invalid data type",