Esempio n. 1
void AGOSEngine::vc68_ifGE() {
	uint16 a = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 b = vcReadNextWord();

	if (vcReadVar(a) <= vcReadVar(b))
Esempio n. 2
void AGOSEngine::vc83_playSoundLoop() {
	uint16 sound = vcReadNextWord();
	int16 vol = vcReadNextWord();
	int16 pan = vcReadNextWord();

	loadSound(sound, pan, vol, Sound::TYPE_SFX5);
Esempio n. 3
void AGOSEngine::vc66_ifEqual() {
	uint16 a = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 b = vcReadNextWord();

	if (vcReadVar(a) != vcReadVar(b))
Esempio n. 4
void AGOSEngine::vc59_stopAnimations() {
	uint16 file = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 start = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 end = vcReadNextWord() + 1;

	do {
		vcStopAnimation(file, start);
	} while (++start != end);
Esempio n. 5
void AGOSEngine::vc80_setOverlayImage() {
	VgaSprite *vsp = findCurSprite();

	vsp->image = vcReadVarOrWord();

	vsp->x += vcReadNextWord();
	vsp->y += vcReadNextWord();
	vsp->flags = kDFOverlayed;

Esempio n. 6
void AGOSEngine::vc61_setMaskImage() {
	VgaSprite *vsp = findCurSprite();

	vsp->image = vcReadVarOrWord();
	vsp->x += vcReadNextWord();
	vsp->y += vcReadNextWord();
	vsp->flags = kDFMasked | kDFSkipStoreBG;

	vsp->windowNum |= 0x8000;
Esempio n. 7
void AGOSEngine::vc70_joinSeq() {
	// Simon2
	uint16 track = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 loop = vcReadNextWord();

	// Jamieson630:
	// This sets the "on end of track" action.
	// It specifies whether to loop the current
	// track and, if not, whether to switch to
	// a different track upon completion.
	if (track != 0xFFFF && track != 999)
		_midi->queueTrack(track, loop != 0);
		_midi->setLoop(loop != 0);
Esempio n. 8
void AGOSEngine::vc77_setScaleYOffs() {
	VgaSprite *vsp = findCurSprite();

	vsp->image = vcReadNextWord();
	int16 y = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 var = vcReadNextWord();

	vsp->y += getScale(vsp->y, y);
	_variableArrayPtr[var] = vsp->y;

	if (y != 0)
		checkScrollY(y, vsp->y);

	vsp->flags = kDFScaled;
Esempio n. 9
void AGOSEngine_Simon1::vc22_setPalette() {
	byte *offs, *palptr = 0, *src;
	uint16 a = 0, b, num, palSize = 0;

	a = vcReadNextWord();
	b = vcReadNextWord();

	if (getGameType() == GType_FF || getGameType() == GType_PP) {
		num = 256;
		palSize = 768;

		palptr = _displayPalette;
	} else {
		num = a == 0 ? 32 : 16;
		palSize = 96;

		palptr = &_displayPalette[(a * 64)];

	offs = _curVgaFile1 + 6;
	src = offs + b * palSize;

	do {
		palptr[0] = src[0] * 4;
		palptr[1] = src[1] * 4;
		palptr[2] = src[2] * 4;
		palptr[3] = 0;

		palptr += 4;
		src += 3;
	} while (--num);

	if (getFeatures() & GF_32COLOR) {
		// Custom palette used for verb area
		palptr = &_displayPalette[(13 * 64)];
		for (uint8 c = 0; c < 32; c++) {
			palptr[0] = customPalette[c * 3 + 0];
			palptr[1] = customPalette[c * 3 + 1];
			palptr[2] = customPalette[c * 3 + 2];
			palptr[3] = 0;

			palptr += 4;

	_paletteFlag = 2;
Esempio n. 10
void AGOSEngine::vc60_stopAnimation() {
	uint16 sprite, zoneNum;

	if (getGameType() == GType_PP) {
		zoneNum = vcReadNextWord();
		sprite = vcReadVarOrWord();
	} else if (getGameType() == GType_SIMON2 || getGameType() == GType_FF) {
		zoneNum = vcReadNextWord();
		sprite = vcReadNextWord();
	} else {
		sprite = vcReadNextWord();
		zoneNum = sprite / 100;

	vcStopAnimation(zoneNum, sprite);
Esempio n. 11
void AGOSEngine::vc46_setSpriteY() {
	VgaSprite *vsp = findCurSprite();
	vsp->y = vcReadVar(vcReadNextWord());

	vsp->windowNum |= 0x8000;
Esempio n. 12
void AGOSEngine::vc61() {
	uint16 a = vcReadNextWord();
	byte *src, *dst, *dstPtr;
	uint h, tmp;

	Graphics::Surface *screen = _system->lockScreen();
	dstPtr = (byte *)screen->pixels;

	if (a == 6) {
		src = _curVgaFile2 + 800;
		dst = dstPtr;

		for (int i = 0; i < _screenHeight; i++) {
			memcpy(dst, src, _screenWidth);
			src += 320;
			dst += screen->pitch;

		tmp = 4 - 1;
	} else {
		tmp = a - 1;

	src = _curVgaFile2 + 3840 * 16 + 3360;
	while (tmp--)
		src += 1536 * 16 + 1712;

	src += 800;

	if (a != 5) {
		dst = dstPtr + 23 * screen->pitch + 88;
		for (h = 0; h < 177; h++) {
			memcpy(dst, src, 144);
			src += 144;
			dst += screen->pitch;

		if (a != 6) {

		src = _curVgaFile2 + 9984 * 16 + 15344;

	dst = dstPtr + 157 * screen->pitch + 56;
	for (h = 0; h < 17; h++) {
		memcpy(dst, src, 208);
		src += 208;
		dst += screen->pitch;


	if (a == 6)
Esempio n. 13
void AGOSEngine::vc17_setPathfinderItem() {
	uint16 a = vcReadNextWord();
	_pathFindArray[a - 1] = (const uint16 *)_vcPtr;

	int end = (getGameType() == GType_FF || getGameType() == GType_PP) ? 9999 : 999;
	while (readUint16Wrapper(_vcPtr) != end)
		_vcPtr += 4;
	_vcPtr += 2;
Esempio n. 14
void AGOSEngine::vc58_changePriority() {
	uint16 sprite = _vgaCurSpriteId;
	uint16 file = _vgaCurZoneNum;
	const byte *vcPtrOrg;
	uint16 tmp;

	_vgaCurZoneNum = vcReadNextWord();
	_vgaCurSpriteId = vcReadNextWord();

	tmp = to16Wrapper(vcReadNextWord());

	vcPtrOrg = _vcPtr;
	_vcPtr = (byte *)&tmp;

	_vcPtr = vcPtrOrg;
	_vgaCurSpriteId = sprite;
	_vgaCurZoneNum = file;
Esempio n. 15
void AGOSEngine::vc69_playSeq() {
	int16 track = vcReadNextWord();
	int16 loop = vcReadNextWord();

	// Jamieson630:
	// This is a "play track". The original
	// design stored the track to play if one was
	// already in progress, so that the next time a
	// "fill MIDI stream" event occurred, the MIDI
	// player would find the change and switch
	// tracks. We use a different architecture that
	// allows for an immediate response here, but
	// we'll simulate the variable changes so other
	// scripts don't get thrown off.
	// NOTE: This opcode looks very similar in function
	// to vc72(), except that vc72() may allow for
	// specifying a non-valid track number (999 or -1)
	// as a means of stopping what music is currently
	// playing.
	_midi->setLoop(loop != 0);
Esempio n. 16
void AGOSEngine::vc82_getPathValue() {
	uint8 val;

	uint16 var = vcReadNextWord();

	if (getGameType() == GType_FF && getBitFlag(82)) {
		val = _pathValues1[_GPVCount1++];
	} else {
		val = _pathValues[_GPVCount++];

	vcWriteVar(var, val);
Esempio n. 17
void AGOSEngine::vc76_setScaleXOffs() {
	if (getGameType() == GType_PP && getBitFlag(120)) {
		VgaSprite *vsp1, *vsp2;
		uint16 old_file_1, tmp1, tmp2;

		old_file_1 = _vgaCurSpriteId;

		_vgaCurSpriteId = vcReadVar(vcReadNextWord());
		 vsp1 = findCurSprite();
		_vgaCurSpriteId = vcReadVar(vcReadNextWord());
		 vsp2 = findCurSprite();

		tmp1 = vsp1->x;
		tmp2 = vsp2->x;
		vsp1->x = tmp2;
		vsp2->x = tmp1;
		tmp1 = vsp1->y;
		tmp2 = vsp2->y;
		vsp1->y = tmp2;
		vsp2->y = tmp1;

		_vgaCurSpriteId = old_file_1;
		_vcPtr += 2;
	} else {
		VgaSprite *vsp = findCurSprite();

		vsp->image = vcReadNextWord();
		int16 x = vcReadNextWord();
		uint16 var = vcReadNextWord();

		vsp->x += getScale(vsp->y, x);
		_variableArrayPtr[var] = vsp->x;

		checkScrollX(x, vsp->x);

		vsp->flags = kDFScaled;
Esempio n. 18
void AGOSEngine::vc72_segue() {
	// Jamieson630:
	// This is a "play or stop track". Note that
	// this opcode looks very similar in function
	// to vc69(), except that this opcode may allow
	// for specifying a track of 999 or -1 in order to
	// stop the music. We'll code it that way for now.

	// NOTE: It's possible that when "stopping" a track,
	// we're supposed to just go on to the next queued
	// track, if any. Must find out if there is ANY
	// case where this is used to stop a track in the
	// first place.

	int16 track = vcReadNextWord();
	int16 loop = vcReadNextWord();

	if (track == -1 || track == 999) {
	} else {
		_midi->setLoop(loop != 0);
Esempio n. 19
void AGOSEngine::vc48_specialEffect() {
	uint16 num = vcReadNextWord();

	if (getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformPC) {
		if (num == 1) {
			Graphics::Surface *screen = _system->lockScreen();
			byte *dst = (byte *)screen->pixels;

			for (uint h = 0; h < _screenHeight; h++) {
				for (uint w = 0; w < _screenWidth; w++) {
					if (dst[w] == 15)
						dst[w] = 4;
				dst += screen->pitch;
		} else if (num == 2) {
			const char *str = "There are gurgling noises from the sink.";
			for (; *str; str++)
				windowPutChar(_textWindow, *str);
Esempio n. 20
void AGOSEngine_PuzzlePack::startAnOverlayAnim() {
	VgaSprite *vsp = _vgaSprites;
	const byte *vcPtrOrg;
	uint16 a, sprite, file, tmp, zoneNum;
	int16 x;

	zoneNum = _variableArray[999];

	_vcPtr += 4;
	a = vcReadNextWord();
	_vcPtr += 6;

	while (vsp->id)

	vsp->windowNum = 4;
	vsp->priority = 20;
	vsp->flags = 0;
	vsp->palette = 0;
	vsp->image = vcReadVar(vcReadVar(a));

	x = vcReadVar(a) - 1300;
	if (x < 0) {
		x += 300;
		vsp->priority = 10;

	vsp->y = x / 20 * 32;
	vsp->x = x % 20 * 32;
	vsp->id = vcReadVar(a);
	vsp->zoneNum = zoneNum;

	sprite = _vgaCurSpriteId;
	file = _vgaCurZoneNum;

	_vgaCurZoneNum = vsp->zoneNum;
	_vgaCurSpriteId = vsp->id;

	tmp = to16Wrapper(vsp->priority);

	vcPtrOrg = _vcPtr;
	_vcPtr = (byte *)&tmp;

	_vcPtr = vcPtrOrg;
	_vgaCurSpriteId = sprite;
	_vgaCurZoneNum = file;
Esempio n. 21
void AGOSEngine::vc50_setBox() {
	uint16 id, x, y, w, h, msg1, msg2, flags;
	const uint16 *vlut;

	id = vcReadNextWord();
	vlut = &_videoWindows[vcReadNextWord() * 4];
	x = vlut[0] * 16 + vcReadNextWord();
	y = vlut[1] + vcReadNextWord();
	h = vcReadNextWord();
	w = vcReadNextWord();
	msg1 = vcReadNextWord();
	msg2 = vcReadNextWord();
	flags = vcReadNextWord();

	// Compressed string
	if (!(flags & kOBFUseMessageList)) {
		msg1 += 0x8000;

	defineBox(id, x, y, h, w, msg1, msg2, flags);
Esempio n. 22
void AGOSEngine::vc73_setMark() {
	_marks |= (1 << vcReadNextWord());
Esempio n. 23
void AGOSEngine::vc81_setRandom() {
	uint16 var = vcReadNextWord();
	uint16 value = vcReadNextWord();

	_variableArray[var] = _rnd.getRandomNumber(value - 1);
Esempio n. 24
void AGOSEngine::vc45_disableBox() {
	HitArea *ha = _hitAreas + vcReadNextWord();
	ha->flags |= kOBFBoxDisabled;
Esempio n. 25
void AGOSEngine::vc46_maxBox() {
	HitArea *ha = _hitAreas + vcReadNextWord();
	ha->id = 0xFFFF;
Esempio n. 26
void AGOSEngine::vc74_clearMark() {
	_marks &= ~(1 << vcReadNextWord());
Esempio n. 27
void AGOSEngine::vc75_setScale() {
	_baseY = vcReadNextWord();
	_scale = vcReadNextWord() / 1000000.0f;
Esempio n. 28
void AGOSEngine_Feeble::vc36_setWindowImage() {
	_displayFlag = 0;
Esempio n. 29
void AGOSEngine::vc47_addToVar() {
	uint16 var = vcReadNextWord();
	vcWriteVar(var, vcReadVar(var) + vcReadVar(vcReadNextWord()));
Esempio n. 30
void AGOSEngine::vc32_copyVar() {
	uint16 a = vcReadVar(vcReadNextWord());
	vcWriteVar(vcReadNextWord(), a);