Esempio n. 1
static void
bcm2835_audio_release(struct bcm2835_audio_info *sc)
	int success;

	if (sc->vchi_handle != VCHIQ_SERVICE_HANDLE_INVALID) {
		success = vchi_service_close(sc->vchi_handle);
		if (success != 0)
			printf("vchi_service_close failed: %d\n", success);

Esempio n. 2
int graphics_setup(void)
#ifdef PICASSO96
  VCHI_INSTANCE_T vchi_instance;
  VCHI_CONNECTION_T *vchi_connection;

  if(vchi_initialise(&vchi_instance) == 0) {
    if(vchi_connect(NULL, 0, vchi_instance) == 0) {
      vc_vchi_tv_init(vchi_instance, &vchi_connection, 1);
      if(vc_tv_get_display_state(&tvstate) == 0) {
        float frame_rate = property.param1 == HDMI_PIXEL_CLOCK_TYPE_NTSC ? tvstate.display.hdmi.frame_rate * (1000.0f/1001.0f) : tvstate.display.hdmi.frame_rate;
        host_hz = (int)frame_rate;
        time_per_host_frame = time_for_host_hz_frames / host_hz;

  if(display_pipe == 0) {
    display_pipe = xmalloc (smp_comm_pipe, 1);
    init_comm_pipe(display_pipe, 20, 1);
  if(display_sem == 0) {
    uae_sem_init (&display_sem, 0, 0);
  if(display_tid == 0 && display_pipe != 0 && display_sem != 0) {
    uae_start_thread(_T("render"), display_thread, NULL, &display_tid);
	write_comm_pipe_u32(display_pipe, DISPLAY_SIGNAL_SETUP, 1);
	return 1;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   int32_t ret;
   char optstring[OPTSTRING_LEN];
   int  opt;
   int  opt_preferred = 0;
   int  opt_explicit = 0;
   int  opt_sdtvon = 0;
   int  opt_off = 0;
   int  opt_modes = 0;
   int  opt_monitor = 0;
   int  opt_status = 0;
   int  opt_audiosup = 0;
   int  opt_dumpedid = 0;
   int  opt_showinfo = 0;
   int  opt_3d = 0;
   int  opt_json = 0;
   int  opt_name = 0;

   char *dumpedid_filename = NULL;
   VCHI_INSTANCE_T    vchi_instance;
   VCHI_CONNECTION_T *vchi_connection;
   HDMI_RES_GROUP_T power_on_explicit_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_INVALID;
   uint32_t         power_on_explicit_mode;
   uint32_t         power_on_explicit_drive = HDMI_MODE_HDMI;
   SDTV_MODE_T sdtvon_mode;
   SDTV_ASPECT_T sdtvon_aspect;

   // Initialize VCOS

   // Create the option string that we will be using to parse the arguments
   create_optstring( optstring );

   // Parse the command line arguments
   while (( opt = getopt_long_only( argc, argv, optstring, long_opts,
                                    NULL )) != -1 )
      switch ( opt )
         case 0:
            // getopt_long returns 0 for entries where flag is non-NULL
         case OPT_PREFERRED:
            opt_preferred = 1;
         case OPT_EXPLICIT:
            char group_str[32], drive_str[32];

            /* coverity[secure_coding] String length specified, so can't overflow */
            int s = sscanf( optarg, "%31s %u %31s", group_str, &power_on_explicit_mode, drive_str );
            if ( s != 2 && s != 3 )
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid arguments '%s'", optarg );
               goto err_out;

            // Check the group first
            if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "CEA", group_str ) == 0 )
               power_on_explicit_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_CEA;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "DMT", group_str ) == 0 )
               power_on_explicit_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_DMT;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "CEA_3D", group_str ) == 0  ||
                      vcos_strcasecmp( "CEA_3D_SBS", group_str ) == 0)
               power_on_explicit_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_CEA;
               opt_3d = 1;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "CEA_3D_TB", group_str ) == 0 )
               power_on_explicit_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_CEA;
               opt_3d = 2;
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid group '%s'", group_str );
               goto err_out;
            if (s==3)
               if (vcos_strcasecmp( "HDMI", drive_str ) == 0 )
                  power_on_explicit_drive = HDMI_MODE_HDMI;
               else if (vcos_strcasecmp( "DVI", drive_str ) == 0 )
                  power_on_explicit_drive = HDMI_MODE_DVI;
                  LOG_ERR( "Invalid drive '%s'", drive_str );
                  goto err_out;
            // Then check if mode is a sane number
            if ( power_on_explicit_mode > MAX_MODE_ID )
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid mode '%u'", power_on_explicit_mode );
               goto err_out;

            opt_explicit = 1;
         case OPT_SDTVON:
            char mode_str[32], aspect_str[32];

            if ( sscanf( optarg, "%s %s", mode_str,
                         aspect_str ) != 2 )
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid arguments '%s'", optarg );
               goto err_out;

            // Check the group first
            if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "NTSC", mode_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_mode = SDTV_MODE_NTSC;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "NTSC_J", mode_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_mode = SDTV_MODE_NTSC_J;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "PAL", mode_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_mode = SDTV_MODE_PAL;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "PAL_M", mode_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_mode = SDTV_MODE_PAL_M;
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid mode '%s'", mode_str );
               goto err_out;

            if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "4:3", aspect_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_aspect = SDTV_ASPECT_4_3;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "14:9", aspect_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_aspect = SDTV_ASPECT_14_9;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "16:9", aspect_str ) == 0 )
               sdtvon_aspect = SDTV_ASPECT_16_9;

            opt_sdtvon = 1;
         case OPT_OFF:
            opt_off = 1;
         case OPT_MODES:
            if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "CEA", optarg ) == 0 )
               get_modes_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_CEA;
            else if ( vcos_strcasecmp( "DMT", optarg ) == 0 )
               get_modes_group = HDMI_RES_GROUP_DMT;
               LOG_ERR( "Invalid group '%s'", optarg );
               goto err_out;

            opt_modes = 1;
         case OPT_MONITOR:
            opt_monitor = 1;
         case OPT_STATUS:
            opt_status = 1;
         case OPT_AUDIOSUP:
            opt_audiosup = 1;
         case OPT_DUMPEDID:
            opt_dumpedid = 1;
            dumpedid_filename = optarg;
         case OPT_SHOWINFO:
            opt_showinfo = atoi(optarg)+1;
         case OPT_JSON:
            opt_json = 1;
         case OPT_NAME:
            opt_name = 1;
            LOG_ERR( "Unrecognized option '%d'\n", opt );
            goto err_usage;
         case '?':
         case OPT_HELP:
            goto err_usage;
      } // end switch
   } // end while

   argc -= optind;
   argv += optind;

   if (( optind == 1 ) || ( argc > 0 ))
      if ( argc > 0 )
         LOG_ERR( "Unrecognized argument -- '%s'", *argv );

      goto err_usage;

   if (( opt_preferred + opt_explicit + opt_sdtvon > 1 ))
      LOG_ERR( "Conflicting power on options" );
      goto err_usage;

   if ((( opt_preferred == 1 ) || ( opt_explicit == 1 ) || ( opt_sdtvon == 1)) && ( opt_off == 1 ))
      LOG_ERR( "Cannot power on and power off simultaneously" );
      goto err_out;

   // Initialize the VCHI connection
   ret = vchi_initialise( &vchi_instance );
   if ( ret != 0 )
      LOG_ERR( "Failed to initialize VCHI (ret=%d)", ret );
      goto err_out;

   ret = vchi_connect( NULL, 0, vchi_instance );
   if ( ret != 0)
      LOG_ERR( "Failed to create VCHI connection (ret=%d)", ret );
      goto err_out;

//   LOG_INFO( "Starting tvservice" );

   // Initialize the tvservice
   vc_vchi_tv_init( vchi_instance, &vchi_connection, 1 );

   if ( opt_monitor == 1 )
      LOG_STD( "Starting to monitor for HDMI events" );

      if ( start_monitor() != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;

   if ( opt_modes == 1 )
      if ( get_modes( get_modes_group, opt_json ) != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;

   if ( opt_preferred == 1 )
      if ( power_on_preferred() != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;
   else if ( opt_explicit == 1 )
      //Distinguish between turning on 3D side by side and 3D top/bottom
      if(opt_3d == 1 && set_property( HDMI_PROPERTY_3D_STRUCTURE, HDMI_3D_FORMAT_SBS_HALF, 0) != 0)
         goto err_stop_service;
      else if(opt_3d == 2 && set_property( HDMI_PROPERTY_3D_STRUCTURE, HDMI_3D_FORMAT_TB_HALF, 0) != 0)
         goto err_stop_service;

      if ( power_on_explicit( power_on_explicit_group,
                              power_on_explicit_mode, power_on_explicit_drive ) != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;
   else if ( opt_sdtvon == 1 )
      if ( power_on_sdtv( sdtvon_mode,
                              sdtvon_aspect ) != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;
   else if (opt_off == 1 )
      if ( power_off() != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;

   if ( opt_status == 1 )
      if ( get_status() != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;
   if ( opt_audiosup == 1 )
      if ( get_audiosup() != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;
   if ( opt_dumpedid == 1 )
      if ( dump_edid(dumpedid_filename) != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;

   if ( opt_showinfo )
      if ( show_info(opt_showinfo-1) != 0 )
         goto err_stop_service;

   if ( opt_name == 1 )
      TV_DEVICE_ID_T id;
      memset(&id, 0, sizeof(id));
      if(vc_tv_get_device_id(&id) == 0) {
         if(id.vendor[0] == '\0' || id.monitor_name[0] == '\0') {
            LOG_ERR( "No device present" );
         } else {
            LOG_STD( "device_name=%s-%s", id.vendor, id.monitor_name);
      } else {
         LOG_ERR( "Failed to obtain device name" );

   if ( opt_monitor == 1 )
      // Wait until we get the signal to exit
      vcos_event_wait( &quit_event );

      vcos_event_delete( &quit_event );

//   LOG_INFO( "Stopping tvservice" );

   // Stop the tvservice

   // Disconnect the VCHI connection
   vchi_disconnect( vchi_instance );

   exit( 0 );


   exit( 1 );
Esempio n. 4
static void crt_rpi_switch(int width, int height, float hz)
   char buffer[1024];
   VCHI_INSTANCE_T vchi_instance;
   VCHI_CONNECTION_T *vchi_connection = NULL;
   static char output[250]             = {0};
   static char output1[250]            = {0};
   static char output2[250]            = {0};
   static char set_hdmi[250]           = {0};
   static char set_hdmi_timing[250]    = {0};
   int i              = 0;
   int hfp            = 0;
   int hsp            = 0;
   int hbp            = 0;
   int vfp            = 0;
   int vsp            = 0;
   int vbp            = 0;
   int hmax           = 0;
   int vmax           = 0;
   int pdefault       = 8;
   int pwidth         = 0;
   float roundw     = 0.0f;
   float roundh     = 0.0f;
   float pixel_clock  = 0;
   int ip_flag     = 0;

   /* set core refresh from hz */

   /* following code is the mode line generator */

   pwidth = width;

   if (height < 400 && width > 400)
      pwidth = width / 2;

   roundw = roundf((float)pwidth / (float)height * 100) / 100;

   if (height > width)
      roundw = roundf((float)height / (float)width * 100) / 100;

   if (roundw > 1.35)
      roundw = 1.25;

   if (roundw < 1.20)
      roundw = 1.34;
   hfp = width * 0.065;

   hsp = width * 0.1433-hfp+(crt_center_adjust*4);

   hbp = width * 0.3-hsp-hfp;

   if (height < 241)
      vmax = 261;
   if (height < 241 && hz > 56 && hz < 58)
      vmax = 280;
   if (height < 241 && hz < 55)
      vmax = 313;
   if (height > 250 && height < 260 && hz > 54)
      vmax = 296;
   if (height > 250 && height < 260 && hz > 52 && hz < 54)
      vmax = 285;
   if (height > 250 && height < 260 && hz < 52)
      vmax = 313;
   if (height > 260 && height < 300)
      vmax = 318;

   if (height > 400 && hz > 56)
      vmax = 533;
   if (height > 520 && hz < 57)
      vmax = 580;

   if (height > 300 && hz < 56)
      vmax = 615;
   if (height > 500 && hz < 56)
      vmax = 624;
   if (height > 300)
      pdefault = pdefault * 2;

   vfp = (height + ((vmax - height) / 2) - pdefault) - height;

   if (height < 300)
      vsp = vfp + 3; /* needs to be 3 for progressive */
   if (height > 300)
      vsp = vfp + 6; /* needs to be 6 for interlaced */

   vsp = 3;

   vbp = (vmax-height)-vsp-vfp;

   hmax = width+hfp+hsp+hbp;

   if (height < 300)
      pixel_clock = (hmax * vmax * hz) ;
      ip_flag     = 0;

   if (height > 300)
      pixel_clock = (hmax * vmax * (hz/2)) /2 ;
      ip_flag     = 1;
   /* above code is the modeline generator */

   snprintf(set_hdmi_timing, sizeof(set_hdmi_timing),
         "hdmi_timings %d 1 %d %d %d %d 1 %d %d %d 0 0 0 %f %d %f 1 ",
         width, hfp, hsp, hbp, height, vfp,vsp, vbp,
         hz, ip_flag, pixel_clock);



   vchi_connect(NULL, 0, vchi_instance);

   vc_vchi_gencmd_init(vchi_instance, &vchi_connection, 1);

   vc_gencmd(buffer, sizeof(buffer), set_hdmi_timing);



   snprintf(output1,  sizeof(output1),
         "tvservice -e \"DMT 87\" > /dev/null");
   snprintf(output2,  sizeof(output1),
         "fbset -g %d %d %d %d 24 > /dev/null",
         width, height, width, height);
Esempio n. 5
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   int instNum = 0;
   VCHI_INSTANCE_T vchi_instance;
   VCHI_CONNECTION_T *vchi_connection = NULL;

   if ( argc > 1 )
       if (( strcmp( argv[1], "0" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( argv[1], "1" ) == 0 ))
           instNum = atoi( argv[1] );


    if ( vchi_initialise( &vchi_instance ) != 0)
        printf( "VCHI initialization failed\n" );
        return -1;

    //create a vchi connection
    if ( vchi_connect( NULL, 0, vchi_instance ) != 0)
        printf( "VCHI connection failed\n" );
        return -1;

    vc_vchi_gencmd_init(vchi_instance, &vchi_connection, 1 );

    if (argc > 1)
      int i = 1;
      char buffer[ 1024 ];
      size_t buffer_offset = 0;
      clock_t before=0, after=0;
      double time_diff;
      uint32_t show_time = 0;
      int ret;

      //reset the string
      buffer[0] = '\0';

      //first, strip out a potential leading -t
      if( strcmp( argv[1], "-t" ) == 0 )
         show_time = 1;

      for (; i <= argc-1; i++)
         buffer_offset = vcos_safe_strcpy( buffer, argv[i], sizeof(buffer), buffer_offset );
         buffer_offset = vcos_safe_strcpy( buffer, " ", sizeof(buffer), buffer_offset );

      if( show_time )
         before = clock();

      //send the gencmd for the argument
      if (( ret = vc_gencmd_send( "%s", buffer )) != 0 )
          printf( "vc_gencmd_send returned %d\n", ret );

      //get + print out the response!
      if (( ret = vc_gencmd_read_response( buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) != 0 )
          printf( "vc_gencmd_read_response returned %d\n", ret );

      if( show_time )
         after = clock();

      if( show_time )
         time_diff = ((double) (after - before)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

         printf( "Time took %f seconds (%f msecs) (%f usecs)\n", time_diff, time_diff * 1000, time_diff * 1000000 );

      if ( buffer[0] != '\0' )
          if ( buffer[ strlen( buffer) - 1] == '\n' )
              fputs( buffer, stdout );
              printf("%s\n", buffer );


    //close the vchi connection
    if ( vchi_disconnect( vchi_instance ) != 0)
        printf( "VCHI disconnect failed\n" );
        return -1;

   return 0;