Esempio n. 1
bool nmrRegistrationRigid(vctDynamicConstVectorBase<_vectorOwnerType, vct3> &dataSet1,
                          vctDynamicConstVectorBase<_vectorOwnerType, vct3> &dataSet2,
                          vctFrm3 &transform, double *fre)
    size_t npoints = dataSet1.size();
    size_t i;
    if (npoints != dataSet2.size()) {
        CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << "nmrRegistrationPairedPoint: incompatible sizes: " << npoints << ", "
                            << dataSet2.size() << std::endl;
        return false;
    else if (npoints <= 0) {
        CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << "nmrRegistrationPairedPoint called for " << npoints << " points." << std::endl;
        return false;
    // Compute averages
    vct3 avg1 = dataSet1.SumOfElements();
    vct3 avg2 = dataSet2.SumOfElements();

    // Compute the sum of the outer products of (dataSet1-avg1) and (dataSet2-avg2)
    vctDouble3x3 H, sumH;
    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
        H.OuterProductOf(dataSet1[i]-avg1, dataSet2[i]-avg2);
    // Now, compute SVD of sumH
    vctDouble3x3 U, Vt;
    vctDouble3 S;
    nmrSVD(sumH, U, S, Vt);
    // Compute X = V*U' = (U*V')'
    vctDouble3x3 X = (U*Vt).Transpose();
    double det = vctDeterminant<3>::Compute(X);
    // If determinant is not 1, apply correction from Umeyama(1991)
    if (fabs(det-1.0) > 1e-6) {
        vctDouble3x3 Fix(0.0);
        Fix.Diagonal() = vct3(1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
        X = (U*Fix*Vt).Transpose();
        det = vctDeterminant<3>::Compute(X);
        if (fabs(det-1.0) > 1e-6) {
            CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << "nmrRegistrationPairedPoint: registration failed!!" << std::endl;
            return false;
    vctMatRot3 R;
    transform = vctFrm3(R, avg2-R*avg1);

    // Now, compute residual error if fre is not null
    if (fre) {
        double err2 = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
            err2 += (dataSet2[i] - transform*dataSet1[i]).NormSquare();
        *fre = sqrt(err2/npoints);

    return true;
int main(){

  cmnLogger::SetMask( CMN_LOG_ALLOW_ALL );
  cmnLogger::SetMaskFunction( CMN_LOG_ALLOW_ALL );
  cmnLogger::SetMaskDefaultLog( CMN_LOG_ALLOW_ALL );

  // Create the world
  osaODEWorld* world = new osaODEWorld( 0.001 );

  // Create a camera
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  int width = 640, height = 480;
  double Znear = 0.01, Zfar = 10.0;
  osg::ref_ptr<osaOSGMono> camera;
  camera = new osaOSGMono( world,
			     x, y, width, height,
			     55, ((double)width)/((double)height),
			     Znear, Zfar );

  // Create objects
  cmnPath path;

  // Create a rigid body. Make up some mass + com + moit
  double mass = 1.0;
  vctFixedSizeVector<double,3> com( 0.0 );
  vctFixedSizeMatrix<double,3,3> moit = vctFixedSizeMatrix<double,3,3>::Eye();

  vctFixedSizeVector<double,3> u( 0.780004, 0.620257, 0.082920 );
  vctFrame4x4<double> Rtwh( vctAxisAngleRotation3<double>( u, 0.7391 ),
			    vctFixedSizeVector<double,3>( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
  osg::ref_ptr<osaODEBody> hubble;
  hubble = new osaODEBody( path.Find("hst.3ds"), world, Rtwh, mass, com, moit );

  // Create a static body. This body has no mass and cannot be moved
  osg::ref_ptr<osaODEBody> background;
  background = new osaODEBody( path.Find("background.3ds"), world, vctFrm3() );

  std::cout << "ESC to quit" << std::endl;
  while( !camera->done() ){



  return 0;

void mtsMedtronicStealthlink::Tool::Assign(const MNavStealthLink::DataItem & item_in)

    if (typeid(*&item_in) == typeid(const MNavStealthLink::Instrument) ){
        const MNavStealthLink::Instrument & tool_in = dynamic_cast<const MNavStealthLink::Instrument & >(item_in);

        this->MarkerPosition.SetValid(tool_in.visibility == MNavStealthLink::Instrument::VISIBLE
                                       || tool_in.visibility == MNavStealthLink::Instrument::ALMOST_BLOCKED);

        this->TooltipPosition.SetValid(tool_in.isCalibrated && this->MarkerPosition.Valid());

        if (this->TooltipPosition.Valid()){

            this->TooltipPosition.Position() = vctFrm3(this->MarkerPosition.Position().Rotation(),

            //this->TooltipPosition.Position() = this->MarkerPosition.Position();


    }else if(typeid(*&item_in) == typeid(const MNavStealthLink::Frame)){
        const MNavStealthLink::Frame & frame_in = dynamic_cast<const MNavStealthLink::Frame & >(item_in);

        //Trek expects localizer_T_frame
        this->MarkerPosition.Position() = this->MarkerPosition.Position().Inverse();

        this->MarkerPosition.SetValid(frame_in.visibility == MNavStealthLink::Frame::VISIBLE
                                      || frame_in.visibility == MNavStealthLink::Frame::ALMOST_BLOCKED);


Esempio n. 4
// computes a local reference frame for this node based on the
//  covariances of the datum sort positions; returns a
//  transformation that converts points from world -> node coordinates
// NOTE:  the origin of node coordinates is placed at the data centroid
//        with the x-axis oriented in the direction of largest data spread
vctFrm3 cisstCovTreeNode::ComputeCovFrame(int i0, int i1)
  vct3 p(0, 0, 0);
  vctRot3 R;
  vctDouble3x3 C(0.0);    // covariances
  vctDouble3x3 Q;		      // Eigen vectors
  vct3 e;				          // Eigen values

  int i;
  if (i1 <= i0) return vctFrm3();
  int N = i1 - i0;
  if (N < 5)
    // since we can't create a fully determined covariance matrix
    //  from only a few points, use parent frame or identity frame
    return (pParent != NULL) ? pParent->F : vctFrm3();
  //compute centroid of sort positions
  for (i = i0; i < i1; i++)
    AccumulateCentroid(Datum(i), p);
  p *= (1.0 / (i1 - i0));
  // compute covariance of sort positions
  for (i = i0; i < i1; i++)
    AccumulateVariances(Datum(i), p, C);

  // compute eigen decomposition of covariances
  ComputeCovEigenDecomposition_SVD(C, e, Q);
  //int rc = nmrJacobi(C, e, Q); // e=eigen values, Q=eigenVectors

  // find largest eigenvalue
  int j = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < 3; i++)
    if (fabs(e(i)) > fabs(e(j))) j = i;
  switch (j)
  case 0: // E[0] is biggest eigen value
    R = Q;
  case 1:	// E[1] is biggest eigen value
    // by right hand rule, map x->y, y->-x, z->z
    //  (assuming Q is a valid rotation matrix)
    R.Column(0) = Q.Column(1);
    R.Column(1) = -Q.Column(0);
    R.Column(2) = Q.Column(2);
  case 2:	// E[2] is biggest eigen value
    // by right hand rule: x->z, y->y, z->-x
    R.Column(0) = Q.Column(2);
    R.Column(1) = Q.Column(1);
    R.Column(2) = -Q.Column(0);

  // [R,p] is the node -> world transform
  //   what we want is the inverse of this
  return vctFrm3(R, p).Inverse();