void ViewSphereRender::generatePathArc( const ViewPoint* fromPoint, const ViewPoint* toPoint, ViewPointRecorder* recorder, int step)

	ViewPoint* p;
	Vector3d p1(fromPoint->coord[0], fromPoint->coord[1], fromPoint->coord[2]);
	Vector3d p0(toPoint->coord[0], toPoint->coord[1], toPoint->coord[2]);
	Vector3d p2;
	double cos_alpha = Dot(p0, p1);
	double alpha = acos(cos_alpha);
	double sin_alpha = sqrt(1 - cos_alpha * cos_alpha);

	if (step == -1)
		step = int(m_nside * alpha / 3.14159265358979323846 + 0.5) * 2;

	double delta = alpha / step;
	double beta;
	double gamma; // alpha - beta
	double theta;
	double phi;
	for (int i = 0; i < step; i++)
		beta = delta * i;
		gamma = alpha - beta;
		p2 = (p0*sin(beta) + p1*sin(gamma)) / sin_alpha;
		vec2ang((double*)(&p2), &theta, &phi);
		p = new ViewPoint(theta, phi, 0.0);
		p->coord[0] = p2.x;
		p->coord[1] = p2.y;
		p->coord[2] = p2.z;
Esempio n. 2
int main(void) {

  double theta, phi;
  double vec[3];
  long   nside;
  long  ipix, npix, dpix, ip2, ip1;

  printf("Starting C Healpix pixel routines test\n");

  nside = 1024;
  dpix = 23;

  /* Find the number of pixels in the full map */
  npix = nside2npix(nside);
  printf("Number of pixels in full map: %ld\n", npix);
  printf("dpix: %ld\n", dpix);
  printf("Nest -> ang -> vec -> ang -> Ring -> Nest\n");
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) {
    pix2ang_nest(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi);
    ang2vec(theta, phi, vec);
    vec2ang(vec, &theta, &phi);
    ang2pix_ring(nside, theta, phi, &ip2);
    if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("Error: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);}
  printf("Ring -> ang -> Nest -> Ring\n");
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) {
    pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi);
    ang2pix_nest(nside, theta, phi, &ip2);
    if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("Error: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);}

  printf("Nest -> vec -> Ring -> Nest\n");
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) {
    pix2vec_nest(nside, ipix, vec);
    vec2pix_ring(nside, vec, &ip2);
    if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("Error: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);}
  printf("Ring -> vec -> Nest -> Ring\n");
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) {
    pix2vec_ring(nside, ipix, vec);
    vec2pix_nest(nside, vec, &ip2);
    if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("Error: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);}

  printf("%ld\n", nside);
  printf("test completed\n\n");

  /* Later */
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main(void) {

  double theta, phi, th1, ph1;
  long   nside;
  long  ipix, npix, dpix, ip2, ip1, ns1, pp;
  double vec[3];

  nside = 1024;
  dpix = 1;

  /* test nside->npix->nside */
  for (pp = 0; pp < 14; pp++) {
    nside = pow(2,pp) ;
    npix = nside2npix(nside);
    ns1  = npix2nside(npix);
    printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld\n",pp,nside,ns1,npix);
  theta = 0.5;
  phi = -0.4;
  ang2vec(theta, phi, vec);
  vec2ang(vec, &th1, &ph1); 
  printf("%f %f, %f %f\n",theta,th1,phi,ph1); 

  theta = -0.1;
/*    theta = 5.; */
/*    ang2vec(theta, phi, vec); */
/*    printf("%f %f %f\n",vec[0],vec[1],vec[2]); */

/*    printf("dpix: %ld\n", dpix); */
/*    for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) { */
/*      pix2ang_nest(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi); */
/*      ang2pix_ring(nside, theta, phi, &ip2); */
/*      ring2nest(nside,ip2,&ip1); */
/*      if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);} */
/*    } */
/*    for (ipix = 0; ipix < npix; ipix +=dpix) { */
/*      pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi); */
/*      ang2pix_nest(nside, theta, phi, &ip2); */
/*      nest2ring(nside,ip2,&ip1); */
/*      if (ip1 != ipix) {printf("%ld %ld %ld %ld\n",nside,ipix,ip2,ip1);} */
/*    } */

/*    printf("%ld\n", nside); */

  /* Later */
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/// Creates a Healpix sphere by computing the pixel and coordinate vector
/// locations and (phi, theta) values.
void CHealpixSpheroid::GenerateHealpixSphere(unsigned int n_pixels, unsigned int n_sides)
	// Resize the input vectors to match the image.
//	pixel_temperatures.resize(n_pixels);

	corner_xyz.resize(4 * n_pixels);	// four corners per Healpix pixel
	corner_theta.resize(4 * n_pixels);	// four corners per Healpix pixel
	corner_phi.resize(4 * n_pixels);	// four corners per Healpix pixel
	corner_radii.resize(4 * n_pixels);	// four corners per Healpix pixel

	// Temporary double vectors to interface with Healpix's routines:
	vector<double> t_pixel_xyz(3);
	vector<double> t_corner_xyz(12);

	// Iterate over each pixel in the Healpix image
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_pixels; i++)
		// Init the flux texture to something useful.
		mFluxTexture[i].r = float(i) / n_pixels;
		mFluxTexture[i].a = 1.0;

		// Compute the vertex locations for the center and (four) corners
		// of the pixels.
		pix2vec_nest(n_sides, i, &t_pixel_xyz[0], &t_corner_xyz[0]);

		// Copy the pixel location from the temporary buffer into the storage buffer.
		pixel_xyz[i] = vec3(t_pixel_xyz[0], t_pixel_xyz[1], t_pixel_xyz[2]);

		// Compute the (theta, phi) values for the center of each pixel
		pix2ang_nest(n_sides, i, &pixel_theta[i], &pixel_phi[i]);

		// Compute the (theta, phi) values for each of the (four) corners
		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			vec2ang(&t_corner_xyz[3*j], &corner_theta[4*i + j], &corner_phi[4*i + j]);
			// Copy the corner location into the storage buffer
			corner_xyz[4*i + j] = vec3(t_corner_xyz[3*j + 0], t_corner_xyz[3*j + 1], t_corner_xyz[3*j + 2]);