Esempio n. 1
mat4* lookAt(mat4* pOut, const vec3* pEye, const vec3* pCenter,
             const vec3* pUp) {
    vec3 f;
    avec3_subtract(&f, pCenter, pEye);
    vec3Normalize(&f, &f);

    vec3 s;
    vec3Cross(&s, &f, pUp);
    vec3Normalize(&s, &s);

    vec3 u;
    vec3Cross(&u, &s, &f);

    pOut->mat[0] = s.x;
    pOut->mat[1] = u.x;
    pOut->mat[2] = -f.x;
    pOut->mat[3] = 0.0;

    pOut->mat[4] = s.y;
    pOut->mat[5] = u.y;
    pOut->mat[6] = -f.y;
    pOut->mat[7] = 0.0;

    pOut->mat[8] = s.z;
    pOut->mat[9] = u.z;
    pOut->mat[10] = -f.z;
    pOut->mat[11] = 0.0;

    pOut->mat[12] = -vec3Dot(&s, pEye);
    pOut->mat[13] = -vec3Dot(&u, pEye);
    pOut->mat[14] = vec3Dot(&f, pEye);
    pOut->mat[15] = 1.0;

    return pOut;
Esempio n. 2
// TODO: alot of slow stuff in it
b32 cameraIsPointInFrustum(Camera *cam, Vec3 worldPos)
    Plane frustumPlanes[6];
    getFrustumPlanes(&cam->perspectiveMatrix, frustumPlanes);
    for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        Vec4 thing = vec4(frustumPlanes[i].a,frustumPlanes[i].b,frustumPlanes[i].c,0.0f);
        Mat4 mat = cameraCalculateInverseViewMatrix(cam);
        Vec4 res;
        mat4Vec4Mul(&res, &mat, &thing);
        frustumPlanes[i] = planeFromVec4(&res);

    Vec3 n[6];
    r32 d[6];

    for(int planeId = 0; planeId < 6; planeId++)
        Vec3 idk = vec3(frustumPlanes[planeId].a,frustumPlanes[planeId].b,frustumPlanes[planeId].c);
        n[planeId] = vec3Normalized(&idk);
        d[planeId] = frustumPlanes[planeId].d;

        // TODO: check for all 6 planes?
    Vec3 pos;
    vec3Sub(&pos, &worldPos, &cam->position);
    r32 res = vec3Dot(&pos, &n[0]) + d[0] + 141.0f;
    r32 res2 = vec3Dot(&pos, &n[1]) + d[1] + 141.0f;
    if(res <= 0.f || res2 <= 0.f)
        return false;
    return true;
Esempio n. 3
// Takes Ray and Intersect data and calculates the colour of that light ray
color3f Scene::getRayColor(rayData& ray, polygon* closestPoly, point3* closestPoint, float u, float v)
	color3f pixCol(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
		if (closestPoly)
			color3f tmpColor;
			vec3Cpy(&tmpColor, &renderLight.color); 
			vec3 displacement;
			vec3Sub(&displacement, &renderLight.position, closestPoint);
			float scale = 1.f;
				scale = 1/(vec3LenSq(&displacement)+1.f);
				scale *= vec3Dot(&closestPoly->normal, &displacement);
				vec3 reflection;
				vec3Reflect(&reflection, &displacement, &closestPoly->normal);
				float specular = vec3Dot(&reflection, closestPoint);
				specular = (-specular * SPECULAR_BRIGHTNESS) - SPECULAR_FALLOFF;
				specular = fmax(0.f, specular);
				scale += specular;
			vec3Scale(&tmpColor, scale);
//			color3f* pColor = &closestPoly->color;
			color3f texColor;
			texture->Sample(u, v, texColor);
			tmpColor.x *= texColor.x;
			tmpColor.y *= texColor.y;
			tmpColor.z *= texColor.z;
			pixCol = tmpColor;
			pixCol = closestPoly->color;
		return pixCol;
Esempio n. 4
bool IntersectFromTo(HitInfo_s &hi, float f[3], float t[3], map_s *map, unsigned int mask )
	float d[3], nd[3];
	vec3Sub( d, t, f );
	vec3Norm( nd, d );
	return IntersectRay( hi, f, nd, sqrtf(vec3Dot(d,d)), map, mask );
Esempio n. 5
	void mtxLookAtImpl(float* _result, const float* _eye, const float* _view, const float* _up)
		float up[3] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
		if (NULL != _up)
			up[0] = _up[0];
			up[1] = _up[1];
			up[2] = _up[2];

		float tmp[4];
		vec3Cross(tmp, up, _view);

		float right[4];
		vec3Norm(right, tmp);

		vec3Cross(up, _view, right);

		memSet(_result, 0, sizeof(float)*16);
		_result[ 0] = right[0];
		_result[ 1] = up[0];
		_result[ 2] = _view[0];

		_result[ 4] = right[1];
		_result[ 5] = up[1];
		_result[ 6] = _view[1];

		_result[ 8] = right[2];
		_result[ 9] = up[2];
		_result[10] = _view[2];

		_result[12] = -vec3Dot(right, _eye);
		_result[13] = -vec3Dot(up, _eye);
		_result[14] = -vec3Dot(_view, _eye);
		_result[15] = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 6
double vec3ClosestOnSegment(GLfloat *result, const GLfloat *p, const GLfloat *a, const GLfloat *b)
    GLfloat pa[3], ba[3];
    vec3Sub(pa, p, a);
    vec3Sub(ba, b, a);
    double dotbaba = vec3Length2(ba);
    double t = 0;
    if (dotbaba != 0) {
        t = vec3Dot(pa, ba) / dotbaba;
        if (t < 0) t = 0;
        else if (t > 1) t = 1;
    vec3MulScalar(ba, ba, t);
    vec3Add(result, a, ba);
    return t;
Esempio n. 7
void Scene::prepareModelRenderData(cameraData* viewCam)
	matrix rotMatrix;
	invRotMatrixFromVec3(&rotMatrix, &viewCam->dir, &viewCam->up);

	int newPolyIndex = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; i++)
		model* mdl = &renderModels.back();
		int newPolyCount = 0;
		// For every polygon in each model
		for (int j = 0; j < mdl->polyCount; j++)
			int n = j + mdl->polyIndex;

			// Copy scene polygon to render polygons
			polygon* poly = &renderPolygons.back();

			// Transform normals to camera space
			matrixVec3Rot(&poly->normal, &mdl->rotation, &poly->normal);
			matrixVec3Rot(&poly->normal, &rotMatrix, &poly->normal);

			poly->point[0] = &renderVertices[poly->pointIndex[0]];
			poly->point[1] = &renderVertices[poly->pointIndex[1]];
			poly->point[2] = &renderVertices[poly->pointIndex[2]];

			// TODO -  Store points B and C as vectors from A

			poly->d = vec3Dot(&poly->normal, poly->point[0]);

		mdl->polyIndex = newPolyIndex;
		mdl->polygons = renderPolygons.begin() += newPolyIndex;
		mdl->polyCount = newPolyCount;
		newPolyIndex += newPolyCount;
	polyCount = newPolyIndex;
Esempio n. 8
void calcTangents(void* _vertices, uint16_t _numVertices, bgfx::VertexDecl _decl, const uint16_t* _indices, uint32_t _numIndices)
	struct PosTexcoord
		float m_x;
		float m_y;
		float m_z;
		float m_pad0;
		float m_u;
		float m_v;
		float m_pad1;
		float m_pad2;

	float* tangents = new float[6*_numVertices];
	memset(tangents, 0, 6*_numVertices*sizeof(float) );

	PosTexcoord v0;
	PosTexcoord v1;
	PosTexcoord v2;

	for (uint32_t ii = 0, num = _numIndices/3; ii < num; ++ii)
		const uint16_t* indices = &_indices[ii*3];
		uint32_t i0 = indices[0];
		uint32_t i1 = indices[1];
		uint32_t i2 = indices[2];

		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v0.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _decl, _vertices, i0);
		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v0.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _decl, _vertices, i0);

		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v1.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _decl, _vertices, i1);
		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v1.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _decl, _vertices, i1);

		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v2.m_x, bgfx::Attrib::Position, _decl, _vertices, i2);
		bgfx::vertexUnpack(&v2.m_u, bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, _decl, _vertices, i2);

		const float bax = v1.m_x - v0.m_x;
		const float bay = v1.m_y - v0.m_y;
		const float baz = v1.m_z - v0.m_z;
		const float bau = v1.m_u - v0.m_u;
		const float bav = v1.m_v - v0.m_v;

		const float cax = v2.m_x - v0.m_x;
		const float cay = v2.m_y - v0.m_y;
		const float caz = v2.m_z - v0.m_z;
		const float cau = v2.m_u - v0.m_u;
		const float cav = v2.m_v - v0.m_v;

		const float det = (bau * cav - bav * cau);
		const float invDet = 1.0f / det;

		const float tx = (bax * cav - cax * bav) * invDet;
		const float ty = (bay * cav - cay * bav) * invDet;
		const float tz = (baz * cav - caz * bav) * invDet;

		const float bx = (cax * bau - bax * cau) * invDet;
		const float by = (cay * bau - bay * cau) * invDet;
		const float bz = (caz * bau - baz * cau) * invDet;

		for (uint32_t jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj)
			float* tanu = &tangents[indices[jj]*6];
			float* tanv = &tanu[3];
			tanu[0] += tx;
			tanu[1] += ty;
			tanu[2] += tz;

			tanv[0] += bx;
			tanv[1] += by;
			tanv[2] += bz;

	for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < _numVertices; ++ii)
		const float* tanu = &tangents[ii*6];
		const float* tanv = &tangents[ii*6 + 3];

		float normal[4];
		bgfx::vertexUnpack(normal, bgfx::Attrib::Normal, _decl, _vertices, ii);
		float ndt = vec3Dot(normal, tanu);

		float nxt[3];
		vec3Cross(nxt, normal, tanu);

		float tmp[3];
		tmp[0] = tanu[0] - normal[0] * ndt;
		tmp[1] = tanu[1] - normal[1] * ndt;
		tmp[2] = tanu[2] - normal[2] * ndt;

		float tangent[4];
		vec3Norm(tangent, tmp);

		tangent[3] = vec3Dot(nxt, tanv) < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
		bgfx::vertexPack(tangent, true, bgfx::Attrib::Tangent, _decl, _vertices, ii);

	delete [] tangents;
Esempio n. 9
double vec3Length2(const GLfloat *a)
    return vec3Dot(a, a);
Esempio n. 10
// Calculate Surface Area
float volume3::SurfaceArea()
	// Assume max > min ?
	float w = max.x - min.x;
	float h = max.y - min.y;
	float d = max.z - min.z;

	return (2 * w * h) + (2 * w * d) + (2 * h * d);

// Find the point at which a ray intersects a plane, based on a poly
bool intersect(polygon& __restrict poly, rayData& __restrict ray, point3& intersection, float& distance, float& u, float& v)
    float B = vec3Dot(ray.direction, poly.normal);

    if (B > 0.f)
        return false;

    float A = vec3Dot(ray.origin, poly.normal); // Can do this test after backface cull

    // Find the depth of the poly from the ray origin, in terms of ray direction
    float depth = (poly.d - A) / B;

    if ((depth < 0.f) || (depth > distance))
        return false;

	distance = depth;
Esempio n. 11
	memset(mtxScale, 0, sizeof(float)*16);
	mtxScale[0]  = _scaleX;
	mtxScale[5]  = _scaleY;
	mtxScale[10] = _scaleZ;
	mtxScale[15] = 1.0f;

	mtxMul(_result, mtxScale, mtxRotateTranslate);

void mtxReflected(float*__restrict _result
				  , const float* __restrict _p  /* plane */
				  , const float* __restrict _n  /* normal */
	float dot = vec3Dot(_p, _n);

	_result[ 0] =  1.0f -  2.0f * _n[0] * _n[0]; //1-2Nx^2
	_result[ 1] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[1];         //-2*Nx*Ny
	_result[ 2] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[2];         //-2*NxNz
	_result[ 3] =  0.0f;                         //0

	_result[ 4] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[1];         //-2*NxNy
	_result[ 5] =  1.0f -  2.0f * _n[1] * _n[1]; //1-2*Ny^2
	_result[ 6] = -2.0f * _n[1] * _n[2];         //-2*NyNz
	_result[ 7] =  0.0f;                         //0

	_result[ 8] = -2.0f * _n[0] * _n[2];         //-2*NxNz
	_result[ 9] = -2.0f * _n[1] * _n[2];         //-2NyNz
	_result[10] =  1.0f -  2.0f * _n[2] * _n[2]; //1-2*Nz^2
	_result[11] =  0.0f;                         //0