Esempio n. 1
static void	raycast_light(t_hit *hit, unsigned depth)
	t_lstiter	it;
	t_ray		ray;
	t_light		*light;
	int			raycast_result;
	t_vec3		lightness;
	t_hit		sub_hit;

	if (depth == 0)
		return ;

	vec3_set(&lightness, 0, 0, 0);
	init_iter(&it, rt.scene->lights, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		light = (t_light*);
		vec3_copy(&ray.origin, &hit->position);
		vec3_copy(&ray.direction, &light->position);
		vec3_sub(&ray.direction, &hit->position);

		ray.origin.x += ray.direction.x * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.y += ray.direction.y * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.z += ray.direction.z * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;

		raycast_result = raycast(&ray, &sub_hit, depth - 1, NULL);

		if (sub_hit.object != NULL)
			// ray bounce
			vec3_add(&lightness, &light->color);

	vec3_div(&lightness, rt.scene->lights->size);
	vec3_add(&lightness, &rt.scene->ambient_light);

	hit->color.x *= lightness.x;
	hit->color.y *= lightness.y;
	hit->color.z *= lightness.z;
Esempio n. 2
static void terrain_new_chunk(terrain* ter, int i) {


  terrain_chunk* tc = malloc(sizeof(terrain_chunk));
  tc->id = i;
  tc->x = i % ter->num_cols;
  tc->y = i / ter->num_cols;
  tc->width = ter->chunk_width;
  tc->height = ter->chunk_height;
  int x_max = tc->width * SUBDIVISIONS + 1;
  int y_max = tc->height * SUBDIVISIONS + 1;
  tc->num_verts = x_max * y_max + x_max * 2 + y_max * 2;
  vec3* vertex_buffer = malloc(sizeof(vec3) * 4 * tc->num_verts);
  int index = 0;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++)
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    float gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  /* Adding fins. Don't look, horrible code */
  const float FIN_DEPTH = 5.0;
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    int gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + 0;
    int gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
    int gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + ter->chunk_width;
    int gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y/SUBDIVISIONS;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++) {
    int  gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    int  gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + 0;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x++) {
    int  gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width + (float)x/SUBDIVISIONS;
    int  gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + ter->chunk_height;
    float height = terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy)) - FIN_DEPTH;
    mat3  axis   = terrain_tbn(ter, vec2_new(gx, gy));
    vec3 pos = vec3_new(gx, height, gy);
    vec3 tangent = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(1,0,0));
    vec3 normal  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,1,0));
    vec3 binorm  = mat3_mul_vec3(axis, vec3_new(0,0,1));
    vertex_buffer[index] = pos; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = normal; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = tangent; index++;
    vertex_buffer[index] = binorm; index++;
  tc-> = vec3_zero();
  for (int i = 0; i < index; i+=4) {
    tc-> = vec3_add(tc->, vertex_buffer[i]);
  tc-> = vec3_div(tc->, tc->num_verts);
  tc->bound.radius = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < index; i+=4) {
    tc->bound.radius = max(tc->bound.radius, vec3_dist(tc->, vertex_buffer[i]));
  if (net_is_client()) {
    glGenBuffers(1, &tc->vertex_buffer);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tc->vertex_buffer);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vec3) * 4 * tc->num_verts, vertex_buffer, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
  if (net_is_client()) {
    glGenBuffers(NUM_TERRAIN_BUFFERS, tc->index_buffers);
  for(int j = 0; j < NUM_TERRAIN_BUFFERS; j++) {
    int off = pow(2, j);
    int x_max = tc->width * SUBDIVISIONS;
    int y_max = tc->height * SUBDIVISIONS;
    tc->num_indicies[j] = (x_max / off) * (y_max / off) * 6 + (x_max / off) * 12 + (y_max / off) * 12;
    uint32_t* index_buffer = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * tc->num_indicies[j]);
    index = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off)
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] =  x +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x +  y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
    /* Again, adding fins. Don't look horrible code */
    int x_base = (x_max + 1) * (y_max + 1);
    int y_base = (x_max + 1) * (y_max + 1) + (x_max + 1) * 2;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x_base + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + 0 * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x+off; index++;
    for(int x = 0; x < x_max; x+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] =  x_base + y_max+1 + x; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = (x+off) + y_max * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x_max+1 + x+off; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_base + x_max+1 + x; index++;
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = 0 + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y+off; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y; index++;
    for(int y = 0; y < y_max; y+=off) {
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + y * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = x_max + (y+off) * (x_max+1); index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y; index++;
      index_buffer[index] = y_base + y_max+1 + y+off; index++;
    if (net_is_client()) {
      glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tc->index_buffers[j]);
      glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(uint32_t) * tc->num_indicies[j], index_buffer, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
  tc->colmesh = malloc(sizeof(cmesh));
  tc->colmesh->is_leaf = true;
  tc->colmesh->triangles_num = (tc->width/4) * (tc->height/4) * 2;
  tc->colmesh->triangles = malloc(sizeof(ctri) * tc->colmesh->triangles_num);
  int tri_i = 0;
  for (int x = 0; x < tc->width;  x += 4)
  for (int y = 0; y < tc->height; y += 4) {
    float gx = tc->x * ter->chunk_width  + (float)x;
    float gy = tc->y * ter->chunk_height + (float)y;    
    vec3 a = vec3_new(gx  , terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx  , gy  )) , gy  );
    vec3 b = vec3_new(gx+4, terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx+4, gy  )) , gy  );
    vec3 c = vec3_new(gx+4, terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx+4, gy+4)) , gy+4);
    vec3 d = vec3_new(gx  , terrain_height(ter, vec2_new(gx  , gy+4)) , gy+4);
    vec3 tang   = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(b, a));
    vec3 binorm = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(d, a));
    vec3 norm   = vec3_cross( binorm, tang );
    tc->colmesh->triangles[tri_i] = ctri_new(a, c, b, norm); tri_i++;
    tc->colmesh->triangles[tri_i] = ctri_new(a, d, c, norm); tri_i++;
  tc->colmesh->bound = cmesh_bound(tc->colmesh);
  /* For some reason this is not working correctly */
  cmesh_subdivide(tc->colmesh, 5);

  ter->chunks[i] = tc;

Esempio n. 3
union vec3 *vec3_div_self(union vec3 *vi, float scalar)
	return vec3_div(vi, vi, scalar);
Esempio n. 4
vec3_t vec3_normalize(const vec3_t v) {
    if (vec3_equal(v, vec3zero))
        return vec3zero;
        return vec3_div(v, vec3_len(v));
Esempio n. 5
void objpose(mat33_t *R, vec3_t *t, int *it, real_t *obj_err, real_t *img_err,
			 bool calc_img_err, const vec3_t *_P, const vec3_t *Qp, const options_t options, const int n)
	int i, j;
	//vec3_array P(_P.begin(),_P.end());
	vec3_t P[n];
	memcpy(&*P, _P, n*sizeof(vec3_t));

	//const int n = (unsigned int) P.size();
	vec3_t pbar;
	vec3_array_sum(&pbar, &*P, n);
	vec3_div(&pbar, (real_t)(n));
	vec3_array_sub(&*P, &pbar, n);
	//vec3_array Q(Qp.begin(),Qp.end());
	vec3_t Q[n];
	memcpy(&*Q, Qp, n*sizeof(vec3_t));
	vec3_t ones;
	ones.v[0] = 1;
	ones.v[1] = 1;
	ones.v[2] = 1;
	const bool mask_z[3] = {0,0,1};
	vec3_array_set(&*Q, &ones, mask_z, n);
	//mat33_array F;
	mat33_t F[n];
	vec3_t V;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		V.v[0] = Q[i].v[0] / Q[i].v[2];
		V.v[1] = Q[i].v[1] / Q[i].v[2];
		V.v[2] = 1.0;
		mat33_t _m;
		vec3_mul_vec3trans(&_m, &V, &V);
		mat33_div(&_m, vec3trans_mul_vec3(&V,&V));
		F[i] = _m;

	mat33_t tFactor;
	mat33_t _m1,_m2,_m3;
	mat33_array_sum(&_m2, &*F, n);
	mat33_div(&_m2, (real_t)(n));
	mat33_sub_mat2(&_m3, &_m1, &_m2);
	mat33_inv(&tFactor, &_m3);
	mat33_div(&tFactor, (real_t)(n));

	*it = 0;
	int initR_approximate = mat33_all_zeros(&options.initR);
	mat33_t Ri;
	vec3_t ti;
	//vec3_array Qi;
	vec3_t Qi[n];
	real_t old_err = 0.0, new_err = 0.0;

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if(initR_approximate == 0)
		mat33_copy(&Ri, &options.initR);
		vec3_t _sum;
		vec3_t _v1, _v2;
		mat33_t _m1,_m2;
		for(j=0; j<n; j++)
			mat33_sub_mat2(&_m2, &F[j], &_m1);
			vec3_mult_mat(&_v1, &Ri, &P[j]);
			vec3_mult_mat(&_v2, &_m2, &_v1);
			vec3_add_vec(&_sum, &_v2);
		xform(&*Qi, &*P, &Ri, &ti, n);
		old_err = 0;
		vec3_t _v;
		for(j=0; j<n; j++)
			mat33_sub_mat2(&_m2, &F[j], &_m1);
			vec3_mult_mat(&_v, &_m2, &Qi[j]);
			old_err += vec3_dot(&_v, &_v);
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		abskernel(&Ri, &ti, &*Qi, &old_err, &*P, &*Q, &*F, &tFactor, n);
		*it = 1;
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	abskernel(&Ri, &ti, &*Qi, &new_err, &*P, &*Qi, &*F, &tFactor, n);
	*it = *it + 1;

	while((_abs((old_err-new_err)/old_err) > options.tol) && (new_err > options.epsilon) &&
		  (options.max_iter == 0 || *it < options.max_iter))
		old_err = new_err;
		abskernel(&Ri, &ti, &*Qi, &new_err, &*P, &*Qi, &*F, &tFactor, n);
		*it = *it + 1;

	mat33_copy(R, &Ri);
	vec3_copy(t, &ti);
	*obj_err = _sqrt(new_err/(real_t)(n));

	if(calc_img_err == 1)
		//vec3_array Qproj;
		vec3_t Qproj[n];
		xformproj(&*Qproj, &*P, &Ri, &ti, n);
		*img_err = 0;

		vec3_t _v;
		for(j=0; j<n; j++)
			vec3_sub_vec2(&_v, &Qproj[j], &Qp[j]);
			*img_err += vec3_dot(&_v, &_v);
		*img_err = _sqrt(*img_err/(real_t)(n));

	if(t->v[2] < 0)
		mat33_mult(R, -1.0);
		vec3_mult(t, -1.0);

	vec3_t _ts;
	vec3_mult_mat(&_ts, &Ri, &pbar);
	vec3_sub_vec(t, &_ts);
Esempio n. 6
// ===========================================================================================
void abskernel(mat33_t *R, vec3_t *t, vec3_t *Qout, real_t *err2, 
			   const vec3_t *_P, const vec3_t *_Q, 
			   const mat33_t *F, const mat33_t *G, const int n)

	int i, j;

	vec3_t P[n];//(_P.begin(),_P.end());
	vec3_t Q[n];//(_Q.begin(),_Q.end());
	//const unsigned int n = (unsigned int) P.size();
	memcpy(&*P, _P, n*sizeof(vec3_t));
	memcpy(&*Q, _Q, n*sizeof(vec3_t));

	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		vec3_t _q;
		vec3_mult_mat(&_q, &F[i], &_Q[i]);
		vec3_copy(&Q[i], &_q);

	vec3_t pbar;
	vec3_array_sum(&pbar, &*P, n);
	vec3_div(&pbar, (real_t)(n));
	vec3_array_sub(&*P, &pbar, n);

	vec3_t qbar;
	vec3_array_sum(&qbar, &*Q, n);
	vec3_div(&qbar, (real_t)(n));
	vec3_array_sub(&*Q, &qbar, n);

	mat33_t M;
	for(j=0; j<n; j++)
		mat33_t _m;
		vec3_mul_vec3trans(&_m, &P[j], &Q[j]);
		mat33_add(&M, &_m);

	mat33_t _U;
	mat33_t _S;
	mat33_t _V;
	mat33_svd2(&_U, &_S, &_V, &M);

	mat33_t _Ut;
	mat33_transpose(&_Ut, _U);
	mat33_mult_mat2(R, &_V, &_Ut);

	// R = V*(U.');

	// WE need to check the determinant of the R
	real_t det = mat33_det(R);
	if ( det < 0 )
	  mat33_t Vc; 
	  Vc.m[0] = _V.m[0]; Vc.m[1] = _V.m[1]; Vc.m[2] = -_V.m[2];
	  Vc.m[3] = _V.m[3]; Vc.m[4] = _V.m[4]; Vc.m[5] = -_V.m[5];
	  Vc.m[6] = _V.m[6]; Vc.m[7] = _V.m[7]; Vc.m[8] = -_V.m[8];
	  mat33_mult_mat2(R, &Vc, &_Ut);  // to have det(R) == 1
	  optimal_t(t, R, G, F, &*P, n);
	  if( t->v[2] < 0 ){
	    Vc.m[0] =- _V.m[0]; Vc.m[1] =- _V.m[1]; Vc.m[2] = -_V.m[2];
	    Vc.m[3] =- _V.m[3]; Vc.m[4] =- _V.m[4]; Vc.m[5] = -_V.m[5];
	    Vc.m[6] =- _V.m[6]; Vc.m[7] =- _V.m[7]; Vc.m[8] = -_V.m[8];
	    mat33_mult_mat2(R, &Vc, &_Ut);  // to have det(R) == 1 & t_3 > 0
	    optimal_t(t, R, G, F, &*P, n);
	  if( t->v[2] < 0 )
	    mat33_t Vc; 
	    Vc.m[0] = -_V.m[0]; Vc.m[1] = -_V.m[1]; Vc.m[2] = _V.m[2];
        Vc.m[3] = -_V.m[3]; Vc.m[4] = -_V.m[4]; Vc.m[5] = _V.m[5];
        Vc.m[6] = -_V.m[6]; Vc.m[7] = -_V.m[7]; Vc.m[8] = _V.m[8];
	    mat33_mult_mat2(R, &Vc, &_Ut);
	// CHECK if everything is working ok 
	// check the det of R 
	//det = mat33_det(R);
	xform(Qout,&*P,R,t, n);
	*err2 = 0.0;
	mat33_t _m1;
	vec3_t _v1;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		mat33_sub(&_m1, &F[i]);
		vec3_mult_mat(&_v1, &_m1, &Qout[i]);
		*err2 += vec3_dot(&_v1, &_v1);