Esempio n. 1
void picking_sphere_create(float radius, struct PickingSphere* sphere) {
    pivot_create(NULL, NULL, &sphere->pivot);

    sphere->picked = false;
    vec_copy4f((Vec4f){0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}, sphere->ray);

    sphere->radius = radius;
    sphere->front = -FLT_MAX;
    sphere->back = -FLT_MAX;
Esempio n. 2
void arcball_create(SDL_Window* window, Vec4f eye, Vec4f target, float z_near, float z_far, struct Arcball* arcball) {
    int32_t width,height;
    sdl2_debug( SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(window, &width, &height) );

    // - if the user specifies an eye and target so that we are looking along the y-axis (like 0,1,0 and 0,0,0),
    // then we just adjust the eye a tiny bit upwards to prevent a black screen because the up_axis used in
    // arcball_event is the y axis, and two parallel axis have no cross product and things become 0 and everything
    // gets messy, so just add FLOAT_EPSILON to the z coord and be done with it
    if( eye[0] == target[0] && eye[2] == target[2] ) {
        bool assert_test = eye[1] != target[1];
        log_assert( assert_test == true );

        eye[2] += CUTE_EPSILON;

    if( z_near < 0.01f ) {
        log_warn(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                 "you are trying to create a camera with a very small z_near value, "
                 "this would cause problems when rendering vbomeshes with a z_offset, "
                 "this function (arcball_create) will clamp the z_near value to 0.01f\n");
        z_near = 0.01f;

    camera_create(width, height, CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE, &arcball->camera);
    float top = (z_near/width) * height/2.0f;
    float bottom = -top;
    camera_set_frustum(&arcball->camera, -z_near/2.0f, z_near/2.0f, bottom, top, z_near, z_far);

    vec_copy4f(eye, arcball->camera.pivot.position);
    arcball->flipped = pivot_lookat(&arcball->camera.pivot, target);
    arcball->rotate_button = INPUT_MOUSE_ARCBALL_ROTATE;
    arcball->translate_button = INPUT_MOUSE_ARCBALL_TRANSLATE;
    arcball->translate_factor = 500.0f;
    arcball->zoom_factor = 10.0f;

    vec_copy4f(target, arcball->target);
Esempio n. 3
int32_t pivot_lookat(struct Pivot* pivot, const Vec3f target) {
    int32_t result = -1;

    Vec4f right_axis = RIGHT_AXIS;
    Vec4f up_axis = UP_AXIS;
    Vec4f forward_axis = FORWARD_AXIS;

    struct Pivot world_pivot;
    pivot_combine(pivot->parent, pivot, &world_pivot);

    Vec4f target_direction;
    vec_sub(target, world_pivot.position, target_direction);

    float dot_yaw = vec_dot(target_direction, forward_axis);

    Quat rotation = {0};
    if( fabs(dot_yaw + 1.0f) < CUTE_EPSILON ) {
        // vector a and b point exactly in the opposite direction,
        // so it is a 180 degrees turn around the up-axis
        Quat rotation = {0};
        quat_from_axis_angle(up_axis, PI, rotation);
        quat_mul(world_pivot.orientation, rotation, rotation);
    } else if( fabs(dot_yaw - (1.0f)) < CUTE_EPSILON ) {
        // vector a and b point exactly in the same direction
        // so we return the identity quaternion
        quat_copy(world_pivot.orientation, rotation);
    } else {
        // - I look at the target by turning the pivot orientation using only
        // yaw and pitch movement
        // - I always rotate the pivot from its initial orientation (up and forward
        // basis vectors like initialized above), so this does not incrementally
        // advance the orientation

        // - to find the amount of yaw I project the target_direction into the
        //   up_axis plane, resulting in up_projection which is a vector that
        //   points from the up_axis plane to the tip of the target_direction
        Vec4f up_projection = {0};
        vec_mul1f(up_axis, vec_dot(target_direction, up_axis), up_projection);

        // - so then by subtracting the up_projection from the target_direction,
        //   I get a vector lying in the up_axis plane, pointing towards the target
        Vec4f yaw_direction = {0};
        vec_sub(target_direction, up_projection, yaw_direction);

        // - angle between yaw_direction and forward_axis is the amount of yaw we
        //   need to point the forward_axis toward the target
        float yaw = 0.0f;
        vec_angle(yaw_direction, forward_axis, &yaw);
        log_assert( ! isnan(yaw),
                    "vec_angle(%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f);\n",
                    yaw_direction[0], yaw_direction[1], yaw_direction[2],
                    forward_axis[0], forward_axis[1], forward_axis[2],
                    yaw );

        // - I have to compute the cross product between yaw_direction and
        //   forward_axis and use the resulting yaw_axis
        Vec4f yaw_axis = {0};
        vec_cross(yaw_direction, forward_axis, yaw_axis);
        if( vec_nullp(yaw_axis) ) {
            vec_copy4f(up_axis, yaw_axis);

        // - compute the yaw rotation
        Quat yaw_rotation = {0};
        quat_from_axis_angle(yaw_axis, yaw, yaw_rotation);

        // - to compute, just as with the yaw, I want an axis that lies on the plane that
        //   is spanned in this case by the right_axis, when the camera points toward the
        //   target
        // - I could compute an axis, but I already have a direction vector that points
        //   toward the target, the yaw_direction, I just have to normalize it to make it
        //   an axis (and put the result in forward_axis, since it now is the forward_axis
        //   of the yaw turned camera)
        Vec4f yaw_forward_axis = {0};
        vec_normalize(yaw_direction, yaw_forward_axis);

        // - then use the new forward axis with the old target_direction to compute the angle
        //   between those
        float pitch = 0.0f;
        vec_angle(target_direction, yaw_forward_axis, &pitch);
        log_assert( ! isnan(pitch),
                    "vec_angle(%f %f %f, %f %f %f, %f);\n",
                    target_direction[0], target_direction[1], target_direction[2],
                    yaw_forward_axis[0], yaw_forward_axis[1], yaw_forward_axis[2],
                    pitch );

        // - and just as in the yaw case we compute an rotation pitch_axis
        Vec4f pitch_axis = {0};
        vec_cross(target_direction, yaw_forward_axis, pitch_axis);
        if( vec_nullp(pitch_axis) ) {
            vec_copy4f(right_axis, pitch_axis);

        // - and finally compute the pitch rotation and combine it with the yaw_rotation
        //   in the same step
        Quat pitch_rotation;
        quat_from_axis_angle(pitch_axis, pitch, pitch_rotation);
        Quat yaw_pitch_rotation;
        quat_mul(yaw_rotation, pitch_rotation, yaw_pitch_rotation);

        Quat inverted_orientation = {0};
        quat_invert(world_pivot.orientation, inverted_orientation);

        // - the int32_t I want to return indicates the cameras 'flip' status, that is, it is
        //   one when the camera angle was pitched so much that it flipped over and its
        //   up axis is now pointing downwards
        // - to find out if I am flipped over, I compute the flipped up_axis called
        //   flip_axis and then use the dot product between the flip_axis and up_axis
        //   to decide if I am flipped
        Vec4f flip_axis = {0};
        vec_rotate(up_axis, inverted_orientation, flip_axis);
        vec_rotate(flip_axis, yaw_pitch_rotation, flip_axis);

        float dot_pitch = vec_dot(up_axis, flip_axis);

        Vec4f target_axis = {0};
        vec_normalize(target_direction, target_axis);

        // - check if we are flipped and if we are, set result to 1 meaning we are flipped
        // - turn the camera around PI so that we can continue pitching, otherwise we just get
        //   stuck when trying to flip the camera over
        if( dot_pitch < 0.0f ) {
            result = 1;
            quat_from_axis_angle(target_axis, PI, rotation);
            quat_mul(yaw_pitch_rotation, rotation, yaw_pitch_rotation);

        quat_copy(yaw_pitch_rotation, rotation);

    if( ! isnan(rotation[0]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[1]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[2]) &&
        ! isnan(rotation[3]) )
        quat_copy(rotation, pivot->orientation);

    pivot->eye_distance = vec_length(target_direction);

    return result;