Esempio n. 1
/** Update the cache of blocked nodes. */
static void
path_blocked_update (void)
    uint8_t i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < PATH_GRID_NODES_NB; i++)
	uint8_t valid = 1;
	/* First, gather information from tables. */
	if (!path_nodes[i].usable
	    || food_blocking (path_nodes[i].carry_corn))
	    valid = 0;
	    vect_t pos;
	    path_pos (i, &pos);
	    /* Then, test for obstacles. */
	    for (j = 0; j < PATH_OBSTACLES_NB; j++)
		if (path.obstacles[j].valid)
		    vect_t v = pos; vect_sub (&v, &path.obstacles[j].c);
		    uint32_t dsq = vect_dot_product (&v, &v);
		    uint32_t r = path.obstacles[j].r;
		    if (dsq <= r * r)
			valid = 0;
	/* Update cache. */
	path.valid[i] = valid;
Esempio n. 2
radar_blocking (const vect_t *robot_pos, const vect_t *dest_pos,
                const vect_t *obs_pos, uint8_t obs_nb)
    uint8_t i;
    /* Stop here if no obstacle. */
    if (!obs_nb)
        return 0;
    vect_t vd = *dest_pos;
    vect_sub (&vd, robot_pos);
    uint16_t d = vect_norm (&vd);
    /* If destination is realy near, stop here. */
    if (d < RADAR_EPSILON_MM)
        return 0;
    /* If destination is near, use clearance to destination point instead of
     * stop length. */
    vect_t t;
    if (d < RADAR_STOP_MM)
        t = *dest_pos;
        vect_scale_f824 (&vd, (1ll << 24) / d * RADAR_STOP_MM);
        t = *robot_pos;
        vect_translate (&t, &vd);
    /* Now, look at obstacles. */
    for (i = 0; i < obs_nb; i++)
        /* Vector from robot to obstacle. */
        vect_t vo = obs_pos[i];
        vect_sub (&vo, robot_pos);
        /* Ignore if in our back. */
        int32_t dp = vect_dot_product (&vd, &vo);
        if (dp < 0)
        /* Check distance. */
        int16_t od = distance_segment_point (robot_pos, &t, &obs_pos[i]);
        if (od > BOT_SIZE_SIDE + RADAR_CLEARANCE_MM / 2
                + RADAR_OBSTACLE_RADIUS_MM)
        /* Else, obstacle is blocking. */
        return 1;
    return 0;
void test_basic_vector_op(void)
	/* Test the vector operations */

	/*create two vectors and show them*/
	int vector_length = 5;
	double vector_a[5] = {2.5, -10.9, 15.8, 12.2, 7.9};
	double vector_b[5] = {2.5, 0.2, 21.33, 70.1, -0.2};
	double vector_c[5];
	double result = 0.0;
	/*seed the random generator*/
	printf("The two vectors a and b\n");
	show_vector(vector_a, vector_length);
	show_vector(vector_b, vector_length);

	/*vector addition*/
	printf("c = a + b\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_add(vector_c, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 5.0000 -10.7000 37.1300 82.3000 7.7000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector subtraction*/
	printf("c = a - b\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_sub(vector_c, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 0.0000 -11.1000 -5.5300 -57.9000 8.1000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector scalar multiplication*/
	printf("c = a * 5\n");
	/*copy a*/
	memcpy(vector_c, vector_a, vector_length*sizeof(double));
	vect_scalar_multiply(vector_c, 5, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 12.5000 -54.5000 79.0000 61.0000 39.5000\n");
	printf("Result: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);

	/*vector dot product*/
	printf("c = a .* b\n");
	result = vect_dot_product(vector_a, vector_b, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 1194.72\n");
	printf("Result: %2.2f\n",result);

	/*vector cross product*/
	/*To be completed*/

	/*vector norm*/
	printf("c = |a|\n");
	result = vect_norm(vector_a, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("Expected: 24.2064\n");
	printf("Result: %2.4f\n",result);

	/*vector rand unit*/
	printf("c is a random vector\n");
	printf("|c| == 1\n");
	vect_rand_unit(vector_c, vector_length);
	/*show expected and obtained results*/
	printf("The vector: ");
	show_vector(vector_c, vector_length);
	result = vect_norm(vector_c, vector_length);
	printf("Expected norm: 1.0000\n");
    printf("Obtained norm: %2.4f\n",result);
 * void mtx_lanczos_procedure(double *A, double *Tm, int n, int m)
 * @brief Function that implements the first step of the eigenproblem solution
 *        based on lanzos algorithm. This function generates a matrix Tm that contains 
 *        a set (<=) of eigenvalues that approximate those of matrix A. Finding the eigenvalues
 *        in Tm is easier and serves as an optimization method for problems in which only a few 
 *        eigenpairs are required.
 * @param A, the matrix on which the procedure is applied. Needs to be square and Hermitian.
 * @param (out)a, elements of the diagonal of the matrix Tm
 * @param (out)b, elements off diagonal of the matrix Tm
 * @param n, the dimensions of the square matrix A
 * @param m, the number of iterations for the lanczos procedure (and the dimensions of the array returned)
void mtx_lanczos_procedure(double *A, double *a, double *b, int n, int m)
	int i,j,array_index_i;
	double* v_i = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* a_times_v_i = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* b_times_v_i_minus_one = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* v_i_minus_one = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* w_i = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* v1 = (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	double* temp;

	/*get a n-long random vector with norm equal to 1*/
	    v1[i] = 1/sqrt(n);
	/*first iteration of the procedure*/
	i = 1;
	array_index_i = i-1;
	/*computes w_i*/
	/*w[i] <= A*v[i]*/
	mtx_mult(A, v1, w_i, n, n, 1);
	/*computes a_i*/
	/*a[i] <= w[i]*v[i]*/
	a[array_index_i] = vect_dot_product(w_i, v1,n);
	/*update w_i*/
	/*w[i] <= w[i]-a[i]*v[i]-b[i]*v[i-1]*/
	/*note: b[1] = 0*/
	vect_sub(w_i, a_times_v_i, n);
	/*computes next b_i*/
	/*b[i+1] = ||w[i]||*/
	b[array_index_i+1] = vect_norm(w_i,n);

	/*copy v1 to v_i*/
	/*save v[i] to be used asv[i-1]*/
	temp = v_i_minus_one;
	v_i_minus_one = v_i;
	/*computes next v_i = w_i/b(i+1)*/
	/*v[i+1] = w[i]/b[i+1]*/
	v_i = w_i;
	vect_scalar_multiply(v_i, 1/b[array_index_i+1], n);
	/*reuse memory former v_i_minus_one space for w_i*/
	w_i = temp;
	/*rest of the iterations of the procedure*/
		array_index_i = i-1;
		/*computes w_i*/
		/*w[i] <= A*v[i]*/
		mtx_mult(A, v_i, w_i, n, n, 1);
		/*computes a_i*/
		/*a[i] <= w[i]*v[i]*/
		a[array_index_i] = vect_dot_product(w_i, v_i, n);
		/*update w_i*/
		/*prepare a[i]*v[i]*/
		/*prepare b[i]*v[i-1]*/
		/*w[i] <= w[i]-a[i]*v[i]-b[i]*v[i-1]*/
		vect_sub(w_i, a_times_v_i,n);
		vect_sub(w_i, b_times_v_i_minus_one,n);
		/*computes next b_i*/
		/*b[i+1] = ||w[i]||*/
		b[array_index_i+1] = vect_norm(w_i,n);
		/*save current v_i*/
		temp = v_i_minus_one;
		v_i_minus_one = v_i;
		/*computes next v_i = w_i/b(i+1)*/
		/*v[i+1] = w[i]/b[i+1]*/
		v_i = w_i;
		vect_scalar_multiply(v_i, 1/b[array_index_i+1],n);
		/*reuse memory former v_i_minus_one space for w_i*/
		w_i = temp;	
	/*compute last term a[m]*/
	array_index_i = m-1;	
	mtx_mult(A, v_i, w_i, n, n, 1);
	a[array_index_i] = vect_dot_product(w_i,v_i,n);
	/*translate data representation in the b matrix to match the CLAPACK standard*/
		b[i] = b[i+1];
	b[n-1] = 0;