Esempio n. 1
void addDynamicOccluder(ZTransform* aTransform) 
	int i;

	FOccluderBox	obox;
    tvector3		extend(1,1,1);
	const tmatrix& boxmat = aTransform->GetWorldMatrix();

	for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        tvector3 bvt(BoxCorners[i].x, BoxCorners[i].y, BoxCorners[i].z),bvt2;
		bvt2.TransformPoint((bvt*extend), boxmat);
        obox.mVertex[i] = vector4(bvt2.x, bvt2.y, bvt2.z, 0);

	for (i=0; i<6; i++)
		tvector3 cross = obox.mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][1]];
		cross -= obox.mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][0]];
		tvector3 cr2 = obox.mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][2]];
		cr2 -= obox.mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][0]];

		obox.mPlanes[i] = vector4(cross.x, cross.y, cross.z, 0);
		obox.mPlanes[i].w = -DotProduct(obox.mPlanes[i], obox.mVertex[FaceVertexIndex[i][0]]);
		obox.mVertex[i].w = fabs(obox.mPlanes[i].Dot( cross));		// save area in vertex w component
    obox.mCenter = vector4(boxmat.m16[12], boxmat.m16[13], boxmat.m16[14], 0);
	obox.mCenter.w = Distance(obox.mCenter, obox.mVertex[0]);

Esempio n. 2
GLCamera::GLCamera(float aspect)
	near = 0.1f; 
	far = 100.0f; 
	fovy = 67.0f; 
	//aspect = (float)g_gl_width / (float)g_gl_height;
	this->aspect = aspect;
	proj_mat = perspective(fovy, this->aspect, near, far);

	cam_speed = 5.0f; 
	cam_heading_speed = 100.0f;

	cam_heading = 0.0f; 
	cam_pos = vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
	T = identity_mat4().translate( vector3(-cam_pos.v[0], -cam_pos.v[1], -cam_pos.v[2]) );

	create_versor(quaternion, -cam_heading, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	quat_to_mat4(R.m, quaternion);
	// combine the inverse rotation and transformation to make a view matrix
	view_mat = R * T;

	// keep track of some useful vectors that can be used for keyboard movement
	fwd = vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
	rgt = vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	up = vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	cam_yaw = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees
	cam_pitch = 0.0f;
	cam_roll = 0.0;
Esempio n. 3
// returns a view matrix using the opengl lookAt style. COLUMN ORDER.
void GLCamera::look_at(const vector3& pos, vector3 targ_pos, const vector3& up_v) {

	this->cam_pos = pos; 

	// inverse translation
	matriz4x4 p = identity_mat4();
	p = p.translate(vector3(-pos.v[0], -pos.v[1], -pos.v[2]));
	// distance vector
	vector3 d = targ_pos - pos;
	// forward vector
	vector3 f = d.normalise();
	// right vector
	vector3 r = cross(f, up_v).normalise();
	// real up vector
	vector3 u = cross(r, f).normalise();
	matriz4x4 ori = identity_mat4();
	ori.m[0] = r.v[0];
	ori.m[4] = r.v[1];
	ori.m[8] = r.v[2];
	ori.m[1] = u.v[0];
	ori.m[5] = u.v[1];
	ori.m[9] = u.v[2];
	ori.m[2] = -f.v[0];
	ori.m[6] = -f.v[1];
	ori.m[10] = -f.v[2];
	R = ori;
	T = p;
	view_mat = R * T;

	// recalc axes to suit new orientation
	mat4_to_quat(quaternion, R.m);
	fwd = R * vector4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
	rgt = R * vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	up  = R * vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//--- Non Standard Singleton Methods
bool MyBoundingBoxClass::IsColliding(MyBoundingBoxClass* const a_pOther)
	//Get all vectors in global space
	vector3 v3Min = vector3(m_m4ToWorld * vector4(m_v3Min, 1.0f));
	vector3 v3Max = vector3(m_m4ToWorld * vector4(m_v3Max, 1.0f));

	vector3 v3MinO = vector3(a_pOther->m_m4ToWorld * vector4(a_pOther->m_v3Min, 1.0f));
	vector3 v3MaxO = vector3(a_pOther->m_m4ToWorld * vector4(a_pOther->m_v3Max, 1.0f));

	Are they colliding?
	For boxes we will assume they are colliding, unless at least one of the following conditions is not met
	bool bColliding = true;
	//Check for X
	if (m_v3MaxG.x < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.x)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.x > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.x)
		bColliding = false;

	//Check for Y
	if (m_v3MaxG.y < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.y)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.y > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.y)
		bColliding = false;

	//Check for Z
	if (m_v3MaxG.z < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.z)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.z > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.z)
		bColliding = false;

	return bColliding;
Esempio n. 5
const vector4 &CCoordSysAxis::Vector4() const{
	static const vector4 vs[4] = {
	return vs[m_id];
Esempio n. 6
// Returns the debug visualization color which is used in RenderDebug().
// This depends on the state of the rigid body which owns this state (if any):
// yellow:  no rigid body attached to pShape
// green:   rigid body is enabled
// blue:    ridig body is disabled
vector4 CShape::GetDebugVisualizationColor() const
	return (pRigidBody) ?
				((pRigidBody->IsEnabled()) ?
					vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f) :
					vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f)) :
				vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f);
Esempio n. 7
bool CGizmoTransformMove::GetOpType(MOVETYPE &type, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
    tvector3 rayOrigin, rayDir, df;
    BuildRay(x, y, rayOrigin, rayDir);
    m_svgMatrix = *m_pMatrix;

    tvector3 trss(GetTransformedVector(0).Length(),

    tmatrix mt;
    if (mLocation == LOCATE_LOCAL)
        mt = *m_pMatrix;
        mt.V4.position += vector4(m_Offset, 0.0f);
        // world
        tvector4 pos = m_pMatrix->V4.position;
        pos += vector4(m_Offset, 0.0f);

    // plan 1 : X/Z
    df = RayTrace2(rayOrigin, rayDir, GetTransformedVector(1), mt, trss, false);

    if ( ( df.x >= 0 ) && (df.x <= 1) && ( fabs(df.z) < 0.1f ) ) { type = MOVE_X; return true; }
    else if ( ( df.z >= 0 ) && (df.z <= 1) && ( fabs(df.x) < 0.1f ) ){ type = MOVE_Z; return true; }
    else if ( (df.x<0.5f) && (df.z<0.5f) && (df.x>0) && (df.z>0)) { type = MOVE_XZ; return true; }
    else {

        //plan 2 : X/Y
        df = RayTrace2(rayOrigin, rayDir, GetTransformedVector(2), mt, trss, false);

        if ( ( df.x >= 0 ) && (df.x <= 1) && ( fabs(df.y) < 0.1f ) ) { type = MOVE_X; return true; }
        if ( ( df.y >= 0 ) && (df.y <= 1) && ( fabs(df.x) < 0.1f ) ) { type = MOVE_Y; return true; }
        else if ( (df.x<0.5f) && (df.y<0.5f) && (df.x>0) && (df.y>0)) { type = MOVE_XY; return true; }
            //plan 3: Y/Z
            df = RayTrace2(rayOrigin, rayDir, GetTransformedVector(0), mt, trss, false);

            if ( ( df.y >= 0 ) && (df.y <= 1) && ( fabs(df.z) < 0.1f ) ) { type = MOVE_Y; return true; }
            else if ( ( df.z >= 0 ) && (df.z <= 1) && ( fabs(df.y) < 0.1f ) ) { type = MOVE_Z; return true; }
            else if ( (df.y<0.5f) && (df.z<0.5f) && (df.y>0) && (df.z>0)) { type = MOVE_YZ; return true; }


    type = MOVE_NONE;
    return false;
Esempio n. 8
void GLCamera::movePitchDown(double elapsed_seconds)
	cam_pitch -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds;
	float q_pitch[16];
	create_versor(q_pitch, cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2]);
	mult_quat_quat(quaternion, q_pitch, quaternion);

	// recalc axes to suit new orientation
	quat_to_mat4(R.m, quaternion);
	fwd = R * vector4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
	rgt = R * vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	up = R * vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 9
void DecoScene::PointScreen2WorldRay(const vector2& pt, vector3& outOrigin, vector3& outDir) const 


	vector3 viewVec = PointScreen2Camera(pt);

	matrix44 invview;

	RI->GetTransform(TT_WorldToCamera, invview);


	if (camera->isOrthogonal())


		vector4 viewOrigin(viewVec);

		viewOrigin.z = 0.f;

		vector4 viewDir(0, 0, -1, 0);

		viewOrigin.w = 1.f;

		viewOrigin = invview * vector4(viewOrigin);

		vector4 worldVec = invview * viewDir;

		outOrigin = vector3(viewOrigin.x, viewOrigin.y, viewOrigin.z);

		outDir = vector3(worldVec.x, worldVec.y, worldVec.z);





		outOrigin = camera->getEye();	

		vector4 worldVec = invview * vector4(viewVec);

		outDir = vector3(worldVec.x, worldVec.y, worldVec.z);

Esempio n. 10
void GLCamera::rollRight(double elapsed_seconds)
	cam_roll += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds;
	float q_roll[16];
	create_versor(q_roll, cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2]);
	mult_quat_quat(quaternion, q_roll, quaternion);

	// recalc axes to suit new orientation
	quat_to_mat4(R.m, quaternion);
	fwd = R * vector4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
	rgt = R * vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	up = R * vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Esempio n. 11
void CTriangle::Render( uint32 i_iPass )
	switch( i_iPass )
	case ePass_Lighting: break;

	CGraphics *pGraphics = m_pParent->pGetParent()->pGetGraphics();

	CCamera *pCurCamera = pGraphics->pGetCurCamera();
	matrix44 matWorld; matMatrix44Identity( matWorld );
	pCurCamera->SetWorldMatrix( matWorld );

	m_pVertexShader->SetMatrix( m3dsc_worldmatrix, pCurCamera->matGetWorldMatrix() );
	m_pVertexShader->SetMatrix( m3dsc_viewmatrix, pCurCamera->matGetViewMatrix() );
	m_pVertexShader->SetMatrix( m3dsc_projectionmatrix, pCurCamera->matGetProjectionMatrix() );
	m_pVertexShader->SetMatrix( m3dsc_wvpmatrix, pCurCamera->matGetWorldMatrix() * pCurCamera->matGetViewMatrix() * pCurCamera->matGetProjectionMatrix() );

	vector3 vCamPos = pCurCamera->vGetPosition();
	m_pVertexShader->SetVector( 0, vector4( vCamPos.x, vCamPos.y, vCamPos.z, 0 ) );

	CLight *pLight = m_pParent->pGetCurrentLight();
	vector3 vLightPos = pLight->vGetPosition();
	m_pVertexShader->SetVector( 1, vector4( vLightPos.x, vLightPos.y, vLightPos.z, 0 ) );
	m_pPixelShader->SetVector( 0, pLight->vGetColor() );

	pGraphics->SetVertexFormat( m_pVertexFormat );
	pGraphics->SetVertexStream( 0, m_pVertexBuffer, 0, sizeof( vertexformat ) );
	pGraphics->SetVertexShader( m_pVertexShader );
	pGraphics->SetPixelShader( m_pPixelShader );

	CResManager *pResManager = m_pParent->pGetParent()->pGetResManager();
	CTexture *pTexture = (CTexture *)pResManager->pGetResource( m_hTexture );
	pGraphics->SetTexture( 0, pTexture->pGetTexture() );
	CTexture *pNormalmap = (CTexture *)pResManager->pGetResource( m_hNormalmap );
	pGraphics->SetTexture( 1, pNormalmap->pGetTexture() );

	for( uint32 i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
		pGraphics->SetTextureSamplerState( i, m3dtss_addressu, m3dta_clamp );
		pGraphics->SetTextureSamplerState( i, m3dtss_addressv, m3dta_clamp );

	pGraphics->pGetM3DDevice()->DrawPrimitive( m3dpt_trianglelist, 0, 1 );
Esempio n. 12
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("SLERP - GREG ROZMARYNOWYCZ"); // Window Name

	//Setting the color to black
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.0f);
Esempio n. 13
// outputs vector with: center, height, hwhm, area
// returns values corresponding to peak_traits
vector<double> Guess::estimate_peak_parameters() const
    // find the highest point, which must be higher than the previous point
    // and not lower than the next one (-> it cannot be the first/last point)
    int pos = -1;
    if (!sigma_.empty()) {
        for (int i = 1; i < (int) yy_.size() - 1; ++i) {
            int t = (pos == -1 ? i-1 : pos);
            if (sigma_[t] * yy_[i] > sigma_[i] * yy_[t] &&
                    sigma_[i+1] * yy_[i] >= sigma_[i] * yy_[i+1])
                pos = i;
    } else {
        for (int i = 1; i < (int) yy_.size() - 1; ++i) {
            int t = (pos == -1 ? i-1 : pos);
            if (yy_[i] > yy_[t] && yy_[i] >= yy_[i+1])
                pos = i;
    if (pos == -1)
        throw ExecuteError("Peak outside of the range.");

    double height = yy_[pos] * settings_->height_correction;
    double center = xx_[pos];
    double area;
    double hwhm = find_hwhm(pos, &area) * settings_->width_correction;
    return vector4(center, height, hwhm, area);
Esempio n. 14
void CGizmoTransformRotate::Rotate1Axe(const tvector3& rayOrigin,const tvector3& rayDir)
    tvector3 inters;
    m_plan=vector4(m_pMatrix->GetTranslation(), m_Axis2);
    ptd = inters;

    tvector3 df = inters - m_pMatrix->GetTranslation();

    m_LockVertex2 = df;

    float acosng = df.Dot(m_LockVertex);
    m_Ng2 = (float)acos(acosng);

    if (df.Dot(m_Vty)>0)
        m_Ng2 = -m_Ng2;

    tmatrix mt,mt2;

    if (m_bUseSnap)

    mt2 = m_OrigScale;

    if (m_Axis == tvector3::ZAxis)
        if (mEditQT)
            Dans le cadre du jeu, et vu les pb avec les quaternions,
            le 1er float du quaternion en stockage est l'angle en radian.
            le stockage reste un quaternion.
            il y a des pbs de conversion quaternion/matrix
            tquaternion gth(*m_pMatrix);


            tquaternion qtg;
            *mEditQT = gth;//gth+qtg;//tquaternion(mt2);
            mEditQT->z = m_Ng2;
Esempio n. 15
	void llquat_test_object_t::test<2>()
		LLMatrix4 llmat;
		LLVector4 vector1(2.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, 6.0f);
		LLVector4 vector2(5.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		LLVector4 vector3(2.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 9.0f);
		LLVector4 vector4(3.0f, 8.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f);

		llmat.initRows(vector1, vector2, vector3, vector4);
		ensure("explicit LLQuaternion(const LLMatrix4 &mat) failed", 2.0f == llmat.mMatrix[0][0] &&
										 	1.0f == llmat.mMatrix[0][1] &&
											3.0f == llmat.mMatrix[0][2] &&
											6.0f == llmat.mMatrix[0][3] &&
											5.0f == llmat.mMatrix[1][0] &&
											6.0f == llmat.mMatrix[1][1] &&
											0.0f == llmat.mMatrix[1][2] &&
											1.0f == llmat.mMatrix[1][3] &&
											2.0f == llmat.mMatrix[2][0] &&
											1.0f == llmat.mMatrix[2][1] &&
											2.0f == llmat.mMatrix[2][2] &&
											9.0f == llmat.mMatrix[2][3] &&
											3.0f == llmat.mMatrix[3][0] &&
											8.0f == llmat.mMatrix[3][1] &&
											1.0f == llmat.mMatrix[3][2] &&
											5.0f == llmat.mMatrix[3][3]);
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("SLERP - YOUR USER NAME GOES HERE"); // Window Name

	//Setting the color to black
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.0f);
Esempio n. 17
DecoColor Shading(const vector3& realIntersectPt, const vector3& norm, DecoLight** lights, INT numLights, const vector3& viewPos, DecoMaterial* mat)
	DecoColor col(0, 0, 0);
	vector3 matDiffuse, matSpecular, matAmbient;
	vector3 lightPos, lightDiffuse, lightSpecular, lightAmbient;
	if (mat)
		matDiffuse = mat->GetDiffuse();
		matSpecular = mat->GetSpecular();
		matAmbient = mat->GetAmbient();
		matDiffuse = vector3(1, 1, 1);
		matSpecular = vector3(0, 0, 0);
		matAmbient = vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
	for (INT i = 0; i < numLights; i++)
		lightPos = lights[i]->GetPosition();
		lightDiffuse = lights[i]->GetDiffuse();
		lightSpecular = lights[i]->GetSpecular();
		col += Shading(realIntersectPt, norm, lightPos,  viewPos, lightDiffuse, lightSpecular, lightAmbient, matDiffuse, matSpecular, matAmbient);
	lightAmbient = vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
	col += DecoColor(vector4(lightAmbient.x * matAmbient.x, lightAmbient.y * matAmbient.y, lightAmbient.z * matAmbient.z, 1));

	return col;
Esempio n. 18
void LightManager::renderDebugVisualization(const matrix44& viewProjection)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lightSources.size(); i++)
		if (m_lightSources[i].lightSource.type == LightType::OmniLight)
			matrix44 model;
			m_lightSources[i].lineDebugVis->renderWithStandardGpuProgram(model * viewProjection, m_lightSources[i].lightSource.diffuseColor, false);
			matrix44 model(m_lightSources[i].lightSource.orientation);
			m_lightSources[i].lineDebugVis->renderWithStandardGpuProgram(model * viewProjection, m_lightSources[i].lightSource.diffuseColor, true);

			auto program = framework::StandardGpuPrograms::getArrowRenderer();
			if (program->use())
				program->setVector<StandardUniforms>(STD_UF::ORIENTATION, m_lightSources[i].lightSource.orientation);
				program->setVector<StandardUniforms>(STD_UF::POSITION, m_lightSources[i].lightSource.position);
				program->setMatrix<StandardUniforms>(STD_UF::MODELVIEWPROJECTION_MATRIX, viewProjection);
				program->setVector<StandardUniforms>(STD_UF::COLOR, vector4(m_lightSources[i].lightSource.diffuseColor));

				glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 19
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("MIDTERM DEMO"); // Window Name
	m_pSystem->SetWindowWidth(720); //Set window dimensions
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.9f, 0.0f);//Set clear color
Esempio n. 20
void AppClass::InitVariables(void)
	m_pCameraMngr->SetPositionTargetAndView(vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f), ZERO_V3, REAXISY);

	// Color of the screen
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(REBLACK, 1); // Set the clear color to black

	m_pMeshMngr->LoadModel("Sorted\\WallEye.bto", "WallEye");

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(-4.0f, -2.0f, 5.0f));
	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(1.0f, -2.0f, 5.0f));

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(-3.0f, -1.0f, 3.0f));
	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(2.0f, -1.0f, 3.0f));

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(-2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f));
	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(4.0f, 1.0f, -3.0f));

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, -5.0f));
	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(5.0f, 2.0f, -5.0f));

	m_lPositions.push_back(vector3(1.0f, 3.0f, -5.0f));

	fDuration = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 21
bool CApp::bCreateWorld()
	m_pCamera = 0;
	m_hCrystal = 0;

	// Create and setup camera ------------------------------------------------
	m_pCamera = new CMyCamera( pGetGraphics() );
	if( !m_pCamera->bCreateRenderCamera( iGetWindowWidth(), iGetWindowHeight() ) )
		return false;

	m_pCamera->CalculateProjection( M3D_PI / 6.0f, 2000.0f, 10.0f );

	m_pCamera->SetPosition( vector3( 0, 0, -750 ) );
	m_pCamera->SetLookAt( vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );

	pGetScene()->SetClearColor( vector4( 0, 0, 0.5f, 0 ) );

	// Register bubble-entity and create an instance --------------------------
	pGetScene()->RegisterEntityType( "crystal", CCrystal::pCreate );
	m_hCrystal = pGetScene()->hCreateEntity( "crystal" );
	if( !m_hCrystal )
		return false;

	CCrystal *pCrystal = (CCrystal *)pGetScene()->pGetEntity( m_hCrystal );
	if( !pCrystal->bInitialize( "headobject.obj", "turtlebase.png", "turtlenormals.png" ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 22
bool CApp::bCreateWorld()
	m_pCamera = 0;
	m_hBubble = 0;

	// Create and setup camera ------------------------------------------------
	m_pCamera = new CMyCamera( pGetGraphics() );
	if( !m_pCamera->bCreateRenderCamera( iGetWindowWidth(), iGetWindowHeight() ) )
		return false;

	m_pCamera->CalculateProjection( M3D_PI / 6.0f, 1000.0f, 1.0f );

	m_pCamera->SetPosition( vector3( 0, 0, -100 ) );
	m_pCamera->SetLookAt( vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), vector3( 0, 1, 0 ) );

	pGetScene()->SetClearColor( vector4( 0, 0, 0.5f, 0 ) );

	// Register bubble-entity and create an instance --------------------------
	pGetScene()->RegisterEntityType( "bubble", CBubble::pCreate );
	m_hBubble = pGetScene()->hCreateEntity( "bubble" );
	if( !m_hBubble )
		return false;

	CBubble *pBubble = (CBubble *)pGetScene()->pGetEntity( m_hBubble );
	if( !pBubble->bInitialize( 20.0f, 16, 16 ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 23
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("A07 - SLERP"); // Window Name

	//Setting the color to black
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.0f);
Esempio n. 24
void GLCamera::moveYawLeft(double elapsed_seconds)
	cam_yaw += getHeadingSpeed() * elapsed_seconds;

	// create a quaternion representing change in heading (the yaw)
	float q_yaw[16];
	create_versor(q_yaw, cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2]);
	// add yaw rotation to the camera's current orientation
	mult_quat_quat(quaternion, q_yaw, quaternion);

	// recalc axes to suit new orientation
	quat_to_mat4(R.m, quaternion);
	fwd = R * vector4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
	rgt = R * vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	up  = R * vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Esempio n. 25
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("MyEntityClass"); // Window Name
	//m_pSystem->SetWindowFullscreen(); //Sets the window to be fullscreen
	//m_pSystem->SetWindowBorderless(true); //Sets the window to not have borders
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(REBLACK, 1.0f);
Esempio n. 26
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("Joseph Horsmann & Veronica Lesnar A08 - Camera Singleton"); // Window Name
	// Set the clear color based on Microsoft's CornflowerBlue (default in XNA)
	//if this line is in Init Application it will depend on the .cfg file, if it
	//is on the InitVariables it will always force it regardless of the .cfg
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.9f, 0.0f);
Esempio n. 27
//Method: IsColliding
//Usage: Asks if there is a collision with another Bounding Object Object
//MyBOClass* const a_pOther -> Other object to check collision with
//Output: bool -> check of the collision
bool MyBOClass::IsColliding(MyBOClass* const a_pOther)
	//Get all vectors in global space
	vector3 v3Min = vector3(m_m4ToWorld * vector4(m_v3Min, 1.0f));
	vector3 v3Max = vector3(m_m4ToWorld * vector4(m_v3Max, 1.0f));

	vector3 v3MinO = vector3(a_pOther->m_m4ToWorld * vector4(a_pOther->m_v3Min, 1.0f));
	vector3 v3MaxO = vector3(a_pOther->m_m4ToWorld * vector4(a_pOther->m_v3Max, 1.0f));

	Are they colliding?
	For Objects we will assume they are colliding, unless at least one of the following conditions is not met
	//first check the bounding sphere, if that is not colliding we can guarantee that there are no collision
	//if ((m_fRadius + a_pOther->m_fRadius) < glm::distance(m_v3CenterG, a_pOther->m_v3CenterG))
	//	return false;
	//If the distance was smaller it might be colliding

	//Do precheck with AABO
	bool bColliding = true;
	//Check for X
	if (m_v3MaxG.x < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.x)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.x > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.x)
		bColliding = false;

	//Check for Y
	if (m_v3MaxG.y < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.y)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.y > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.y)
		bColliding = false;

	//Check for Z
	if (m_v3MaxG.z < a_pOther->m_v3MinG.z)
		bColliding = false;
	if (m_v3MinG.z > a_pOther->m_v3MaxG.z)
		bColliding = false;

	if (bColliding == false)
		return false;

	return SAT(a_pOther);
Esempio n. 28
void AppClass::InitWindow(String a_sWindowName)
	super::InitWindow("MyBoundingSphereClass example"); // Window Name

	// Set the clear color based on Microsoft's CornflowerBlue (default in XNA)
	//if this line is in Init Application it will depend on the .cfg file, if it
	//is on the InitVariables it will always force it regardless of the .cfg
	m_v4ClearColor = vector4(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.9f, 0.0f);
result CMuli3DRenderTarget::ClearDepthBuffer( float32 i_fDepth, const m3drect *i_pRect )
    if( !m_pDepthBuffer )
        FUNC_FAILING( "CMuli3DRenderTarget::ClearDepthBuffer: no depthbuffer has been set.\n" );
        return e_invalidstate;

    return m_pDepthBuffer->Clear( vector4( i_fDepth, 0, 0, 0 ), i_pRect );
Esempio n. 30
tvector3 CGizmoTransformMove::RayTrace(tvector3& rayOrigin, tvector3& rayDir, tvector3& norm)
	tvector3 df,inters;
	m_plan=vector4(m_pMatrix->GetTranslation(), norm);
	ptd = inters;
	df = inters - m_pMatrix->GetTranslation();
	df /=GetScreenFactor();
	m_LockVertex = inters;
	return df;