Esempio n. 1
void object::applyTrans(float **result, float **vertex, long vertCnt, bool doProj, float **proj)
	long i;
	float **matrixA;
	float *tempA;

	if (doProj)
		matrixA = matrixAlloc();
		tempA = new float[4];
		matrixMult(matrixA, mTrans, proj);
		for (i = 0; i < vertCnt; i++)
			vectorMatrixMultEx(tempA, vertex[i], matrixA);
			result[i][0] = tempA[0] / tempA[3];
			result[i][1] = tempA[1] / tempA[3];
			result[i][2] = tempA[2] / tempA[3];
		delete []tempA;
		for (i = 0; i < vertCnt; i++)
			vectorMatrixMult(result[i], vertex[i], mTrans);
Esempio n. 2
//Accepts a vertex V, a number THETA, and a flag determining which axis to rotate around. Returns the coordinates of v rotated THETA degrees about the N-axis, where N=whichever of x/y/z is 1
GLdouble* rotateVertex(Vertex v, GLdouble THETA, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
	//printf("ROTATING: %g, %g, %g\n", x, y, z);
	GLdouble* ret = {0};
	if (x==1 || x==-1) //rotate THETA degrees via X rotation matrix
		GLdouble rotateX[4][4] = {
								  {1.0, 0.0,		  0.0,	             0.0}, 
								  {0.0, cos(x*THETA), (-1*sin(x*THETA)), 0.0}, 
								  {0.0, sin(x*THETA), cos(x*THETA),      0.0}, 
								  {0.0, 0.0,	      0.0,	             1.0}, 

		ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, rotateX);
	else if (y==1 || y==-1) //rotate THETA degrees via Y rotation matrix
		GLdouble rotateY[4][4] = {
								  {cos(y*THETA),       0.0, sin(y*THETA), 0.0}, 
							      {0.0,                1.0, 0.0,          0.0}, 
							      {(-1*sin(y*THETA)),  0.0, cos(y*THETA), 0.0}, 
							      {0.0,                0.0, 0.0,          1.0}, 

		ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, rotateY);
	else if (z==1 || z==-1) //rotate THETA degrees via Z rotation matrix
		GLdouble rotateZ[4][4] = {
								  {cos(z*THETA), (-1*sin(z*THETA)), 0.0, 0.0}, 
							      {sin(z*THETA), cos(z*THETA),      0.0, 0.0}, 
							      {0.0,			 0.0,               1.0, 0.0}, 
							      {0.0,			 0.0,               0.0, 1.0}, 

		ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, rotateZ);
		ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, identity4d);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 3
//scales the passed in vertex V by Sx/Sy/Sz
GLdouble* scaleVertex(Vertex v, GLdouble Sx, GLdouble Sy, GLdouble Sz)
	GLdouble* ret;
	GLdouble S[4][4] = {
						{Sx, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0}, 
						{0.0, Sy, 0.0,  0.0}, 
						{0.0, 0.0, Sz,  0.0}, 
						{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
	ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, S);
	return ret;
Esempio n. 4
//translates some vertex V by amount provided by x/y/z 
GLdouble* translateVertex(Vertex v, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
	GLdouble translate[4][4] = {
								{1.0, 0.0, 0.0,  x},
								{0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  y},
								{0.0, 0.0, 1.0,  z},
								{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dw},

	GLdouble* ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, translate);

	return ret; 
Esempio n. 5
//Rotates the given vertex V about the specified local axis...
GLdouble* rotateVertexLocalized(Vertex v, GLdouble THETA, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
	GLdouble* ret;
	GLdouble M[4][4] =	{ 
						 {(pow(x, 2)+(cos(THETA)*(1-pow(x, 2)))),	 (x*(y*(1-cos(THETA)))-(z*sin(THETA))),	   (z*(x*(1-cos(THETA)))+(y*sin(THETA))),   0.0},
						 {(x*(y*(1-cos(THETA)))+(z*sin(THETA))),     (pow(y, 2)+(cos(THETA)*(1-pow(y, 2)))),   (y*(z*(1-cos(THETA)))-(x*sin(THETA))),   0.0},
						 {(z*(x*(1-cos(THETA)))-(y * sin(THETA))),	 (y*(z*(1-cos(THETA)))+(x*sin(THETA))),	   (pow(z, 2)+(cos(THETA)*(1-pow(z, 2)))),  0.0}, 
						 {0.0,									     0.0,									   0.0,                                     1.0}, 

	ret = vectorMatrixMult(v, M);
    return ret;
Esempio n. 6
float *vectorFromAngles(float *angles)
	float *result;
	float **tempA;
	float **tempB;
	float **applyTrans;

	tempA = matrixRotation('x', angles[1]);
	tempB = matrixRotation('y', angles[2]);
	applyTrans = matrixIdent(4);
	applyTrans = matrixUpdate(applyTrans, matrixMult(applyTrans, tempA, 4), 4);
	applyTrans = matrixUpdate(applyTrans, matrixMult(applyTrans, tempB, 4), 4);
	result = vectorNull(4);
	result[2] = 1;
	result[3] = 1;
	result = vectorUpdate(result, vectorMatrixMult(result, applyTrans, 4));
	matrixFree(tempA, 4);
	matrixFree(tempB, 4);
	matrixFree(applyTrans, 4);
	return result;