Esempio n. 1
 * bool testWithLength(int length)
 * Creates three random vectors with the given length and times the performance of scalar_fma() and
 * vectorized_fma() with these vectors as input.
 * Returns true if the results match.
bool testWithLength(int length) {
  printf("Test length: %d\n", length);

  // Create (and clone) three vectors with the given length
  struct doubleVector a = random_vector(length);
  struct doubleVector b = random_vector(length);
  struct doubleVector c = random_vector(length);

  struct doubleVector a2 = vector_clone(&a);
  struct doubleVector b2 = vector_clone(&b);
  struct doubleVector c2 = vector_clone(&c);
  // Test scalar performance 
  printf("\tScalar cycle count: %d\n", perfTest(&a, &b, &c, scalar_fma));
  // Test vector performance
  printf("\tVector cycle count: %d\n", perfTest(&a2, &b2, &c2, vector_fma));

  // Compare results
  bool correct = vector_compare(&a, &a2);
  printf("\t%s\n", correct ? "MATCH" : "NO MATCH");
  // Free dynamic resources

  return correct;
Esempio n. 2
R_API RVector *r_vector_clone(RVector *vec) {
	RVector *ret = R_NEW (RVector);
	if (!ret) {
		return NULL;
	if (!vector_clone (ret, vec)) {
		free (ret);
		return NULL;
	return ret;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    int n, n_threads = 0;
    matrix_t * A,
             * A_orig;
    vector_t * b,
             * b_orig,
             * x,
             * check_res_mat;
    double t_start, t_end;
    get_input_params(argc, argv, &n);
    /* initialize data */
    A_orig          = matrix_create_rand(n, n),
    A               = matrix_clone(A_orig),
    b_orig          = vector_create_rand(n),
    b               = vector_clone(b_orig),
    x               = vector_create(n),
    check_res_mat   = vector_create(n);
    t_start = get_time_in_sec();
    perform_gaussian_elimination_on_matrix(A, b);
    perform_back_substitution(A, x, b);
    t_end  = get_time_in_sec();
    /* calculate Ax - b and find it's l2norm to test for correctness */
    matrix_mult_vector(A_orig, x, check_res_mat);
    vector_subtract(check_res_mat, check_res_mat, b_orig); /* c = c - b */
    printf("num-procs   = %d\n", omp_get_num_procs());

#pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_threads)
#pragma omp single
    n_threads = omp_get_num_threads();

    printf("num-threads = %d\n", n_threads);

    printf("Performed Gaussian Elimination in %.12lfs\n", t_end - t_start);
    printf("Ax-b l2norm = %.6le\n", vector_l2norm(check_res_mat));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
sip_call_group_t *
call_group_clone(sip_call_group_t *original)
    sip_call_group_t *clone;

    if (!original)
        return NULL;

    if (!(clone = sng_malloc(sizeof(sip_call_group_t)))) {
        return NULL;

    clone->calls = vector_clone(original->calls);
    return clone;
Esempio n. 5
    // Cloning the vector automatically sorts it
    vector_t *clone = vector_clone(calls.list);

    // There should be a way to destroy the vector without calling the
    // vector destroyer for each item...
    vector_set_destroyer(calls.list, NULL);

    // The new sorted list
    calls.list = clone;
Esempio n. 6
//// rotate ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// rotate an img by given pitch, roll, yaw
// return error
uint32_t *
rotate(float roll,
       float pitch,
       float yaw,
       uint32_t *in_img,
       uint32_t *out_img)
    //// init /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    float lat, lng, nx, ny, nz, clt, slt, r, pi, tau;
    uint32_t xx, yy, x, y, z, ilt, iln, h, w;
    struct vector v, vr, vp, vy, ar, ap, ay, pix;
    pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
    tau = pi*2;

    //// size config //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // image height
    h = 1792;
    // image width
    w = 3584;
    // radius of sphere
    r = 570.41131604135256;

    //// angles to single vector //////////////////////////////////////////////
    // see vector.c
    // roll
    vector_set(&ar, 1, 0, 0, roll);
    vector_from_axis_angle(&vr, &ar);
    // pitch
    vector_set(&ap, 0, 1, 0, pitch);
    vector_from_axis_angle(&vp, &ap);
    // yaw
    // if (yaw > 180) {
    //     yaw -= 360;
    // }
    vector_set(&ay, 0, 0, 1, yaw);
    vector_from_axis_angle(&vy, &ay);
    // combine quaternions into v
    vector_multiply(&vp, &vy);
    vector_multiply(&vr, &vp);
    vector_clone(&vr, &v);
    // vector_normalize(&v);

    //// rotation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        yy = y * w * 3;

        // y to sphere latitude
        lat = (float) y / h * pi;

        // store the values
        slt = sin(lat);
        clt = cos(lat);

        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            xx = x * 3;

            // x to sphere longitude
            lng = (float) x / w * tau - pi;

            //// spherical to cartesian ///////////////////////////////////////
            nx = r * slt * cos(lng);
            ny = r * slt * sin(lng);
            nz = r * clt;

            //// rotate ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // see vector.c
            // translate pixel into vector
            vector_set(&pix, nx, ny, nz, 0);
            // and rotate the pixel
            vector_conjugate(&pix, &v);
            // vector_print(&pix);

            //// x,y,z -> lat,lng /////////////////////////////////////////////
            lat = (float) acos(pix.z / r) / pi * h;
            lng = (float) (atan2(pix.y, pix.x) + pi) / tau * w;
            // pixel coords must be int
            ilt = (int) lat;
            iln = (int) lng;
            // wrap latitude
            if (ilt >= h) {
                ilt -= h;
            // wrap longitude
            if (iln >= w) {
                iln -= w;

            for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
                int pos = ilt * w * 3 + iln * 3 + z;

                // pos > h * w * 3 + w * 3 + 3
                if (pos > 19278339) {
                    printf("ERROR OVERFLOW");
                    return out_img;

                out_img[yy + xx + z] = in_img[pos];

    // we did it, we did it
    return out_img;