void test_reverse() {
  const char * val1 = "value1";
  const char * val2 = "value2";
  const char * val3 = "value3";
  const char * val4 = "value4";
  vector_type * vector1 = vector_alloc_new(  );
  vector_type * vector2 = vector_alloc_new(  );

  vector_append_ref( vector1 , val1 );
  vector_append_ref( vector1 , val2 );
  vector_append_ref( vector1 , val3 );
  vector_append_ref( vector1 , val4 );

  vector_append_ref( vector2 , val1 );
  vector_append_ref( vector2 , val2 );
  vector_append_ref( vector2 , val3 );
  vector_append_ref( vector2 , val4 );

  vector_inplace_reverse( vector1 );

    int i;
    int size = vector_get_size( vector1 );
    for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( vector1 ); i++)
      test_assert_ptr_equal( vector_iget_const( vector2 , i ) , vector_iget_const( vector1 , size - 1 - i ));
  vector_free( vector1 );
  vector_free( vector2 );
Esempio n. 2
static int well_ts_get_index__( const well_ts_type * well_ts , int report_step , time_t sim_time , bool use_report) {
  const int size = vector_get_size( well_ts->ts );
  if (size == 0)
    return 0;

  else {
    const well_node_type * first_node = vector_iget_const( well_ts->ts , 0 ); 
    const well_node_type * last_node  = vector_get_last_const( well_ts->ts ); 
    if (use_report) {
      if (report_step < first_node->report_nr)
        return -1;         // Before the start
      if (report_step >= last_node->report_nr)
        return size - 1;   // After end
    } else {
      if (sim_time < first_node->sim_time)
        return -1;         // Before the start
      if (sim_time >= last_node->sim_time)
        return size - 1;   // After end
    // Binary search 
      int lower_index  = 0;
      int upper_index  = size - 1;
      while (true) {
        int center_index = (lower_index + upper_index) / 2;
        const well_node_type * center_node = vector_iget_const( well_ts->ts , center_index );      
        double cmp;
        if (use_report)
          cmp = center_node->report_nr - report_step;
          cmp = difftime( center_node->sim_time , sim_time );
        if (cmp > 0) {
          if ((center_index - lower_index) == 1)    // We found an interval of length 1
            return lower_index;
            upper_index = center_index;
        } else {
          if ((upper_index - center_index) == 1)    // We found an interval of length 1
            return center_index;
            lower_index = center_index;
Esempio n. 3
void menu_run(const menu_type * menu) {
    while (1) {
        int cmd;

        cmd = menu_read_cmd(menu);
        if (strchr(menu->quit_keys , cmd) != NULL) /* We have recieved a quit command - leave the building. */

          OK - we start looking through all the available commands to see
          which this is. */
            int item_index = 0;
            while (1) {
                const menu_item_type * item = vector_iget_const(menu->items , item_index);
                if (!item->separator) {
                    if(!item->helptext) {
                        if (strchr(item->key_set , cmd) != NULL) {
                            /* Calling the function ... */
                            menu_item_call( item );
int main(int argc , char ** argv) {
    ecl_grid_type * grid = ecl_grid_alloc( argv[1] );
    vector_type * expected = load_expected( grid, argv[2] );

    for (int c=0; c < vector_get_size( expected ); c++) {
      const point_type * p = vector_iget_const( expected , c );
      int g = ecl_grid_get_global_index_from_xyz(grid , p->x, p->y , p->z , 0 );
      if (g != ecl_grid_get_global_index3(grid, p->i,p->j, p->k)) {
        int i,j,k;
        ecl_grid_get_ijk1(grid, g, &i, &j, &k);
        fprintf(stderr,"point:%d   (%g,%g,%g), Simulated: %d:(%d,%d,%d)   Expected: %d:(%d,%d,%d)  contains:%d\n",
                c , p->x, p->y, p->z, g, i,j,k, p->g, p->i, p->j, p->k, ecl_grid_cell_contains_xyz1( grid, p->g , p->x , p->y, p->z));
      if (!p->skip)
        test_assert_int_equal( g , ecl_grid_get_global_index3(grid, p->i,p->j, p->k));
      else {
        if ( g != ecl_grid_get_global_index3(grid, p->i,p->j, p->k))
          fprintf(stderr," ** Skipping failed test for point:%d \n",c);
    ecl_grid_free( grid );
    vector_free( expected );
Esempio n. 5
int ecl_sum_data_get_report_step_from_days(const ecl_sum_data_type * data , double sim_days) {
  if ((sim_days < data->days_start) || (sim_days > data->sim_length))
    return -1;
  else {
    int report_step = -1;

    double_vector_type * days_map = double_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 );
    int_vector_type    * report_map = int_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 );
    int i;

    for (i=1; i < int_vector_size( data->report_last_index ); i++) {
      int ministep_index = int_vector_iget( data->report_last_index , i );
      const ecl_sum_tstep_type * ministep = vector_iget_const( data->data , ministep_index );
      double_vector_iset( days_map , i , ecl_sum_tstep_get_sim_days( ministep ));
      int_vector_iset( report_map , i , ecl_sum_tstep_get_report( ministep ));
      /** Hmmmm - double == comparison ... */
      int index = double_vector_index_sorted( days_map , sim_days );
      if (index >= 0)
        report_step = int_vector_iget( report_map , index );
    int_vector_free( report_map );
    double_vector_free( days_map );
    return report_step;
Esempio n. 6
double ecl_rft_node_iget_grat( const ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node , int index) {
  assert_type_and_index( rft_node , PLT , index );
    const ecl_rft_cell_type * cell = vector_iget_const( rft_node->cells , index);
    return ecl_rft_cell_get_grat( cell );
Esempio n. 7
void subst_list_fprintf(const subst_list_type * subst_list , FILE * stream) {
  int index;
  for (index=0; index < vector_get_size( subst_list->string_data ); index++) {
    const subst_list_string_type * node = vector_iget_const( subst_list->string_data , index );
    fprintf(stream , "%s = %s\n" , node->key , node->value);
Esempio n. 8
int ecl_sum_data_get_report_step_from_time(const ecl_sum_data_type * data , time_t sim_time) {
  if ((sim_time < data->data_start_time) || (sim_time > data->sim_end))
    return -1;

    int report_step = -1;

    time_t_vector_type * time_map = time_t_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 );
    int_vector_type    * report_map = int_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 );
    int i;

    for (i=1; i < int_vector_size( data->report_last_index ); i++) {
      int ministep_index = int_vector_iget( data->report_last_index , i );
      const ecl_sum_tstep_type * ministep = vector_iget_const( data->data , ministep_index );
      time_t_vector_iset( time_map , i , ecl_sum_tstep_get_sim_time( ministep ));
      int_vector_iset( report_map , i , ecl_sum_tstep_get_report( ministep ));
      int index = time_t_vector_index_sorted( time_map , sim_time );
      if (index >= 0)
        report_step = int_vector_iget( report_map , index );
    int_vector_free( report_map );
    time_t_vector_free( time_map );
    return report_step;
Esempio n. 9
void ensemble_init( ensemble_type * ensemble , config_type * config) {

  /*1 : Loading ensembles and settings from the config instance */
  /*1a: Loading the eclipse summary cases. */
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( LOAD_THREADS , true );
      int i,j;
      for (i=0; i < config_get_occurences( config , "CASE_LIST"); i++) {
        const stringlist_type * case_list = config_iget_stringlist_ref( config , "CASE_LIST" , i );
        for (j=0; j < stringlist_get_size( case_list ); j++) 
          ensemble_load_from_glob( ensemble , stringlist_iget( case_list , j ) , tp);
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    thread_pool_free( tp );
    const sum_case_type * tmp = vector_iget_const( ensemble->data , 0 );
    ensemble->refcase = tmp->ecl_sum;
  /*1b: Other config settings */
  if (config_item_set( config , "NUM_INTERP" ))
    ensemble->num_interp  = config_iget_as_int( config , "NUM_INTERP" , 0 , 0 );
  /*2: Remaining initialization */
  ensemble_init_time_interp( ensemble );
  if (vector_get_size( ensemble->data ) < MIN_SIZE )
    util_exit("Sorry - quantiles make no sense with with < %d realizations; should have ~> 100.\n" , MIN_SIZE);
Esempio n. 10
static void sched_block_fprintf(const sched_block_type * block, FILE * stream)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < vector_get_size(block->kw_list); i++) {
    const sched_kw_type * sched_kw = vector_iget_const( block->kw_list , i);
    sched_kw_fprintf(sched_kw, stream);
Esempio n. 11
void obs_vector_install_node(obs_vector_type * obs_vector , int index , void * node) {
  obs_vector_assert_node_type( obs_vector , node );
    if (vector_iget_const( obs_vector->nodes , index ) == NULL)
    vector_iset_owned_ref( obs_vector->nodes , index , node , obs_vector->freef );
Esempio n. 12
static bool file_map_has_kw_ptr( const file_map_type * file_map, const ecl_kw_type * ecl_kw) {
  int index;
  for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( file_map->kw_list ); index++) {
    const ecl_file_kw_type * file_kw = vector_iget_const( file_map->kw_list , index );
    if (ecl_file_kw_ptr_eq( file_kw , ecl_kw ))
      return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 13
const char * subst_list_iget_doc_string( const subst_list_type * subst_list , int index) {
  if (index < vector_get_size(subst_list->string_data)) {
    const subst_list_string_type * node = vector_iget_const( subst_list->string_data , index );
    return node->doc_string;
  } else {
    util_abort("%s: index:%d to large \n",__func__ , index);
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 14
bool local_updatestep_has_data_key( const local_updatestep_type * update_step , const char * key) {
    bool has_key = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < vector_get_size( update_step->ministep ); i++) {
        const local_ministep_type * ministep = vector_iget_const( update_step->ministep , i );
        if (local_ministep_has_data_key(ministep, key))
            has_key = true;
    return has_key;
Esempio n. 15
const ecl_rft_cell_type * ecl_rft_node_iget_cell_sorted( ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node , int index) {
  if (ecl_rft_node_is_RFT( rft_node ))
    return ecl_rft_node_iget_cell( rft_node , index );
  else {
    if (!rft_node->sort_perm_in_sync)
      ecl_rft_node_create_sort_perm( rft_node );

    return vector_iget_const( rft_node->cells , int_vector_iget( rft_node->sort_perm , index ));
Esempio n. 16
static void file_map_fprintf_kw_list(const file_map_type * file_map , FILE * stream) {
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( file_map->kw_list ); i++) {
    const ecl_file_kw_type * file_kw = vector_iget_const( file_map->kw_list , i );
    fprintf(stream , "%-8s %7d:%s\n",
            ecl_file_kw_get_header( file_kw ) , 
            ecl_file_kw_get_size( file_kw ) , 
            ecl_util_get_type_name( ecl_file_kw_get_type( file_kw )));
Esempio n. 17
time_t_vector_type * sched_file_alloc_time_t_vector( const sched_file_type * sched_file ) {
  time_t_vector_type * vector = time_t_vector_alloc(0,0);
  int i;
  time_t_vector_append( vector , sched_file->start_time );
  for (i=1; i < vector_get_size( sched_file->blocks ); i++) {
    const sched_block_type * block = vector_iget_const( sched_file->blocks , i );
    time_t_vector_append( vector , block->block_end_time );
  return vector;
Esempio n. 18
stringlist_type * gen_kw_config_alloc_name_list( const gen_kw_config_type * config ) {
  stringlist_type * name_list = stringlist_alloc_new();
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( config->parameters ); i++) {
    const gen_kw_parameter_type * parameter = vector_iget_const( config->parameters , i );
    stringlist_append_ref( name_list , parameter->name );    /* If the underlying parameter goes out scope - whom bang .. */

  return name_list;
Esempio n. 19
void sched_kw_compdat_fprintf(const sched_kw_compdat_type *kw , FILE *stream) {
  fprintf(stream , "COMPDAT\n");
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( kw->completions ); index++) {
      const comp_type * comp = vector_iget_const( kw->completions , index );
      comp_sched_fprintf(comp , stream);
  fprintf(stream , "/\n\n");
Esempio n. 20
nnc_info_type * nnc_info_alloc_copy( const nnc_info_type * src_info ) {
  nnc_info_type * copy_info = nnc_info_alloc( src_info->lgr_nr );
  int ivec;
  for (ivec = 0; ivec < vector_get_size( src_info->lgr_list ); ivec++) {
    nnc_vector_type * copy_vector = nnc_vector_alloc_copy( vector_iget_const( src_info->lgr_list , ivec));
    nnc_info_add_vector( copy_info , copy_vector );

  return copy_info;
Esempio n. 21
bool sched_file_well_open( const sched_file_type * sched_file , 
                           int restart_nr , 
                           const char * well_name) {

  bool well_found = false;
  bool well_open  = false;
  int block_nr    = restart_nr;
  while (!well_found && (block_nr >= 0)) {
    sched_block_type * block = sched_file_iget_block( sched_file , block_nr );
    if (hash_has_key( block->kw_hash , "WCONHIST")) {
      const vector_type * wconhist_vector = hash_get( block->kw_hash , "WCONHIST");
      int i;
      for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( wconhist_vector ); i++) {
        const sched_kw_type * kw = vector_iget_const( wconhist_vector , i );
        if (sched_kw_has_well( kw , well_name )) {
          well_found = true;
          well_open = sched_kw_well_open( kw , well_name );

    if (hash_has_key( block->kw_hash , "WCONINJE")) {
      const vector_type * wconinje_vector = hash_get( block->kw_hash , "WCONINJE");
      int i;
      for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( wconinje_vector ); i++) {
        const sched_kw_type * kw = vector_iget_const( wconinje_vector , i );
        if (sched_kw_has_well( kw , well_name )) {
          well_found = true;
          well_open  = sched_kw_well_open( kw , well_name );

  return well_open;
Esempio n. 22
void obs_vector_install_node(obs_vector_type * obs_vector , int index , void * node) {
  obs_vector_assert_node_type( obs_vector , node );
    if (vector_iget_const( obs_vector->nodes , index ) == NULL) {
      int_vector_append( obs_vector->step_list , index );
      int_vector_sort( obs_vector->step_list );

    vector_iset_owned_ref( obs_vector->nodes , index , node , obs_vector->freef );
Esempio n. 23
int obs_vector_get_last_active_step(const obs_vector_type * obs_vector) {
  int step = vector_get_size( obs_vector->nodes ) - 1;
  while (true) {
    const void * obs_node = vector_iget_const( obs_vector->nodes , step );
    if (obs_node)
    if (step < 0)
  return step;
Esempio n. 24
void rms_tag_fprintf(const rms_tag_type * tag , FILE * stream) {
    fprintf(stream , "  <%s>\n",tag->name);

        int i;
        for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( tag->key_list ); i++) {
            const rms_tagkey_type * tagkey = vector_iget_const( tag->key_list , i );
            rms_tagkey_fprintf( tagkey , stream);

    fprintf(stream , "  </%s>\n",tag->name);
Esempio n. 25
   Updates the buffer inplace with all the string substitutions in the
   subst_list. This is the lowest level function, which does *NOT*
   consider the parent pointer.
static void subst_list_replace_strings__(const subst_list_type * subst_list , buffer_type * buffer) {
  int index;
  for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( subst_list->string_data ); index++) {
    const subst_list_string_type * node = vector_iget_const( subst_list->string_data , index );
    if (node->value != NULL) {
      bool    match;
      buffer_rewind( buffer );
      do {
        match = buffer_search_replace( buffer , node->key , node->value);
      } while (match);
Esempio n. 26
void rms_tag_fwrite(const rms_tag_type * tag , FILE * stream) {
    rms_util_fwrite_string("tag"     , stream);
    rms_util_fwrite_string(tag->name , stream);

        int i;
        for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( tag->key_list ); i++) {
            const rms_tagkey_type * tagkey = vector_iget_const( tag->key_list , i );
            rms_tagkey_fwrite( tagkey , stream);

    rms_util_fwrite_string("endtag" , stream);
Esempio n. 27
subst_list_type * subst_list_alloc_deep_copy(const subst_list_type * src) {
  subst_list_type * copy;
  if (src->parent != NULL)
    copy = subst_list_alloc( src->parent );
    copy = subst_list_alloc( src->func_pool);
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( src->string_data ); index++) {
      const subst_list_string_type * node = vector_iget_const( src->string_data , index );
      subst_list_insert__( copy , node->key , node->value , node->doc_string , true , SUBST_DEEP_COPY);

    for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( src->func_data ); index++) {
      const subst_list_func_type * src_node  = vector_iget_const( src->func_data , index );
      subst_list_func_type       * copy_node = subst_list_func_alloc( src_node->name , src_node->func );
      vector_append_owned_ref( copy->func_data , copy_node , subst_list_func_free__ );
  return copy;
Esempio n. 28
static void menu_display(const menu_type * menu) {
    int i;
    int length = strlen(menu->title);
    for (i = 0; i < vector_get_size(menu->items); i++) {
        const menu_item_type * item = vector_iget_const( menu->items , i);
            length = util_int_max(length , item->label_length);
            length = util_int_max(length , 60); /* Hardcoded length for helptext*/

    __print_line(length + 10 , 0);
    printf("| ");
    util_fprintf_string(menu->title , length + 6 , center_pad , stdout);
    printf(" |\n");
    __print_line(length + 10 , 1);
    for (i=0; i < vector_get_size(menu->items); i++) {
        const menu_item_type * item = vector_iget_const( menu->items , i);
        if (item->separator)
            __print_sep(length + 6);
        else if (item->helptext)
        else {
            printf("| %c: ", menu_item_get_key( item ));
            util_fprintf_string(item->label , length + 3 , right_pad , stdout);
            printf(" |\n");
    __print_sep(length + 6);
    printf("| %c: ",menu->quit_keys[0]);
    util_fprintf_string(menu->quit_label , length + 3 , right_pad , stdout);
    printf(" |\n");
    __print_line(length + 10 , 2);
Esempio n. 29
static void subst_list_eval_funcs____(const subst_list_type * subst_list , const parser_type * parser , buffer_type * buffer) {
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < vector_get_size( subst_list->func_data); index++) {
      const subst_list_func_type * subst_func = vector_iget_const( subst_list->func_data , index );
      const char                 * func_name  = subst_func->name;
      bool match;
      buffer_rewind( buffer );
      do {
        size_t match_pos;
        match     = buffer_strstr( buffer , func_name );
        match_pos = buffer_get_offset( buffer );
        if (match) {
          bool   update     = false;
          char * arg_start  = buffer_get_data( buffer );
          arg_start        += buffer_get_offset( buffer ) + strlen( func_name );
          if (arg_start[0] == '(') {  /* We require that an opening paren follows immediately behind the function name. */
            char * arg_end = strchr( arg_start , ')');
            if (arg_end != NULL) {
              /* OK - we found an enclosing () pair. */
              char            * arg_content = util_alloc_substring_copy( arg_start, 1 , arg_end - arg_start - 1);
              stringlist_type * arg_list    = parser_tokenize_buffer( parser , arg_content , true);
              char            * func_eval   = subst_list_func_eval( subst_func , arg_list );
              int               old_len     = strlen(func_name) + strlen( arg_content) + 2;       
              if (func_eval != NULL) {
                buffer_memshift( buffer , match_pos + old_len , strlen( func_eval ) - old_len);
                buffer_fwrite( buffer , func_eval , strlen( func_eval ) , sizeof * func_eval );
                free( func_eval );
                update = true;
              free( arg_content );
              stringlist_free( arg_list );
          if (!update) 
            buffer_fseek( buffer , match_pos + strlen( func_name ) , SEEK_SET);
      } while (match);
  if (subst_list->parent != NULL) 
    subst_list_eval_funcs____( subst_list->parent , parser , buffer );
Esempio n. 30
bool workflow_run(workflow_type * workflow, void * self , bool verbose , const subst_list_type * context) {
  vector_clear( workflow->stack );
  workflow_try_compile( workflow , context);

  if (workflow->compiled) {
    int icmd;
    for (icmd = 0; icmd < vector_get_size( workflow->cmd_list ); icmd++) {
      const cmd_type * cmd = vector_iget_const( workflow->cmd_list , icmd );
      void * return_value = workflow_job_run( cmd->workflow_job, self , verbose , cmd->arglist );
      vector_push_front_ref( workflow->stack , return_value );
    return true;
  } else
    return false;