Esempio n. 1
void run() {
    int t = 0;
    vector* stack = vector_new(100);
    vector_push(stack, (void*)0);
    while (1) {
        t = cur_token();
        action a = table[(int)vector_peek(stack)][t];
        if (a.action == 's') {
            vector_push(stack, (void*)a.attr);
            printf("shift %d\n", a.attr);
        } else if (a.action == 'r') {
            for (int i=0; i<rules[a.attr][0]-1; i++)
            int head_of_production = rules[a.attr][1];
            int top_of_stack = (int)vector_peek(stack);
            int new_state = table[top_of_stack][head_of_production].attr;
            vector_push(stack, (void*)new_state);
            printf("Reduce by rule %d\n", a.attr);
            printf("Stack top: %d\n", (int)vector_peek(stack));
        } else if (a.action == 'a') {
        } else {
            error("Parsing failed", "");
Esempio n. 2
void test_vector() {
    vector *v = vector_make_size(1, sizeof(int));
    int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16};
    *(int *) vector_in(v, 0) = 12;
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < 15; i++) {
        vector_push(v, a + i);
        printf("-- %d %d\n",a[i], v->len);
    for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        vector_push(v, &i);
    for (i = 0; i < (int)v->len; i++) {
        printf("%d\n", *((int *) vector_in(v, i)));
    for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
    for (i = 0; i < (int)v->len; i++) {
        printf("%d\n", *((int *) vector_in(v, i)));
    char c[] = "123456789";
    string b;
    b.str = c;
    b.len = 7;
    vector *v2 = vector_make(sizeof(string));
    memcpy(v2->array, &b, v2->size);
    printf("%s", ((string *) vector_in(v2, 0))->str);
Esempio n. 3
/* Recursively build list of input/output files from the given command. */
static void build_input_output_list(struct graph_node *node, const command_t cmd)
    if (cmd == NULL)
        ERR("Graph ndoe command can not be null");
    else if (cmd->type == SIMPLE_COMMAND)
        /* Add redirects, then process arguments */
        if (cmd->input != NULL)
            vector_push(node->input_files, cmd->input);
        if (cmd->output != NULL)
            vector_push(node->output_files, cmd->output);

        /* Note: consider ALL arguments of the command as input files */
        char **word = cmd->u.word;
        if (strcmp(word[0], "exec") == 0)   /* Skip "exec" */

        for (char **w = word + 1; *w != NULL; ++w)  /* Consider "-*" as options */
            if (w[0][0] != '-')
                vector_push(node->input_files, *w);
    else if (cmd->type == SUBSHELL_COMMAND)
        if (cmd->input != NULL)
            vector_push(node->input_files, cmd->input);
        if (cmd->output != NULL)
            vector_push(node->output_files, cmd->output);
        build_input_output_list(node, cmd->u.subshell_command);
    else    /* All other commands have two sub-commands */
        build_input_output_list(node, cmd->u.command[0]);
        build_input_output_list(node, cmd->u.command[1]);
Esempio n. 4
//sets the literal to true, and then runs unit resolution
//returns a learned clause if unit resolution detected a contradiction, NULL otherwise
//if the current decision level is L in the beginning of the call, it should be updated 
//to L+1 so that the decision level of lit and all other literals implied by unit resolution is L+1
Clause* sat_decide_literal(Lit* lit, SatState* sat_state) {
	lit->implied = 1;
	vector_push(&sat_state->ds, lit);
	vector_push(&sat_state->s, lit);
	sat_literal_var(lit)->level = vector_size(&sat_state->ds) + 1;
	if (sat_unit_resolution(sat_state))
		return NULL;
	return sat_state->ac;
Esempio n. 5
void hpix_in_ring(
        const struct healpix* hpix, 
        int64 iz, 
        double phi0, 
        double dphi, 
        struct vector* listpix)  // vector of int64

    int64 nr, ir, ipix1;
    double shift=0.5;
    int64 nside = hpix->nside;

    if (iz<nside) {
        // north pole
        ir = iz;
        nr = ir*4;
        ipix1 = 2*ir*(ir-1);        //    lowest pixel number in the ring
    } else if (iz>(3*nside)) {
        // south pole
        ir = 4*nside - iz;
        nr = ir*4;
        ipix1 = hpix->npix - 2*ir*(ir+1); // lowest pixel number in the ring
    } else {
        // equatorial region
        ir = iz - nside + 1;           //    within {1, 2*nside + 1}
        nr = nside*4;
        if ((ir&1)==0) shift = 0;
        ipix1 = hpix->ncap + (ir-1)*nr; // lowest pixel number in the ring

    int64 ipix2 = ipix1 + nr - 1;  //    highest pixel number in the ring

    if (dphi > (M_PI-1e-7)) {
        for (int64 i=ipix1; i<=ipix2; ++i) {
            vector_push(listpix, &i);
    } else {

        // M_1_PI is 1/pi
        int64 ip_lo = (int64)( floor(nr*.5*M_1_PI*(phi0-dphi) - shift) )+1;
        int64 ip_hi = (int64)( floor(nr*.5*M_1_PI*(phi0+dphi) - shift) );
        int64 pixnum = ip_lo+ipix1;
        if (pixnum<ipix1) {
            pixnum += nr;
        for (int64 i=ip_lo; i<=ip_hi; ++i, ++pixnum) {
            if (pixnum>ipix2) {
                pixnum -= nr;
            vector_push(listpix, &pixnum);

Esempio n. 6
File: jit.c Progetto: Tetr4/HQ9Plus
char* get_lyrics(int initial_bottle_count)
    int bottle_count;
    char* pluralized_bottle;

    const int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 256; // just a guess
    char line_buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
    int chars_to_write;
    struct vector lyrics_stream;
    char* buffer;

    vector_create(&lyrics_stream, 100);

    // create formated strings and put them into a vector.
    for (bottle_count = initial_bottle_count; bottle_count >= 0; bottle_count--)
        if (bottle_count > 0)
            pluralized_bottle = bottle_count == 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles";
            chars_to_write = snprintf(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "%d %s of beer on the wall, %d %s of beer.\n" \
                     "Take one down and pass it around, ", bottle_count, pluralized_bottle, bottle_count, pluralized_bottle);
            vector_push(&lyrics_stream, line_buffer, chars_to_write);
            if (bottle_count == 1)
                chars_to_write = snprintf(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n");
                vector_push(&lyrics_stream, line_buffer, chars_to_write);
                pluralized_bottle = bottle_count-1 == 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles";
                chars_to_write = snprintf(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "%d %s of beer on the wall.\n", bottle_count-1, pluralized_bottle);
                vector_push(&lyrics_stream, line_buffer, chars_to_write);
            pluralized_bottle = initial_bottle_count == 1 ? "bottle" : "bottles";
            chars_to_write = snprintf(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" \
            "Go to the store and buy some more, " \
            "%d %s of beer on the wall.\n", initial_bottle_count, pluralized_bottle);
            vector_push(&lyrics_stream, line_buffer, chars_to_write);

    // copy data to buffer so the vector can be freed.
    buffer = malloc(lyrics_stream.size);
    memcpy(buffer,, lyrics_stream.size);


    return buffer;
Esempio n. 7
//applies unit resolution to the cnf of sat state
//returns 1 if unit resolution succeeds, 0 if it finds a contradiction
BOOLEAN sat_unit_resolution(SatState* sat_state) {
	BOOLEAN more = 1;
	while (more) {
		more = 0;
		for (c2dSize i = vector_size(&sat_state->q); i >= 1; i--) {
			Clause* clause = vector_get(&sat_state->q, i - 1);
			clause->subsumed = sat_check_subsumed_clause(clause);
			if (sat_subsumed_clause(clause)) {
				vector_erase(&sat_state->q, i - 1);
			BOOLEAN flag = 0;
			c2dSize pos;
			for (c2dSize j = 0; j < sat_clause_size(clause); j++) {
				Lit* lit = vector_get(&clause->lits, j);
				if (!sat_implied_literal(sat_opp_literal(lit))) {
					pos = j;
					if (flag == 2)
			if (flag == 0) {
				sat_state->ac = malloc(sizeof(Clause));
				sat_state->ac->subsumed = 0;
				sat_state->ac->mark = 0;
				if (vector_size(&sat_state->ds) > 0) {
					for (c2dSize j = 0; j < sat_var_count(sat_state); j++) {
						Var* var = vector_get(&sat_state->vars, j);
						var->u = var->level <= 1;
					sat_get_assert_clause(sat_state, sat_state->ac, clause->index - 1, 0,
							vector_size(&sat_state->s) - 1);
				return 0;
			if (flag == 1) {
				Lit* lit = vector_get(&clause->lits, pos);
				lit->implied = 1;
				lit->locate = clause->index - 1;
				lit->var->level = vector_size(&sat_state->ds) + 1;
				vector_push(&sat_state->il, lit);
				vector_push(&sat_state->s, lit);
				clause->subsumed = 1;
				vector_erase(&sat_state->q, i - 1);
				more = 1;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 8
//adds clause to the set of learned clauses, and runs unit resolution
//returns a learned clause if unit resolution finds a contradiction, NULL otherwise
//this function is called on a clause returned by sat_decide_literal() or sat_assert_clause()
//moreover, it should be called only if sat_at_assertion_level() succeeds
Clause* sat_assert_clause(Clause* clause, SatState* sat_state) {
	clause->index = sat_clause_count(sat_state) + sat_learned_clause_count(sat_state) + 1;
	for (c2dSize i = 0; i < sat_clause_size(clause); i++) {
		Lit* lit = vector_get(&clause->lits, i);
		Var* var = sat_literal_var(lit);
		if (vector_size(&var->mentions_lc) == 0 || vector_top(&var->mentions_lc) != clause)
			vector_push(&var->mentions_lc, clause);
	vector_push(&sat_state->lc, clause);
	vector_push(&sat_state->q, clause);
	if (sat_unit_resolution(sat_state))
		return NULL;
	return sat_state->ac;
Esempio n. 9
static int add_nodes_from_edges(struct call_graph *graph)
	int i;
	address_t last_addr = 0;
	int have_last_addr = 0;

	qsort(graph->edge_from.ptr, graph->edge_from.size,
	      graph->edge_from.elemsize, cmp_branch_by_dst);

	/* Look for unique destination addresses */
	for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_from.size; i++) {
		const struct cg_edge *br = CG_EDGE_FROM(graph, i);

		if (!have_last_addr ||
		    br->dst != last_addr) {
			struct cg_node n;

			n.offset = br->dst;

			last_addr = br->dst;
			have_last_addr = 1;

			if (vector_push(&graph->node_list, &n, 1) < 0)
				return -1;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
static int find_possible_edges(int offset, int len, uint8_t *memory,
			       struct call_graph *graph)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
		struct msp430_instruction insn;

		if (dis_decode(memory + i, offset + i, len - i, &insn) < 0)

		if (insn.dst_mode == MSP430_AMODE_IMMEDIATE &&
		    (insn.op == MSP430_OP_CALL || insn.op == MSP430_OP_BR) &&
		    !(insn.dst_addr & 1)) {
			struct cg_edge br;

			br.src = offset + i;
			br.dst = insn.dst_addr;
			br.is_tail_call = insn.op != MSP430_OP_CALL;

			if (vector_push(&graph->edge_from, &br, 1) < 0)
				return -1;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
t_vector	*find_all_pattern(char **str)
  t_vector	*stack;
  char		*name;
  char		*inhib;
  int		begin;
  int		end;
  int		k;
  int		l;

  end = (k = begin = pre_pattern_dump(str, &name, &inhib, &stack)) - 1;
  while (str[0][++end] && (str[0][end] != CLOSE_BRACE));
  if (!str[0][end])
    return (stack);
  while (++k < end)
      l = begin;
      while (((str[0][k] != ',') || str[1][k]) && (k < end))
	  name[l] = str[0][k];
	  inhib[l++] = str[1][k++];
      post_pattern_dump(str, name + l, inhib + l, end);
      vector_push(stack, my_strdup(name));
  msfree(name, inhib, 0);
  return (stack);
Esempio n. 12
void gather_get_traces_for_aperture(int *m0s,
		su_trace_t *traces, int ntr,
		aperture_t *ap)
	float x0, y0;
	float x, y;
	su_get_receiver(&traces[*m0s], &x0, &y0);
	su_get_receiver(traces, &x, &y);
	float dist = SQR(x0 - x) + SQR(y0 - y);
	while (ntr-- && dist > SQR(ap->ap_m)) {
		su_get_receiver(traces, &x, &y);
		dist = SQR(x0 - x) + SQR(y0 - y);
	if (ntr == 0)
	while (ntr-- && dist <= SQR(ap->ap_m)) {
		vector_push(ap->traces, traces);
		su_get_receiver(traces, &x, &y);
		dist = SQR(x0 - x) + SQR(y0 - y);
Esempio n. 13
static int push_option_name(void *user_data, const struct opdb_key *key,
			    const union opdb_value *value)

	return vector_push((struct vector *)user_data, &key->name, 1);
Esempio n. 14
void		read_this_path(t_vector *target, DIR *dir, char *path)
  int		already;
  int		j;
  char		buf[1024];
  struct stat	s;
  struct dirent	*dp;

  while ((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
      strcpy(buf, path);
      strcat(buf, "/");
      strcat(buf, dp->d_name);
      if ((access(buf, X_OK) != -1) && (stat(buf, &s) || 1))
	if (S_ISREG(s.st_mode))
	      j = -1;
	      already = 0;
	      while (++j < target->nb_elem)
		if (strcmp(target->data[j], dp->d_name) == 0)
		  already = 1;
	      if (already == 0)
		vector_push(target, my_strdup(dp->d_name));
Esempio n. 15
void		read_local_cmd(t_vector *target, DIR *dir)
  struct dirent	*dp;
  char		buf[1024];
  struct stat	s;
  int		already;
  int		j;

  while ((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
    if (access(dp->d_name, X_OK) != -1)
	stat(dp->d_name, &s);
	j = -1;
	already = 0;
	while (++j < target->nb_elem)
	  if (strcmp(target->data[j], dp->d_name) == 0)
	    already = 1;
	if (already == 0)
	    strcpy(buf, dp->d_name);
	    if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode))
	      strcat(buf, "/");
	    vector_push(target, my_strdup(buf));
Esempio n. 16
File: test.c Progetto: esheldon/misc
void test_long() {

    struct vector* v = vector_new(0, sizeof(long));
    long n=10;
    long i=0;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        vector_push(v, &i);

    long* iter = vector_front(v);
    long* end  = vector_end(v);
    while (iter != end) {
        assert(i == *iter);

    long* lptr = vector_get(v,3);
    assert(3 == *lptr);

    lptr = vector_pop(v);
    assert((n-1) == *lptr);

Esempio n. 17
File: test.c Progetto: esheldon/misc
void test_pushpop() {
    struct vector* v = vector_new(0, sizeof(struct test));

    size_t i=0;
    size_t n=10;
    struct test t;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) { = i;
        t.x = 2*i;
        vector_push(v, &t);

    struct test *tptr=NULL;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        tptr = vector_get(v,i);
        assert(tptr->id == i);
        assert(tptr->x == 2*i);

    while (NULL != (tptr=vector_pop(v))) {
        assert(tptr->id == i);
        assert(tptr->x == 2*i);

    assert(v->size == 0);
    assert(v->capacity >= n);

    v = vector_delete(v);
    assert(v == NULL);
Esempio n. 18
File: thread.c Progetto: mtmiron/toi
	VALUE thr;

	thr = NEW_OBJ(Thread);
	BASIC(thr).klass = cThread;

	vector_push(thr_stk, (void*)thr);

	THREAD(thr)->alive_p = 1;
	if (cur_thr)
		THREAD(thr)->branch = THREAD(cur_thr)->branch;
	if ((thr != main_thread()) && (thr != cur_thr))
		THREAD(thr)->recv = cur_thr;
	THREAD(thr)->up = cur_thr;
	THREAD(thr)->env_tbl = st_init_numtable();
	THREAD(thr)->obj_stk = vector_new();
	THREAD(thr)->self_stk = vector_new();
	THREAD(thr)->env_stk = vector_new();
	THREAD(thr)->tok_stk = vector_new();
	THREAD(thr)->stack = vector_new();
	THREAD(thr)->modified_syms = vector_new();

	return thr;
void smbtree_import(BTree* tree, char* url)
  FILE* file = fopen(url, "r");

  char* word_to_insert = calloc(STRING_SIZE, sizeof(char));
  while (fscanf(file, "%s", word_to_insert) != EOF)
    char* word = calloc(STRING_SIZE, sizeof(char));
    strcpy(word, word_to_insert);
    Vector* vec = vector_newVector();
    int i, n_docs = 0;
    fscanf(file, "%d", &n_docs);
    for (i = 0; i < n_docs; i++)
      char* doc_url = calloc(STRING_SIZE, sizeof(char));
      int n_pos = 0, j;
      fscanf(file, "%s%d", doc_url, &n_pos);
      VectorNode* vec_node = vector_newVectorNode(doc_url);
      for (j = 0; j < n_pos; j++)
        int pos = 0;
        fscanf(file, "%d", &pos);
        addPositionVectorNode(vec_node, pos);
      vector_push(vec, vec_node);
      //Check possible bugs
    BTreeKey* key = btree_newBTreeKey(word, vec);
    btree_insert(tree, tree->root, key);
Esempio n. 20
void su_vector(su_state *s, int num) {
	int i;
	value_t vec = vector_create_empty(s);
	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
		vec = vector_push(s, vec.obj.vec, STK(-(num - i)));
	s->stack_top -= num;
	push_value(s, &vec);
Esempio n. 21
void su_vector_push(su_state *s, int idx, int num) {
	int i;
	value_t vec = *STK(TOP(idx));
	for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
		vec = vector_push(s, vec.obj.vec, STK(-(num - i)));
	s->stack_top -= num;
	push_value(s, &vec);
Esempio n. 22
int main() 
    /* Create the vector */
    vector *v = vector_new(3);
    printf("Vector size: %d\n", vector_size(v));

    /* Add elements to the vector */
    vector_push(v, (void*)0);
    vector_push(v, (void*)11);
    vector_push(v, (void*)22);
    printf("Vector size: %d\n", vector_size(v));
    vector_push(v, (void*)33);
    vector_push(v, (void*)44);
    vector_push(v, (void*)55);
    vector_push(v, (void*)66);

    /* Get the size and print the elements */
    printf("Vector size: %d\n", vector_size(v));
    printf("Element 1: %d\n", vector_get(v, 0));
    printf("Element 2: %d\n", vector_get(v, 1));
    printf("Element 3: %d\n", vector_get(v, 2));
    printf("Element 4: %d\n", vector_get(v, 3));
    printf("Element 5: %d\n", vector_get(v, 4));
    printf("Element 6: %d\n", vector_get(v, 5));
    printf("Element 7: %d\n", vector_get(v, 6));

    /* Clear vector and print the size */
    printf("Vector size: %d\n", vector_size(v));

    /* We have not destructor at C, so clean up memory by ourselves */

    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
size_t vector_insert_sorted(struct vec *v, int item) {
    size_t j = vector_push(v, item);
    for (; j > 0 && v->vals[j] < v->vals[j-1]; j--) {
        int swap = v->vals[j];
        v->vals[j] = v->vals[j-1];
        v->vals[j-1] = swap;
    return j;
Esempio n. 24
query_result_push (query_result *r, const char *item)

  __checked_call(0 == vector_push(&(r->items), item));

  return 0;
Esempio n. 25
void		matching_file(char *arg, t_vector *stack,
			      t_vector *dirs, struct dirent *dp)
  char		*file_name;

  if (my_strstr(arg, "/"))
      vector_push(dirs, (void *)complete_path(dp->d_name, "/"));
      add_matching_files(my_strstr(arg, "/") + 1, stack, dirs);
      file_name = dir_from_vector(dirs);
      vector_push(stack, (void *)complete_path(file_name, dp->d_name));
Esempio n. 26
/* Get lists of geoname indices for all of the given tokens and
   return no more than max_results entries from their intersection. */
static geoname_indices_t process_query(vector_t tokens, int max_results,
                                       geonames_by_token_func func) {
    int i, ntokens = vector_size(tokens);

    /* Lists of tokens. */
    geoname_indices_t   *lists = xmalloc(ntokens * sizeof(vector_t));
    /* Size of each list. */
    int                 *sizes = xmalloc(ntokens * sizeof(int));
    /* Current index in the intersection algorithm in each of the lists. */
    int                 *pos   = xmalloc(ntokens * sizeof(int));

    geoname_idx_t idx;
    geoname_indices_t res = vector_init(sizeof(geoname_idx_t));

    /* Get geoname indices for each token. */
    for (i = 0; i < ntokens; ++i) {
        char const *token = *(char const **) vector_at(tokens, i);

        lists[i] = func(token);
        sizes[i] = vector_size(lists[i]);
        pos[i]   = 0;

        if (!sizes[i])
            goto end;

    idx = geoname_idx(lists[0], pos[0]);

    /* Find intersection of the results. */
    for (;;) {
        geoname_idx_t prev = idx;

        for (i = 0; i < ntokens; ++i) {
            while (pos[i] < sizes[i] &&
                   geoname_idx(lists[i], pos[i]) < idx)
            if (pos[i] == sizes[i])
                goto end;
            idx = geoname_idx(lists[i], pos[i]);

        if (prev == idx) {
            vector_push(res, &idx);
            if (max_results == vector_size(res))
                goto end;


    return res;
Esempio n. 27
size_t vector_insert(struct vec *v, int item, size_t pos) {
    size_t j = vector_push(v, item);
    for (; j > pos; j--) {
        int swap = v->vals[j];
        v->vals[j] = v->vals[j-1];
        v->vals[j-1] = swap;
    assert(j == pos);
    return j;
Esempio n. 28
Ensure(load_save_matches, saves_matches_to_disk_properly)
  vector **primatches = allocate(N_PRI_HALOS, sizeof(vector*));
  vector **secmatches = allocate(N_SEC_HALOS, sizeof(vector*));

  int i, j;

  match dummy_match = {.matchid = MATCHID, .goodness = GOODNESS};
  for(i = 0; i < N_PRI_HALOS; i++){
    primatches[i] = new_vector(i, sizeof(match));
    for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
      vector_push(primatches[i], &dummy_match);

  for(i = 0; i < N_SEC_HALOS; i++){
    secmatches[i] = new_vector(i, sizeof(match));
    for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
      vector_push(secmatches[i], &dummy_match);

  write_matches(MATCHES_FILE_ADDR, primatches, secmatches, N_PRI_HALOS,

  vector **primatches_r = allocate(N_PRI_HALOS, sizeof(vector*));
  vector **secmatches_r = allocate(N_SEC_HALOS, sizeof(vector*));

  load_matches(MATCHES_FILE_ADDR, primatches_r, secmatches_r);

  match *thematch = allocate(1, sizeof(*thematch));

  for(i = 0; i < N_PRI_HALOS; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < i; j++){
      thematch = vector_get(primatches_r[i], j);
      assert_that(thematch->matchid, is_equal_to(MATCHID));


Esempio n. 29
extern bool table_field_add(TABLE **t, const char *field){

	char *f_name = (char *) malloc(strlen(field));
	strcpy(f_name, field);
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 30
extern bool table_data_add(TABLE **t, const char *data){

	char *d_val = (char *) malloc(strlen(data));
	strcpy(d_val, data);
		return true;
	return false;