void test_verify12_flags(void) { int ret; unsigned char *buf = alloca(block_size); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_BLANK_LINE); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 flags"); ret = read10(iscsic, tgt_lun, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 with DPO==1"); ret = verify12(iscsic, tgt_lun, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 1, 0, buf); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "[SKIPPED] VERIFY12 is not implemented."); CU_PASS("[SKIPPED] Target does not support VERIFY12. Skipping test"); return; } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 with BYTCHK==1"); ret = verify12(iscsic, tgt_lun, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 1, buf); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); }
void test_verify12_mismatch_no_cmp(void) { int i, ret; unsigned char *buf = alloca(256 * block_size); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_BLANK_LINE); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 without BYTCHK for blocks 1-255"); for (i = 1; i <= 256; i++) { int offset = random() % (i * block_size); if (maximum_transfer_length && maximum_transfer_length < i) { break; } ret = read10(iscsic, tgt_lun, 0, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf); /* flip a random byte in the data */ buf[offset] ^= 'X'; logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Flip some bits in the data"); ret = verify12(iscsic, tgt_lun, 0, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, buf); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "[SKIPPED] VERIFY12 is not implemented."); CU_PASS("[SKIPPED] Target does not support VERIFY12. Skipping test"); return; } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 without BYTCHK of 1-256 blocks at the end of the LUN"); for (i = 1; i <= 256; i++) { int offset = random() % (i * block_size); if (maximum_transfer_length && maximum_transfer_length < i) { break; } ret = read12(iscsic, tgt_lun, num_blocks - i, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); /* flip a random byte in the data */ buf[offset] ^= 'X'; logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Flip some bits in the data"); ret = verify12(iscsic, tgt_lun, num_blocks - i, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, buf); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } }
void test_verify12_simple(void) { int i, ret; unsigned char *buf = alloca(256 * block_size); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_BLANK_LINE); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 of 1-256 blocks at the start of the LUN"); for (i = 1; i <= 256; i++) { if (maximum_transfer_length && maximum_transfer_length < i) { break; } ret = read10(sd, NULL, 0, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); ret = verify12(sd, 0, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 1, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "[SKIPPED] VERIFY12 is not implemented."); CU_PASS("[SKIPPED] Target does not support VERIFY12. Skipping test"); return; } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 of 1-256 blocks at the end of the LUN"); for (i = 1; i <= 256; i++) { if (maximum_transfer_length && maximum_transfer_length < i) { break; } ret = read12(sd, num_blocks - i, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); ret = verify12(sd, num_blocks - i, i * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 1, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } }
void test_verify12_dpo(void) { int ret, dpofua, usage_data_dpo; struct scsi_task *ms_task = NULL; struct scsi_mode_sense *ms; struct scsi_task *rso_task = NULL; struct scsi_report_supported_op_codes_one_command *rsoc; unsigned char *buf = alloca(block_size); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_BLANK_LINE); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 DPO flag"); CHECK_FOR_SBC; ret = read10(sd, NULL, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Read the DPOFUA flag from mode sense data"); ret = modesense6(sd, &ms_task, 0, SCSI_MODESENSE_PC_CURRENT, SCSI_MODEPAGE_RETURN_ALL_PAGES, 0, 255, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "[SUCCESS] Mode sense returned status GOOD"); ms = scsi_datain_unmarshall(ms_task); dpofua = ms && (ms->device_specific_parameter & 0x10); scsi_free_scsi_task(ms_task); if (dpofua) { logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "DPOFUA flag is set. Device should allow " "DPO/FUA flags in CDBs"); } else { logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "DPOFUA flag is clear. Device should fail " "CDBs with DPO/FUA set"); } logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Test VERIFY12 with DPO==1"); if (dpofua) { ret = verify12(sd, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 1, 0, buf, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "[SKIPPED] VERIFY12 is not implemented."); CU_PASS("VERIFY12 is not implemented."); return; } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } else { ret = verify12(sd, 0, block_size, block_size, 0, 1, 0, buf, EXPECT_INVALID_FIELD_IN_CDB); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "[SKIPPED] VERIFY12 is not implemented."); CU_PASS("VERIFY12 is not implemented."); return; } CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(ret, 0); } logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Try fetching REPORT_SUPPORTED_OPCODES " "for VERIFY12"); ret = report_supported_opcodes(sd, &rso_task, 0, SCSI_REPORT_SUPPORTING_OPCODE, SCSI_OPCODE_VERIFY12, 0, 65535, EXPECT_STATUS_GOOD); if (ret == -2) { logging(LOG_NORMAL, "REPORT_SUPPORTED_OPCODES not implemented. " "Skipping this part of the test"); return; } logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "Unmarshall the DATA-IN buffer"); rsoc = scsi_datain_unmarshall(rso_task); CU_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(rsoc, NULL); usage_data_dpo = rsoc ? rsoc->cdb_usage_data[1] & 0x10 : -1; if (dpofua) { logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "DPOFUA is set. Verify the DPO flag " "is set in the CDB_USAGE_DATA"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(usage_data_dpo, 0x10); } else { logging(LOG_VERBOSE, "DPOFUA is clear. Verify the DPO " "flag is clear in the CDB_USAGE_DATA"); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(usage_data_dpo, 0x00); } scsi_free_scsi_task(rso_task); }
int T0280_verify12_simple(const char *initiator, const char *url) { struct iscsi_context *iscsi; struct scsi_task *task; int ret, i, lun; unsigned char *buf = NULL; printf("0280_verify12_simple:\n"); printf("=====================\n"); if (show_info) { printf("Test basic VERIFY12 functionality.\n"); printf("1, Read and verify the first 1-256 blocks of the LUN using READ12/VERIFY12.\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } iscsi = iscsi_context_login(initiator, url, &lun); if (iscsi == NULL) { printf("Failed to login to target\n"); return -1; } buf = malloc(256 * block_size); if (buf == NULL) { printf("Failed to allocate buffer.\n"); ret = -1; goto finished; } printf("Read first 256 blocks.\n"); task = iscsi_read10_sync(iscsi, lun, 0, 256 * block_size, block_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (task == NULL) { printf("[FAILED]\n"); printf("Failed to send READ10 command: %s\n", iscsi_get_error(iscsi)); ret = -1; goto finished; } if (task->status != SCSI_STATUS_GOOD) { printf("[FAILED]\n"); printf("READ10 command: failed with sense. %s\n", iscsi_get_error(iscsi)); ret = -1; scsi_free_scsi_task(task); goto finished; } memcpy(buf, task->datain.data, task->datain.size); scsi_free_scsi_task(task); ret = 0; /* verify the first 1 - 256 blocks at the start of the LUN */ printf("Verify first 1-256 blocks.\n"); for (i = 1; i <= 256; i++) { ret = verify12(iscsi, lun, buf, i * block_size, 0, 0, 1, 1, block_size); if (ret != 0) { goto finished; } } finished: free(buf); iscsi_logout_sync(iscsi); iscsi_destroy_context(iscsi); return ret; }