Esempio n. 1
// draw a box directly to display memory
int _near Drawbox_Cmd( LPTSTR pszCmdLine )
	register TCHAR *pszArg, *pszLine;
	int nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nStyle, nAttribute = -1, nFill = -1, n, nFlags = 0, nShade;

	if (( pszCmdLine == NULL ) || ( *pszCmdLine == _TEXT('\0') ))
		return ( Usage( DRAWBOX_USAGE ));

	// get the arguments & colors
	if ( sscanf( pszCmdLine, _TEXT("%d%d%d%d%d%n"), &nTop, &nLeft, &nBottom, &nRight, &nStyle, &n ) == 6 ) {

		pszLine = pszCmdLine + n;
		nAttribute = GetColors( pszLine, 0 );

		// check for a FILL color
		if (( *pszLine ) && ( _strnicmp( first_arg( pszLine ), BOX_FILL, 3 ) == 0 ) && (( pszArg = first_arg( next_arg( pszLine, 1 ))) != NULL )) {

			if ( _strnicmp( pszArg, BRIGHT, 3 ) == 0 ) {
				// set intensity bit
				nFill = 0x80;
				if (( pszArg = first_arg( next_arg( pszLine, 1 ))) == NULL )
					return ( Usage( DRAWBOX_USAGE ));
			} else
				nFill = 0;

			if (( nShade = color_shade( pszArg )) <= 15 ) {
				nFill |= ( nShade << 4 );
				next_arg( pszLine, 1 );

		// check for a SHADOW or ZOOM
		while ( *pszLine ) {
			if ( _strnicmp( pszLine, BOX_SHADOW, 3 ) == 0 )
				nFlags |= BOX_SHADOWED;
			else if ( _strnicmp( pszLine, BOX_ZOOM, 3 ) == 0 )
				nFlags |= BOX_ZOOMED;
			next_arg( pszLine, 1 );

	if (( nAttribute == -1 ) || ( verify_row_col( nTop, nLeft )) || ( verify_row_col( nBottom, nRight )))
		return ( Usage( DRAWBOX_USAGE ));

	if ( nLeft == 999 ) {
		if (( nLeft = (( GetScrCols() - nRight ) / 2 )) < 0 )
			nLeft = 0;
		nRight += nLeft;

	if ( nTop == 999 ) {
		if (( nTop = (( GetScrRows() - nBottom ) / 2 )) < 0 )
			nTop = 0;
		nBottom += nTop;

	_box( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nStyle, nAttribute, nFill, nFlags, 1 );

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
// draw a horizontal or vertical line directly to the display
static int _fastcall __drawline( LPTSTR pszCmdLine, int fVertical )
	register int nAttribute = -1;
	int nRow, nColumn, nLength, nStyle, n;

	// get the arguments & colors
	if (( pszCmdLine == NULL ) || ( *pszCmdLine == _TEXT('\0') ))
		return ( Usage( (( fVertical ) ? DRAWVLINE_USAGE : DRAWHLINE_USAGE )));

	if ( sscanf( pszCmdLine, _TEXT("%d%d%d%d%n"), &nRow, &nColumn, &nLength, &nStyle, &n ) == 5 )
		nAttribute = GetColors( pszCmdLine+n, 0 );

	// if row or column == 999, center the line
	if ( nColumn == 999 ) {
		nColumn = ( GetScrCols() - (( fVertical ) ? 0 : nLength )) / 2;
		if ( nColumn < 0 )
			nColumn = 0;

	if ( nRow == 999 ) {
		nRow = ( GetScrRows() - (( fVertical ) ? nLength : 0 )) / 2;
		if ( nRow < 0 )
			nRow = 0;

	return ((( nAttribute == -1 ) || ( verify_row_col( nRow, nColumn )) || ( _line( nRow, nColumn, nLength, nStyle, fVertical, nAttribute, 1 ) != 0 )) ? Usage( (( fVertical ) ? DRAWVLINE_USAGE : DRAWHLINE_USAGE ) ) : 0 );
Esempio n. 3
// draw a box directly to display memory
int drawbox_cmd(int argc, char **argv)
	char *arg, *pszLine;
	int top, left, bottom, right, style, attribute = -1, fill = -1;
	int box_flags = 0;

	// get the arguments & colors
	if ((argc >= 7) && (sscanf(argv[1],"%d%d%d%d%d",&top,&left,&bottom,&right,&style) == 5)) {

		pszLine = argv[6];
		attribute = GetColors(pszLine,0);

		// check for a FILL color
		if ((*pszLine) && (_strnicmp(first_arg(pszLine),BOX_FILL,3) == 0) && ((arg = first_arg(next_arg(pszLine,1))) != NULL)) {

			if (_strnicmp(arg,BRIGHT,3) == 0) {
				// set intensity bit
				fill = 0x80;
				if ((arg = first_arg(next_arg(pszLine,1))) == NULL)
					return (usage(DRAWBOX_USAGE));
			} else
				fill = 0;

			if ((argc = color_shade(arg)) <= 15) {
				fill |= (argc << 4);

		// check for a SHADOW or ZOOM
		while (*pszLine) {
			if (_strnicmp(pszLine,BOX_SHADOW,3) == 0)
				box_flags |= BOX_SHADOWED;
			else if (_strnicmp(pszLine,BOX_ZOOM,3) == 0)
				box_flags |= BOX_ZOOMED;

	if ((attribute == -1) || (verify_row_col(top,left)) || (verify_row_col(bottom,right)))
		return (usage(DRAWBOX_USAGE));


	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
// draw a horizontal or vertical line directly to the display
int drawline_cmd( int argc, char **argv )
	int attribute = -1;
	int row, col, len, width;

	// get the arguments & colors
	if (( argc >= 6 ) && ( sscanf( argv[1], "%d%d%d%d", &row, &col, &len, &width ) == 4 ))
		attribute = GetColors( argv[5], 0 );

	return ((( attribute == -1 ) || ( verify_row_col( row, col )) || ( _line( row, col, len, width,(_ctoupper( argv[0][4] ) == 'V' ), attribute, 1 ) != 0 )) ? usage( DRAWLINE_USAGE ) : 0 );