Esempio n. 1
static info_t get_info(int adapter_index, IDXGIAdapter* adapter)
	struct ctx_t
		DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC adapter_desc;
		info_t adapter_info;

	ctx_t ctx;
	// There's a new adapter called teh Basic Render Driver that is not a video driver, so 
	// it won't show up with enumerate_video_drivers, so handle it explicitly here.
	if (ctx.adapter_desc.VendorId == 0x1414 && ctx.adapter_desc.DeviceId == 0x8c) // Microsoft Basic Render Driver
		ctx.adapter_info.description = "Microsoft Basic Render Driver";
		ctx.adapter_info.plugnplay_id = "Microsoft Basic Render Driver";
		ctx.adapter_info.version = version_t(1,0);
		ctx.adapter_info.vendor = vendor::microsoft;
		ctx.adapter_info.feature_level = version_t(11,1);

		detail::enumerate_video_drivers([](const info_t& info, void* user)->bool
			auto& ctx = *(ctx_t*)user;

			char vendor[128];
			char device[128];
			snprintf(vendor, "VEN_%X", ctx.adapter_desc.VendorId);
			snprintf(device, "DEV_%04X", ctx.adapter_desc.DeviceId);
			if (strstr(info.plugnplay_id, vendor) && strstr(info.plugnplay_id, device))
				ctx.adapter_info = info;
				return false;
			return true;
		}, &ctx);

	*(int*)& = adapter_index;

	D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLevel;
	// Note that the out-device is null, thus this isn't that expensive a call
	if (SUCCEEDED(D3D11CreateDevice(
		, nullptr
		, 0 // D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG // squelches a _com_error warning
		, nullptr
		, 0
		, nullptr
		, &FeatureLevel
		, nullptr)))
		ctx.adapter_info.feature_level = version_t((FeatureLevel>>12) & 0xff, (FeatureLevel>>8) & 0xf);

	return ctx.adapter_info;
Esempio n. 2
version_t minimum_version(const vendor& v)
	switch (v)
		case vendor::nvidia: return version_t(oNVVER_MAJOR, oNVVER_MINOR);
		case vendor::amd: return version_t(oAMDVER_MAJOR, oAMDVER_MINOR);
		default: break;
	return version_t();
Esempio n. 3
info_t find(const int2& virtual_desktop_position, const version_t& min_version, bool exact_version)
	ref<IDXGIFactory> Factory;
	oV(CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void**)&Factory));

	const bool LookForOutput = all(virtual_desktop_position != int2(oDEFAULT, oDEFAULT));

	int adapter_index = 0;
	ref<IDXGIAdapter> adapter;
	while (DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND != Factory->EnumAdapters(adapter_index, &adapter))
		adapter::info_t adapter_info = get_info(adapter_index, adapter);
		version_t required_version = min_version;
		if (required_version == version_t())
			required_version = minimum_version(adapter_info.vendor);

		ref<IDXGIOutput> output;
		if (LookForOutput)
			int o = 0;
			while (DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND != adapter->EnumOutputs(o, &output))
				if (virtual_desktop_position.x >= od.DesktopCoordinates.left 
					&& virtual_desktop_position.x <= od.DesktopCoordinates.right 
					&& virtual_desktop_position.y >= 
					&& virtual_desktop_position.y <= od.DesktopCoordinates.bottom)
					sstring StrAdd, StrReq;
					to_string(StrReq, required_version);
					to_string(StrAdd, adapter_info.version);

					if (exact_version)
						oCheck(adapter_info.version == required_version, std::errc::no_such_device, "Exact video driver version %s required, but current driver is %s", StrReq.c_str(), StrAdd.c_str());
						oCheck(adapter_info.version >= required_version, std::errc::no_such_device, "Video driver version %s or newer required, but current driver is %s", StrReq.c_str(), StrAdd.c_str());

					return adapter_info;
				output = nullptr;

		else if ((exact_version && adapter_info.version == required_version) || (!exact_version && adapter_info.version >= required_version))
			return adapter_info;

		adapter = nullptr;

	sstring StrReq;
	to_string(StrReq, min_version);
	if (LookForOutput)
		oThrow(std::errc::no_such_device, "no adapter found for the specified virtual desktop coordinates that also matches the %s driver version %s", exact_version ? "exact" : "minimum", StrReq.c_str());
		oThrow(std::errc::no_such_device, "no adapter found matching the %s driver version %s", exact_version ? "exact" : "minimum", StrReq.c_str());
Esempio n. 4
 static version_t zero() {
     return version_t(nil_uuid(), state_timestamp_t::zero());
Esempio n. 5
 *  Resolve the TPA assembly locations
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_tpa_list(
        pal::string_t* output,
        std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb,
        bool ignore_missing_assemblies)
    const std::vector<deps_entry_t> empty(0);
    name_to_resolved_asset_map_t items;

    auto process_entry = [&](const pal::string_t& deps_dir, const deps_entry_t& entry, int fx_level) -> bool
        if (breadcrumb != nullptr && entry.is_serviceable)
            breadcrumb->insert(entry.library_name + _X(",") + entry.library_version);

        // Ignore placeholders
        if (ends_with(entry.asset.relative_path, _X("/_._"), false))
            return true;

        trace::info(_X("Processing TPA for deps entry [%s, %s, %s]"), entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.asset.relative_path.c_str());

        pal::string_t resolved_path;

        name_to_resolved_asset_map_t::iterator existing = items.find(;
        if (existing == items.end())
            if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, fx_level, &resolved_path))
                deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(entry.asset, resolved_path);
                add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);
                return true;

            return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry, ignore_missing_assemblies);
            // Verify the extension is the same as the previous verified entry
            if (get_deps_filename(entry.asset.relative_path) != get_filename(existing->second.resolved_path))

                return false;

            deps_resolved_asset_t* existing_entry = &existing->second;

            // If deps entry is same or newer than existing, then see if it should be replaced
            if (entry.asset.assembly_version > existing_entry->asset.assembly_version ||
                (entry.asset.assembly_version == existing_entry->asset.assembly_version && entry.asset.file_version >= existing_entry->asset.file_version))
                if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, fx_level, &resolved_path))
                    // If the path is the same, then no need to replace
                    if (resolved_path != existing_entry->resolved_path)
                        trace::verbose(_X("Replacing deps entry [%s, AssemblyVersion:%s, FileVersion:%s] with [%s, AssemblyVersion:%s, FileVersion:%s]"),
                            existing_entry->resolved_path.c_str(), existing_entry->asset.assembly_version.as_str().c_str(), existing_entry->asset.file_version.as_str().c_str(),
                            resolved_path.c_str(), entry.asset.assembly_version.as_str().c_str(), entry.asset.file_version.as_str().c_str());

                        existing_entry = nullptr;

                        deps_asset_t asset(, entry.asset.relative_path, entry.asset.assembly_version, entry.asset.file_version);
                        deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(asset, resolved_path);
                        add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);
                else if (fx_level != 0)
                    // The framework is missing a newer package, so this is an error.
                    // For compat, it is not an error for the app; this can occur for the main application assembly when using --depsfile
                    // and the app assembly does not exist with the deps file.
                    return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry);

            return true;

    // We do not support self-contained in a libhost scenario since in the self-contained scenario,
    // we cannot determine what assemblies are framework assemblies, and what assemblies are app-local assemblies.
    if (m_host_mode != host_mode_t::libhost)
        // First add managed assembly to the TPA.
        // TODO: Remove: the deps should contain the managed DLL.
        // Workaround for: csc.deps.json doesn't have the csc.dll
        deps_asset_t asset(get_filename_without_ext(m_managed_app), get_filename(m_managed_app), version_t(), version_t());
        deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(asset, m_managed_app);
        add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);

        // Add the app's entries
        const auto& deps_entries = get_deps().get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime);
        for (const auto& entry : deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_app_dir, entry, 0))
                return false;

        // If the deps file wasn't present or has missing entries, then
        // add the app local assemblies to the TPA. This is only valid
        // in non-libhost scenarios (e.g. comhost).
        if (!get_deps().exists())
            // Obtain the local assemblies in the app dir.
            get_dir_assemblies(m_app_dir, _X("local"), &items);

    // There should be no additional deps files in a libhost scenario.
    // See comments during additional deps.json resolution.
    assert(m_additional_deps.empty() || m_host_mode != host_mode_t::libhost);

    // If additional deps files were specified that need to be treated as part of the
    // application, then add them to the mix as well.
    for (const auto& additional_deps : m_additional_deps)
        auto additional_deps_entries = additional_deps->get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime);
        for (auto entry : additional_deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_app_dir, entry, 0))
                return false;

    // Probe FX deps entries after app assemblies are added.
    for (int i = 1; i < m_fx_definitions.size(); ++i)
        const auto& deps_entries = m_is_framework_dependent ? m_fx_definitions[i]->get_deps().get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime) : empty;
        for (const auto& entry : deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_fx_definitions[i]->get_dir(), entry, i))
                return false;

    // Convert the paths into a string and return it 
    for (const auto& item : items)
        // Workaround for CoreFX not being able to resolve sym links.
        pal::string_t real_asset_path = item.second.resolved_path;

    return true;
version_t CSharedMemoryClient::sMGetVersion()
	return version_t(0, 1);