/// Solve the linear system Ax = b, with A being the
    /// combined derivative matrix of the residual and b
    /// being the residual itself.
    /// \param[in] residual   residual object containing A and b.
    /// \return               the solution x
    NewtonIterationBlackoilSimple::computeNewtonIncrement(const LinearisedBlackoilResidual& residual) const
        typedef LinearisedBlackoilResidual::ADB ADB;
        const int np = residual.material_balance_eq.size();
        ADB mass_res = residual.material_balance_eq[0];
        for (int phase = 1; phase < np; ++phase) {
            mass_res = vertcat(mass_res, residual.material_balance_eq[phase]);
        const ADB well_res = vertcat(residual.well_flux_eq, residual.well_eq);
        const ADB total_residual = collapseJacs(vertcat(mass_res, well_res));

        Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> matr;

        SolutionVector dx(SolutionVector::Zero(total_residual.size()));
        Opm::LinearSolverInterface::LinearSolverReport rep
            = linsolver_->solve(matr.rows(), matr.nonZeros(),
                                matr.outerIndexPtr(), matr.innerIndexPtr(), matr.valuePtr(),
                                total_residual.value().data(), dx.data(), parallelInformation_);

        // store iterations
        iterations_ = rep.iterations;

        if (!rep.converged) {
                      "FullyImplicitBlackoilSolver::solveJacobianSystem(): "
                      "Linear solver convergence failure.");
        return dx;
Esempio n. 2
  Function IdasInterface::getJ(bool backward) const {
    vector<MatType> a = MatType::get_input(oracle_);
    vector<MatType> r = const_cast<Function&>(oracle_)(a);
    MatType cj = MatType::sym("cj");

    // Get the Jacobian in the Newton iteration
    if (backward) {
      MatType jac = MatType::jacobian(r[DE_RODE], a[DE_RX]) + cj*MatType::eye(nrx_);
      if (nrz_>0) {
        jac = horzcat(vertcat(jac,
                              MatType::jacobian(r[DE_RALG], a[DE_RX])),
                      vertcat(MatType::jacobian(r[DE_RODE], a[DE_RZ]),
                              MatType::jacobian(r[DE_RALG], a[DE_RZ])));
      return Function("jacB", {a[DE_T], a[DE_RX], a[DE_RZ], a[DE_RP],
                               a[DE_X], a[DE_Z], a[DE_P], cj}, {jac});
     } else {
      MatType jac = MatType::jacobian(r[DE_ODE], a[DE_X]) - cj*MatType::eye(nx_);
      if (nz_>0) {
        jac = horzcat(vertcat(jac,
                              MatType::jacobian(r[DE_ALG], a[DE_X])),
                      vertcat(MatType::jacobian(r[DE_ODE], a[DE_Z]),
                              MatType::jacobian(r[DE_ALG], a[DE_Z])));
      return Function("jacF", {a[DE_T], a[DE_X], a[DE_Z], a[DE_P], cj}, {jac});
Esempio n. 3
  void SqicInterface::init() {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    if (is_init_) sqicDestroy();

    inf_ = 1.0e+20;

    // Allocate data structures for SQIC
    bl_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);
    bu_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);
    x_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);
    hs_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);
    hEtype_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);
    pi_.resize(nc_+1, 0);
    rc_.resize(n_+nc_+1, 0);

    locH_ = st_[QP_STRUCT_H].colind();
    indH_ = st_[QP_STRUCT_H].row();

    // Fortran indices are one-based
    for (int i=0;i<indH_.size();++i) indH_[i]+=1;
    for (int i=0;i<locH_.size();++i) locH_[i]+=1;

    // Sparsity of augmented linear constraint matrix
    Sparsity A_ = vertcat(st_[QP_STRUCT_A], Sparsity::dense(1, n_));
    locA_ = A_.colind();
    indA_ = A_.row();

    // Fortran indices are one-based
    for (int i=0;i<indA_.size();++i) indA_[i]+=1;
    for (int i=0;i<locA_.size();++i) locA_[i]+=1;

    // helper functions for augmented linear constraint matrix
    MX a = MX::sym("A", st_[QP_STRUCT_A]);
    MX g = MX::sym("g", n_);
    std::vector<MX> ins;
    formatA_ = Function("formatA", ins, vertcat(a, g.T()));

    // Set objective row of augmented linear constraints
    bu_[n_+nc_] = inf_;
    bl_[n_+nc_] = -inf_;

    is_init_ = true;

    int n = n_;
    int m = nc_+1;

    int nnzA=formatA_.size_out(0);
    int nnzH=input(CONIC_H).size();

    std::fill(hEtype_.begin()+n_, hEtype_.end(), 3);

    sqic(&m , &n, &nnzA, &indA_[0], &locA_[0], &formatA_.output().nonzeros()[0], &bl_[0], &bu_[0],
         &hEtype_[0], &hs_[0], &x_[0], &pi_[0], &rc_[0], &nnzH, &indH_[0], &locH_[0],

Esempio n. 4
  void Vertsplit::evalAdj(const std::vector<pv_MX>& adjSeed, const std::vector<pv_MX>& adjSens) {
    int nadj = adjSeed.size();
    int nx = offset_.size()-1;

    // Get row offsets
    vector<int> row_offset;
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        ++it) {
      row_offset.push_back(row_offset.back() + it->size1());

    for (int d=0; d<nadj; ++d) {
      if (adjSens[d][0]!=0) {
        vector<MX> v;
        for (int i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
          MX* x_i = adjSeed[d][i];
          if (x_i!=0) {
            *x_i = MX();
          } else {
Esempio n. 5
T cross(const GenericMatrix<T> &a, const GenericMatrix<T> &b, int dim) {
  casadi_assert_message(a.size1()==b.size1() && a.size2()==b.size2(),"cross(a,b): Inconsistent dimensions. Dimension of a (" << a.dimString() << " ) must equal that of b (" << b.dimString() << ").");
  casadi_assert_message(a.size1()==3 || a.size2()==3,"cross(a,b): One of the dimensions of a should have length 3, but got " << a.dimString() << ".");
  casadi_assert_message(dim==-1 || dim==1 || dim==2,"cross(a,b,dim): Dim must be 1, 2 or -1 (automatic).");
  std::vector<T> ret(3);
  bool t = a.size1()==3;
  if (dim==1) t = true;
  if (dim==2) t = false;
  T a1 = t ? a(0,ALL) : a(ALL,0);
  T a2 = t ? a(1,ALL) : a(ALL,1);
  T a3 = t ? a(2,ALL) : a(ALL,2);

  T b1 = t ? b(0,ALL) : b(ALL,0);
  T b2 = t ? b(1,ALL) : b(ALL,1);
  T b3 = t ? b(2,ALL) : b(ALL,2);
  ret[0] = a2*b3-a3*b2;
  ret[1] = a3*b1-a1*b3;
  ret[2] = a1*b2-a2*b1;
  return t ? vertcat(ret) : horzcat(ret);
Esempio n. 6
  LrDpleInternal::getSparsity(const std::map<std::string, std::vector<Sparsity> >& st,
                              const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &Hs_) {
    // Chop-up the arguments
    std::vector<Sparsity> As, Vs, Cs, Hs;
    if (st.count("a")) As = st.at("a");
    if (st.count("v")) Vs = st.at("v");
    if (st.count("c")) Cs = st.at("c");
    if (st.count("h")) Hs = st.at("h");

    bool with_H = !Hs.empty();

    int K = As.size();

    Sparsity A;
    if (K==1) {
      A = As[0];
    } else {
      Sparsity AL = diagcat(vector_slice(As, range(As.size()-1)));

      Sparsity AL2 = horzcat(AL, Sparsity(AL.size1(), As[0].size2()));
      Sparsity AT = horzcat(Sparsity(As[0].size1(), AL.size2()), As.back());
      A = vertcat(AT, AL2);

    Sparsity V = diagcat(Vs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Vs, range(Vs.size()-1))));
    Sparsity C;

    if (!Cs.empty()) {
      C = diagcat(Cs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Cs, range(Cs.size()-1))));
    Sparsity H;
    std::vector<int> Hs_agg;

    std::vector<int> Hi(1, 0);
    if (Hs_.size()>0 && with_H) {
      H = diagcat(Hs.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Hs, range(Hs.size()-1))));
      for (int k=0;k<K;++k) {
        Hs_agg.insert(Hs_agg.end(), Hs_[k].begin(), Hs_[k].end());
        int sum=0;
        for (int i=0;i<Hs_[k].size();++i) {
          sum+= Hs_[k][i];

    Sparsity res = LrDleInternal::getSparsity(make_map("a", A, "v", V, "c", C, "h", H), Hs_agg);

    if (with_H) {
      return diagsplit(res, Hi);
    } else {
      return diagsplit(res, As[0].size2());
Esempio n. 7
  Function simpleIntegrator(Function f, const std::string& plugin,
                            const Dict& plugin_options) {
    // Consistency check
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_in()==2, "Function must have two inputs: x and p");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_out()==1, "Function must have one outputs: dot(x)");

    // Sparsities
    Sparsity x_sp = f.sparsity_in(0);
    Sparsity p_sp = f.sparsity_in(1);

    // Wrapper function inputs
    MX x = MX::sym("x", x_sp);
    MX u = MX::sym("u", vertcat(Sparsity::scalar(), vec(p_sp))); // augment p with t

    // Normalized xdot
    int u_offset[] = {0, 1, 1+p_sp.size1()};
    vector<MX> pp = vertsplit(u, vector<int>(u_offset, u_offset+3));
    MX h = pp[0];
    MX p = reshape(pp[1], p_sp.size());
    MX f_in[] = {x, p};
    MX xdot = f(vector<MX>(f_in, f_in+2)).at(0);
    xdot *= h;

    // Form DAE function
    MXDict dae = {{"x", x}, {"p", u}, {"ode", xdot}};

    // Create integrator function
    Dict plugin_options2 = plugin_options;
    plugin_options2["t0"] = 0; // Normalized time
    plugin_options2["tf"] = 1; // Normalized time
    Function ifcn = integrator("integrator", plugin, dae, plugin_options2);

    // Inputs of constructed function
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", x_sp);
    p = MX::sym("p", p_sp);
    h = MX::sym("h");

    // State at end
    MX xf = ifcn(MXDict{{"x0", x0}, {"p", vertcat(h, vec(p))}}).at("xf");

    // Form discrete-time dynamics
    return Function("F", {x0, p, h}, {xf}, {"x0", "p", "h"}, {"xf"});
Esempio n. 8
T linspace(const GenericMatrix<T> &a_, const GenericMatrix<T> &b_, int nsteps){
  const T& a = static_cast<const T&>(a_);
  const T& b = static_cast<const T&>(b_);
  std::vector<T> ret(nsteps);
  ret[0] = a;
  T step = (b-a)/(nsteps-1);

  for(int i=1; i<nsteps-1; ++i)
    ret[i] = ret[i-1] + step;
  ret[nsteps-1] = b;
  return vertcat(ret);
Esempio n. 9
    result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
      size_t n =  boost::proto::child_c<0>(in);
      value_type fn =  value_type(n);
      table<value_type> ns =  nt2::cons(of_size(1, 3), fn, fn/12, fn/20);
      table<i_type> ee(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
      table<value_type> ff(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
//      nt2::frexp(ns, ff, ee);
      nt2::frexp(ns(1), ff(1), ee(1));
      nt2::frexp(ns(2), ff(2), ee(2));
      nt2::frexp(ns(3), ff(3), ee(3));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(kk, nt2::find(nt2::logical_and(eq(ff, nt2::Half<value_type>()), is_gtz(ee))));
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(!nt2::isempty(kk), "n must be of form 2^m or  12*2^m or 20*2^m");
      size_t k =  kk(1);
      i_type e = nt2::minusone(ee(k));
      out.resize(nt2::of_size(n, n));
      table<value_type> h;
      if (k == 1) //    n = 1 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::One<value_type>();
      else if ( k == 2) // N = 12 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::vertcat(nt2::ones(1,12,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                                      nt2::toeplitz(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1, -1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1,  1),
                                                    cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1,  1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1, -1)
      else if ( k == 3) // N = 20 * 2^e;
          h = vertcat(nt2::ones(1,20,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                              nt2::hankel(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1),
                                          cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1)
      //  Kronecker product construction.
      for (i_type i = 1; i <= e; ++i)
        table<value_type> h1 =  nt2::vertcat(nt2::horzcat(h, h), nt2::horzcat(h, -h));
        h =  h1;  //ALIASING
      out =  h;
      return out;
Esempio n. 10
  void Vertcat::evaluateMX(const MXPtrV& input, MXPtrV& output, const MXPtrVV& fwdSeed,
                           MXPtrVV& fwdSens, const MXPtrVV& adjSeed, MXPtrVV& adjSens,
                           bool output_given) {
    int nfwd = fwdSens.size();
    int nadj = adjSeed.size();

    // Non-differentiated output
    if (!output_given) {
      *output[0] = vertcat(getVector(input));

    // Forward sensitivities
    for (int d = 0; d<nfwd; ++d) {
      *fwdSens[d][0] = vertcat(getVector(fwdSeed[d]));

    // Quick return?
    if (nadj==0) return;

    // Get offsets for each row
    vector<int> row_offset(ndep()+1, 0);
    for (int i=0; i<ndep(); ++i) {
      int nrow = dep(i).sparsity().size1();
      row_offset[i+1] = row_offset[i] + nrow;

    // Adjoint sensitivities
    for (int d=0; d<nadj; ++d) {
      MX& aseed = *adjSeed[d][0];
      vector<MX> s = vertsplit(aseed, row_offset);
      aseed = MX();
      for (int i=0; i<ndep(); ++i) {
  void SimpleIndefDpleInternal::init() {


      "pos_def option set to True: Solver only handles the indefinite case.");
      "const_dim option set to False: Solver only handles the True case.");

    n_ = A_[0].size1();

    MX As = MX::sym("A", n_, K_*n_);
    MX Vs = MX::sym("V", n_, K_*n_);

    std::vector< MX > Vss = horzsplit(Vs, n_);
    std::vector< MX > Ass = horzsplit(As, n_);

    for (int k=0;k<K_;++k) {

    std::vector< MX > AA_list(K_);
    for (int k=0;k<K_;++k) {
      AA_list[k] = kron(Ass[k], Ass[k]);

    MX AA = blkdiag(AA_list);

    MX A_total = DMatrix::eye(n_*n_*K_) -
        vertcat(AA(range(K_*n_*n_-n_*n_, K_*n_*n_), range(K_*n_*n_)),
                AA(range(K_*n_*n_-n_*n_), range(K_*n_*n_)));

    std::vector<MX> Vss_shift;
    Vss_shift.insert(Vss_shift.end(), Vss.begin(), Vss.begin()+K_-1);

    MX Pf = solve(A_total, vec(horzcat(Vss_shift)), getOption("linear_solver"));
    MX P = reshape(Pf, n_, K_*n_);

    std::vector<MX> v_in;
    f_ = MXFunction(v_in, P);
Esempio n. 12
  void Vertsplit::evalAdj(const std::vector<std::vector<MX> >& aseed,
                          std::vector<std::vector<MX> >& asens) {
    int nadj = aseed.size();

    // Get row offsets
    vector<int> row_offset;
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        it!=output_sparsity_.end(); ++it) {
      row_offset.push_back(row_offset.back() + it->size1());

    for (int d=0; d<nadj; ++d) {
      asens[d][0] += vertcat(aseed[d]);
Esempio n. 13
  void QpToNlp::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Initialize the base classes

    // Default options
    string nlpsol_plugin;
    Dict nlpsol_options;

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="nlpsol") {
        nlpsol_plugin = op.second.to_string();
      } else if (op.first=="nlpsol_options") {
        nlpsol_options = op.second;

    // Create a symbolic matrix for the decision variables
    SX X = SX::sym("X", n_, 1);

    // Parameters to the problem
    SX H = SX::sym("H", sparsity_in(QPSOL_H));
    SX G = SX::sym("G", sparsity_in(QPSOL_G));
    SX A = SX::sym("A", sparsity_in(QPSOL_A));

    // Put parameters in a vector
    std::vector<SX> par;

    // The nlp looks exactly like a mathematical description of the NLP
    SXDict nlp = {{"x", X}, {"p", vertcat(par)},
                  {"f", mtimes(G.T(), X) + 0.5*mtimes(mtimes(X.T(), H), X)},
                  {"g", mtimes(A, X)}};

    // Create an Nlpsol instance
    casadi_assert_message(!nlpsol_plugin.empty(), "'nlpsol' option has not been set");
    solver_ = nlpsol("nlpsol", nlpsol_plugin, nlp, nlpsol_options);

    // Allocate storage for NLP solver  parameters
    alloc_w(solver_.nnz_in(NLPSOL_P), true);
  void LiftingLrDpleInternal::init() {

    form_ = getOptionEnumValue("form");

    // Initialize the base classes

      "pos_def option set to True: Solver only handles the indefinite case.");
      "const_dim option set to False: Solver only handles the True case.");

    // We will construct an MXFunction to facilitate the calculation of derivatives

    MX As = MX::sym("As", input(LR_DLE_A).sparsity());
    MX Vs = MX::sym("Vs", input(LR_DLE_V).sparsity());
    MX Cs = MX::sym("Cs", input(LR_DLE_C).sparsity());
    MX Hs = MX::sym("Hs", input(LR_DLE_H).sparsity());

    n_ = A_[0].size1();

    // Chop-up the arguments
    std::vector<MX> As_ = horzsplit(As, n_);
    std::vector<MX> Vs_ = horzsplit(Vs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Cs_ = horzsplit(Cs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Hs_;
    if (with_H_) {
      Hs_ = horzsplit(Hs, Hsi_);

    MX A;
    if (K_==1) {
      A = As;
    } else {
      if (form_==0) {
        MX AL = diagcat(vector_slice(As_, range(As_.size()-1)));

        MX AL2 = horzcat(AL, MX::sparse(AL.size1(), As_[0].size2()));
        MX AT = horzcat(MX::sparse(As_[0].size1(), AL.size2()), As_.back());
        A = vertcat(AT, AL2);
      } else {
        MX AL = diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(As_, range(As_.size()-1))));

        MX AL2 = horzcat(MX::sparse(AL.size1(), As_[0].size2()), AL);
        MX AT = horzcat(As_.back(), MX::sparse(As_[0].size1(), AL.size2()));
        A = vertcat(AL2, AT);

    MX V;
    MX C;

    MX H;

    if (form_==0) {
      V = diagcat(Vs_.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Vs_, range(Vs_.size()-1))));
      if (with_C_) {
        C = diagcat(Cs_.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Cs_, range(Cs_.size()-1))));
    } else {
      V = diagcat(diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(Vs_, range(Vs_.size()-1)))), Vs_.back());
      if (with_C_) {
        C = diagcat(diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(Cs_, range(Cs_.size()-1)))), Cs_.back());

    if (with_H_) {
      H = diagcat(form_==0? Hs_ : reverse(Hs_));

    // Create an LrDleSolver instance
    solver_ = LrDleSolver(getOption(solvername()),
                          lrdleStruct("a", A.sparsity(),
                                      "v", V.sparsity(),
                                      "c", C.sparsity(),
                                      "h", H.sparsity()));
    solver_.setOption("Hs", Hss_);
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) solver_.setOption(getOption(optionsname()));

    std::vector<MX> v_in(LR_DPLE_NUM_IN);
    v_in[LR_DLE_A] = As;
    v_in[LR_DLE_V] = Vs;
    if (with_C_) {
      v_in[LR_DLE_C] = Cs;
    if (with_H_) {
      v_in[LR_DLE_H] = Hs;

    std::vector<MX> Pr = solver_.call(lrdpleIn("a", A, "v", V, "c", C, "h", H));

    MX Pf = Pr[0];

    std::vector<MX> Ps = with_H_ ? diagsplit(Pf, Hsi_) : diagsplit(Pf, n_);

    if (form_==1) {
      Ps = reverse(Ps);

    f_ = MXFunction(v_in, dpleOut("p", horzcat(Ps)));


void DirectCollocationInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes
  // Free parameters currently not supported
  casadi_assert_message(np_==0, "Not implemented");

  // Legendre collocation points
  double legendre_points[][6] = {

  // Radau collocation points
  double radau_points[][6] = {

  // Read options
  bool use_radau;
    use_radau = true;
  } else if(getOption("collocation_scheme")=="legendre"){
    use_radau = false;

  // Interpolation order
  deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

  // All collocation time points
  double* tau_root = use_radau ? radau_points[deg_] : legendre_points[deg_];

  // Size of the finite elements
  double h = tf_/nk_;

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<MX> > C(deg_+1,vector<MX>(deg_+1));

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix C_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,deg_+1,0);

  // Coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<MX> D(deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix D_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,1,0);

  // Collocation point
  SXMatrix tau = ssym("tau");

  // For all collocation points
  for(int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j){
    // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
    SXMatrix L = 1;
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      if(j2 != j){
        L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]);

    SXFunction lfcn(tau,L);

    // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    D[j] = lfcn.output();
    D_num(j) = lfcn.output();

    // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      C[j][j2] = lfcn.fwdSens();
      C_num(j,j2) = lfcn.fwdSens();

  C_num(std::vector<int>(1,0),ALL) = 0;
  C_num(0,0)   = 1;

  // All collocation time points
  vector<vector<double> > T(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
	  for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
		  T[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]);

  // Total number of variables
  int nlp_nx = 0;
  nlp_nx += nk_*(deg_+1)*nx_;   // Collocated states
  nlp_nx += nk_*nu_;            // Parametrized controls
  nlp_nx += nx_;               	// Final state

  // NLP variable vector
  MX nlp_x = msym("x",nlp_nx);
  int offset = 0;

  // Get collocated states and parametrized control
  vector<vector<MX> > X(nk_+1);
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Collocated states
    for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
        // Get the expression for the state vector
        X[k][j] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
        offset += nx_;

    // Parametrized controls
    U[k] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;

  // State at end time
  X[nk_][0] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;

  // Constraint function for the NLP
  vector<MX> nlp_g;

  // Objective function
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // For all finite elements
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){

    // For all collocation points
    for(int j=1; j<=deg_; ++j){

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX xp_jk = 0;
        for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
            xp_jk += C[r][j]*X[k][r];

        // Add collocation equations to the NLP
        MX fk = ffcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k][j],"p",U[k]))[DAE_ODE];
        nlp_g.push_back(h*fk - xp_jk);

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    MX xf_k = 0;
    for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
        xf_k += D[r]*X[k][r];

    // Add continuity equation to NLP
    nlp_g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k);

    // Add path constraints
      MX pk = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k+1][0],"p",U[k])).at(0);

    // Add integral objective function term
	//    [Jk] = lfcn.call([X[k+1,0], U[k]])
	//    nlp_j += Jk

  // Add end cost
  MX Jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X[nk_][0])).at(0);
  nlp_j += Jk;

  // Objective function of the NLP
  F_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, nlp_j);

  // Nonlinear constraint function
  G_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, vertcat(nlp_g));

  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX());
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
  void CollocationIntegratorInternal::setupFG() {

    // Interpolation order
    deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

    // All collocation time points
    std::vector<long double> tau_root = collocationPointsL(deg_, getOption("collocation_scheme"));

    // Coefficients of the collocation equation
    vector<vector<double> > C(deg_+1, vector<double>(deg_+1, 0));

    // Coefficients of the continuity equation
    vector<double> D(deg_+1, 0);

    // Coefficients of the quadratures
    vector<double> B(deg_+1, 0);

    // For all collocation points
    for (int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j) {

      // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
      Polynomial p = 1;
      for (int r=0; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        if (r!=j) {
          p *= Polynomial(-tau_root[r], 1)/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[r]);

      // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the
      // coefficients of the continuity equation
      D[j] = zeroIfSmall(p(1.0L));

      // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to
      // get the coefficients of the continuity equation
      Polynomial dp = p.derivative();
      for (int r=0; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        C[j][r] = zeroIfSmall(dp(tau_root[r]));

      // Integrate polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadratures
      Polynomial ip = p.anti_derivative();
      B[j] = zeroIfSmall(ip(1.0L));

    // Symbolic inputs
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", f_.input(DAE_X).sparsity());
    MX p = MX::sym("p", f_.input(DAE_P).sparsity());
    MX t = MX::sym("t", f_.input(DAE_T).sparsity());

    // Implicitly defined variables (z and x)
    MX v = MX::sym("v", deg_*(nx_+nz_));
    vector<int> v_offset(1, 0);
    for (int d=0; d<deg_; ++d) {
    vector<MX> vv = vertsplit(v, v_offset);
    vector<MX>::const_iterator vv_it = vv.begin();

    // Collocated states
    vector<MX> x(deg_+1), z(deg_+1);
    for (int d=1; d<=deg_; ++d) {
      x[d] = reshape(*vv_it++, this->x0().shape());
      z[d] = reshape(*vv_it++, this->z0().shape());

    // Collocation time points
    vector<MX> tt(deg_+1);
    for (int d=0; d<=deg_; ++d) {
      tt[d] = t + h_*tau_root[d];

    // Equations that implicitly define v
    vector<MX> eq;

    // Quadratures
    MX qf = MX::zeros(f_.output(DAE_QUAD).sparsity());

    // End state
    MX xf = D[0]*x0;

    // For all collocation points
    for (int j=1; j<deg_+1; ++j) {
      //for (int j=deg_; j>=1; --j) {

      // Evaluate the DAE
      vector<MX> f_arg(DAE_NUM_IN);
      f_arg[DAE_T] = tt[j];
      f_arg[DAE_P] = p;
      f_arg[DAE_X] = x[j];
      f_arg[DAE_Z] = z[j];
      vector<MX> f_res = f_.call(f_arg);

      // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = C[0][j] * x0;
      for (int r=1; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        xp_j += C[r][j] * x[r];

      // Add collocation equation
      eq.push_back(vec(h_*f_res[DAE_ODE] - xp_j));

      // Add the algebraic conditions

      // Add contribution to the final state
      xf += D[j]*x[j];

      // Add contribution to quadratures
      qf += (B[j]*h_)*f_res[DAE_QUAD];

    // Form forward discrete time dynamics
    vector<MX> F_in(DAE_NUM_IN);
    F_in[DAE_T] = t;
    F_in[DAE_X] = x0;
    F_in[DAE_P] = p;
    F_in[DAE_Z] = v;
    vector<MX> F_out(DAE_NUM_OUT);
    F_out[DAE_ODE] = xf;
    F_out[DAE_ALG] = vertcat(eq);
    F_out[DAE_QUAD] = qf;
    F_ = MXFunction(F_in, F_out);

    // Backwards dynamics
    // NOTE: The following is derived so that it will give the exact adjoint
    // sensitivities whenever g is the reverse mode derivative of f.
    if (!g_.isNull()) {

      // Symbolic inputs
      MX rx0 = MX::sym("x0", g_.input(RDAE_RX).sparsity());
      MX rp = MX::sym("p", g_.input(RDAE_RP).sparsity());

      // Implicitly defined variables (rz and rx)
      MX rv = MX::sym("v", deg_*(nrx_+nrz_));
      vector<int> rv_offset(1, 0);
      for (int d=0; d<deg_; ++d) {
      vector<MX> rvv = vertsplit(rv, rv_offset);
      vector<MX>::const_iterator rvv_it = rvv.begin();

      // Collocated states
      vector<MX> rx(deg_+1), rz(deg_+1);
      for (int d=1; d<=deg_; ++d) {
        rx[d] = reshape(*rvv_it++, this->rx0().shape());
        rz[d] = reshape(*rvv_it++, this->rz0().shape());

      // Equations that implicitly define v

      // Quadratures
      MX rqf = MX::zeros(g_.output(RDAE_QUAD).sparsity());

      // End state
      MX rxf = D[0]*rx0;

      // For all collocation points
      for (int j=1; j<deg_+1; ++j) {

        // Evaluate the backward DAE
        vector<MX> g_arg(RDAE_NUM_IN);
        g_arg[RDAE_T] = tt[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_P] = p;
        g_arg[RDAE_X] = x[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_Z] = z[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RX] = rx[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RZ] = rz[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RP] = rp;
        vector<MX> g_res = g_.call(g_arg);

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX rxp_j = -D[j]*rx0;
        for (int r=1; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
          rxp_j += (B[r]*C[j][r]) * rx[r];

        // Add collocation equation
        eq.push_back(vec(h_*B[j]*g_res[RDAE_ODE] - rxp_j));

        // Add the algebraic conditions

        // Add contribution to the final state
        rxf += -B[j]*C[0][j]*rx[j];

        // Add contribution to quadratures
        rqf += h_*B[j]*g_res[RDAE_QUAD];

      // Form backward discrete time dynamics
      vector<MX> G_in(RDAE_NUM_IN);
      G_in[RDAE_T] = t;
      G_in[RDAE_X] = x0;
      G_in[RDAE_P] = p;
      G_in[RDAE_Z] = v;
      G_in[RDAE_RX] = rx0;
      G_in[RDAE_RP] = rp;
      G_in[RDAE_RZ] = rv;
      vector<MX> G_out(RDAE_NUM_OUT);
      G_out[RDAE_ODE] = rxf;
      G_out[RDAE_ALG] = vertcat(eq);
      G_out[RDAE_QUAD] = rqf;
      G_ = MXFunction(G_in, G_out);
Esempio n. 17
  void SDPSDQPInternal::init() {
    // Initialize the base classes

    cholesky_ = LinearSolver("csparsecholesky", st_[SDQP_STRUCT_H]);

    MX g_socp = MX::sym("x", cholesky_.getFactorizationSparsity(true));
    MX h_socp = MX::sym("h", n_);

    MX f_socp = sqrt(inner_prod(h_socp, h_socp));
    MX en_socp = 0.5/f_socp;

    MX f_sdqp = MX::sym("f", input(SDQP_SOLVER_F).sparsity());
    MX g_sdqp = MX::sym("g", input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).sparsity());

    std::vector<MX> fi(n_+1);
    MX znp = MX::sparse(n_+1, n_+1);
    for (int k=0;k<n_;++k) {
      MX gk = vertcat(g_socp(ALL, k), DMatrix::sparse(1, 1));
      MX fk = -blockcat(znp, gk, gk.T(), DMatrix::sparse(1, 1));
      // TODO(Joel): replace with ALL
      fi.push_back(blkdiag(f_sdqp(ALL, Slice(f_sdqp.size1()*k, f_sdqp.size1()*(k+1))), fk));
    MX fin = en_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+2);
    fin(n_, n_+1) = en_socp;
    fin(n_+1, n_) = en_socp;

    fi.push_back(blkdiag(DMatrix::sparse(f_sdqp.size1(), f_sdqp.size1()), -fin));

    MX h0 = vertcat(h_socp, DMatrix::sparse(1, 1));
    MX g = blockcat(f_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+1), h0, h0.T(), f_socp);

    g = blkdiag(g_sdqp, g);

    IOScheme mappingIn("g_socp", "h_socp", "f_sdqp", "g_sdqp");
    IOScheme mappingOut("f", "g");

    mapping_ = MXFunction(mappingIn("g_socp", g_socp, "h_socp", h_socp,
                                    "f_sdqp", f_sdqp, "g_sdqp", g_sdqp),
                          mappingOut("f", horzcat(fi), "g", g));

    // Create an sdpsolver instance
    std::string sdpsolver_name = getOption("sdp_solver");
    sdpsolver_ = SdpSolver(sdpsolver_name,
                           sdpStruct("g", mapping_.output("g").sparsity(),
                                     "f", mapping_.output("f").sparsity(),
                                     "a", horzcat(input(SDQP_SOLVER_A).sparsity(),
                                                  Sparsity::sparse(nc_, 1))));

    if (hasSetOption("sdp_solver_options")) {

    // Initialize the SDP solver


    // Output arguments
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);

    std::vector<int> r = range(input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).size1());
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_P) = sdpsolver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P).isEmpty() ? DMatrix() :
        sdpsolver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL) = sdpsolver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL).isEmpty() ? DMatrix() :
        sdpsolver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_A) = DMatrix::zeros(nc_, 1);
Esempio n. 18
  Function implicitRK(Function& f, const std::string& impl, const Dictionary& impl_options,
                      const MX& tf, int order, const std::string& scheme, int ne) {
    casadi_assert_message(ne>=1, "Parameter ne (number of elements must be at least 1), "
                          "but got " << ne << ".");
    casadi_assert_message(order==4, "Only RK order 4 is supported now.");
    casadi_assert_message(f.getNumInputs()==DAE_NUM_IN && f.getNumOutputs()==DAE_NUM_OUT,
                          "Supplied function must adhere to dae scheme.");
                          "Supplied function cannot have quadrature states.");

    // Obtain collocation points
    std::vector<double> tau_root = collocationPoints(order, "legendre");

    // Retrieve collocation interpolating matrices
    std::vector < std::vector <double> > C;
    std::vector < double > D;
    collocationInterpolators(tau_root, C, D);

    // Retrieve problem dimensions
    int nx = f.input(DAE_X).size();
    int nz = f.input(DAE_Z).size();
    int np = f.input(DAE_P).size();

    //Variables for one finite element
    MX X = MX::sym("X", nx);
    MX P = MX::sym("P", np);
    MX V = MX::sym("V", order*(nx+nz)); // Unknowns

    MX X0 = X;

    // Components of the unknowns that correspond to states at collocation points
    std::vector<MX> Xc;Xc.reserve(order);

    // Components of the unknowns that correspond to algebraic states at collocation points
    std::vector<MX> Zc;Zc.reserve(order);

    // Splitting the unknowns
    std::vector<int> splitPositions = range(0, order*nx, nx);
    if (nz>0) {
      std::vector<int> Zc_pos = range(order*nx, order*nx+(order+1)*nz, nz);
      splitPositions.insert(splitPositions.end(), Zc_pos.begin(), Zc_pos.end());
    } else {
    std::vector<MX> Vs = vertsplit(V, splitPositions);

    // Extracting unknowns from Z
    for (int i=0;i<order;++i) {
    if (nz>0) {
      for (int i=0;i<order;++i) {

    // Get the collocation Equations (that define V)
    std::vector<MX> V_eq;

    // Local start time
    MX t0_l=MX::sym("t0");
    MX h = MX::sym("h");

    for (int j=1;j<order+1;++j) {
      // Expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = 0;
      for (int r=0;r<order+1;++r) {
        xp_j+= C[j][r]*Xc[r];
      // Append collocation equations & algebraic constraints
      std::vector<MX> f_out;
      MX t_l = t0_l+tau_root[j]*h;
      if (nz>0) {
        f_out = f.call(daeIn("t", t_l, "x", Xc[j], "p", P, "z", Zc[j-1]));
      } else {
        f_out = f.call(daeIn("t", t_l, "x", Xc[j], "p", P));


    // Root-finding function, implicitly defines V as a function of X0 and P
    std::vector<MX> vfcn_inputs;

    Function vfcn = MXFunction(vfcn_inputs, vertcat(V_eq));

    try {
      // Attempt to convert to SXFunction to decrease overhead
      vfcn = SXFunction(vfcn);
    } catch(CasadiException & e) {

    // Create a implicit function instance to solve the system of equations
    ImplicitFunction ifcn(impl, vfcn, Function(), LinearSolver());

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    std::vector<MX> ifcn_call_in(5);
    ifcn_call_in[0] = MX::zeros(V.sparsity());
    std::copy(vfcn_inputs.begin()+1, vfcn_inputs.end(), ifcn_call_in.begin()+1);
    std::vector<MX> ifcn_call_out = ifcn.call(ifcn_call_in, true);
    Vs = vertsplit(ifcn_call_out[0], splitPositions);

    MX XF = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<order+1;++i) {
      XF += D[i]*(i==0? X : X + Vs[i-1]);

    // Get the discrete time dynamics
    MXFunction F = MXFunction(ifcn_call_in, XF);

    // Loop over all finite elements
    MX h_ = tf/ne;
    MX t0_ = 0;

    for (int i=0;i<ne;++i) {
      std::vector<MX> F_in;
      t0_+= h_;
      std::vector<MX> F_out = F.call(F_in);
      X = F_out[0];

    // Create a ruturn function with Integrator signature
    MXFunction ret = MXFunction(integratorIn("x0", X0, "p", P), integratorOut("xf", X));

    return ret;

Esempio n. 19
  void SdqpToSdp::init() {
    // Initialize the base classes

    cholesky_ = LinearSolver("cholesky", "csparsecholesky", st_[SDQP_STRUCT_H]);

    MX g_socp = MX::sym("x", cholesky_.getFactorizationSparsity(true));
    MX h_socp = MX::sym("h", n_);

    MX f_socp = sqrt(inner_prod(h_socp, h_socp));
    MX en_socp = 0.5/f_socp;

    MX f_sdqp = MX::sym("f", input(SDQP_SOLVER_F).sparsity());
    MX g_sdqp = MX::sym("g", input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).sparsity());

    std::vector<MX> fi(n_+1);
    MX znp = MX(n_+1, n_+1);
    for (int k=0;k<n_;++k) {
      MX gk = vertcat(g_socp(ALL, k), MX(1, 1));
      MX fk = -blockcat(znp, gk, gk.T(), MX(1, 1));
      // TODO(Joel): replace with ALL
      fi.push_back(diagcat(f_sdqp(ALL, Slice(f_sdqp.size1()*k, f_sdqp.size1()*(k+1))), fk));
    MX fin = en_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+2);
    fin(n_, n_+1) = en_socp;
    fin(n_+1, n_) = en_socp;

    fi.push_back(diagcat(DMatrix(f_sdqp.size1(), f_sdqp.size1()), -fin));

    MX h0 = vertcat(h_socp, DMatrix(1, 1));
    MX g = blockcat(f_socp*DMatrix::eye(n_+1), h0, h0.T(), f_socp);

    g = diagcat(g_sdqp, g);

    Dict opts;
    opts["input_scheme"] = IOScheme("g_socp", "h_socp", "f_sdqp", "g_sdqp");
    opts["output_scheme"] = IOScheme("f", "g");
    mapping_ = MXFunction("mapping", make_vector(g_socp, h_socp, f_sdqp, g_sdqp),
                          make_vector(horzcat(fi), g), opts);

    Dict options;
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) options = getOption(optionsname());
    // Create an SdpSolver instance
    solver_ = SdpSolver("sdpsolver", getOption(solvername()),
                        make_map("g", mapping_.output("g").sparsity(),
                                 "f", mapping_.output("f").sparsity(),
                                 "a", horzcat(input(SDQP_SOLVER_A).sparsity(),
                                              Sparsity(nc_, 1))),


    // Output arguments
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);

    std::vector<int> r = range(input(SDQP_SOLVER_G).size1());
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_P) = solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P).isempty() ? DMatrix() :
        solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_P)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL) = solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL).isempty() ? DMatrix() :
        solver_.output(SDP_SOLVER_DUAL)(r, r);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_DUAL_COST) = 0.0;
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_X) = DMatrix::zeros(n_, 1);
    output(SDQP_SOLVER_LAM_A) = DMatrix::zeros(nc_, 1);
Esempio n. 20
NMatrix UKF4::GetLocSR(){
  return HT(vertcat(stateStandardDeviations.getRow(0), stateStandardDeviations.getRow(1)));
void DirectMultipleShootingInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes

  // Create an integrator instance
  integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator");
  integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,Function());

  // Set t0 and tf
  // Path constraints present?
  bool path_constraints = nh_>0;
  // Count the total number of NLP variables
  int NV = np_ + // global parameters
           nx_*(nk_+1) + // local state
           nu_*nk_; // local control
  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  // The structure is as follows:
  // np x 1  (parameters)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=0)
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=0)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=1)
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=1)
  // ------
  // .....
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=nk)
  MX V = MX::sym("V",NV);

  // Global parameters
  MX P = V(Slice(0,np_));

  // offset in the variable vector
  int v_offset=np_; 
  // Disretized variables for each shooting node
  vector<MX> X(nk_+1), U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<=nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes
    // Local state
    X[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nx_)];
    v_offset += nx_;
    // Variables below do not appear at the end point
    if(k==nk_) break;
    // Local control
    U[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nu_)];
    v_offset += nu_;
  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Input to the parallel integrator evaluation
  vector<vector<MX> > int_in(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_P] = vertcat(P,U[k]);
    int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_X0] = X[k];

  // Input to the parallel function evaluation
  vector<vector<MX> > fcn_in(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    fcn_in[k][DAE_T] = (k*tf_)/nk_;
    fcn_in[k][DAE_P] = vertcat(P,U.at(k));
    fcn_in[k][DAE_X] = X[k];

  // Options for the parallelizer
  Dictionary paropt;
  // Transmit parallelization mode
    paropt["parallelization"] = getOption("parallelization");
  // Evaluate function in parallel
  vector<vector<MX> > pI_out = integrator_.callParallel(int_in,paropt);

  // Evaluate path constraints in parallel
  vector<vector<MX> > pC_out;
    pC_out = cfcn_.callParallel(fcn_in,paropt);
  //Constraint function
  vector<MX> gg(2*nk_);

  // Collect the outputs
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    //append continuity constraints
    gg[2*k] = pI_out[k][INTEGRATOR_XF] - X[k+1];
    // append the path constraints
      gg[2*k+1] = pC_out[k][0];

  // Terminal constraints
  MX g = vertcat(gg);

  // Objective function
  MX f;
  if (mfcn_.getNumInputs()==1) {
    f = mfcn_(X.back()).front();
  } else {
    vector<MX> mfcn_argin(MAYER_NUM_IN); 
    mfcn_argin[MAYER_X] = X.back();
    mfcn_argin[MAYER_P] = P;
    f = mfcn_.call(mfcn_argin).front();

  // NLP
  nlp_ = MXFunction(nlpIn("x",V),nlpOut("f",f,"g",g));
  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(nlp_);
  // Pass user options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
void DirectCollocationInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes
  // Free parameters currently not supported
  casadi_assert_message(np_==0, "Not implemented");

  // Interpolation order
  deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

  // All collocation time points
  std::vector<double> tau_root = collocationPoints(deg_,getOption("collocation_scheme"));

  // Size of the finite elements
  double h = tf_/nk_;

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<MX> > C(deg_+1,vector<MX>(deg_+1));

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix C_num = DMatrix::zeros(deg_+1,deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<MX> D(deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix D_num = DMatrix::zeros(deg_+1);

  // Collocation point
  SX tau = SX::sym("tau");

  // For all collocation points
  for(int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j){
    // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
    SX L = 1;
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      if(j2 != j){
        L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]);

    SXFunction lfcn(tau,L);

    // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    D[j] = lfcn.output();
    D_num(j) = lfcn.output();

    // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    Function tfcn = lfcn.tangent();
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      C[j][j2] = tfcn.output();
      C_num(j,j2) = tfcn.output();

  C_num(std::vector<int>(1,0),ALL) = 0;
  C_num(0,0)   = 1;

  // All collocation time points
  vector<vector<double> > T(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
          for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
                  T[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]);

  // Total number of variables
  int nlp_nx = 0;
  nlp_nx += nk_*(deg_+1)*nx_;   // Collocated states
  nlp_nx += nk_*nu_;            // Parametrized controls
  nlp_nx += nx_;                       // Final state

  // NLP variable vector
  MX nlp_x = MX::sym("x",nlp_nx);
  int offset = 0;

  // Get collocated states and parametrized control
  vector<vector<MX> > X(nk_+1);
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Collocated states
    for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
        // Get the expression for the state vector
        X[k][j] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
        offset += nx_;

    // Parametrized controls
    U[k] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;

  // State at end time
  X[nk_][0] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;

  // Constraint function for the NLP
  vector<MX> nlp_g;

  // Objective function
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // For all finite elements
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){

    // For all collocation points
    for(int j=1; j<=deg_; ++j){

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX xp_jk = 0;
        for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
            xp_jk += C[r][j]*X[k][r];

        // Add collocation equations to the NLP
        MX fk = ffcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k][j],"p",U[k]))[DAE_ODE];
        nlp_g.push_back(h*fk - xp_jk);

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    MX xf_k = 0;
    for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
        xf_k += D[r]*X[k][r];

    // Add continuity equation to NLP
    nlp_g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k);

    // Add path constraints
      MX pk = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k+1][0],"p",U[k])).at(0);

    // Add integral objective function term
        //    [Jk] = lfcn.call([X[k+1,0], U[k]])
        //    nlp_j += Jk

  // Add end cost
  MX Jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X[nk_][0])).at(0);
  nlp_j += Jk;

  // Objective function of the NLP
  nlp_ = MXFunction(nlpIn("x",nlp_x), nlpOut("f",nlp_j,"g",vertcat(nlp_g)));

  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(nlp_);
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
Esempio n. 23
  Function simpleIRK(Function f, int N, int order, const std::string& scheme,
                       const std::string& solver,
                       const Dict& solver_options) {
    // Consistency check
    casadi_assert_message(N>=1, "Parameter N (number of steps) must be at least 1, but got "
                          << N << ".");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_in()==2, "Function must have two inputs: x and p");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_out()==1, "Function must have one outputs: dot(x)");

    // Obtain collocation points
    std::vector<double> tau_root = collocation_points(order, scheme);
    tau_root.insert(tau_root.begin(), 0);

    // Retrieve collocation interpolating matrices
    std::vector < std::vector <double> > C;
    std::vector < double > D;
    collocationInterpolators(tau_root, C, D);

    // Inputs of constructed function
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", f.sparsity_in(0));
    MX p = MX::sym("p", f.sparsity_in(1));
    MX h = MX::sym("h");

    // Time step
    MX dt = h/N;

    // Implicitly defined variables
    MX v = MX::sym("v", repmat(x0.sparsity(), order));
    std::vector<MX> x = vertsplit(v, x0.size1());
    x.insert(x.begin(), x0);

    // Collect the equations that implicitly define v
    std::vector<MX> V_eq, f_in(2), f_out;
    for (int j=1; j<order+1; ++j) {
      // Expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = 0;
      for (int r=0; r<=order; ++r) xp_j+= C[j][r]*x[r];

      // Collocation equations
      f_in[0] = x[j];
      f_in[1] = p;
      f_out = f(f_in);

    // Root-finding function
    Function rfp("rfp", {v, x0, p, h}, {vertcat(V_eq)});

    // Create a implicit function instance to solve the system of equations
    Function ifcn = rootfinder("ifcn", solver, rfp, solver_options);

    // Get state at end time
    MX xf = x0;
    for (int k=0; k<N; ++k) {
      std::vector<MX> ifcn_out = ifcn({repmat(xf, order), xf, p, h});
      x = vertsplit(ifcn_out[0], x0.size1());

      // State at end of step
      xf = D[0]*x0;
      for (int i=1; i<=order; ++i) {
        xf += D[i]*x[i-1];

    // Form discrete-time dynamics
    return Function("F", {x0, p, h}, {xf}, {"x0", "p", "h"}, {"xf"});
Esempio n. 24
  void SnoptInterface::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Call the init method of the base class

    // Default: cold start
    Cold_ = 0;

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="snopt") {
        opts_ = op.second;
      } else if (op.first=="start") {
        std::string start = op.second.to_string();
        if (start=="cold") {
          Cold_ = 0;
        } else if (start=="warm") {
          Cold_ = 1;
        } else if (start=="hot") {
          Cold_ = 2;
        } else {
          casadi_error("Unknown start option: " + start);

    // Get/generate required functions
    jac_f_fcn_ = create_function("nlp_jac_f", {"x", "p"}, {"f", "jac:f:x"});
    jac_g_fcn_ = create_function("nlp_jac_g", {"x", "p"}, {"g", "jac:g:x"});
    jacg_sp_ = jac_g_fcn_.sparsity_out(1);

    // prepare the mapping for constraints
    nnJac_ = nx_;
    nnObj_ = nx_;
    nnCon_ = ng_;

    // Here follows the core of the mapping
    //  Two integer matrices are constructed:
    //  one with gradF sparsity, and one with jacG sparsity
    //  the integer values denote the nonzero locations into the original gradF/jacG
    //  but with a special encoding: entries of gradF are encoded "-1-i" and
    //  entries of jacG are encoded "1+i"
    //  "0" is to be interpreted not as an index but as a literal zero

    IM mapping_jacG  = IM(0, nx_);
    IM mapping_gradF = IM(jac_f_fcn_.sparsity_out(1),
                          range(-1, -1-jac_f_fcn_.nnz_out(1), -1));

    if (!jac_g_fcn_.is_null()) {
      mapping_jacG = IM(jacg_sp_, range(1, jacg_sp_.nnz()+1));

    // First, remap jacG
    A_structure_ = mapping_jacG;

    m_ = ng_;

    // Construct the linear objective row
    IM d = mapping_gradF(Slice(0), Slice());

    std::vector<int> ii = mapping_gradF.sparsity().get_col();
    for (int j = 0; j < nnObj_; ++j) {
      if (d.colind(j) != d.colind(j+1)) {
        int k = d.colind(j);
        d.nz(k) = 0;

    // Make it as sparse as you can
    d = sparsify(d);

    jacF_row_ = d.nnz() != 0;
    if (jacF_row_) {  // We need an objective gradient row
      A_structure_ = vertcat(A_structure_, d);
      m_ +=1;
    iObj_ = jacF_row_ ? (m_ - 1) : -1;

    // Is the A matrix completely empty?
    dummyrow_ = A_structure_.nnz() == 0;  // Then we need a dummy row
    if (dummyrow_) {
      IM dummyrow = IM(1, nx_);
      dummyrow(0, 0) = 0;
      A_structure_ = vertcat(A_structure_, dummyrow);

    // We don't need a dummy row if a linear objective row is present
    casadi_assert(!(dummyrow_ && jacF_row_));

    // Allocate temporary memory
    alloc_w(nx_, true); // xk2_
    alloc_w(ng_, true); // lam_gk_
    alloc_w(nx_, true); // lam_xk_
    alloc_w(ng_, true); // gk_
    alloc_w(jac_f_fcn_.nnz_out(1), true); // jac_fk_
    if (!jacg_sp_.is_null()) {
      alloc_w(jacg_sp_.nnz(), true); // jac_gk_
Esempio n. 25
Matrix& LASSO::train(Matrix& X, Matrix& Y, Options& options) {

	int p = size(X, 2);
	int ny = size(Y, 2);
	double epsilon = options.epsilon;
	int maxIter = options.maxIter;
	double lambda = options.lambda;
	bool calc_OV = options.calc_OV;
	bool verbose = options.verbose;

	/*XNX = [X, -X];
		H_G = XNX' * XNX;
		D = repmat(diag(H_G), [1, n_y]);
		XNXTY = XNX' * Y;
	    A = (X' * X + lambda  * eye(p)) \ (X' * Y);*/

	Matrix& XNX = horzcat(2, &X, &uminus(X));
	Matrix& H_G = XNX.transpose().mtimes(XNX);
	double* Q = new double[size(H_G, 1)];
	for (int i = 0; i < size(H_G, 1); i++) {
		Q[i] = H_G.getEntry(i, i);
	Matrix& XNXTY = XNX.transpose().mtimes(Y);
	Matrix& A = mldivide(
			plus(X.transpose().mtimes(X), times(lambda, eye(p))),

	/*AA = [subplus(A); subplus(-A)];
		C = -XNXTY + lambda;
		Grad = C + H_G * AA;
		tol = epsilon * norm(Grad);
		PGrad = zeros(size(Grad));*/

	Matrix& AA = vertcat(2, &subplus(A), &subplus(uminus(A)));
	Matrix& C = plus(uminus(XNXTY), lambda);
	Matrix& Grad = plus(C, mtimes(H_G, AA));
	double tol = epsilon * norm(Grad);
	Matrix& PGrad = zeros(size(Grad));

	std::list<double> J;
	double fval = 0;
	// J(1) = sum(sum((Y - X * A).^2)) / 2 + lambda * sum(sum(abs(A)));
	if (calc_OV) {
		fval = sum(sum(pow(minus(Y, mtimes(X, A)), 2))) / 2 +
				lambda * sum(sum(abs(A)));

	Matrix& I_k = Grad.copy();
	double d = 0;
	int k = 0;

	DenseVector& SFPlusCi = *new DenseVector(AA.getColumnDimension());
	Matrix& S = H_G;
	Vector** SRows = null;
	if (typeid(H_G) == typeid(DenseMatrix))
		SRows = denseMatrix2DenseRowVectors(S);
		SRows = sparseMatrix2SparseRowVectors(S);

	Vector** CRows = null;
	if (typeid(C) == typeid(DenseMatrix))
		CRows = denseMatrix2DenseRowVectors(C);
		CRows = sparseMatrix2SparseRowVectors(C);

	double** FData = ((DenseMatrix&) AA).getData();
	double* FRow = null;
	double* pr = null;
	int K = 2 * p;

	while (true) {

		/*I_k = Grad < 0 | AA > 0;
		    I_k_com = not(I_k);
		    PGrad(I_k) = Grad(I_k);
		    PGrad(I_k_com) = 0;*/

		_or(I_k, lt(Grad, 0), gt(AA, 0));
		Matrix& I_k_com = _not(I_k);
		assign(PGrad, Grad);
		logicalIndexingAssignment(PGrad, I_k_com, 0);

		d = norm(PGrad, inf);
		if (d < tol) {
			if (verbose)
				println("Converge successfully!");

		/*for i = 1:2*p
		            AA(i, :) = max(AA(i, :) - (C(i, :) + H_G(i, :) * AA) ./ (D(i, :)), 0);
		    A = AA(1:p,:) - AA(p+1:end,:);*/

		for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
			// SFPlusCi = SRows[i].operate(AA);
			operate(SFPlusCi, *SRows[i], AA);
			plusAssign(SFPlusCi, *CRows[i]);
			timesAssign(SFPlusCi, 1 / Q[i]);
			pr = SFPlusCi.getPr();
			// F(i, :) = max(F(i, :) - (S(i, :) * F + C(i, :)) / D[i]), 0);
			// F(i, :) = max(F(i, :) - SFPlusCi, 0)
			FRow = FData[i];
			for (int j = 0; j < AA.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
				FRow[j] = max(FRow[j] - pr[j], 0);

		// Grad = plus(C, mtimes(H_G, AA));
		plus(Grad, C, mtimes(H_G, AA));

		k = k + 1;
		if (k > maxIter) {
			if (verbose)
				println("Maximal iterations");

		if (calc_OV) {
			fval = sum(sum(pow(minus(Y, mtimes(XNX, AA)), 2))) / 2 +
					lambda * sum(sum(abs(AA)));

		if (k % 10 == 0 && verbose) {
			if (calc_OV)
				fprintf("Iter %d - ||PGrad||: %f, ofv: %f\n", k, d, J.back());
				fprintf("Iter %d - ||PGrad||: %f\n", k, d);



	Matrix& res = minus(
			AA.getSubMatrix(0, p - 1, 0, ny - 1),
			AA.getSubMatrix(p, 2 * p - 1, 0, ny - 1)

	return res;

void CollocationIntegratorInternal::init(){
  // Call the base class init
  // Legendre collocation points
  double legendre_points[][6] = {
  // Radau collocation points
  double radau_points[][6] = {

  // Read options
  bool use_radau;
    use_radau = true;
  } else if(getOption("collocation_scheme")=="legendre"){
    use_radau = false;
  // Hotstart?
  hotstart_ = getOption("hotstart");
  // Number of finite elements
  int nk = getOption("number_of_finite_elements");
  // Interpolation order
  int deg = getOption("interpolation_order");

  // Assume explicit ODE
  bool explicit_ode = f_.input(DAE_XDOT).size()==0;
  // All collocation time points
  double* tau_root = use_radau ? radau_points[deg] : legendre_points[deg];

  // Size of the finite elements
  double h = (tf_-t0_)/nk;
  // MX version of the same
  MX h_mx = h;
  // Coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<MX> > C(deg+1,vector<MX>(deg+1));

  // Coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<MX> D(deg+1);

  // Collocation point
  SXMatrix tau = ssym("tau");

  // For all collocation points
  for(int j=0; j<deg+1; ++j){
    // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
    SXMatrix L = 1;
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg+1; ++j2){
      if(j2 != j){
        L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]);
    SXFunction lfcn(tau,L);
    // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    D[j] = lfcn.output();

    // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg+1; ++j2){
      C[j][j2] = lfcn.fwdSens();
  // Initial state
  MX X0("X0",nx_);
  // Parameters
  MX P("P",np_);
  // Backward state
  MX RX0("RX0",nrx_);
  // Backward parameters
  MX RP("RP",nrp_);
  // Collocated differential states and algebraic variables
  int nX = (nk*(deg+1)+1)*(nx_+nrx_);
  int nZ = nk*deg*(nz_+nrz_);
  // Unknowns
  MX V("V",nX+nZ);
  int offset = 0;
  // Get collocated states, algebraic variables and times
  vector<vector<MX> > X(nk+1);
  vector<vector<MX> > RX(nk+1);
  vector<vector<MX> > Z(nk);
  vector<vector<MX> > RZ(nk);
  for(int k=0; k<nk+1; ++k){
    // Number of time points
    int nj = k==nk ? 1 : deg+1;
    // Allocate differential states expressions at the time points

    // Allocate algebraic variable expressions at the collocation points

    // For all time points
    for(int j=0; j<nj; ++j){
      // Get expressions for the differential state
      X[k][j] = V[range(offset,offset+nx_)];
      offset += nx_;
      RX[k][j] = V[range(offset,offset+nrx_)];
      offset += nrx_;
      // Get the local time
      coll_time_[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]);
      // Get expressions for the algebraic variables
        Z[k][j-1] = V[range(offset,offset+nz_)];
        offset += nz_;
        RZ[k][j-1] = V[range(offset,offset+nrz_)];
        offset += nrz_;
  // Check offset for consistency

  // Constraints
  vector<MX> g;
  // Quadrature expressions
  MX QF = MX::zeros(nq_);
  MX RQF = MX::zeros(nrq_);
  // Counter
  int jk = 0;
  // Add initial condition
  // For all finite elements
  for(int k=0; k<nk; ++k, ++jk){
    // For all collocation points
    for(int j=1; j<deg+1; ++j, ++jk){
      // Get the time
      MX tkj = coll_time_[k][j];
      // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_jk = 0;
      for(int j2=0; j2<deg+1; ++j2){
        xp_jk += C[j2][j]*X[k][j2];
      // Add collocation equations to the NLP
      vector<MX> f_in(DAE_NUM_IN);
      f_in[DAE_T] = tkj;
      f_in[DAE_P] = P;
      f_in[DAE_X] = X[k][j];
      f_in[DAE_Z] = Z[k][j-1];
      vector<MX> f_out;
        // Assume equation of the form ydot = f(t,y,p)
        f_out = f_.call(f_in);
        g.push_back(h_mx*f_out[DAE_ODE] - xp_jk);
      } else {
        // Assume equation of the form 0 = f(t,y,ydot,p)
        f_in[DAE_XDOT] = xp_jk/h_mx;
        f_out = f_.call(f_in);
      // Add the algebraic conditions
      // Add the quadrature
        QF += D[j]*h_mx*f_out[DAE_QUAD];
      // Now for the backward problem
        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX rxp_jk = 0;
        for(int j2=0; j2<deg+1; ++j2){
          rxp_jk += C[j2][j]*RX[k][j2];
        // Add collocation equations to the NLP
        vector<MX> g_in(RDAE_NUM_IN);
        g_in[RDAE_T] = tkj;
        g_in[RDAE_X] = X[k][j];
        g_in[RDAE_Z] = Z[k][j-1];
        g_in[RDAE_P] = P;
        g_in[RDAE_RP] = RP;
        g_in[RDAE_RX] = RX[k][j];
        g_in[RDAE_RZ] = RZ[k][j-1];
        vector<MX> g_out;
          // Assume equation of the form xdot = f(t,x,p)
          g_out = g_.call(g_in);
          g.push_back(h_mx*g_out[RDAE_ODE] - rxp_jk);
        } else {
          // Assume equation of the form 0 = f(t,x,xdot,p)
          g_in[RDAE_XDOT] = xp_jk/h_mx;
          g_in[RDAE_RXDOT] = rxp_jk/h_mx;
          g_out = g_.call(g_in);
        // Add the algebraic conditions
        // Add the backward quadrature
          RQF += D[j]*h_mx*g_out[RDAE_QUAD];
    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    MX xf_k = 0;
    for(int j=0; j<deg+1; ++j){
      xf_k += D[j]*X[k][j];

    // Add continuity equation to NLP
    g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k);
      // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
      MX rxf_k = 0;
      for(int j=0; j<deg+1; ++j){
        rxf_k += D[j]*RX[k][j];

      // Add continuity equation to NLP
      g.push_back(RX[k+1][0] - rxf_k);
  // Add initial condition for the backward integration
  // Constraint expression
  MX gv = vertcat(g);
  // Make sure that the dimension is consistent with the number of unknowns
  casadi_assert_message(gv.size()==V.size(),"Implicit function unknowns and equations do not match");

  // Nonlinear constraint function input
  vector<MX> gfcn_in(1+INTEGRATOR_NUM_IN);
  gfcn_in[0] = V;
  gfcn_in[1+INTEGRATOR_X0] = X0;
  gfcn_in[1+INTEGRATOR_P] = P;
  gfcn_in[1+INTEGRATOR_RX0] = RX0;
  gfcn_in[1+INTEGRATOR_RP] = RP;

  vector<MX> gfcn_out(1+INTEGRATOR_NUM_OUT);
  gfcn_out[0] = gv;
  gfcn_out[1+INTEGRATOR_XF] = X[nk][0];
  gfcn_out[1+INTEGRATOR_QF] = QF;
  gfcn_out[1+INTEGRATOR_RXF] = RX[0][0];
  gfcn_out[1+INTEGRATOR_RQF] = RQF;
  // Nonlinear constraint function
  FX gfcn = MXFunction(gfcn_in,gfcn_out);
  // Expand f?
  bool expand_f = getOption("expand_f");
    gfcn = SXFunction(shared_cast<MXFunction>(gfcn));
  // Get the NLP creator function
  implicitFunctionCreator implicit_function_creator = getOption("implicit_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  implicit_solver_ = implicit_function_creator(gfcn);
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& implicit_solver_options = getOption("implicit_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
    // Create the linear solver
    integratorCreator startup_integrator_creator = getOption("startup_integrator");
    // Allocate an NLP solver
    startup_integrator_ = startup_integrator_creator(f_,g_);
    // Pass options
    startup_integrator_.setOption("number_of_fwd_dir",0); // not needed
    startup_integrator_.setOption("number_of_adj_dir",0); // not needed
      const Dictionary& startup_integrator_options = getOption("startup_integrator_options");
    // Initialize the startup integrator

  // Mark the system not yet integrated
  integrated_once_ = false;
void DirectSingleShootingInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes

  // Create an integrator instance
  integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator");
  integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,FX());

  // Set t0 and tf
  // Path constraints present?
  bool path_constraints = nh_>0;
  // Count the total number of NLP variables
  int NV = np_ + // global parameters
           nx_ + // initial state
           nu_*nk_; // local control
  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  // The structure is as follows:
  // np x 1  (parameters)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=0)
  // ------
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=0)
  // .....
  // nx x 1  (controls in interval i=nk-1)
  MX V = msym("V",NV);
  int offset = 0;

  // Global parameters
  MX P = V[Slice(0,np_)];
  offset += np_;

  // Initial state
  MX X0 = V[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;
  // Control for each shooting interval
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes
    U[k] = V[range(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;
  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Current state
  MX X = X0;

  // Objective
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // Constraints
  vector<MX> nlp_g;
  nlp_g.reserve(nk_*(path_constraints ? 2 : 1));
  // For all shooting nodes
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Integrate
    vector<MX> int_out = integrator_.call(integratorIn("x0",X,"p",vertcat(P,U[k])));

    // Store expression for state trajectory
    X = int_out[INTEGRATOR_XF];
    // Add constraints on the state

    // Add path constraints
      vector<MX> cfcn_out = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X,"p",U[k])); // TODO: Change signature of cfcn_: remove algebraic variable, add control

  // Terminal constraints
  G_ = MXFunction(V,vertcat(nlp_g));
  // Objective function
  MX jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X,"p",P)).at(0);
  nlp_j += jk;
  F_ = MXFunction(V,nlp_j);
  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX());
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
Esempio n. 28
void LiftedSQPInternal::init(){
  // Call the init method of the base class

  // Number of lifted variables
  nv = getOption("num_lifted");
    cout << "Initializing SQP method with " << nx_ << " variables and " << ng_ << " constraints." << endl;
    cout << "Lifting " << nv << " variables." << endl;
      cout << "Gauss-Newton objective with " << F_.input().numel() << " terms." << endl;
  // Read options
  max_iter_ = getOption("max_iter");
  max_iter_ls_ = getOption("max_iter_ls");
  toldx_ = getOption("toldx");
  tolgl_ = getOption("tolgl");
  sigma_ = getOption("sigma");
  rho_ = getOption("rho");
  mu_safety_ = getOption("mu_safety");
  eta_ = getOption("eta");
  tau_ = getOption("tau");
  // Assume SXFunction for now
  SXFunction ffcn = shared_cast<SXFunction>(F_);
  SXFunction gfcn = shared_cast<SXFunction>(G_);
  // Extract the free variables and split into independent and dependent variables
  SX x = ffcn.inputExpr(0);
  int nx = x.size();
  nu = nx-nv;
  SX u = x[Slice(0,nu)];
  SX v = x[Slice(nu,nu+nv)];

  // Extract the constraint equations and split into constraints and definitions of dependent variables
  SX f1 = ffcn.outputExpr(0);
  int nf1 = f1.numel();
  SX g = gfcn.outputExpr(0);
  int nf2 = g.numel()-nv;
  SX v_eq = g(Slice(0,nv));
  SX f2 = g(Slice(nv,nv+nf2));
  // Definition of v
  SX v_def = v_eq + v;

  // Objective function
  SX f;
  // Multipliers
  SX lam_x, lam_g, lam_f2;
    // Least square objective
    f = inner_prod(f1,f1)/2;
  } else {
    // Scalar objective function
    f = f1;
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on u
    SX lam_u = ssym("lam_u",nu);
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on v
    SX lam_v = ssym("lam_v",nv);
    // Lagrange multipliers for the simple bounds on x
    lam_x = vertcat(lam_u,lam_v);

    // Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the definition of the dependent variables
    SX lam_v_eq = ssym("lam_v_eq",nv);

    // Lagrange multipliers for the nonlinear constraints that aren't eliminated
    lam_f2 = ssym("lam_f2",nf2);

      cout << "Allocated intermediate variables." << endl;
    // Lagrange multipliers for constraints
    lam_g = vertcat(lam_v_eq,lam_f2);
    // Lagrangian function
    SX lag = f + inner_prod(lam_x,x);
    if(!f2.empty()) lag += inner_prod(lam_f2,f2);
    if(!v.empty()) lag += inner_prod(lam_v_eq,v_def);
    // Gradient of the Lagrangian
    SX lgrad = casadi::gradient(lag,x);
    if(!v.empty()) lgrad -= vertcat(SX::zeros(nu),lam_v_eq); // Put here to ensure that lgrad is of the form "h_extended -v_extended"
      cout << "Generated the gradient of the Lagrangian." << endl;

    // Condensed gradient of the Lagrangian
    f1 = lgrad[Slice(0,nu)];
    nf1 = nu;
    // Gradient of h
    SX v_eq_grad = lgrad[Slice(nu,nu+nv)];
    // Reverse lam_v_eq and v_eq_grad
    SX v_eq_grad_reversed = v_eq_grad;
    SX lam_v_eq_reversed = lam_v_eq;
    // Augment h and lam_v_eq

  // Residual function G
  SXVector G_in(G_NUM_IN);
  G_in[G_X] = x;
  G_in[G_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  G_in[G_LAM_G] = lam_g;

  SXVector G_out(G_NUM_OUT);
  G_out[G_D] = v_eq;
  G_out[G_G] = g;
  G_out[G_F] = f;

  rfcn_ = SXFunction(G_in,G_out);
    cout << "Generated residual function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(rfcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Difference vector d
  SX d = ssym("d",nv);
    vector<SX> dg = ssym("dg",nv).data();

  // Substitute out the v from the h
  SX d_def = (v_eq + v)-d;
  SXVector ex(3);
  ex[0] = f1;
  ex[1] = f2;
  ex[2] = f;
  substituteInPlace(v, d_def, ex, false);
  SX f1_z = ex[0];
  SX f2_z = ex[1];
  SX f_z = ex[2];
  // Modified function Z
  enum ZIn{Z_U,Z_D,Z_LAM_X,Z_LAM_F2,Z_NUM_IN};
  SXVector zfcn_in(Z_NUM_IN);
  zfcn_in[Z_U] = u;
  zfcn_in[Z_D] = d;
  zfcn_in[Z_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  zfcn_in[Z_LAM_F2] = lam_f2;
  enum ZOut{Z_D_DEF,Z_F12,Z_NUM_OUT};
  SXVector zfcn_out(Z_NUM_OUT);
  zfcn_out[Z_D_DEF] = d_def;
  zfcn_out[Z_F12] = vertcat(f1_z,f2_z);
  SXFunction zfcn(zfcn_in,zfcn_out);
    cout << "Generated reconstruction function ( " << zfcn.getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;

  // Matrix A and B in lifted Newton
  SX B = zfcn.jac(Z_U,Z_F12);
  SX B1 = B(Slice(0,nf1),Slice(0,B.size2()));
  SX B2 = B(Slice(nf1,B.size1()),Slice(0,B.size2()));
    cout << "Formed B1 (dimension " << B1.size1() << "-by-" << B1.size2() << ", "<< B1.size() << " nonzeros) " <<
    "and B2 (dimension " << B2.size1() << "-by-" << B2.size2() << ", "<< B2.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Step in u
  SX du = ssym("du",nu);
  SX dlam_f2 = ssym("dlam_f2",lam_f2.sparsity());
  SX b1 = f1_z;
  SX b2 = f2_z;
  SX e;
  if(nv > 0){
    // Directional derivative of Z
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_fwdSeed(2,zfcn_in);
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_fwdSens(2,zfcn_out);
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_adjSeed;
    vector<vector<SX> > Z_adjSens;
    Z_fwdSeed[0][Z_D] = -d;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_U] = du;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_D] = -d;
    Z_fwdSeed[1][Z_LAM_F2] = dlam_f2;
    b1 += Z_fwdSens[0][Z_F12](Slice(0,nf1));
    b2 += Z_fwdSens[0][Z_F12](Slice(nf1,B.size1()));
    e = Z_fwdSens[1][Z_D_DEF];
    cout << "Formed b1 (dimension " << b1.size1() << "-by-" << b1.size2() << ", "<< b1.size() << " nonzeros) " <<
    "and b2 (dimension " << b2.size1() << "-by-" << b2.size2() << ", "<< b2.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Generate Gauss-Newton Hessian
    b1 = mul(trans(B1),b1);
    B1 = mul(trans(B1),B1);
      cout << "Gauss Newton Hessian (dimension " << B1.size1() << "-by-" << B1.size2() << ", "<< B1.size() << " nonzeros)." << endl;
  // Make sure b1 and b2 are dense vectors
  // Quadratic approximation
  SXVector lfcn_in(LIN_NUM_IN);
  lfcn_in[LIN_X] = x;
  lfcn_in[LIN_D] = d;
  lfcn_in[LIN_LAM_X] = lam_x;
  lfcn_in[LIN_LAM_G] = lam_g;
  SXVector lfcn_out(LIN_NUM_OUT);
  lfcn_out[LIN_F1] = b1;
  lfcn_out[LIN_J1] = B1;
  lfcn_out[LIN_F2] = b2;
  lfcn_out[LIN_J2] = B2;
  lfcn_ = SXFunction(lfcn_in,lfcn_out);
//   lfcn_.setOption("verbose",true);
    cout << "Generated linearization function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(lfcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Step expansion
  SXVector efcn_in(EXP_NUM_IN);
  efcn_in[EXP_DU] = du;
  efcn_in[EXP_DLAM_F2] = dlam_f2;
  efcn_ = SXFunction(efcn_in,e);
    cout << "Generated step expansion function ( " << shared_cast<SXFunction>(efcn_).getAlgorithmSize() << " nodes)." << endl;
  // Current guess for the primal solution
  DMatrix &x_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_X);
  // Current guess for the dual solution
  DMatrix &lam_x_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_X);
  DMatrix &lam_g_k = output(NLP_SOLVER_LAM_G);

  // Allocate a QP solver
  QpSolverCreator qp_solver_creator = getOption("qp_solver");
  qp_solver_ = qp_solver_creator(B1.sparsity(),B2.sparsity());
  // Set options if provided
    Dictionary qp_solver_options = getOption("qp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the QP solver
    cout << "Allocated QP solver." << endl;

  // Residual
  d_k_ = DMatrix(d.sparsity(),0);
  // Primal step
  dx_k_ = DMatrix(x_k.sparsity());

  // Dual step
  dlam_x_k_ = DMatrix(lam_x_k.sparsity());
  dlam_g_k_ = DMatrix(lam_g_k.sparsity());