Esempio n. 1
bool VertexBufferInterface::directStoragePossible(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib,
                                                  const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue) const
    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.buffer.get();
    BufferD3D *storage = buffer ? BufferD3D::makeBufferD3D(buffer->getImplementation()) : NULL;

    if (!storage || !storage->supportsDirectBinding())
        return false;

    // Alignment restrictions: In D3D, vertex data must be aligned to
    //  the format stride, or to a 4-byte boundary, whichever is smaller.
    //  (Undocumented, and experimentally confirmed)
    size_t alignment = 4;
    bool requiresConversion = false;

    if (attrib.type != GL_FLOAT)
        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);

        unsigned int outputElementSize;
        getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attrib, 1, 0, &outputElementSize);
        alignment = std::min<size_t>(outputElementSize, 4);

        requiresConversion = (mRenderer->getVertexConversionType(vertexFormat) & VERTEX_CONVERT_CPU) != 0;

    bool isAligned = (static_cast<size_t>(ComputeVertexAttributeStride(attrib)) % alignment == 0) &&
                     (static_cast<size_t>(attrib.offset) % alignment == 0);

    return !requiresConversion && isAligned;
Esempio n. 2
gl::Error VertexBuffer11::storeVertexAttributes(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue,
                                                GLint start, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, unsigned int offset)
    if (!mBuffer)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Internal vertex buffer is not initialized.");

    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.buffer.get();
    int inputStride = ComputeVertexAttributeStride(attrib);
    ID3D11DeviceContext *dxContext = mRenderer->getDeviceContext();

    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    HRESULT result = dxContext->Map(mBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_NO_OVERWRITE, 0, &mappedResource);
    if (FAILED(result))
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to map internal vertex buffer, HRESULT: 0x%08x.", result);

    uint8_t *output = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mappedResource.pData) + offset;

    const uint8_t *input = NULL;
    if (attrib.enabled)
        if (buffer)
            BufferD3D *storage = BufferD3D::makeFromBuffer(buffer);
            gl::Error error = storage->getData(&input);
            if (error.isError())
                return error;
            input += static_cast<int>(attrib.offset);
            input = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(attrib.pointer);
        input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(currentValue.FloatValues);

    if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
        input += inputStride * start;

    gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);
    const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat);
    ASSERT(vertexFormatInfo.copyFunction != NULL);
    vertexFormatInfo.copyFunction(input, inputStride, count, output);

    dxContext->Unmap(mBuffer, 0);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
Esempio n. 3
DebugDraw::DebugDraw() {
  // Init Shader
  ShaderDef def;
  const char *vertProgram = ""
                            "#version 430\n"
                            "uniform mat4 mat_projview;\n"
                            "uniform mat4 mat_model;\n"
                            "in vec4 position;\n"
                            "in vec4 color0;\n"
                            "out vec4 vertex_color;\n"
                            "void main(void) {\n"
                            "  mat4 mat_mv = mat_projview * mat_model;\n"
                            "  gl_Position = mat_mv * vec4(, 1.0);\n"
                            "  vertex_color = color0 / 255.0;\n"
  const char *fragProgram = ""
                            "#version 430\n"
                            "precision highp float;\n"
                            "in vec4 vertex_color;\n"
                            "out vec4 out_Color;\n"
                            "void main(void) {\n"
                            "  out_Color = vertex_color;\n"

  bool ret = wrappers::opengl::CreateShaderFromProgram(def, vertProgram, fragProgram);
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to compile DebugDraw shader");
  ret = m_shader.loadFromDef(def);
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to create DebugDraw shader from program");
  ret = m_shader.activate();
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to activate DebugDraw shader");
  ret = m_shader.getUniform("mat_projview", m_pProjViewMat);
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to locate mat_projview uniform");
  ret = m_shader.getUniform("mat_model", m_pModelMat);
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to locate mat_model uniform");
  ret = m_shader.deactivate();

  // Init vertex buffer
  VertexFormatDef::Builder vertexFormatDef;
  VertexFormatDesc vertexFormat(&m_shader,;

  ret = m_vbo.setFormat(vertexFormat);
  CHECK_M(ret, "Unable to create DebugDraw vertex buffer.");
Esempio n. 4
bool VertexBuffer11::storeVertexAttributes(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue,
                                           GLint start, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, unsigned int offset)
    if (mBuffer)
        gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.buffer.get();
        int inputStride = ComputeVertexAttributeStride(attrib);
        ID3D11DeviceContext *dxContext = mRenderer->getDeviceContext();

        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        HRESULT result = dxContext->Map(mBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_NO_OVERWRITE, 0, &mappedResource);
        if (FAILED(result))
            ERR("Vertex buffer map failed with error 0x%08x", result);
            return false;

        uint8_t* output = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mappedResource.pData) + offset;

        const uint8_t *input = NULL;
        if (attrib.enabled)
            if (buffer)
                Buffer11 *storage = Buffer11::makeBuffer11(buffer->getImplementation());
                input = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(storage->getData()) + static_cast<int>(attrib.offset);
                input = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(attrib.pointer);
            input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(currentValue.FloatValues);

        if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
            input += inputStride * start;

        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);
        const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat);
        ASSERT(vertexFormatInfo.copyFunction != NULL);
        vertexFormatInfo.copyFunction(input, inputStride, count, output);

        dxContext->Unmap(mBuffer, 0);

        return true;
        ERR("Vertex buffer not initialized.");
        return false;
Esempio n. 5
gl::Error VertexBuffer11::getSpaceRequired(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, GLsizei count,
                                           GLsizei instances, unsigned int *outSpaceRequired) const
    unsigned int elementCount = 0;
    if (attrib.enabled)
        if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
            elementCount = count;
            // Round up to divisor, if possible
            elementCount = UnsignedCeilDivide(static_cast<unsigned int>(instances), attrib.divisor);

        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib);
        const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat);
        const d3d11::DXGIFormat &dxgiFormatInfo = d3d11::GetDXGIFormatInfo(vertexFormatInfo.nativeFormat);
        unsigned int elementSize = dxgiFormatInfo.pixelBytes;
        if (elementSize <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / elementCount)
            if (outSpaceRequired)
                *outSpaceRequired = elementSize * elementCount;
            return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
            return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "New vertex buffer size would result in an overflow.");
        const unsigned int elementSize = 4;
        if (outSpaceRequired)
            *outSpaceRequired = elementSize * 4;
        return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
Esempio n. 6
bool VertexBuffer11::getSpaceRequired(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, GLsizei count,
                                      GLsizei instances, unsigned int *outSpaceRequired) const
    unsigned int elementCount = 0;
    if (attrib.enabled)
        if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
            elementCount = count;
            // Round up to divisor, if possible
            elementCount = rx::UnsignedCeilDivide(static_cast<unsigned int>(instances), attrib.divisor);

        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib);
        const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat);
        const d3d11::DXGIFormat &dxgiFormatInfo = d3d11::GetDXGIFormatInfo(vertexFormatInfo.nativeFormat);
        unsigned int elementSize = dxgiFormatInfo.pixelBytes;
        if (elementSize <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / elementCount)
            if (outSpaceRequired)
                *outSpaceRequired = elementSize * elementCount;
            return true;
            return false;
        const unsigned int elementSize = 4;
        if (outSpaceRequired)
            *outSpaceRequired = elementSize * 4;
        return true;
Esempio n. 7
gl::Error VertexBuffer9::spaceRequired(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, std::size_t count, GLsizei instances,
                                       unsigned int *outSpaceRequired) const
    gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, GL_FLOAT);
    const d3d9::VertexFormat &d3d9VertexInfo = d3d9::GetVertexFormatInfo(mRenderer->getCapsDeclTypes(), vertexFormat);

    if (attrib.enabled)
        unsigned int elementCount = 0;
        if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
            elementCount = count;
            // Round up to divisor, if possible
            elementCount = UnsignedCeilDivide(static_cast<unsigned int>(instances), attrib.divisor);

        if (d3d9VertexInfo.outputElementSize <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / elementCount)
            if (outSpaceRequired)
                *outSpaceRequired = d3d9VertexInfo.outputElementSize * elementCount;
            return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
            return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "New vertex buffer size would result in an overflow.");
        const unsigned int elementSize = 4;
        if (outSpaceRequired)
            *outSpaceRequired = elementSize * 4;
        return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
Esempio n. 8
SpriteBatch* SpriteBatch::create(Texture* texture,  Effect* effect, unsigned int initialCapacity)
    GP_ASSERT(texture != NULL);

    bool customEffect = (effect != NULL);
    if (!customEffect)
        // Create our static sprite effect.
        if (__spriteEffect == NULL)
            __spriteEffect = Effect::createFromFile(SPRITE_VSH, SPRITE_FSH);
            if (__spriteEffect == NULL)
                GP_ERROR("Unable to load sprite effect.");
                return NULL;
            effect = __spriteEffect;
            effect = __spriteEffect;

    // Search for the first sampler uniform in the effect.
    Uniform* samplerUniform = NULL;
    for (unsigned int i = 0, count = effect->getUniformCount(); i < count; ++i)
        Uniform* uniform = effect->getUniform(i);
        if (uniform && uniform->getType() == GL_SAMPLER_2D)
            samplerUniform = uniform;
    if (!samplerUniform)
        GP_ERROR("No uniform of type GL_SAMPLER_2D found in sprite effect.");
        return NULL;

    // Wrap the effect in a material
    Material* material = Material::create(effect); // +ref effect

    // Set initial material state

    // Bind the texture to the material as a sampler
    Texture::Sampler* sampler = Texture::Sampler::create(texture); // +ref texture
    // Define the vertex format for the batch
    VertexFormat::Element vertexElements[] =
        VertexFormat::Element(VertexFormat::POSITION, 3),
        VertexFormat::Element(VertexFormat::TEXCOORD0, 2),
        VertexFormat::Element(VertexFormat::COLOR, 4)
    VertexFormat vertexFormat(vertexElements, 3);

    // Create the mesh batch
    MeshBatch* meshBatch = MeshBatch::create(vertexFormat, Mesh::TRIANGLE_STRIP, material, true, initialCapacity > 0 ? initialCapacity : SPRITE_BATCH_DEFAULT_SIZE);
    material->release(); // don't call SAFE_RELEASE since material is used below

    // Create the batch
    SpriteBatch* batch = new SpriteBatch();
    batch->_sampler = sampler;
    batch->_customEffect = customEffect;
    batch->_batch = meshBatch;
    batch->_textureWidthRatio = 1.0f / (float)texture->getWidth();
    batch->_textureHeightRatio = 1.0f / (float)texture->getHeight();

	// Bind an ortho projection to the material by default (user can override with setProjectionMatrix)
	Game* game = Game::getInstance();
    Matrix::createOrthographicOffCenter(0, game->getViewport().width, game->getViewport().height, 0, 0, 1, &batch->_projectionMatrix);
	material->getParameter("u_projectionMatrix")->bindValue(batch, &SpriteBatch::getProjectionMatrix);
    return batch;
Esempio n. 9
gl::Error InputLayoutCache::applyVertexBuffers(TranslatedAttribute attributes[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS],
                                               GLenum mode, gl::Program *program)
    ProgramD3D *programD3D = GetImplAs<ProgramD3D>(program);

    int sortedSemanticIndices[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS];
    programD3D->sortAttributesByLayout(attributes, sortedSemanticIndices);
    bool programUsesInstancedPointSprites = programD3D->usesPointSize() && programD3D->usesInstancedPointSpriteEmulation();
    bool instancedPointSpritesActive = programUsesInstancedPointSprites && (mode == GL_POINTS);

    if (!mDevice || !mDeviceContext)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Internal input layout cache is not initialized.");

    InputLayoutKey ilKey = { 0 };

    static const char* semanticName = "TEXCOORD";

    unsigned int firstIndexedElement = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    unsigned int firstInstancedElement = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    unsigned int nextAvailableInputSlot = 0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (attributes[i].active)
            D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION inputClass = attributes[i].divisor > 0 ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
            // If rendering points and instanced pointsprite emulation is being used, the inputClass is required to be configured as per instance data
            inputClass = instancedPointSpritesActive ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : inputClass;

            gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(*attributes[i].attribute, attributes[i].currentValueType);
            const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat, mFeatureLevel);

            // Record the type of the associated vertex shader vector in our key
            // This will prevent mismatched vertex shaders from using the same input layout
            GLint attributeSize;
            program->getActiveAttribute(ilKey.elementCount, 0, NULL, &attributeSize, &ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].glslElementType, NULL);

            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticName = semanticName;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticIndex = sortedSemanticIndices[i];
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.Format = vertexFormatInfo.nativeFormat;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlot = i;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.AlignedByteOffset = 0;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlotClass = inputClass;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InstanceDataStepRate = instancedPointSpritesActive ? 1 : attributes[i].divisor;

            if (inputClass == D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA && firstIndexedElement == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                firstIndexedElement = ilKey.elementCount;
            else if (inputClass == D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA && firstInstancedElement == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                firstInstancedElement = ilKey.elementCount;

            nextAvailableInputSlot = i + 1;

    // Instanced PointSprite emulation requires additional entries in the
    // inputlayout to support the vertices that make up the pointsprite quad.
    // We do this even if mode != GL_POINTS, since the shader signature has these inputs, and the input layout must match the shader
    if (programUsesInstancedPointSprites)
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticName = "SPRITEPOSITION";
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticIndex = 0;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlot = nextAvailableInputSlot;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.AlignedByteOffset = 0;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InstanceDataStepRate = 0;

        // The new elements are D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA data so the indexed element
        // tracking must be applied.  This ensures that the instancing specific
        // buffer swapping logic continues to work.
        if (firstIndexedElement == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
            firstIndexedElement = ilKey.elementCount;


        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticName = "SPRITETEXCOORD";
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticIndex = 0;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlot = nextAvailableInputSlot;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.AlignedByteOffset = sizeof(float) * 3;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlotClass = D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;
        ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InstanceDataStepRate = 0;


    // On 9_3, we must ensure that slot 0 contains non-instanced data.
    // If slot 0 currently contains instanced data then we swap it with a non-instanced element.
    // Note that instancing is only available on 9_3 via ANGLE_instanced_arrays, since 9_3 doesn't support OpenGL ES 3.0.
    // As per the spec for ANGLE_instanced_arrays, not all attributes can be instanced simultaneously, so a non-instanced element must exist.
    ASSERT(!(mFeatureLevel <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 && firstIndexedElement == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS));
    bool moveFirstIndexedIntoSlotZero = mFeatureLevel <= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 && firstInstancedElement == 0 && firstIndexedElement != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;

    if (moveFirstIndexedIntoSlotZero)
        ilKey.elements[firstInstancedElement].desc.InputSlot = ilKey.elements[firstIndexedElement].desc.InputSlot;
        ilKey.elements[firstIndexedElement].desc.InputSlot = 0;

        // Instanced PointSprite emulation uses multiple layout entries across a single vertex buffer.
        // If an index swap is performed, we need to ensure that all elements get the proper InputSlot.
        if (programUsesInstancedPointSprites)
            ilKey.elements[firstIndexedElement + 1].desc.InputSlot = 0;

    ID3D11InputLayout *inputLayout = NULL;

    InputLayoutMap::iterator keyIter = mInputLayoutMap.find(ilKey);
    if (keyIter != mInputLayoutMap.end())
        inputLayout = keyIter->second.inputLayout;
        keyIter->second.lastUsedTime = mCounter++;
        gl::VertexFormat shaderInputLayout[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS];
        GetInputLayout(attributes, shaderInputLayout);

        ShaderExecutableD3D *shader = NULL;
        gl::Error error = programD3D->getVertexExecutableForInputLayout(shaderInputLayout, &shader, nullptr);
        if (error.isError())
            return error;

        ShaderExecutableD3D *shader11 = ShaderExecutable11::makeShaderExecutable11(shader);

        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ilKey.elementCount; ++j)
            descs[j] = ilKey.elements[j].desc;

        HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateInputLayout(descs, ilKey.elementCount, shader11->getFunction(), shader11->getLength(), &inputLayout);
        if (FAILED(result))
            return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create internal input layout, HRESULT: 0x%08x", result);

        if (mInputLayoutMap.size() >= kMaxInputLayouts)
            TRACE("Overflowed the limit of %u input layouts, removing the least recently used "
                  "to make room.", kMaxInputLayouts);

            InputLayoutMap::iterator leastRecentlyUsed = mInputLayoutMap.begin();
            for (InputLayoutMap::iterator i = mInputLayoutMap.begin(); i != mInputLayoutMap.end(); i++)
                if (i->second.lastUsedTime < leastRecentlyUsed->second.lastUsedTime)
                    leastRecentlyUsed = i;

        InputLayoutCounterPair inputCounterPair;
        inputCounterPair.inputLayout = inputLayout;
        inputCounterPair.lastUsedTime = mCounter++;

        mInputLayoutMap.insert(std::make_pair(ilKey, inputCounterPair));

    if (inputLayout != mCurrentIL)
        mCurrentIL = inputLayout;

    bool dirtyBuffers = false;
    size_t minDiff = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    size_t maxDiff = 0;
    unsigned int nextAvailableIndex = 0;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        ID3D11Buffer *buffer = NULL;

        if (attributes[i].active)
            VertexBuffer11 *vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer11::makeVertexBuffer11(attributes[i].vertexBuffer);
            Buffer11 *bufferStorage = attributes[i].storage ? Buffer11::makeBuffer11(attributes[i].storage) : NULL;

            buffer = bufferStorage ? bufferStorage->getBuffer(BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_OR_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK)
                                   : vertexBuffer->getBuffer();

        UINT vertexStride = attributes[i].stride;
        UINT vertexOffset = attributes[i].offset;

        if (buffer != mCurrentBuffers[i] || vertexStride != mCurrentVertexStrides[i] ||
            vertexOffset != mCurrentVertexOffsets[i])
            dirtyBuffers = true;
            minDiff = std::min(minDiff, static_cast<size_t>(i));
            maxDiff = std::max(maxDiff, static_cast<size_t>(i));

            mCurrentBuffers[i] = buffer;
            mCurrentVertexStrides[i] = vertexStride;
            mCurrentVertexOffsets[i] = vertexOffset;

            // If a non null ID3D11Buffer is being assigned to mCurrentBuffers,
            // then the next available index needs to be tracked to ensure 
            // that any instanced pointsprite emulation buffers will be properly packed.
            if (buffer)
                nextAvailableIndex = i + 1;

    // Instanced PointSprite emulation requires two additional ID3D11Buffers.
    // A vertex buffer needs to be created and added to the list of current buffers, 
    // strides and offsets collections.  This buffer contains the vertices for a single
    // PointSprite quad.
    // An index buffer also needs to be created and applied because rendering instanced
    // data on D3D11 FL9_3 requires DrawIndexedInstanced() to be used.
    if (instancedPointSpritesActive)
        HRESULT result = S_OK;
        const UINT pointSpriteVertexStride = sizeof(float) * 5;

        if (!mPointSpriteVertexBuffer)
            static const float pointSpriteVertices[] =
                // Position        // TexCoord
               -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
               -1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
                1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
                1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
               -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
                1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,

            D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexBufferData = { pointSpriteVertices, 0, 0 };
            D3D11_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc;
            vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(pointSpriteVertices);
            vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
            vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE;
            vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
            vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
            vertexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

            result = mDevice->CreateBuffer(&vertexBufferDesc, &vertexBufferData, &mPointSpriteVertexBuffer);
            if (FAILED(result))
                return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create instanced pointsprite emulation vertex buffer, HRESULT: 0x%08x", result);

        mCurrentBuffers[nextAvailableIndex] = mPointSpriteVertexBuffer;
        mCurrentVertexStrides[nextAvailableIndex] = pointSpriteVertexStride;
        mCurrentVertexOffsets[nextAvailableIndex] = 0;

        if (!mPointSpriteIndexBuffer)
            // Create an index buffer and set it for pointsprite rendering
            static const unsigned short pointSpriteIndices[] =
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

            D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA indexBufferData = { pointSpriteIndices, 0, 0 };
            D3D11_BUFFER_DESC indexBufferDesc;
            indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(pointSpriteIndices);
            indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
            indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE;
            indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
            indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
            indexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

            result = mDevice->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &indexBufferData, &mPointSpriteIndexBuffer);
            if (FAILED(result))
                return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create instanced pointsprite emulation index buffer, HRESULT: 0x%08x", result);

        // The index buffer is applied here because Instanced PointSprite emulation uses
        // the a non-indexed rendering path in ANGLE (DrawArrays).  This means that applyIndexBuffer()
        // on the renderer will not be called and setting this buffer here ensures that the rendering
        // path will contain the correct index buffers.
        mDeviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(mPointSpriteIndexBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, 0);

    if (moveFirstIndexedIntoSlotZero)
        // In this case, we swapped the slots of the first instanced element and the first indexed element, to ensure
        // that the first slot contains non-instanced data (required by Feature Level 9_3).
        // We must also swap the corresponding buffers sent to IASetVertexBuffers so that the correct data is sent to each slot.
        std::swap(mCurrentBuffers[firstIndexedElement], mCurrentBuffers[firstInstancedElement]);
        std::swap(mCurrentVertexStrides[firstIndexedElement], mCurrentVertexStrides[firstInstancedElement]);
        std::swap(mCurrentVertexOffsets[firstIndexedElement], mCurrentVertexOffsets[firstInstancedElement]);

    if (dirtyBuffers)
        ASSERT(minDiff <= maxDiff && maxDiff < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
        mDeviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(minDiff, maxDiff - minDiff + 1, mCurrentBuffers + minDiff,
                                           mCurrentVertexStrides + minDiff, mCurrentVertexOffsets + minDiff);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
GLenum VertexDeclarationCache::applyDeclaration(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, TranslatedAttribute attributes[], gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, GLsizei instances, GLsizei *repeatDraw)
    *repeatDraw = 1;

    int indexedAttribute = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    int instancedAttribute = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;

    if (instances > 0)
        // Find an indexed attribute to be mapped to D3D stream 0
        for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
            if (attributes[i].active)
                if (indexedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && attributes[i].divisor == 0)
                    indexedAttribute = i;
                else if (instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && attributes[i].divisor != 0)
                    instancedAttribute = i;
                if (indexedAttribute != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && instancedAttribute != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                    break;   // Found both an indexed and instanced attribute

        if (indexedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
            return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

    D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *element = &elements[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (attributes[i].active)
            // Directly binding the storage buffer is not supported for d3d9
            ASSERT(attributes[i].storage == NULL);

            int stream = i;

            if (instances > 0)
                // Due to a bug on ATI cards we can't enable instancing when none of the attributes are instanced.
                if (instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                    *repeatDraw = instances;
                    if (i == indexedAttribute)
                        stream = 0;
                    else if (i == 0)
                        stream = indexedAttribute;

                    UINT frequency = 1;
                    if (attributes[i].divisor == 0)
                        frequency = D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INDEXEDDATA | instances;
                        frequency = D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INSTANCEDATA | attributes[i].divisor;
                    device->SetStreamSourceFreq(stream, frequency);
                    mInstancingEnabled = true;

            VertexBuffer9 *vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer9::makeVertexBuffer9(attributes[i].vertexBuffer);

            if (mAppliedVBs[stream].serial != attributes[i].serial ||
                mAppliedVBs[stream].stride != attributes[i].stride ||
                mAppliedVBs[stream].offset != attributes[i].offset)
                device->SetStreamSource(stream, vertexBuffer->getBuffer(), attributes[i].offset, attributes[i].stride);
                mAppliedVBs[stream].serial = attributes[i].serial;
                mAppliedVBs[stream].stride = attributes[i].stride;
                mAppliedVBs[stream].offset = attributes[i].offset;

            gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(*attributes[i].attribute, GL_FLOAT);

            element->Stream = stream;
            element->Offset = 0;
            element->Type = d3d9::GetNativeVertexFormat(vertexFormat);
            element->Method = D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT;
            element->Usage = D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD;
            element->UsageIndex = programBinary->getSemanticIndex(i);

    if (instances == 0 || instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
        if (mInstancingEnabled)
            for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
                device->SetStreamSourceFreq(i, 1);

            mInstancingEnabled = false;

    static const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 end = D3DDECL_END();
    *(element++) = end;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTEX_DECL_CACHE_ENTRIES; i++)
        VertexDeclCacheEntry *entry = &mVertexDeclCache[i];
        if (memcmp(entry->cachedElements, elements, (element - elements) * sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9)) == 0 && entry->vertexDeclaration)
            entry->lruCount = ++mMaxLru;
            if(entry->vertexDeclaration != mLastSetVDecl)
                mLastSetVDecl = entry->vertexDeclaration;

            return GL_NO_ERROR;

    VertexDeclCacheEntry *lastCache = mVertexDeclCache;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTEX_DECL_CACHE_ENTRIES; i++)
        if (mVertexDeclCache[i].lruCount < lastCache->lruCount)
            lastCache = &mVertexDeclCache[i];

    if (lastCache->vertexDeclaration != NULL)
        // mLastSetVDecl is set to the replacement, so we don't have to worry
        // about it.

    memcpy(lastCache->cachedElements, elements, (element - elements) * sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9));
    device->CreateVertexDeclaration(elements, &lastCache->vertexDeclaration);
    mLastSetVDecl = lastCache->vertexDeclaration;
    lastCache->lruCount = ++mMaxLru;

    return GL_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 11
gl::Error InputLayoutCache::applyVertexBuffers(TranslatedAttribute attributes[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS],
                                               gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary)
    int sortedSemanticIndices[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS];
    programBinary->sortAttributesByLayout(attributes, sortedSemanticIndices);

    if (!mDevice || !mDeviceContext)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Internal input layout cache is not initialized.");

    InputLayoutKey ilKey = { 0 };

    static const char* semanticName = "TEXCOORD";

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (attributes[i].active)
            D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION inputClass = attributes[i].divisor > 0 ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;

            gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(*attributes[i].attribute, attributes[i].currentValueType);
            const d3d11::VertexFormat &vertexFormatInfo = d3d11::GetVertexFormatInfo(vertexFormat);

            // Record the type of the associated vertex shader vector in our key
            // This will prevent mismatched vertex shaders from using the same input layout
            GLint attributeSize;
            programBinary->getActiveAttribute(sortedSemanticIndices[i], 0, NULL, &attributeSize, &ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].glslElementType, NULL);

            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticName = semanticName;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.SemanticIndex = i;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.Format = vertexFormatInfo.nativeFormat;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlot = i;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.AlignedByteOffset = 0;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InputSlotClass = inputClass;
            ilKey.elements[ilKey.elementCount].desc.InstanceDataStepRate = attributes[i].divisor;

    ID3D11InputLayout *inputLayout = NULL;

    InputLayoutMap::iterator keyIter = mInputLayoutMap.find(ilKey);
    if (keyIter != mInputLayoutMap.end())
        inputLayout = keyIter->second.inputLayout;
        keyIter->second.lastUsedTime = mCounter++;
        gl::VertexFormat shaderInputLayout[gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS];
        GetInputLayout(attributes, shaderInputLayout);
        ProgramD3D *programD3D = ProgramD3D::makeProgramD3D(programBinary->getImplementation());

        ShaderExecutable *shader = NULL;
        gl::Error error = programD3D->getVertexExecutableForInputLayout(shaderInputLayout, &shader);
        if (error.isError())
            return error;

        ShaderExecutable *shader11 = ShaderExecutable11::makeShaderExecutable11(shader);

        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ilKey.elementCount; ++j)
            descs[j] = ilKey.elements[j].desc;

        HRESULT result = mDevice->CreateInputLayout(descs, ilKey.elementCount, shader11->getFunction(), shader11->getLength(), &inputLayout);
        if (FAILED(result))
            return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create internal input layout, HRESULT: 0x%08x", result);

        if (mInputLayoutMap.size() >= kMaxInputLayouts)
            TRACE("Overflowed the limit of %u input layouts, removing the least recently used "
                  "to make room.", kMaxInputLayouts);

            InputLayoutMap::iterator leastRecentlyUsed = mInputLayoutMap.begin();
            for (InputLayoutMap::iterator i = mInputLayoutMap.begin(); i != mInputLayoutMap.end(); i++)
                if (i->second.lastUsedTime < leastRecentlyUsed->second.lastUsedTime)
                    leastRecentlyUsed = i;

        InputLayoutCounterPair inputCounterPair;
        inputCounterPair.inputLayout = inputLayout;
        inputCounterPair.lastUsedTime = mCounter++;

        mInputLayoutMap.insert(std::make_pair(ilKey, inputCounterPair));

    if (inputLayout != mCurrentIL)
        mCurrentIL = inputLayout;

    bool dirtyBuffers = false;
    size_t minDiff = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    size_t maxDiff = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        ID3D11Buffer *buffer = NULL;

        if (attributes[i].active)
            VertexBuffer11 *vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer11::makeVertexBuffer11(attributes[i].vertexBuffer);
            Buffer11 *bufferStorage = attributes[i].storage ? Buffer11::makeBuffer11(attributes[i].storage) : NULL;

            buffer = bufferStorage ? bufferStorage->getBuffer(BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_OR_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK)
                                   : vertexBuffer->getBuffer();

        UINT vertexStride = attributes[i].stride;
        UINT vertexOffset = attributes[i].offset;

        if (buffer != mCurrentBuffers[i] || vertexStride != mCurrentVertexStrides[i] ||
            vertexOffset != mCurrentVertexOffsets[i])
            dirtyBuffers = true;
            minDiff = std::min(minDiff, static_cast<size_t>(i));
            maxDiff = std::max(maxDiff, static_cast<size_t>(i));

            mCurrentBuffers[i] = buffer;
            mCurrentVertexStrides[i] = vertexStride;
            mCurrentVertexOffsets[i] = vertexOffset;

    if (dirtyBuffers)
        ASSERT(minDiff <= maxDiff && maxDiff < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
        mDeviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(minDiff, maxDiff - minDiff + 1, mCurrentBuffers + minDiff,
                                           mCurrentVertexStrides + minDiff, mCurrentVertexOffsets + minDiff);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
Esempio n. 12
OverlayBatch::OverlayBatch(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, std::size_t maxOverlayCount):
	std::size_t vertexCount = maxOverlayCount * 4;
	std::size_t indexCount = maxOverlayCount * 6;
	// Create vertex buffer
	VertexAttribute attributes[] =
		VertexAttribute(VertexAttributeFormat::VECTOR_3, 0),
		VertexAttribute(VertexAttributeFormat::VECTOR_2, 1),
		VertexAttribute(VertexAttributeFormat::VECTOR_4, 5)
	VertexFormat vertexFormat(0, attributes, 3);
	vertexBuffer = graphicsContext->createVertexBuffer(vertexFormat, vertexCount, BufferUsage::DYNAMIC_DRAW);
	// Create index buffer
	IndexFormat indexFormat = (vertexCount > 65536) ? IndexFormat::UINT32 : IndexFormat::UINT16;
	indexBuffer = graphicsContext->createIndexBuffer(indexFormat, indexCount, BufferUsage::STATIC_DRAW);
	// Calculate indices
	switch (indexFormat)
		case IndexFormat::UINT16:
			std::uint16_t indices[indexCount];
			std::uint16_t* index = indices;
			for (std::uint16_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += 4)
				*(index++) = i;
				*(index++) = i + 1;
				*(index++) = i + 2;
				*(index++) = i;
				*(index++) = i + 2;
				*(index++) = i + 3;
		case IndexFormat::UINT32:
			std::uint32_t indices[indexCount];
			std::uint32_t* index = indices;
			for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
				*(index++) = i;
				*(index++) = i + 1;
				*(index++) = i + 2;
				*(index++) = i;
				*(index++) = i + 2;
				*(index++) = i + 3;
Esempio n. 13
gl::Error VertexBuffer9::storeVertexAttributes(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue,
                                               GLint start, GLsizei count, GLsizei instances, unsigned int offset)
    if (!mVertexBuffer)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Internal vertex buffer is not initialized.");

    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.buffer.get();

    int inputStride = gl::ComputeVertexAttributeStride(attrib);
    int elementSize = gl::ComputeVertexAttributeTypeSize(attrib);

    DWORD lockFlags = mDynamicUsage ? D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE : 0;

    uint8_t *mapPtr = NULL;

    unsigned int mapSize;
    gl::Error error = spaceRequired(attrib, count, instances, &mapSize);
    if (error.isError())
        return error;

    HRESULT result = mVertexBuffer->Lock(offset, mapSize, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mapPtr), lockFlags);
    if (FAILED(result))
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to lock internal vertex buffer, HRESULT: 0x%08x.", result);

    const uint8_t *input = NULL;
    if (attrib.enabled)
        if (buffer)
            BufferD3D *storage = BufferD3D::makeFromBuffer(buffer);
            gl::Error error = storage->getData(&input);
            if (error.isError())
                return error;
            input += static_cast<int>(attrib.offset);
            input = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(attrib.pointer);
        input = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(currentValue.FloatValues);

    if (instances == 0 || attrib.divisor == 0)
        input += inputStride * start;

    gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);
    const d3d9::VertexFormat &d3dVertexInfo = d3d9::GetVertexFormatInfo(mRenderer->getCapsDeclTypes(), vertexFormat);
    bool needsConversion = (d3dVertexInfo.conversionType & VERTEX_CONVERT_CPU) > 0;

    if (!needsConversion && inputStride == elementSize)
        size_t copySize = static_cast<size_t>(count) * static_cast<size_t>(inputStride);
        memcpy(mapPtr, input, copySize);
        d3dVertexInfo.copyFunction(input, inputStride, count, mapPtr);


    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
gl::Error VertexDeclarationCache::applyDeclaration(IDirect3DDevice9 *device, TranslatedAttribute attributes[], gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, GLsizei instances, GLsizei *repeatDraw)
    *repeatDraw = 1;

    int indexedAttribute = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;
    int instancedAttribute = gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS;

    if (instances == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; ++i)
            if (attributes[i].divisor != 0)
                // If a divisor is set, it still applies even if an instanced draw was not used, so treat
                // as a single-instance draw.
                instances = 1;

    if (instances > 0)
        // Find an indexed attribute to be mapped to D3D stream 0
        for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
            if (attributes[i].active)
                if (indexedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && attributes[i].divisor == 0)
                    indexedAttribute = i;
                else if (instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && attributes[i].divisor != 0)
                    instancedAttribute = i;
                if (indexedAttribute != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS && instancedAttribute != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                    break;   // Found both an indexed and instanced attribute

        // The validation layer checks that there is at least one active attribute with a zero divisor as per
        // the GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays spec.
        ASSERT(indexedAttribute != gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);

    D3DCAPS9 caps;

    D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 *element = &elements[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (attributes[i].active)
            // Directly binding the storage buffer is not supported for d3d9
            ASSERT(attributes[i].storage == NULL);

            int stream = i;

            if (instances > 0)
                // Due to a bug on ATI cards we can't enable instancing when none of the attributes are instanced.
                if (instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
                    *repeatDraw = instances;
                    if (i == indexedAttribute)
                        stream = 0;
                    else if (i == 0)
                        stream = indexedAttribute;

                    UINT frequency = 1;
                    if (attributes[i].divisor == 0)
                        frequency = D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INDEXEDDATA | instances;
                        frequency = D3DSTREAMSOURCE_INSTANCEDATA | attributes[i].divisor;
                    device->SetStreamSourceFreq(stream, frequency);
                    mInstancingEnabled = true;

            VertexBuffer9 *vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer9::makeVertexBuffer9(attributes[i].vertexBuffer);

            if (mAppliedVBs[stream].serial != attributes[i].serial ||
                mAppliedVBs[stream].stride != attributes[i].stride ||
                mAppliedVBs[stream].offset != attributes[i].offset)
                device->SetStreamSource(stream, vertexBuffer->getBuffer(), attributes[i].offset, attributes[i].stride);
                mAppliedVBs[stream].serial = attributes[i].serial;
                mAppliedVBs[stream].stride = attributes[i].stride;
                mAppliedVBs[stream].offset = attributes[i].offset;

            gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(*attributes[i].attribute, GL_FLOAT);
            const d3d9::VertexFormat &d3d9VertexInfo = d3d9::GetVertexFormatInfo(caps.DeclTypes, vertexFormat);

            element->Stream = stream;
            element->Offset = 0;
            element->Type = d3d9VertexInfo.nativeFormat;
            element->Method = D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT;
            element->Usage = D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD;
            element->UsageIndex = programBinary->getSemanticIndex(i);

    if (instances == 0 || instancedAttribute == gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS)
        if (mInstancingEnabled)
            for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
                device->SetStreamSourceFreq(i, 1);

            mInstancingEnabled = false;

    static const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 end = D3DDECL_END();
    *(element++) = end;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTEX_DECL_CACHE_ENTRIES; i++)
        VertexDeclCacheEntry *entry = &mVertexDeclCache[i];
        if (memcmp(entry->cachedElements, elements, (element - elements) * sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9)) == 0 && entry->vertexDeclaration)
            entry->lruCount = ++mMaxLru;
            if(entry->vertexDeclaration != mLastSetVDecl)
                mLastSetVDecl = entry->vertexDeclaration;

            return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);

    VertexDeclCacheEntry *lastCache = mVertexDeclCache;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTEX_DECL_CACHE_ENTRIES; i++)
        if (mVertexDeclCache[i].lruCount < lastCache->lruCount)
            lastCache = &mVertexDeclCache[i];

    if (lastCache->vertexDeclaration != NULL)
        // mLastSetVDecl is set to the replacement, so we don't have to worry
        // about it.

    memcpy(lastCache->cachedElements, elements, (element - elements) * sizeof(D3DVERTEXELEMENT9));
    HRESULT result = device->CreateVertexDeclaration(elements, &lastCache->vertexDeclaration);
    if (FAILED(result))
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to create internal vertex declaration, result: 0x%X.", result);

    mLastSetVDecl = lastCache->vertexDeclaration;
    lastCache->lruCount = ++mMaxLru;

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);