Esempio n. 1
       void operator()( population& p ) const 
           const auto n = sizeof(integer_type) << 3;
           vg::variate_generator<real_type> vg1(0, 1);
           vg::variate_generator<integer_type> vg2(1, n-1);

            for ( auto ch : p )         //for all chromosomes in the population
                for ( auto g : ch )     //for all genes in the chromosome
                    if ( vg1() < r )    //case mutate
                        g.encode();     //real -> integer
                        auto c = gene_to_gray()(g.code()); // c -> gray
                        c ^= ( 1 << vg2() ); //reverse a random bit
                        g.code() = gray_to_gene()(c);      // gray -> code
                        g.decode();     //integer -> real
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if(argc == 1) {
        // Print the help
        return 1;
    size_t kmerSize = 0;
    size_t edgeMax = 0;
    // Should we only merge on kmers and skip paths?
    bool kmersOnly = false;
    optind = 1; // Start at first real argument
    bool optionsRemaining = true;
    while(optionsRemaining) {
        static struct option longOptions[] = {
            {"kmer-size", required_argument, 0, 'k'},
            {"edge-max", required_argument, 0, 'e'},
            {"kmers-only", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
            {"threads", required_argument, 0, 't'},
            {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
            {0, 0, 0, 0}

        int optionIndex = 0;

        switch(getopt_long(argc, argv, "k:e:t:h", longOptions, &optionIndex)) {
        // Option value is in global optarg
        case -1:
            optionsRemaining = false;
        case 'k': // Set the kmer size
            kmerSize = atol(optarg);
        case 'e': // Set the edge max parameter for kmer enumeration
            edgeMax = atol(optarg);
        case 'o': // Only merge on kmers
            kmersOnly = true;
        case 't': // Set the openmp threads
        case 'h': // When the user asks for help
        case '?': // When we get options we can't parse
            // TODO: keep track of the option
            std::cerr << "Illegal option" << std::endl;
    if(argc - optind < 2) {
        // We don't have two positional arguments
        // Print the help
        return 1;
    if(kmersOnly && kmerSize == 0) {
        // We need a kmer size to use kmers
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't merge only on kmers with no kmer size");
    // Pull out the VG file names
    std::string vgFile1 = argv[optind++];
    std::string vgFile2 = argv[optind++];
    // Guess index names (TODO: add options)
    std::string indexDir1 = vgFile1 + ".index";
    std::string indexDir2 = vgFile2 + ".index";
    // Open the files
    std::ifstream vgStream1(vgFile1);
    if(!vgStream1.good()) {
        std::cerr << "Could not read " << vgFile1 << std::endl;
    std::ifstream vgStream2(vgFile2);
    if(!vgStream2.good()) {
        std::cerr << "Could not read " << vgFile2 << std::endl;
    // We may have indexes. We need to use pointers because destructing an index
    // that was never opened segfaults. TODO: fix vg
    vg::Index* index1 = nullptr;
    vg::Index* index2 = nullptr;
    if(kmerSize) {
        // Only go looking for indexes if we want to merge on kmers.
        index1 = new vg::Index();
        index2 = new vg::Index();
    // Load up the first VG file
    vg::VG vg1(vgStream1);
    // And the second
    vg::VG vg2(vgStream2);
    // Make a way to track IDs
    int64_t nextId = 1;
    std::function<int64_t(void)> getId = [&]() {
        return nextId++;
    // Make a thread set
    auto threadSet = stPinchThreadSet_construct();
    // Make a place to keep track of the thread sequences.
    // This will only contain sequences for threads that aren't staples.
    // TODO: should this be by pointer instead?
    std::map<int64_t, std::string> threadSequences;
    // Add in each vg graph to the thread set
    coregraph::EmbeddedGraph embedding1(vg1, threadSet, threadSequences, getId, vgFile1);
    coregraph::EmbeddedGraph embedding2(vg2, threadSet, threadSequences, getId, vgFile2);
    if(!kmersOnly) {
        // We want to merge on shared paths in addition to kmers
        // Complain if any of the graphs is not completely covered by paths
        if(!embedding1.isCoveredByPaths()) {
            std::cerr << "WARNING: " << embedding1.getName() << " contains nodes with no paths!" << std::endl;
        if(!embedding2.isCoveredByPaths()) {
            std::cerr << "WARNING: " << embedding2.getName() << " contains nodes with no paths!" << std::endl;
        // Trace the paths and merge the embedded graphs.
        std::cerr << "Pinching graphs on shared paths..." << std::endl;
    if(kmerSize > 0) {
        // Merge on kmers that are unique in both graphs.
        std::cerr << "Pinching graphs on shared " << kmerSize << "-mers..." << std::endl;
        embedding1.pinchOnKmers(*index1, embedding2, *index2, kmerSize, edgeMax);
    // Fix trivial joins so we don't produce more vg nodes than we really need to.
    // Make another vg graph from the thread set
    vg::VG core = pinchToVG(threadSet, threadSequences);
    // Spit it out to standard output
    // Tear everything down. TODO: can we somehow run this destruction function
    // after all our other, potentially depending locals are destructed?
    return 0;