void vgaputim(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t ch, int16_t w, int16_t h) { VGLBitmap *tmp; VGLBitmap *mask; VGLBitmap *scr = NULL; int16_t realsize; int16_t i; tmp = ch2bmap(sprites[ch * 2], w, h); mask = ch2bmap(sprites[ch * 2 + 1], w, h); vgageti(x, y, (uint8_t *) & scr, w, h); realsize = scr->Xsize * scr->Ysize; for (i = 0; i < realsize; i++) if (tmp->Bitmap[i] != 0xff) scr->Bitmap[i] = (scr->Bitmap[i] & mask->Bitmap[i]) | \ tmp->Bitmap[i]; vgaputi(x, y, (uint8_t *) & scr, w, h); tmp->Bitmap = NULL; /* We should NULL'ify these ppointers, or the * VGLBitmapDestroy */ mask->Bitmap = NULL; /* will shoot itself in the foot by trying to * dellocate statically */ VGLBitmapDestroy(tmp); /* allocated arrays */ VGLBitmapDestroy(mask); VGLBitmapDestroy(scr); }
void vgaputim(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t ch, int16_t w, int16_t h) { SDL_Surface *tmp; SDL_Surface *mask; SDL_Surface *scr = NULL; uint8_t *tmp_pxl, *mask_pxl, *scr_pxl; int16_t realsize; int16_t i; tmp = ch2bmap(sprites[ch*2], w, h); mask = ch2bmap(sprites[ch*2+1], w, h); vgageti(x, y, (uint8_t *)&scr, w, h); realsize = scr->w * scr->h; tmp_pxl = (uint8_t *)tmp->pixels; mask_pxl = (uint8_t *)mask->pixels; scr_pxl = (uint8_t *)scr->pixels; for(i=0;i<realsize;i++) if(tmp_pxl[i] != 0xff) scr_pxl[i] = (scr_pxl[i] & mask_pxl[i]) | \ tmp_pxl[i]; vgaputi(x, y, (uint8_t *)&scr, w, h); tmp->pixels = NULL; /* We should NULL'ify these ppointers, or the VGLBitmapDestroy */ mask->pixels = NULL; /* will shoot itself in the foot by trying to dellocate statically */ SDL_FreeSurface(tmp);/* allocated arrays */ SDL_FreeSurface(mask); SDL_FreeSurface(scr); }
void switchmode(void) { uint32_t saved; SDL_Surface *tmp = NULL; SDL_Surface *oldscreen; vgageti(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); oldscreen = screen; saved = addflag; if(addflag == 0) addflag = SDL_FULLSCREEN; else addflag = 0; if(setmode() == false) { addflag = saved; if(setmode() == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: failed to change videomode and"\ "fallback mode failed as well. Exitting.\n"); exit(1); } } SDL_SetColors(screen, tmp->format->palette->colors, 0, \ tmp->format->palette->ncolors); vgaputi(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); SDL_FreeSurface(oldscreen); }
void vgatitle(void) { SDL_Surface *tmp=NULL; vgageti(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); gettitle(tmp->pixels); vgaputi(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); }
void vgaclear(void) { SDL_Surface *tmp = NULL; vgageti(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); memset(tmp->pixels, 0x00, tmp->w*tmp->h); vgaputi(0, 0, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 80, 200); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); }
void vgatitle(void) { SDL_Surface *tmp=NULL; vgageti(0, 0, (Uint3 *)&tmp, 80, 200); gettitle((unsigned char*)tmp->pixels); vgaputi(0, 0, (Uint3 *)&tmp, 80, 200); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); }
void vgatitle(void) { VGLBitmap *tmp = NULL; vgageti(0, 0, (uint8_t *) & tmp, 80, 200); gettitle(tmp->Bitmap); vgaputi(0, 0, (uint8_t *) & tmp, 80, 200); VGLBitmapDestroy(tmp); }
void vgawrite(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t ch, int16_t c) { SDL_Surface *tmp; uint8_t *copy; uint8_t color; int16_t w = 3, h = 12, size; int16_t i; if (((ch - 32) >= 0x5f) || (ch < 32)) return; tmp = ch2bmap(alphas[ch - 32], w, h); size = tmp->w * tmp->h; copy = malloc(size); memcpy(copy, tmp->pixels, size); for (i = size; i != 0;) { i--; color = copy[i]; if (color == 10) { if (c == 2) color = 12; else { if (c == 3) color = 14; } } else if (color == 12) { if (c == 1) color = 2; else if (c == 2) color = 4; else if (c == 3) color = 6; } copy[i] = color; } tmp->pixels = copy; vgaputi(x, y, (uint8_t *)&tmp, w, h); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); free(copy); }
void vgawrite(Sint4 x, Sint4 y, Sint4 ch, Sint4 c) { SDL_Surface *tmp; Uint8 *copy; Uint8 color; Sint4 w=3, h=12, size; Sint4 i; if(((ch - 32) >= 0x5f) || (ch < 32)) return; tmp = ch2bmap(alphas[ch-32], w, h); size = tmp->w*tmp->h; copy = new Uint8[size]; memcpy(copy, tmp->pixels, size); for(i = size;i!=0;) { i--; color = copy[i]; if (color==10) { if (c==2) color=12; else { if (c==3) color=14; } } else if (color==12) { if (c==1) color=2; else if (c==2) color=4; else if (c==3) color=6; } copy[i] = color; } tmp->pixels = copy; vgaputi(x, y, (Uint3 *)&tmp, w, h); SDL_FreeSurface(tmp); }
void vgawrite(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t ch, int16_t c) { VGLBitmap *tmp; uint8_t *copy; uint8_t color; int16_t w = 3, h = 12, size; int16_t i; if(((ch - 32) >= 0x5f) || (ch < 32)) return; tmp = ch2bmap(alphas[ch - 32], w, h); size = tmp->Xsize * tmp->Ysize; copy = malloc(size); memcpy(copy, tmp->Bitmap, size); for (i = size; i != 0;) { i--; color = copy[i]; if (color == 10) { if (c == 2) color = 12; else if (c == 3) color = 14; } else { if (color == 12) { if (c == 1) color = 2; else if (c == 2) color = 4; else if (c == 3) color = 6; } } copy[i] = color; } tmp->Bitmap = copy; vgaputi(x, y, (uint8_t *) & tmp, w, h); VGLBitmapDestroy(tmp); }