Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    int i,j;

    int flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0); /* get current file status flags */
    flags |= O_NONBLOCK; /* turn off blocking flag */
    fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flags);

    int status;
    struct VISION_TASK visionTask;

    unsigned long nb = 0;

    /* Messaging used for GPP/DSP synchronization */
    struct DSP_MSG msgToDsp;
    struct DSP_MSG msgFromDsp;

    system("sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=134217728");
    system("sysctl -w kernel.shmall=134217728");
    system("./cexec.out -T ddspbase_tiomap3430.dof64P");

    //Image structures initailization
    struct img_struct* img_new = malloc(sizeof(struct img_struct));
    img_new->w = VIDEO_IN_W;
    img_new->h = VIDEO_IN_H;

    struct img_struct* img_dsp = malloc(sizeof(struct img_struct));
    img_dsp->w = VIDEO_OUT_W;
    img_dsp->h = VIDEO_OUT_H;

    if(DSPVisionOpen(&visionTask,img_new, img_dsp)!=0)
        printf("Fail to open DSP Vision\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    //Video streaming initilization
    // Video Input
    struct vid_struct vid;
    vid.device = (char*)"/dev/video1";
    vid.n_buffers = 4;
    if (video_init(&vid)<0)
        printf("Error initialising video\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Video Resizing
    uint8_t quality_factor = 50; // From 0 to 99 (99=high)
    uint8_t dri_jpeg_header = 0;

    int millisleep = 10;

    struct img_struct small;
    small.w = vid.w / DOWNSIZE_FACTOR;
    small.h = vid.h / DOWNSIZE_FACTOR;
    small.buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(small.w*small.h*2);

    // Video Compression
    uint8_t* jpegbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(vid.h*vid.w*2);

    // Network Transmit
    struct UdpSocket* vsock;
    vsock = udp_socket("", 5000, 5001, FMS_BROADCAST);

    struct sigaction action;
    memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));
    action.sa_handler = &sigint_handler;
    sigaction(SIGINT, &action, &old_action);

    struct timespec start,end;
    unsigned long diffTime;

    printf("Vision started...\n");

        //usleep(1000 * millisleep);
        diffTime = 0;
            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
            diffTime = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec))/1000;

        //Get picture
        video_grab_image(&vid, img_new);

        printf("d... ");

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
        //Send it to the DSP
        DSPProcessor_FlushMemory(visionTask.hProcessor, (PVOID)(visionTask.bufferSend),SIZEBUFF2DSP,0);
        msgToDsp.dwCmd = VISION_WRITEREADY;
        msgToDsp.dwArg1 = (DWORD)SIZEBUFF2DSP / g_dwDSPWordSize;
        status = DSPNode_PutMessage(visionTask.hNode, &msgToDsp,  DSP_FOREVER);
        if (DSP_FAILED(status)) {
            fprintf(stdout, "DSPProcessor_PutMessage failed. Status = 0x%x\n", (UINT)status);

        //Read back
        status = DSPNode_GetMessage(visionTask.hNode, &msgFromDsp, DSP_FOREVER);
        if (DSP_FAILED(status)) {
            fprintf(stdout, "DSPProcessor_GetMessage failed. Status = 0x%x\n", (UINT)status);
        // Go ahead and flush here
        DSPProcessor_InvalidateMemory(visionTask.hProcessor, (PVOID)(visionTask.bufferReceive),SIZEBUFF2MPU);

        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
        diffTime = ((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec))/1000;
        printf("%d us\n", diffTime);

        printf("Send picture %d\n", nb++);
            vsock,            // UDP
            img_dsp->buf,msgFromDsp.dwArg1,     // JPEG
            img_dsp->w/DOWNSIZE_FACTOR, img_dsp->h/DOWNSIZE_FACTOR, // Img Size
            0,                // Format 422
            quality_factor,               // Jpeg-Quality
            dri_jpeg_header,                // DRI Header
            0              // 90kHz time increment

    sigaction(SIGINT, &old_action, NULL);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
void *computervision_thread_main(void* data)
  // Video Input
  struct vid_struct vid;
  vid.device = (char*)"/dev/video1";
  vid.n_buffers = 4;
  if (video_init(&vid)<0) {
    printf("Error initialising video\n");
    computervision_thread_status = -1;
    return 0;

  // Frame Grabbing
  struct img_struct* img_new = video_create_image(&vid);

  // Frame Resizing
  uint8_t quality_factor = IMAGE_QUALITY_FACTOR;
  uint8_t dri_jpeg_header = 1;

  struct img_struct small;
  small.w = vid.w / IMAGE_DOWNSIZE_FACTOR;
  small.h = vid.h / IMAGE_DOWNSIZE_FACTOR;
  small.buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(small.w*small.h*2);

  // Commpressed image buffer
  uint8_t* jpegbuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(vid.h*vid.w*2);

  // file index (search from 0)
  int file_index = 0;

  int microsleep = (int)(1000000. / IMAGE_FPS);

  while (computer_vision_thread_command > 0)
    video_grab_image(&vid, img_new);

    // Resize
    resize_uyuv(img_new, &small, IMAGE_DOWNSIZE_FACTOR);

    // JPEG encode the image:
    uint32_t image_format = FOUR_TWO_TWO;  // format (in jpeg.h)
    uint8_t* end = encode_image (small.buf, jpegbuf, quality_factor, image_format, small.w, small.h, dri_jpeg_header);
    uint32_t size = end-(jpegbuf);

    FILE* save;
    char save_name[128];
    if (system("mkdir -p /data/video/images") == 0) {
      // search available index (max is 99)
      for ( ; file_index < 99; file_index++) {
        printf("search %d\n",file_index);
        // test if file exists or not
        if (access(save_name, F_OK) == -1) {
          save = fopen(save_name, "w");
          if (save != NULL) {
            fwrite(jpegbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), size, save);
          else {
            printf("Error when opening file %s\n", save_name);
          // leave for loop
        else {printf("file exists\n");}

    // Fork process
    int status;
    pid_t pid = fork();

    if (pid == 0) {
      // Open process to send using netcat in child process
      char nc_cmd[64];
      sprintf(nc_cmd, "nc %s %d", IMAGE_SERVER_IP, IMAGE_SERVER_PORT);
      FILE* netcat;
      netcat = popen(nc_cmd, "w");
      if (netcat != NULL) {
        fwrite(jpegbuf, sizeof(uint8_t), size, netcat);
        if (pclose(netcat) == 0) {
          printf("Sending image succesfully\n");
      else {
        printf("Fail sending image\n");
    else if (pid < 0) {
      printf("Fork failed\n");
    else {
      // Parent is waiting for child to terminate

  printf("Thread Closed\n");
  computervision_thread_status = -100;
  return 0;