Esempio n. 1
    if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
        "offercreate> " << mtxn.getjson (0);

    std::uint32_t const utxflags = mtxn.getflags ();

    bool const bpassive (utxflags & tfpassive);
    bool const bimmediateorcancel (utxflags & tfimmediateorcancel);
    bool const bfillorkill (utxflags & tffillorkill);
    bool const bsell  (utxflags & tfsell);

    stamount satakerpays = mtxn.getfieldamount (sftakerpays);
    stamount satakergets = mtxn.getfieldamount (sftakergets);

    if (!islegalnet (satakerpays) || !islegalnet (satakergets))
        return tembad_amount;

    auto const& upaysissuerid = satakerpays.getissuer ();
    auto const& upayscurrency = satakerpays.getcurrency ();

    auto const& ugetsissuerid = satakergets.getissuer ();
    auto const& ugetscurrency = satakergets.getcurrency ();

    bool const bhaveexpiration (mtxn.isfieldpresent (sfexpiration));
    bool const bhavecancel (mtxn.isfieldpresent (sfoffersequence));

    std::uint32_t const uexpiration = mtxn.getfieldu32 (sfexpiration);
    std::uint32_t const ucancelsequence = mtxn.getfieldu32 (sfoffersequence);

    // fixme understand why we use sequencenext instead of current transaction
    //       sequence to determine the transaction. why is the offer seuqnce
    //       number insufficient?

    std::uint32_t const uaccountsequencenext = mtxnaccount->getfieldu32 (sfsequence);
    std::uint32_t const usequence = mtxn.getsequence ();

    const uint256 uledgerindex = getofferindex (mtxnaccountid, usequence);

    if (m_journal.debug)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "creating offer node: " << to_string (uledgerindex) <<
            " usequence=" << usequence;

        if (bimmediateorcancel)
            m_journal.debug << "transaction: ioc set.";

        if (bfillorkill)
            m_journal.debug << "transaction: fok set.";

    // this is the original rate of this offer, and is the rate at which it will
    // be placed, even if crossing offers change the amounts.
    std::uint64_t const urate = getrate (satakergets, satakerpays);

    ter terresult (tessuccess);

    // this is the ledger view that we work against. transactions are applied
    // as we go on processing transactions.
    core::ledgerview& view (mengine->view ());

    // this is a checkpoint with just the fees paid. if something goes wrong
    // with this transaction, we roll back to this ledger.
    core::ledgerview view_checkpoint (view);

    view.bumpseq (); // begin ledger variance.

    sle::pointer slecreator = mengine->entrycache (
        ltaccount_root, getaccountrootindex (mtxnaccountid));

    // additional checking for currency asset.
    // buy asset
    if (assetcurrency() == upayscurrency) {
        if (assetcurrency() == ugetscurrency || // asset for asset
            bsell)                              // tfsell set while buying asset
            return temdisabled;

        if (satakerpays < stamount(satakerpays.issue(), getconfig().asset_tx_min) || !satakerpays.ismathematicalinteger())
            return tembad_offer;

        if (upaysissuerid == mtxnaccountid || ugetsissuerid == mtxnaccountid) {
            m_journal.trace << "creating asset offer is not allowed for issuer";
            return temdisabled;
    // sell asset
    if (assetcurrency() == ugetscurrency) {
        if (!bsell) // tfsell not set while selling asset
            return temdisabled;

        if (satakergets < stamount(satakergets.issue(), getconfig().asset_tx_min) || !satakergets.ismathematicalinteger())
            return tembad_offer;

    if (utxflags & tfoffercreatemask)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "malformed transaction: invalid flags set.";

        terresult = teminvalid_flag;
    else if (bimmediateorcancel && bfillorkill)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "malformed transaction: both ioc and fok set.";

        terresult = teminvalid_flag;
    else if (bhaveexpiration && !uexpiration)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: bad expiration";

        terresult = tembad_expiration;
    else if (satakerpays.isnative () && satakergets.isnative ())
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: xrp for xrp";

        terresult = tembad_offer;
    else if (satakerpays <= zero || satakergets <= zero)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: bad amount";

        terresult = tembad_offer;
    else if (upayscurrency == ugetscurrency && upaysissuerid == ugetsissuerid)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: redundant offer";

        terresult = temredundant;
    // we don't allow a non-native currency to use the currency code vrp.
    else if (badcurrency() == upayscurrency || badcurrency() == ugetscurrency)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: bad currency.";

        terresult = tembad_currency;
    else if (satakerpays.isnative () != isnative(upaysissuerid) ||
             satakergets.isnative () != isnative(ugetsissuerid))
        m_journal.warning <<
            "malformed offer: bad issuer";

        terresult = tembad_issuer;
    else if (view.isglobalfrozen (upaysissuerid) || view.isglobalfrozen (ugetsissuerid))
        m_journal.warning <<
            "offer involves frozen asset";

        terresult = tecfrozen;
    else if (view.accountfunds (
        mtxnaccountid, satakergets, fhzero_if_frozen) <= zero)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "delay: offers must be at least partially funded.";

        terresult = tecunfunded_offer;
    // this can probably be simplified to make sure that you cancel sequences
    // before the transaction sequence number.
    else if (bhavecancel && (!ucancelsequence || uaccountsequencenext - 1 <= ucancelsequence))
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "uaccountsequencenext=" << uaccountsequencenext <<
            " uoffersequence=" << ucancelsequence;

        terresult = tembad_sequence;

    if (terresult != tessuccess)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "final terresult=" << transtoken (terresult);

        return terresult;

    // process a cancellation request that's passed along with an offer.
    if ((terresult == tessuccess) && bhavecancel)
        uint256 const ucancelindex (
            getofferindex (mtxnaccountid, ucancelsequence));
        sle::pointer slecancel = mengine->entrycache (ltoffer, ucancelindex);

        // it's not an error to not find the offer to cancel: it might have
        // been consumed or removed as we are processing.
        if (slecancel)
            m_journal.warning <<
                "cancelling order with sequence " << ucancelsequence;

            terresult = view.offerdelete (slecancel);

    // expiration is defined in terms of the close time of the parent ledger,
    // because we definitively know the time that it closed but we do not
    // know the closing time of the ledger that is under construction.
    if (bhaveexpiration &&
        (mengine->getledger ()->getparentclosetimenc () >= uexpiration))
        return tessuccess;

    // make sure that we are authorized to hold what the taker will pay us.
    if (terresult == tessuccess && !satakerpays.isnative ())
        terresult = checkacceptasset (issue (upayscurrency, upaysissuerid));

    bool crossed = false;
    bool const bopenledger (mparams & tapopen_ledger);

    if (terresult == tessuccess)
        // we reverse gets and pays because during offer crossing we are taking.
        core::amounts const taker_amount (satakergets, satakerpays);

        // the amount of the offer that we will need to place, after we finish
        // offer crossing processing. it may be equal to the original amount,
        // empty (fully crossed), or something in-between.
        core::amounts place_offer;

        std::tie(terresult, place_offer) = crossoffers (view, taker_amount);

        if (terresult == tecfailed_processing && bopenledger)
            terresult = telfailed_processing;

        if (terresult == tessuccess)
            // we now need to reduce the offer by the cross flow. we reverse
            // in and out here, since during crossing we were takers.
            assert (satakerpays.getcurrency () == place_offer.out.getcurrency ());
            assert (satakerpays.getissuer () == place_offer.out.getissuer ());
            assert (satakergets.getcurrency () == ());
            assert (satakergets.getissuer () == ());

            if (taker_amount != place_offer)
                crossed = true;

            if (m_journal.debug)
                m_journal.debug << "offer crossing: " << transtoken (terresult);

                if (terresult == tessuccess)
                    m_journal.debug <<
                        "    takerpays: " << satakerpays.getfulltext () <<
                        " -> " << place_offer.out.getfulltext ();
                    m_journal.debug <<
                        "    takergets: " << satakergets.getfulltext () <<
                        " -> " << ();

            satakerpays = place_offer.out;
            satakergets =;

    if (terresult != tessuccess)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "final terresult=" << transtoken (terresult);

        return terresult;

    if (m_journal.debug)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeoffers: satakerpays=" <<satakerpays.getfulltext ();
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeoffers: satakergets=" << satakergets.getfulltext ();
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeoffers: mtxnaccountid=" <<
            to_string (mtxnaccountid);
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeoffers:         funds=" << view.accountfunds (
            mtxnaccountid, satakergets, fhzero_if_frozen).getfulltext ();

    if (satakerpays < zero || satakergets < zero)
        // earlier, we verified that the amounts, as specified in the offer,
        // were not negative. that they are now suggests that something went
        // very wrong with offer crossing.
        m_journal.fatal << (crossed ? "partially consumed" : "full") <<
            " offer has negative component:" <<
            " pays=" << satakerpays.getfulltext () <<
            " gets=" << satakergets.getfulltext ();

        assert (satakerpays >= zero);
        assert (satakergets >= zero);
        return tefinternal;

    if (bfillorkill && (satakerpays != zero || satakergets != zero))
        // fill or kill and have leftovers.
        view.swapwith (view_checkpoint); // restore with just fees paid.
        return tessuccess;

    // what the reserve would be if this offer was placed.
    auto const accountreserve (mengine->getledger ()->getreserve (
        slecreator->getfieldu32 (sfownercount) + 1));

    if (satakerpays == zero ||                // wants nothing more.
        satakergets == zero ||                // offering nothing more.
        bimmediateorcancel)                   // do not persist.
        // complete as is.
    else if (mpriorbalance.getnvalue () < accountreserve)
        // if we are here, the signing account had an insufficient reserve
        // *prior* to our processing. we use the prior balance to simplify
        // client writing and make the user experience better.

        if (bopenledger) // ledger is not final, can vote no.
            // hope for more reserve to come in or more offers to consume. if we
            // specified a local error this transaction will not be retried, so
            // specify a tec to distribute the transaction and allow it to be
            // retried. in particular, it may have been successful to a
            // degree (partially filled) and if it hasn't, it might succeed.
            terresult = tecinsuf_reserve_offer;
        else if (!crossed)
            // ledger is final, insufficent reserve to create offer, processed
            // nothing.
            terresult = tecinsuf_reserve_offer;
            // ledger is final, insufficent reserve to create offer, processed
            // something.
            // consider the offer unfunded. treat as tessuccess.
        assert (satakerpays > zero);
        assert (satakergets > zero);

        // we need to place the remainder of the offer into its order book.
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "offer not fully consumed:" <<
            " satakerpays=" << satakerpays.getfulltext () <<
            " satakergets=" << satakergets.getfulltext ();

        std::uint64_t uownernode;
        std::uint64_t ubooknode;
        uint256 udirectory;

        // add offer to owner's directory.
        terresult = view.diradd (uownernode,
            getownerdirindex (mtxnaccountid), uledgerindex,
            std::bind (
                &ledger::ownerdirdescriber, std::placeholders::_1,
                std::placeholders::_2, mtxnaccountid));

        if (tessuccess == terresult)
            // update owner count.
            view.incrementownercount (slecreator);

            uint256 const ubookbase (getbookbase (
                {{upayscurrency, upaysissuerid},
                    {ugetscurrency, ugetsissuerid}}));

            if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
                "adding to book: " << to_string (ubookbase) <<
                " : " << satakerpays.gethumancurrency () <<
                "/" << to_string (satakerpays.getissuer ()) <<
                " -> " << satakergets.gethumancurrency () <<
                "/" << to_string (satakergets.getissuer ());

            // we use the original rate to place the offer.
            udirectory = getqualityindex (ubookbase, urate);

            // add offer to order book.
            terresult = view.diradd (ubooknode, udirectory, uledgerindex,
                std::bind (
                    &ledger::qualitydirdescriber, std::placeholders::_1,
                    std::placeholders::_2, satakerpays.getcurrency (),
                    upaysissuerid, satakergets.getcurrency (),
                    ugetsissuerid, urate));

        if (tessuccess == terresult)
            if (m_journal.debug)
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "sfaccount=" <<
                    to_string (mtxnaccountid);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "upaysissuerid=" <<
                    to_string (upaysissuerid);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "ugetsissuerid=" <<
                    to_string (ugetsissuerid);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "satakerpays.isnative()=" <<
                    satakerpays.isnative ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "satakergets.isnative()=" <<
                    satakergets.isnative ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "upayscurrency=" <<
                    satakerpays.gethumancurrency ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "ugetscurrency=" <<
                    satakergets.gethumancurrency ();

            sle::pointer sleoffer (mengine->entrycreate (ltoffer, uledgerindex));

            sleoffer->setfieldaccount (sfaccount, mtxnaccountid);
            sleoffer->setfieldu32 (sfsequence, usequence);
            sleoffer->setfieldh256 (sfbookdirectory, udirectory);
            sleoffer->setfieldamount (sftakerpays, satakerpays);
            sleoffer->setfieldamount (sftakergets, satakergets);
            sleoffer->setfieldu64 (sfownernode, uownernode);
            sleoffer->setfieldu64 (sfbooknode, ubooknode);

            if (uexpiration)
                sleoffer->setfieldu32 (sfexpiration, uexpiration);

            if (bpassive)
                sleoffer->setflag (lsfpassive);

            if (bsell)
                sleoffer->setflag (lsfsell);

            if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
                "final terresult=" << transtoken (terresult) <<
                " sleoffer=" << sleoffer->getjson (0);

    if (terresult != tessuccess)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "final terresult=" << transtoken (terresult);

    return terresult;
Esempio n. 2
CreateOffer::doApply ()
    if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
        "OfferCreate> " << mTxn.getJson (0);

    std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();

    bool const bPassive (uTxFlags & tfPassive);
    bool const bImmediateOrCancel (uTxFlags & tfImmediateOrCancel);
    bool const bFillOrKill (uTxFlags & tfFillOrKill);
    bool const bSell  (uTxFlags & tfSell);

    STAmount saTakerPays = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays);
    STAmount saTakerGets = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets);

    if (!saTakerPays.isLegalNet () || !saTakerGets.isLegalNet ())
        return temBAD_AMOUNT;

    auto const& uPaysIssuerID = saTakerPays.getIssuer ();
    auto const& uPaysCurrency = saTakerPays.getCurrency ();

    auto const& uGetsIssuerID = saTakerGets.getIssuer ();
    auto const& uGetsCurrency = saTakerGets.getCurrency ();

    bool const bHaveExpiration (mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfExpiration));
    bool const bHaveCancel (mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfOfferSequence));

    std::uint32_t const uExpiration = mTxn.getFieldU32 (sfExpiration);
    std::uint32_t const uCancelSequence = mTxn.getFieldU32 (sfOfferSequence);

    // FIXME understand why we use SequenceNext instead of current transaction
    //       sequence to determine the transaction. Why is the offer seuqnce
    //       number insufficient?

    std::uint32_t const uAccountSequenceNext = mTxnAccount->getFieldU32 (sfSequence);
    std::uint32_t const uSequence = mTxn.getSequence ();

    const uint256 uLedgerIndex = Ledger::getOfferIndex (mTxnAccountID, uSequence);

    if (m_journal.debug)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "Creating offer node: " << to_string (uLedgerIndex) <<
            " uSequence=" << uSequence;

        if (bImmediateOrCancel)
            m_journal.debug << "Transaction: IoC set.";

        if (bFillOrKill)
            m_journal.debug << "Transaction: FoK set.";

    // This is the original rate of this offer, and is the rate at which it will
    // be placed, even if crossing offers change the amounts.
    std::uint64_t const uRate = STAmount::getRate (saTakerGets, saTakerPays);

    TER terResult (tesSUCCESS);

    // This is the ledger view that we work against. Transactions are applied
    // as we go on processing transactions.
    core::LedgerView& view (mEngine->view ());

    // This is a checkpoint with just the fees paid. If something goes wrong
    // with this transaction, we roll back to this ledger.
    core::LedgerView view_checkpoint (view);

    view.bumpSeq (); // Begin ledger variance.

    SLE::pointer sleCreator = mEngine->entryCache (
        ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (mTxnAccountID));

    if (uTxFlags & tfOfferCreateMask)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

        terResult = temINVALID_FLAG;
    else if (bImmediateOrCancel && bFillOrKill)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "Malformed transaction: both IoC and FoK set.";

        terResult = temINVALID_FLAG;
    else if (bHaveExpiration && !uExpiration)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: bad expiration";

        terResult = temBAD_EXPIRATION;
    else if (saTakerPays.isNative () && saTakerGets.isNative ())
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: XRP for XRP";

        terResult = temBAD_OFFER;
    else if (saTakerPays <= zero || saTakerGets <= zero)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: bad amount";

        terResult = temBAD_OFFER;
    else if (uPaysCurrency == uGetsCurrency && uPaysIssuerID == uGetsIssuerID)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: redundant offer";

        terResult = temREDUNDANT;
    // We don't allow a non-native currency to use the currency code XRP.
    else if (badCurrency() == uPaysCurrency || badCurrency() == uGetsCurrency)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: Bad currency.";

        terResult = temBAD_CURRENCY;
    else if (saTakerPays.isNative () != !uPaysIssuerID ||
             saTakerGets.isNative () != !uGetsIssuerID)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Malformed offer: bad issuer";

        terResult = temBAD_ISSUER;
    else if (view.isGlobalFrozen (uPaysIssuerID) || view.isGlobalFrozen (uGetsIssuerID))
        m_journal.warning <<
            "Offer involves frozen asset";

        terResult = tecFROZEN;
    else if (view.accountFunds (
        mTxnAccountID, saTakerGets, fhZERO_IF_FROZEN) <= zero)
        m_journal.warning <<
            "delay: Offers must be at least partially funded.";

        terResult = tecUNFUNDED_OFFER;
    // This can probably be simplified to make sure that you cancel sequences
    // before the transaction sequence number.
    else if (bHaveCancel && (!uCancelSequence || uAccountSequenceNext - 1 <= uCancelSequence))
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "uAccountSequenceNext=" << uAccountSequenceNext <<
            " uOfferSequence=" << uCancelSequence;

        terResult = temBAD_SEQUENCE;

    if (terResult != tesSUCCESS)
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "final terResult=" << transToken (terResult);

        return terResult;

    // Process a cancellation request that's passed along with an offer.
    if ((terResult == tesSUCCESS) && bHaveCancel)
        uint256 const uCancelIndex (
            Ledger::getOfferIndex (mTxnAccountID, uCancelSequence));
        SLE::pointer sleCancel = mEngine->entryCache (ltOFFER, uCancelIndex);

        // It's not an error to not find the offer to cancel: it might have
        // been consumed or removed as we are processing.
        if (sleCancel)
            m_journal.warning <<
                "Cancelling order with sequence " << uCancelSequence;

            terResult = view.offerDelete (sleCancel);

    // Expiration is defined in terms of the close time of the parent ledger,
    // because we definitively know the time that it closed but we do not
    // know the closing time of the ledger that is under construction.
    if (bHaveExpiration &&
        (mEngine->getLedger ()->getParentCloseTimeNC () >= uExpiration))
        return tesSUCCESS;

    // Make sure that we are authorized to hold what the taker will pay us.
    if (terResult == tesSUCCESS && !saTakerPays.isNative ())
        terResult = checkAcceptAsset (Issue (uPaysCurrency, uPaysIssuerID));

    bool crossed = false;
    bool const bOpenLedger (mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER);

    if (terResult == tesSUCCESS)
        // We reverse gets and pays because during offer crossing we are taking.
        core::Amounts const taker_amount (saTakerGets, saTakerPays);

        // The amount of the offer that we will need to place, after we finish
        // offer crossing processing. It may be equal to the original amount,
        // empty (fully crossed), or something in-between.
        core::Amounts place_offer;

        std::tie(terResult, place_offer) = crossOffers (view, taker_amount);

        if (terResult == tecFAILED_PROCESSING && bOpenLedger)
            terResult = telFAILED_PROCESSING;

        if (terResult == tesSUCCESS)
            // We now need to reduce the offer by the cross flow. We reverse
            // in and out here, since during crossing we were takers.
            assert (saTakerPays.getCurrency () == place_offer.out.getCurrency ());
            assert (saTakerPays.getIssuer () == place_offer.out.getIssuer ());
            assert (saTakerGets.getCurrency () == ());
            assert (saTakerGets.getIssuer () == ());

            if (taker_amount != place_offer)
                crossed = true;

            if (m_journal.debug)
                m_journal.debug << "Offer Crossing: " << transToken (terResult);

                if (terResult == tesSUCCESS)
                    m_journal.debug <<
                        "    takerPays: " << saTakerPays.getFullText () <<
                        " -> " << place_offer.out.getFullText ();
                    m_journal.debug <<
                        "    takerGets: " << saTakerGets.getFullText () <<
                        " -> " << ();

            saTakerPays = place_offer.out;
            saTakerGets =;

    if (terResult != tesSUCCESS)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "final terResult=" << transToken (terResult);

        return terResult;

    if (m_journal.debug)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeOffers: saTakerPays=" <<saTakerPays.getFullText ();
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeOffers: saTakerGets=" << saTakerGets.getFullText ();
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeOffers: mTxnAccountID=" <<
            to_string (mTxnAccountID);
        m_journal.debug <<
            "takeOffers:         FUNDS=" << view.accountFunds (
            mTxnAccountID, saTakerGets, fhZERO_IF_FROZEN).getFullText ();

    if (saTakerPays < zero || saTakerGets < zero)
        // Earlier, we verified that the amounts, as specified in the offer,
        // were not negative. That they are now suggests that something went
        // very wrong with offer crossing.
        m_journal.fatal << (crossed ? "Partially consumed" : "Full") <<
            " offer has negative component:" <<
            " pays=" << saTakerPays.getFullText () <<
            " gets=" << saTakerGets.getFullText ();

        assert (saTakerPays >= zero);
        assert (saTakerGets >= zero);
        return tefINTERNAL;

    if (bFillOrKill && (saTakerPays != zero || saTakerGets != zero))
        // Fill or kill and have leftovers.
        view.swapWith (view_checkpoint); // Restore with just fees paid.
        return tesSUCCESS;

    // What the reserve would be if this offer was placed.
    auto const accountReserve (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (
        sleCreator->getFieldU32 (sfOwnerCount) + 1));

    if (saTakerPays == zero ||                // Wants nothing more.
        saTakerGets == zero ||                // Offering nothing more.
        bImmediateOrCancel)                   // Do not persist.
        // Complete as is.
    else if (mPriorBalance.getNValue () < accountReserve)
        // If we are here, the signing account had an insufficient reserve
        // *prior* to our processing. We use the prior balance to simplify
        // client writing and make the user experience better.

        if (bOpenLedger) // Ledger is not final, can vote no.
            // Hope for more reserve to come in or more offers to consume. If we
            // specified a local error this transaction will not be retried, so
            // specify a tec to distribute the transaction and allow it to be
            // retried. In particular, it may have been successful to a
            // degree (partially filled) and if it hasn't, it might succeed.
            terResult = tecINSUF_RESERVE_OFFER;
        else if (!crossed)
            // Ledger is final, insufficent reserve to create offer, processed
            // nothing.
            terResult = tecINSUF_RESERVE_OFFER;
            // Ledger is final, insufficent reserve to create offer, processed
            // something.

            // Consider the offer unfunded. Treat as tesSUCCESS.
        assert (saTakerPays > zero);
        assert (saTakerGets > zero);

        // We need to place the remainder of the offer into its order book.
        if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
            "offer not fully consumed:" <<
            " saTakerPays=" << saTakerPays.getFullText () <<
            " saTakerGets=" << saTakerGets.getFullText ();

        std::uint64_t uOwnerNode;
        std::uint64_t uBookNode;
        uint256 uDirectory;

        // Add offer to owner's directory.
        terResult = view.dirAdd (uOwnerNode,
            Ledger::getOwnerDirIndex (mTxnAccountID), uLedgerIndex,
            std::bind (
                &Ledger::ownerDirDescriber, std::placeholders::_1,
                std::placeholders::_2, mTxnAccountID));

        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
            // Update owner count.
            view.ownerCountAdjust (mTxnAccountID, 1, sleCreator);

            uint256 const uBookBase (Ledger::getBookBase (
                {{uPaysCurrency, uPaysIssuerID},
                    {uGetsCurrency, uGetsIssuerID}}));

            if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
                "adding to book: " << to_string (uBookBase) <<
                " : " << saTakerPays.getHumanCurrency () <<
                "/" << to_string (saTakerPays.getIssuer ()) <<
                " -> " << saTakerGets.getHumanCurrency () <<
                "/" << to_string (saTakerGets.getIssuer ());

            // We use the original rate to place the offer.
            uDirectory = Ledger::getQualityIndex (uBookBase, uRate);

            // Add offer to order book.
            terResult = view.dirAdd (uBookNode, uDirectory, uLedgerIndex,
                std::bind (
                    &Ledger::qualityDirDescriber, std::placeholders::_1,
                    std::placeholders::_2, saTakerPays.getCurrency (),
                    uPaysIssuerID, saTakerGets.getCurrency (),
                    uGetsIssuerID, uRate));

        if (tesSUCCESS == terResult)
            if (m_journal.debug)
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "sfAccount=" <<
                    to_string (mTxnAccountID);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "uPaysIssuerID=" <<
                    to_string (uPaysIssuerID);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "uGetsIssuerID=" <<
                    to_string (uGetsIssuerID);
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "saTakerPays.isNative()=" <<
                    saTakerPays.isNative ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "saTakerGets.isNative()=" <<
                    saTakerGets.isNative ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "uPaysCurrency=" <<
                    saTakerPays.getHumanCurrency ();
                m_journal.debug <<
                    "uGetsCurrency=" <<
                    saTakerGets.getHumanCurrency ();

            SLE::pointer sleOffer (mEngine->entryCreate (ltOFFER, uLedgerIndex));

            sleOffer->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, mTxnAccountID);
            sleOffer->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, uSequence);
            sleOffer->setFieldH256 (sfBookDirectory, uDirectory);
            sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerPays, saTakerPays);
            sleOffer->setFieldAmount (sfTakerGets, saTakerGets);
            sleOffer->setFieldU64 (sfOwnerNode, uOwnerNode);
            sleOffer->setFieldU64 (sfBookNode, uBookNode);

            if (uExpiration)
                sleOffer->setFieldU32 (sfExpiration, uExpiration);

            if (bPassive)
                sleOffer->setFlag (lsfPassive);

            if (bSell)
                sleOffer->setFlag (lsfSell);

            if (m_journal.debug) m_journal.debug <<
                "final terResult=" << transToken (terResult) <<
                " sleOffer=" << sleOffer->getJson (0);

    if (terResult != tesSUCCESS)
        m_journal.debug <<
            "final terResult=" << transToken (terResult);

    return terResult;