Esempio n. 1
 * vips_check_dmask_1d: (skip)
 * @domain: the originating domain for the error message
 * @mask: mask to check
 * A mask must be one-dimensional (width or height 1).
 * See also: vips_error().
 * Returns: 0 if OK, -1 otherwise.
vips_check_dmask_1d( const char *domain, DOUBLEMASK *mask )
	if( vips_check_dmask( domain, mask ) )
		return( -1 );
	if( mask->xsize != 1 &&
		mask->ysize != 1 ) {
		vips_error( domain, "%s", _( "mask must be 1D" ) );
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
Esempio n. 2
/* Break a mask into boxes.
static Boxes *
boxes_new( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, DOUBLEMASK *mask, int n_layers, int cluster )
	const int size = mask->xsize * mask->ysize;

	Boxes *boxes;
	double sum;
	int x, y, z;

	/* Check parameters.
	if( im_piocheck( in, out ) ||
		im_check_uncoded( "im_aconv", in ) ||
		vips_check_dmask( "im_aconv", mask ) ) 
		return( NULL );

	boxes = VIPS_NEW( out, Boxes );
	boxes->in = in;
	boxes->out = out;
	if( !(boxes->mask = (DOUBLEMASK *) im_local( out, 
		(im_construct_fn) im_dup_dmask,
		(im_callback_fn) im_free_dmask, mask, mask->filename, NULL )) )
		return( NULL );
	boxes->n_layers = n_layers;
	boxes->cluster = cluster;

	boxes->n_hline = 0;
	boxes->n_velement = 0;
	boxes->n_vline = 0;

	/* Break into a set of hlines.
	if( boxes_break( boxes ) )
		return( NULL );

	/* Cluster to find groups of lines.
	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "boxes_new: clustering with thresh %d ...\n", cluster );
	while( boxes_cluster2( boxes, cluster ) )

	/* Renumber to remove holes created by clustering.
	boxes_renumber( boxes );

	/* Find a set of vlines for the remaining hlines.
	boxes_vline( boxes );

	/* Find the area of the lines and the length of the longest hline.
	boxes->area = 0;
	boxes->max_line = 0;
	for( y = 0; y < boxes->n_velement; y++ ) {
		x = boxes->velement[y].band;
		z = boxes->hline[x].end - boxes->hline[x].start;

		boxes->area += boxes->velement[y].factor * z;
		if( z > boxes->max_line )
			boxes->max_line = z;

	/* Strength reduction: if all lines are divisible by n, we can move
	 * that n out into the ->area factor. The aim is to produce as many
	 * factor 1 lines as we can and to reduce the chance of overflow.
	x = boxes->velement[0].factor;
	for( y = 1; y < boxes->n_velement; y++ ) 
		x = gcd( x, boxes->velement[y].factor );
	for( y = 0; y < boxes->n_velement; y++ ) 
		boxes->velement[y].factor /= x;
	boxes->area *= x;

	/* Find the area of the original mask.
	sum = 0;
	for( z = 0; z < size; z++ ) 
		sum += mask->coeff[z];

	boxes->area = rint( sum * boxes->area / mask->scale );
	boxes->rounding = (boxes->area + 1) / 2 + mask->offset * boxes->area;

#ifdef DEBUG
	boxes_hprint( boxes );
	boxes_vprint( boxes );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	/* With 512x512 tiles, each hline requires 3mb of intermediate per
	 * thread ... 300 lines is about a gb per thread, ouch.
	if( boxes->n_hline > 150 ) {
		im_error( "im_aconv", "%s", _( "mask too complex" ) );
		return( NULL );

	return( boxes );