int visual_collection_iter_init (VisCollectionIter *iter, VisCollectionIterAssignFunc assignfunc, VisCollectionIterNextFunc nextfunc, VisCollectionIterHasMoreFunc hasmorefunc, VisCollectionIterGetDataFunc getdatafunc, VisCollection *collection, VisObject *context) { visual_log_return_val_if_fail (iter != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_COLLECTION_ITER_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (iter)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (iter), NULL); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (iter), FALSE); /* Set the VisCollectionIter data */ iter->assignfunc = assignfunc; iter->nextfunc = nextfunc; iter->hasmorefunc = hasmorefunc; iter->getdatafunc = getdatafunc; iter->collection = collection; iter->context = context; if (iter->collection != NULL) visual_object_ref (VISUAL_OBJECT (iter->collection)); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_hashlist_init (VisHashlist *hashlist, VisCollectionDestroyerFunc destroyer, int size) { visual_return_val_if_fail (hashlist != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_HASHLIST_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (hashlist)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (hashlist), visual_collection_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (hashlist), FALSE); /* Set the VisCollection data */ visual_collection_set_destroyer (VISUAL_COLLECTION (hashlist), destroyer); visual_collection_set_destroy_func (VISUAL_COLLECTION (hashlist), hashlist_destroy); visual_collection_set_size_func (VISUAL_COLLECTION (hashlist), hashlist_size); visual_collection_set_iter_func (VISUAL_COLLECTION (hashlist), hashlist_iter); /* Set the VisHashlist data */ visual_hashlist_set_size (hashlist, size); hashlist->list = visual_list_new (NULL); hashlist->index = visual_hashmap_new (NULL); /* FIXME create in set_limits, rehash if not NULL */ visual_hashmap_set_table_size (hashlist->index, size); /* <- also */ return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_transform_init (VisTransform *transform, const char *transformname) { visual_return_val_if_fail (transform != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_TRANSFORM_NULL); if (transformname && !LV::transform_plugin_get_list ().empty ()) { visual_log (VISUAL_LOG_ERROR, _("the plugin list is NULL")); return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST; } /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform), transform_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform), FALSE); /* Reset the VisTransform data */ transform->plugin = NULL; transform->video = NULL; transform->pal = NULL; if (transformname == NULL) return VISUAL_OK; if (!LV::PluginRegistry::instance()->has_plugin (VISUAL_PLUGIN_TYPE_TRANSFORM, transformname)) { return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND; } transform->plugin = visual_plugin_load (VISUAL_PLUGIN_TYPE_TRANSFORM, transformname); return VISUAL_OK; }
/** * Initializes a VisTransform, this will set the allocated flag for the object to FALSE. Should not * be used to reset a VisTransform, or on a VisTransform created by visual_transform_new(). * * @see visual_transform_new * * @param transform Pointer to the VisTransform that is initialized. * @param transformname * The name of the plugin to load, or NULL to simply initialize a new transform. * * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_TRANSFORM_NULL or -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST on failure. */ int visual_transform_init (VisTransform *transform, const char *transformname) { VisPluginRef *ref; visual_log_return_val_if_fail (transform != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_TRANSFORM_NULL); if (__lv_plugins_transform == NULL && transformname != NULL) { visual_log (VISUAL_LOG_CRITICAL, _("the plugin list is NULL")); return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST; } /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform), transform_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (transform), FALSE); /* Reset the VisTransform data */ transform->plugin = NULL; transform->video = NULL; transform->pal = NULL; if (transformname == NULL) return VISUAL_OK; ref = visual_plugin_find (__lv_plugins_transform, transformname); transform->plugin = visual_plugin_load (ref); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_video_init (VisVideo *video) { visual_return_val_if_fail (video != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_VIDEO_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (video)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (video), video_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (video), FALSE); /* Reset the VisVideo data */ video->buffer = visual_buffer_new (); video->pixel_rows = NULL; visual_video_set_attributes (video, 0, 0, 0, VISUAL_VIDEO_DEPTH_NONE); visual_video_set_buffer (video, NULL); visual_video_set_palette (video, NULL); video->parent = NULL; video->rect = visual_rectangle_new_empty (); /* Composite control */ video->compositetype = VISUAL_VIDEO_COMPOSITE_TYPE_SRC; /* Colors */ video->colorkey = visual_color_new (); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_random_context_init (VisRandomContext *rcontext, uint32_t seed) { visual_return_val_if_fail (rcontext != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_RANDOM_CONTEXT_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (rcontext)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (rcontext), NULL); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (rcontext), FALSE); /* Set the VisRandomContext data */ visual_random_context_set_seed (rcontext, seed); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_audio_samplepool_init (VisAudioSamplePool *samplepool) { visual_return_val_if_fail (samplepool != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_AUDIO_SAMPLEPOOL_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (samplepool)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (samplepool), audio_samplepool_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (samplepool), FALSE); /* Reset the VisAudioSamplePool structure */ samplepool->channels = visual_list_new (visual_object_collection_destroyer); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_audio_init (VisAudio *audio) { visual_return_val_if_fail (audio != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_AUDIO_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (audio)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (audio), audio_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (audio), FALSE); /* Reset the VisAudio data */ audio->samplepool = visual_audio_samplepool_new (); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_ringbuffer_init (VisRingBuffer *ringbuffer) { visual_return_val_if_fail (ringbuffer != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_RINGBUFFER_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (ringbuffer)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (ringbuffer), ringbuffer_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (ringbuffer), FALSE); /* Reset the VisRingBuffer structure */ ringbuffer->entries = visual_list_new (visual_object_collection_destroyer); return VISUAL_OK; }
/** * Initializes a VisPalette, this should not be used to reset a VisPalette. * The resulting initialized VisPalette is a valid VisObject even if it was not allocated. * Keep in mind that VisPalette structures that were created by visual_palette_new() should not * be passed to visual_palette_init(). * * @see visual_palette_new * * @param pal Pointer to the VisPalette which needs to be initialized. * * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_PALETTE_NULL on failure. */ int visual_palette_init (VisPalette *pal) { visual_log_return_val_if_fail (pal != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_PALETTE_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (pal)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (pal), palette_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (pal), FALSE); /* Reset the VisPalette data */ pal->ncolors = 0; pal->colors = NULL; return VISUAL_OK; }
/** * Initializes a VisActor, this will set the allocated flag for the object to FALSE. Should not * be used to reset a VisActor, or on a VisActor created by visual_actor_new(). * * @see visual_actor_new * * @param actor Pointer to the VisActor that is initialized. * @param actorname * The name of the plugin to load, or NULL to simply initialize a new actor. * * @return VISUAL_OK on succes, -VISUAL_ERROR_ACTOR_NULL or -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST on failure. */ int visual_actor_init (VisActor *actor, const char *actorname) { VisPluginRef *ref; VisPluginEnviron *enve; VisActorPluginEnviron *actenviron; visual_log_return_val_if_fail (actor != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_ACTOR_NULL); if (__lv_plugins_actor == NULL && actorname != NULL) { visual_log (VISUAL_LOG_CRITICAL, _("the plugin list is NULL")); return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST; } /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (actor)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (actor), actor_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (actor), FALSE); /* Reset the VisActor data */ actor->plugin = NULL; actor->video = NULL; actor->transform = NULL; actor->fitting = NULL; actor->ditherpal = NULL; visual_mem_set (&actor->songcompare, 0, sizeof (VisSongInfo)); if (actorname == NULL) return VISUAL_OK; ref = visual_plugin_find (__lv_plugins_actor, actorname); actor->plugin = visual_plugin_load (ref); /* Adding the VisActorPluginEnviron */ actenviron = visual_mem_new0 (VisActorPluginEnviron, 1); visual_object_initialize (VISUAL_OBJECT (actenviron), TRUE, NULL); enve = visual_plugin_environ_new (VISUAL_ACTOR_PLUGIN_ENVIRON, VISUAL_OBJECT (actenviron)); visual_plugin_environ_add (actor->plugin, enve); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_audio_samplepool_channel_init (VisAudioSamplePoolChannel *channel, const char *channelid) { visual_return_val_if_fail (channel != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_AUDIO_SAMPLEPOOL_CHANNEL_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (channel)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (channel), audio_samplepool_channel_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (channel), FALSE); /* Reset the VisAudioSamplePoolChannel data */ channel->samples = visual_ringbuffer_new (); visual_time_set (&channel->samples_timeout, 1, 0); /* FIXME not safe against time screws */ channel->channelid = visual_strdup (channelid); channel->factor = 1.0; return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_ringbuffer_entry_init (VisRingBufferEntry *entry, VisBuffer *buffer) { visual_return_val_if_fail (entry != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_RINGBUFFER_ENTRY_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry), ringbuffer_entry_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry), FALSE); /* Reset the VisRingBufferEntry data */ entry->type = VISUAL_RINGBUFFER_ENTRY_TYPE_BUFFER; entry->datafunc = NULL; entry->destroyfunc = NULL; entry->sizefunc = NULL; entry->buffer = buffer; entry->functiondata = NULL; return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_audio_sample_init (VisAudioSample *sample, VisBuffer *buffer, VisTime *timestamp, VisAudioSampleFormatType format, VisAudioSampleRateType rate) { visual_return_val_if_fail (sample != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_AUDIO_SAMPLE_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (sample)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (sample), audio_sample_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (sample), FALSE); /* Reset the VisAudioSamplePool structure */ visual_time_copy (&sample->timestamp, timestamp); sample->rate = rate; sample->format = format; sample->buffer = buffer; sample->processed = NULL; return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_morph_init (VisMorph *morph, const char *morphname) { visual_return_val_if_fail (morph != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_MORPH_NULL); if (morphname && get_morph_plugin_list ().empty ()) { visual_log (VISUAL_LOG_ERROR, _("the plugin list is NULL")); return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NO_LIST; } /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (morph)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (morph), morph_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (morph), FALSE); /* Reset the VisMorph data */ morph->plugin = NULL; morph->dest = NULL; morph->morphpal = visual_palette_new (256); morph->morphtime = visual_time_new (); morph->timer = visual_timer_new (); visual_morph_set_rate (morph, 0); visual_morph_set_steps (morph, 0); morph->stepsdone = 0; visual_morph_set_mode (morph, VISUAL_MORPH_MODE_SET); if (morphname == NULL) return VISUAL_OK; if (!LV::PluginRegistry::instance()->has_plugin (VISUAL_PLUGIN_TYPE_MORPH, morphname)) { return -VISUAL_ERROR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND; } morph->plugin = visual_plugin_load (VISUAL_PLUGIN_TYPE_MORPH, morphname); return VISUAL_OK; }
int visual_ringbuffer_entry_init_function (VisRingBufferEntry *entry, VisRingBufferDataFunc datafunc, VisRingBufferDestroyFunc destroyfunc, VisRingBufferSizeFunc sizefunc, void *functiondata) { visual_return_val_if_fail (entry != NULL, -VISUAL_ERROR_RINGBUFFER_ENTRY_NULL); /* Do the VisObject initialization */ visual_object_clear (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry)); visual_object_set_dtor (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry), ringbuffer_entry_dtor); visual_object_set_allocated (VISUAL_OBJECT (entry), FALSE); /* Reset the VisRingBufferEntry data */ entry->type = VISUAL_RINGBUFFER_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION; entry->datafunc = datafunc; entry->destroyfunc = destroyfunc; entry->sizefunc = sizefunc; entry->buffer = NULL; entry->functiondata = functiondata; return VISUAL_OK; }