Esempio n. 1
VlKDForest *
load_VlKDForest(const char *fname)
    FILE *fp;
    size_t n;
    VlKDForest *self = vl_malloc (sizeof(VlKDForest)) ;

    if((fp = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL)
        return -1;

    n = read_VlKDForest(fp, self);

    self -> rand = vl_get_rand ();
    self -> searchHeapArray = 0;
    self -> searchIdBook = 0;

    switch (self->dataType) {
    case VL_TYPE_FLOAT:
        self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
            vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (VlDistanceL2) ;
        break ;
    case VL_TYPE_DOUBLE :
        self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
            vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d (VlDistanceL2) ;
        break ;
    default :
        abort() ;

    return self;
Esempio n. 2
static void
VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_seed_centers_with_rand_data_, SFX)
(VlKMeans * self,
 TYPE const * data,
 vl_size dimension,
 vl_size numData,
 vl_size numCenters)
  vl_uindex i, j, k ;
  VlRand * rand = vl_get_rand () ;

  self->dimension = dimension ;
  self->numCenters = numCenters ;
  self->centers = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * dimension * numCenters) ;

    vl_uindex * perm = vl_malloc (sizeof(vl_uindex) * numData) ;
    VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f(self->distance) ;
    VlDoubleVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d(self->distance) ;
    TYPE * distances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numCenters) ;

    /* get a random permutation of the data point */
    for (i = 0 ; i < numData ; ++i) perm[i] = i ;
    _vl_kmeans_shuffle (perm, numData, rand) ;

    for (k = 0, i = 0 ; k < numCenters ; ++ i) {

      /* compare the next data point to all centers collected so far
       to detect duplicates (if there are enough left)
      if (numCenters - k < numData - i) {
        vl_bool duplicateDetected = VL_FALSE ;
        VL_XCAT(vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_, SFX)(distances,
                                                              data + dimension * perm[i], 1,
                                                              (TYPE*)self->centers, k,
                                                              distFn) ;
        for (j = 0 ; j < k ; ++j) { duplicateDetected |= (distances[j] == 0) ; }
        if (duplicateDetected) continue ;

      /* ok, it is not a duplicate so we can accept it! */
      memcpy ((TYPE*)self->centers + dimension * k,
              data + dimension * perm[i],
              sizeof(TYPE) * dimension) ;
      k ++ ;
    vl_free(distances) ;
    vl_free(perm) ;
testThread(LPVOID args)
  int j ;
  int id = *(DWORD*)args ;
  vl_tic() ;
  for (j = 0 ; j < 10 ; ++j) {
    printf("Thread %5d: %d\n",
      id, vl_rand_int31(vl_get_rand())) ;
    fflush(stdout) ;
  printf("Thread %5d: elapsed time: %.2f s\n", id, vl_toc()) ;
  return 0 ;
void *
testThread(void * args)
  int j ;
  int id = *(int*)args ;
  vl_tic() ;
  for (j = 0 ; j < 10 ; ++j) {
    printf("Thread %5d: %d\n",
      id, vl_rand_int31(vl_get_rand())) ;
    fflush(stdout) ;
  printf("Thread %5d: elapsed time: %.2f s\n", id, vl_toc()) ;
  return NULL ;
Esempio n. 5
vl_kdforest_new (vl_type dataType,
                 vl_size dimension, vl_size numTrees)
  VlKDForest * self = vl_malloc (sizeof(VlKDForest)) ;

  assert(dataType == VL_TYPE_FLOAT || dataType == VL_TYPE_DOUBLE) ;
  assert(dimension >= 1) ;
  assert(numTrees >= 1) ;

  self -> rand = vl_get_rand () ;
  self -> dataType = dataType ;
  self -> numData = 0 ;
  self -> data = 0 ;
  self -> dimension = dimension ;
  self -> numTrees = numTrees ;
  self -> trees = 0 ;
  self -> thresholdingMethod = VL_KDTREE_MEDIAN ;
  self -> splitHeapSize = (numTrees == 1) ? 1 : VL_KDTREE_SPLIT_HEALP_SIZE ;
  self -> splitHeapNumNodes = 0 ;

  self -> searchHeapArray = 0 ;
  self -> searchHeapNumNodes = 0 ;

  self -> searchMaxNumComparisons = 0 ;
  self -> searchIdBook = 0 ;
  self -> searchId = 0 ;

  switch (self->dataType) {
    case VL_TYPE_FLOAT:
      self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
      vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (VlDistanceL2) ;
      break ;
    case VL_TYPE_DOUBLE :
      self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
      vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d (VlDistanceL2) ;
      break ;
    default :
      abort() ;

  return self ;
Esempio n. 6
VlKDForest *
vl_kdforest_new (vl_type dataType,
                 vl_size dimension, vl_size numTrees, VlVectorComparisonType distance)
  VlKDForest * self = vl_calloc (sizeof(VlKDForest), 1) ;

  assert(dataType == VL_TYPE_FLOAT || dataType == VL_TYPE_DOUBLE) ;
  assert(dimension >= 1) ;
  assert(numTrees >= 1) ;

  self -> rand = vl_get_rand () ;
  self -> dataType = dataType ;
  self -> numData = 0 ;
  self -> data = 0 ;
  self -> dimension = dimension ;
  self -> numTrees = numTrees ;
  self -> trees = 0 ;
  self -> thresholdingMethod = VL_KDTREE_MEDIAN ;
  self -> splitHeapSize = VL_MIN(numTrees, VL_KDTREE_SPLIT_HEAP_SIZE) ;
  self -> splitHeapNumNodes = 0 ;
  self -> distance = distance;
  self -> maxNumNodes = 0 ;

  switch (self->dataType) {
    case VL_TYPE_FLOAT:
      self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
      vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f (distance) ;
    case VL_TYPE_DOUBLE :
      self -> distanceFunction = (void(*)(void))
      vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d (distance) ;
      break ;
    default :
      abort() ;

  return self ;
Esempio n. 7
/* driver */
mexFunction(int nout, mxArray *out[],
            int nin, const mxArray *in[])
  enum {
  } mode ;

  VlRand * rand ;


  rand = vl_get_rand() ;

  /** -----------------------------------------------------------------
   **                                               Check the arguments
   ** -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (nout > 1) {
    vlmxError(vlmxErrTooManyInputArguments, NULL) ;

  if (nin > 0 && ! mxIsNumeric(in[0])) {
    mode = MANIP_STATE ;
  } else {
    mode = RUN_GENERATOR ;

  switch (mode) {
      enum { maxNumDimensions = 30 } ;
      vl_size numDimensions = 2, n ;
      vl_uindex k ;
      mwSize dimensions [maxNumDimensions] = {1, 1} ;
      double * x ;

      if (nin > 1) {
        /* TWISTER(N1 N2 ...) style */
        if (nin >= maxNumDimensions) {
                    "Too many dimensions specified.") ;
        for (k = 0 ; k < (unsigned)nin ; ++k) {
          if (! vlmxIsPlainScalar(in[k])) {
                     "The %d-th argument is not a plain scalar.", k + 1) ;
          if (mxGetScalar(in[k]) < 0) {
                      "The %d-th argument is negative.", k + 1) ;
          dimensions[k] = mxGetScalar(in[k]) ;
        numDimensions = k ;

      } else if (nin == 1) {
        /* TWISTER([N1 N2 ...]) style */
        if (! vlmxIsPlainVector(in[0], -1)) {
                   "The argument is not a plain vector.") ;

        x = mxGetPr(in[0]) ;
        n = mxGetNumberOfElements(in[0]) ;
        numDimensions = VL_MAX(2, n) ;

        if (numDimensions > maxNumDimensions) {
                   "Too many dimensions specified.") ;

        if (n == 1) {
          if (*x < 0) {
                      "The specified dimension is negative.") ;
          dimensions[0] = dimensions[1] = *x ;
        } else {
          for (k = 0 ; k < n ; ++k) {
            if (x[k] < 0) {
                        "One of the specified dimensions is negative.") ;
            dimensions[k] = x[k] ;

      out[0] = mxCreateNumericArray (numDimensions, dimensions, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
      n = mxGetNumberOfElements (out[0]) ;
      x = mxGetPr (out[0]) ;
      for (k = 0 ; k < n ; ++k) {
        x[k] = vl_rand_res53(rand) ;
    break ;

      enum { buff_size = 32 } ;
      char buff [buff_size] ;

      /* check for 'state' string */
      if (! vlmxIsString(in[0], -1)                 ||
          mxGetString(in[0], buff, buff_size)       ||
          vl_string_casei_cmp ("state", buff) != 0   ) {
        vlmxError(vlmxErrInvalidArgument, NULL) ;

      /* TWISTER('state') */
      if (nin == 1) {
        vl_uindex i ;
        vl_uint32 * data ;
        out[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix (625, 1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL) ;
        data = mxGetData(out[0]) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < 624 ; ++i) data[i] = rand->mt[i] ;
        data[624] = (vl_uint32) rand->mti ;
      } else {
        if (vlmxIsPlainScalar(in[1])) {
          /* TWISTER('state', X) */
          vl_uint32 x = (vl_uint32) mxGetScalar(in[1]) ;
          vl_rand_seed (rand, x) ;
        } else if (mxIsNumeric(in[1])                                &&
                   mxGetClassID(in[1]) == mxUINT32_CLASS             &&
                   mxGetNumberOfElements(in[1]) == 624+1             &&
                   ((vl_uint32 const*)mxGetData(in[1]))[624] <= 624  ) {
          /* TWISTER('state', STATE) */
          vl_uindex i ;
          vl_uint32 * data = mxGetData(in[1]) ;
          for (i = 0 ; i < 624 ; ++i) rand->mt[i] = data[i] ;
          rand->mti = data [624] ;
        } else if (mxIsNumeric(in[1])                    &&
                   mxGetClassID(in[1]) == mxDOUBLE_CLASS &&
                   mxGetNumberOfElements(in[1]) <= 624) {
          /* TWISTER('state', KEY) */
          vl_uint32 key [624] ;
          double const * x = mxGetPr(in[1]) ;
          vl_size n = mxGetNumberOfElements(in[1]) ;
          vl_uindex k ;
          for (k = 0 ; k < n ; ++k) {
            key [k] = x [k] ;
          vl_rand_seed_by_array (rand, key, n) ;
    break ;

    abort() ;
Esempio n. 8
static void
VL_XCAT(_vl_kmeans_seed_centers_plus_plus_, SFX)
(VlKMeans * self,
 TYPE const * data,
 vl_size dimension,
 vl_size numData,
 vl_size numCenters)
  vl_uindex x, c ;
  VlRand * rand = vl_get_rand () ;
  TYPE * distances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData) ;
  TYPE * minDistances = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * numData) ;
  VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_f(self->distance) ;
  VlDoubleVectorComparisonFunction distFn = vl_get_vector_comparison_function_d(self->distance) ;

  self->dimension = dimension ;
  self->numCenters = numCenters ;
  self->centers = vl_malloc (sizeof(TYPE) * dimension * numCenters) ;

  for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
    minDistances[x] = (TYPE) VL_INFINITY_D ;

  /* select the first point at random */
  x = vl_rand_uindex (rand, numData) ;
  c = 0 ;
  while (1) {
    TYPE energy = 0 ;
    TYPE acc = 0 ;
    TYPE thresh = (TYPE) vl_rand_real1 (rand) ;

    memcpy ((TYPE*)self->centers + c * dimension,
            data + x * dimension,
            sizeof(TYPE) * dimension) ;

    c ++ ;
    if (c == numCenters) break ;

    VL_XCAT(vl_eval_vector_comparison_on_all_pairs_, SFX)
     (TYPE*)self->centers + (c - 1) * dimension, 1,
     data, numData,
     distFn) ;

    for (x = 0 ; x < numData ; ++x) {
      minDistances[x] = VL_MIN(minDistances[x], distances[x]) ;
      energy += minDistances[x] ;

    for (x = 0 ; x < numData - 1 ; ++x) {
      acc += minDistances[x] ;
      if (acc >= thresh * energy) break ;

  vl_free(distances) ;
  vl_free(minDistances) ;
Esempio n. 9
VL_XCAT(vl_pegasos_train_binary_svm_,SFX)(T *  model,
                                          T const * data,
                                          vl_size dimension,
                                          vl_size numSamples,
                                          vl_int8 const * labels,
                                          double regularizer,
                                          double biasMultiplier,
                                          vl_uindex startingIteration,
                                          vl_size numIterations,
                                          VlRand * randomGenerator)
  vl_uindex iteration ;
  vl_uindex i ;
  T const * x ;
  T acc, eta, y, scale = 1 ;
  double lambda = regularizer ;
  double sqrtLambda = sqrt(lambda) ;

  VlFloatVectorComparisonFunction dotFn =
  VlDoubleVectorComparisonFunction dotFn =
  VL_XCAT(vl_get_vector_comparison_function_,SFX)(VlKernelL2) ;

  if (randomGenerator == NULL) randomGenerator = vl_get_rand() ;

  assert(startingIteration >= 1) ;

     The model is stored as scale*model[]. When a sample does not violate
     the margin, only scale needs to be updated.

  for (iteration = startingIteration ;
       iteration < startingIteration + numIterations ;
       ++ iteration) {
    /* pick a sample  */
    vl_uindex k = vl_rand_uindex(randomGenerator, numSamples) ;
    x = data + dimension * k ;
    y = labels[k] ;

    /* project on the weight vector */
    acc = dotFn(dimension, x, model) ;
    if (biasMultiplier) acc += biasMultiplier * model[dimension] ;
    acc *= scale ;

    /* learning rate */
    eta = 1.0 / (iteration * lambda) ;

    if (y * acc < (T) 1.0) {
      /* margin violated */
      T a = scale * (1 - eta * lambda)  ;
      T b = y * eta ;

      acc = 0 ;
      for (i = 0 ; i < dimension ; ++i) {
        model[i] = a * model[i] + b * x[i] ;
        acc += model[i] * model[i] ;
      if (biasMultiplier) {
        model[dimension] = a * model[dimension] + b * biasMultiplier ;
        acc += model[dimension] * model[dimension] ;
      scale = VL_MIN((T)1.0 / (sqrtLambda * sqrt(acc + VL_EPSILON_D)), (T)1.0) ;
    } else {
      /* margin not violated */
      scale *= 1 - eta * lambda ;

  /* denormalize representation */
  for (i = 0 ; i < dimension + (biasMultiplier ? 1 : 0) ; ++i) {
    model[i] *= scale ;
Esempio n. 10
 *  vlfeat
 *  Created by Andrea Vedaldi on 16/07/2009.
 *  Copyright 2009 UCLA. All rights reserved.

#include <vl/random.h>
#include <vl/mathop.h>

#include <math.h>

main(int argc VL_UNUSED, char**argv VL_UNUSED)
    VlRand * rand = vl_get_rand() ;
    vl_size numData = 100000000 ;
    vl_size i ;
    float * X = vl_malloc(sizeof(float) * numData) ;
    float * Y = vl_malloc(sizeof(float) * numData) ;
    float * X_end = X + numData ;

    for (i = 0 ; i < numData ; ++ i) {
        X[i] = vl_rand_real1(rand) - .5 ;
        Y[i] = 0 ;

        float * Xi = X ;
        float * Yi = Y ;
        vl_tic() ;