Esempio n. 1
int vl_pgm_read_new (char const *name, VlPgmImage *im, vl_uint8** data)
  int err = 0 ;
  VlThreadSpecificState * threadState = vl_get_thread_specific_state() ;

  FILE *f = fopen (name, "rb") ;

  if (! f) {
    snprintf(threadState->lastErrorMessage, VL_ERR_MSG_LEN,
             "Error opening PGM file `%s' for reading", name) ;
    return (threadState->lastError = VL_ERR_PGM_IO) ;

  err = vl_pgm_extract_head(f, im) ;
  if (err) {
    fclose (f) ;
    return err ;

  if (vl_pgm_get_bpp(im) > 1) {
    snprintf(threadState->lastErrorMessage, VL_ERR_MSG_LEN,
             "vl_pgm_read(): PGM with BPP > 1 not supported") ;
    return (threadState->lastError =  VL_ERR_BAD_ARG) ;

  *data = (vl_uint8*)vl_malloc (vl_pgm_get_npixels(im) * sizeof(vl_uint8)) ;
  err = vl_pgm_extract_data(f, im, *data) ;

  if (err) {
    vl_free (data) ;
    fclose (f) ;

  fclose (f) ;
  return err ;
Esempio n. 2
void Sift::ReadImageFromFile(char* filename)
  char basename [1024];
  FILE *in = 0;
  vl_size q;

  vl_bool  err    = VL_ERR_OK ;
  /* ...............................................................
   *                                                 Determine files
   * ............................................................ */

  Logger::info(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile(%s)", filename);

  /* get basename from filename */
  q = vl_string_basename (basename, sizeof(basename), filename, 1) ;

  err = (q >= sizeof(basename)) ;

  if (err)
    Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: Basename of '%s' is too long", filename);
    throw SiftException("Basename of file is too long!");

  /* open input file */
  in = fopen (filename, "rb") ;
  if (!in)
    Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: Failed to open file: '%s' with flags 'rb'", filename);
    throw SiftException("failed to open file for reading");

  /* ...............................................................
   *                                                       Read data
   * ............................................................ */

  /* read PGM header */
  err = vl_pgm_extract_head (in, &pim) ;

  if (err) {
    switch (vl_get_last_error()) {
    case  VL_ERR_PGM_IO :
      Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: Cannot read from '%s'.", filename);
      throw SiftException("Cannot read from file");
      break ;

    case VL_ERR_PGM_INV_HEAD :
      Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: '%s' contains a malformed PGM header.", filename);
      throw SiftException("file contains a malformed PGM header.");

  /*if (verbose)
    printf ("sift: image is %d by %d pixels\n",
            pim. width,
            pim. height) ;*/

  /* allocate buffer */
  data  = (vl_uint8*)vl_malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                 vl_pgm_get_bpp(&pim) * sizeof (vl_uint8)   ) ;
  fdata = (vl_sift_pix*)vl_malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                 vl_pgm_get_bpp       (&pim) * sizeof (vl_sift_pix)) ;

  if (!data || !fdata)
    Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: out of mem while allocating buffers for image.");
    throw SiftException("out of mem while allocating buffers for image.");

  /* read PGM body */
  err  = vl_pgm_extract_data (in, &pim, data) ;

  if (err) {
    Logger::error(Logger::SIFT, "ReadImageFromFile: '%s' contains a malformed PGM body.", filename);
    throw SiftException("file contains a malformed PGM body.");
    err = VL_ERR_IO ;

  /* convert data type */
  for (q = 0 ; q < (unsigned) (pim.width * pim.height) ; ++q) {
    fdata [q] = data [q] ;

  /* close files */
  if (in) {
    fclose (in) ;
    in = 0 ;
Esempio n. 3
/** @brief MSER driver entry point
main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* algorithm parameters */
  double   delta         = -1 ;
  double   max_area      = -1 ;
  double   min_area      = -1 ;
  double   max_variation = -1 ;
  double   min_diversity = -1 ;
  int      bright_on_dark = 1 ;
  int      dark_on_bright = 1 ;

  vl_bool  err    = VL_ERR_OK ;
  char     err_msg [1024] ;
  int      n ;
  int      exit_code = 0 ;
  int      verbose = 0 ;

  VlFileMeta frm  = {0, "%.frame", VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta piv  = {0, "%.mser",  VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta met  = {0, "%.meta",  VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;

#define ERRF(msg, arg) {                                             \
    err = VL_ERR_BAD_ARG ;                                           \
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), msg, arg) ;                   \
    break ;                                                          \

#define ERR(msg) {                                                   \
    err = VL_ERR_BAD_ARG ;                                           \
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), msg) ;                        \
    break ;                                                          \

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                      Parse options
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */
  while (!err) {
    int ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts, longopts, 0) ;

    /* If there are no files passed as input, print the help and settings */
    if (ch == -1 && argc - optind == 0)
      ch = 'h';

    /* end of option list? */
    if (ch == -1) break;

    /* process options */
    switch (ch) {

      /* .......................................................... */
    case '?' :
      ERRF("Invalid option '%s'.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case ':' :
      ERRF("Missing mandatory argument for option '%s'.",
          argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case 'h' :
      printf (help_message, argv [0]) ;
      printf ("MSERs  filespec: `%s'\n", piv.pattern) ;
      printf ("Frames filespec: `%s'\n", frm.pattern) ;
      printf ("Meta   filespec: `%s'\n", met.pattern) ;
      printf ("Version: driver %s; libvl %s\n",
              vl_get_version_string()) ;
      exit (0) ;
      break ;

    case 'v' :
      ++ verbose ;
      break ;

      /* .......................................................... */
    case 'd' :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &delta) ;
      if (n == 0 || delta < 0)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be a non-negative number.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

      /* ........................................................... */
    case opt_max_area :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &max_area) ;
      if (n == 0 || max_area < 0 || max_area > 1)
        ERR("max-area argument must be in the [0,1] range.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_min_area :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &min_area) ;
      if (n == 0 || min_area < 0 || min_area > 1)
        ERR("min-area argument must be in the [0,1] range.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_max_variation :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &max_variation) ;
      if (n == 0 || max_variation < 0)
        ERR("max-variation argument must be non-negative.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_min_diversity :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &min_diversity) ;
      if (n == 0 || min_diversity < 0 || min_diversity > 1)
        ERR("min-diversity argument must be in the [0,1] range.") ;
      break ;

      /* ........................................................... */
    case opt_frame :
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&frm, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_seed :
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&piv, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_meta :
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&met, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;

      if (met.protocol != VL_PROT_ASCII)
        ERR("meta file supports only ASCII protocol") ;
      break ;

    case opt_bright :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%d", &bright_on_dark) ;
      if (n == 0 || (bright_on_dark != 0 && bright_on_dark != 1))
        ERR("bright_on_dark must be 0 or 1.") ;
      break ;

    case opt_dark :
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%d", &dark_on_bright) ;
      if (n == 0 || (dark_on_bright != 0 && dark_on_bright != 1))
        ERR("dark_on_bright must be 0 or 1.") ;
      break ;

      /* .......................................................... */
    case 0 :
    default :
      abort() ;

  /* check for parsing errors */
  if (err) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s (%d)\n",
            argv [0],
            err_msg, err) ;
    exit (1) ;

  /* parse other arguments (filenames) */
  argc -= optind ;
  argv += optind ;

  /* make sure at least one file */
  if ( == 0 && == 0) { = 1 ;

  if (verbose > 1) {
    printf("mser: frames output\n") ;
    printf("mser:    active   %d\n", ) ;
    printf("mser:    pattern  %s\n",  frm.pattern) ;
    printf("mser:    protocol %s\n",  vl_string_protocol_name (frm.protocol)) ;
    printf("mser: seeds output\n") ;
    printf("mser:    active   %d\n", ) ;
    printf("mser:    pattern  %s\n",  piv.pattern) ;
    printf("mser:    protocol %s\n",  vl_string_protocol_name (piv.protocol)) ;
    printf("mser: meta output\n") ;
    printf("mser:    active   %d\n", ) ;
    printf("mser:    pattern  %s\n",  met.pattern) ;
    printf("mser:    protocol %s\n",  vl_string_protocol_name (met.protocol)) ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                         Process one image per time
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */

  while (argc--) {

    char             basename [1024] ;
    char const      *name = *argv++ ;
    VlMserFilt      *filt = 0 ;
    VlMserFilt      *filtinv = 0 ;
    vl_uint8        *data = 0 ;
    vl_uint8        *datainv = 0 ;
    VlPgmImage       pim ;
    vl_uint const   *regions ;
    vl_uint const   *regionsinv ;
    float const     *frames ;
    float const     *framesinv ;
    enum            {ndims = 2} ;
    int              dims [ndims] ;
    int              nregions = 0, nregionsinv = 0, nframes = 0, nframesinv =0;
    int              i, j, dof ;
    vl_size          q ;
    FILE            *in = 0 ;

    /* Open files  ------------------------------------------------ */

    /* get basenmae from filename */
    q = vl_string_basename (basename, sizeof(basename), name, 1) ;
    err = (q >= sizeof(basename)) ;
    if (err) {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Basename of '%s' is too long", name);
      err = VL_ERR_OVERFLOW ;
      goto done ;

    if (verbose) {
      printf("mser: processing '%s'\n", name) ;

    if (verbose > 1) {
      printf("mser:    basename is '%s'\n", basename) ;

#define WERR(name)                                              \
    if (err == VL_ERR_OVERFLOW) {                               \
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),                        \
               "Output file name too long.") ;                  \
      goto done ;                                               \
    } else if (err) {                                           \
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),                        \
               "Could not open '%s' for writing.", name) ;      \
      goto done ;                                               \

    /* open input file */
    in = fopen (name, "rb") ;
    if (!in) {
      err = VL_ERR_IO ;
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Could not open '%s' for reading.", name) ;
      goto done ;

    /* open output files */
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&piv, basename, "w") ; WERR( ;
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&frm, basename, "w") ; WERR( ;
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&met, basename, "w") ; WERR( ;

    if (verbose > 1) {
      if ( printf("mser:  writing seeds  to '%s'\n",;
      if ( printf("mser:  writing frames to '%s'\n",;
      if ( printf("mser:  writing meta   to '%s'\n",;

    /* Read image data -------------------------------------------- */

    /* read source image header */
    err = vl_pgm_extract_head (in, &pim) ;
    if (err) {
      err = VL_ERR_IO ;
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "PGM header corrputed.") ;
      goto done ;

    if (verbose) {
      printf("mser:   image is %d by %d pixels\n",
             pim. width,
             pim. height) ;

    /* allocate buffer */
    data = malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                  vl_pgm_get_bpp       (&pim)) ;

    if (!data) {
      err = VL_ERR_ALLOC ;
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Could not allocate enough memory.") ;
      goto done ;

    /* read PGM */
    err  = vl_pgm_extract_data (in, &pim, data) ;
    if (err) {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "PGM body corrputed.") ;
      goto done ;

    /* Process data  ---------------------------------------------- */
    dims[0] = pim.width ;
    dims[1] = pim.height ;

    filt = vl_mser_new (ndims, dims) ;
    filtinv = vl_mser_new (ndims, dims) ;

    if (!filt || !filtinv) {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
              "Could not create an MSER filter.") ;
      goto done ;

    if (delta         >= 0) vl_mser_set_delta          (filt, (vl_mser_pix) delta) ;
    if (max_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_area       (filt, max_area) ;
    if (min_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_area       (filt, min_area) ;
    if (max_variation >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_variation  (filt, max_variation) ;
    if (min_diversity >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_diversity  (filt, min_diversity) ;
    if (delta         >= 0) vl_mser_set_delta          (filtinv, (vl_mser_pix) delta) ;
    if (max_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_area       (filtinv, max_area) ;
    if (min_area      >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_area       (filtinv, min_area) ;
    if (max_variation >= 0) vl_mser_set_max_variation  (filtinv, max_variation) ;
    if (min_diversity >= 0) vl_mser_set_min_diversity  (filtinv, min_diversity) ;

    if (verbose) {
      printf("mser: parameters:\n") ;
      printf("mser:   delta         = %d\n", vl_mser_get_delta         (filt)) ;
      printf("mser:   max_area      = %g\n", vl_mser_get_max_area      (filt)) ;
      printf("mser:   min_area      = %g\n", vl_mser_get_min_area      (filt)) ;
      printf("mser:   max_variation = %g\n", vl_mser_get_max_variation (filt)) ;
      printf("mser:   min_diversity = %g\n", vl_mser_get_min_diversity (filt)) ;

    if (dark_on_bright)
      vl_mser_process (filt, (vl_mser_pix*) data) ;

      /* Save result  ----------------------------------------------- */
      nregions = vl_mser_get_regions_num (filt) ;
      regions  = vl_mser_get_regions     (filt) ;

      if ( {
        for (i = 0 ; i < nregions ; ++i) {
          fprintf(piv.file, "%d ", regions [i]) ;

      if ( {
        vl_mser_ell_fit (filt) ;

        nframes = vl_mser_get_ell_num (filt) ;
        dof     = vl_mser_get_ell_dof (filt) ;
        frames  = vl_mser_get_ell     (filt) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < nframes ; ++i) {
          for (j = 0 ; j < dof ; ++j) {
            fprintf(frm.file, "%f ", *frames++) ;
          fprintf(frm.file, "\n") ;
    if (bright_on_dark)
      /* allocate buffer */
      datainv = malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                  vl_pgm_get_bpp       (&pim)) ;
      for (i = 0; i < vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim); i++) {
        datainv[i] = ~data[i]; /* 255 - data[i] */

      if (!datainv) {
        err = VL_ERR_ALLOC ;
        snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
                 "Could not allocate enough memory.") ;
        goto done ;

      vl_mser_process (filtinv, (vl_mser_pix*) datainv) ;

      /* Save result  ----------------------------------------------- */
      nregionsinv = vl_mser_get_regions_num (filtinv) ;
      regionsinv  = vl_mser_get_regions     (filtinv) ;

      if ( {
        for (i = 0 ; i < nregionsinv ; ++i) {
          fprintf(piv.file, "%d ", -regionsinv [i]) ;

      if ( {
        vl_mser_ell_fit (filtinv) ;

        nframesinv = vl_mser_get_ell_num (filtinv) ;
        dof        = vl_mser_get_ell_dof (filtinv) ;
        framesinv  = vl_mser_get_ell     (filtinv) ;
        for (i = 0 ; i < nframesinv ; ++i) {
          for (j = 0 ; j < dof ; ++j) {
            fprintf(frm.file, "%f ", *framesinv++) ;
          fprintf(frm.file, "\n") ;

    if ( {
      fprintf(met.file, "<mser\n") ;
      fprintf(met.file, "  input = '%s'\n", name) ;
      if ( {
        fprintf(met.file, "  seeds = '%s'\n", ;
      if ( {
        fprintf(met.file,"  frames = '%s'\n", ;
      fprintf(met.file, ">\n") ;

    /* Next guy  ----------------------------------------------- */
  done :
    /* release filter */
    if (filt) {
      vl_mser_delete (filt) ;
      filt = 0 ;
    if (filtinv) {
      vl_mser_delete (filtinv) ;
      filtinv = 0 ;

    /* release image data */
    if (data) {
      free (data) ;
      data = 0 ;
    if (datainv) {
      free (datainv) ;
      datainv = 0 ;

    /* close files */
    if (in) {
      fclose (in) ;
      in = 0 ;

    vl_file_meta_close (&frm) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&piv) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&met) ;

    /* if bad print error message */
    if (err) {
         "mser: err: %s (%d)\n",
         err) ;
      exit_code = 1 ;

  /* quit */
  return exit_code ;
Esempio n. 4
/** @brief SIFT driver entry point
main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* algorithm parameters */
  double   edge_thresh  = -1 ;
  double   peak_thresh  = -1 ;
  double   magnif       = -1 ;
  int      O = -1, S = 3, omin = -1 ;

  vl_bool  err    = VL_ERR_OK ;
  char     err_msg [1024] ;
  int      n ;
  int      exit_code          = 0 ;
  int      verbose            = 0 ;
  vl_bool  force_output       = 0 ;
  vl_bool  force_orientations = 0 ;

  VlFileMeta out  = {1, "%.sift",  VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta frm  = {0, "%.frame", VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta dsc  = {0, "%.descr", VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta met  = {0, "%.meta",  VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta gss  = {0, "%.pgm",   VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;
  VlFileMeta ifr  = {0, "%.frame", VL_PROT_ASCII, "", 0} ;

#define ERRF(msg, arg) {                                        \
    err = VL_ERR_BAD_ARG ;                                      \
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), msg, arg) ;              \
    break ;                                                     \

#define ERR(msg) {                                              \
    err = VL_ERR_BAD_ARG ;                                      \
    snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), msg) ;                   \
    break ;                                                     \

  /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                                     Parse options
   * -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  while (!err) {
    int ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts, longopts, 0) ;

    /* If there are no files passed as input, print the help and settings */
    if (ch == -1 && argc - optind == 0)
      ch = 'h';

    /* end of option list? */
    if (ch == -1) break;

    switch (ch) {

    case '?' :
      /* unkown option ............................................ */
      ERRF("Invalid option '%s'.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case ':' :
      /* missing argument ......................................... */
      ERRF("Missing mandatory argument for option '%s'.",
          argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case 'h' :
      /* --help ................................................... */
      printf (help_message, argv [0]) ;
      printf ("SIFT         filespec: `%s'\n", out.pattern) ;
      printf ("Frames       filespec: `%s'\n", frm.pattern) ;
      printf ("Descriptors  filespec: `%s'\n", dsc.pattern) ;
      printf ("Meta         filespec: `%s'\n", met.pattern) ;
      printf ("GSS          filespec: '%s'\n", gss.pattern) ;
      printf ("Read frames  filespec: '%s'\n", ifr.pattern) ;
      printf ("Version: driver %s; libvl %s\n",
              vl_get_version_string()) ;
      exit (0) ;
      break ;

    case 'v' :
      /* --verbose ................................................ */
      ++ verbose ;
      break ;

    case 'o' :
      /* --output  ................................................ */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&out, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      force_output = 1 ;
      break ;

    case opt_frames :
      /* --frames  ................................................ */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&frm, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_descriptors :
      /* --descriptor ............................................. */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&dsc, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;

    case opt_meta :
      /* --meta ................................................... */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&met, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;

      if (met.protocol != VL_PROT_ASCII)
        ERR("meta file supports only ASCII protocol") ;
      break ;

    case opt_read_frames :
      /* --read_frames ............................................ */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&ifr, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_gss :
      /* --gss .................................................... */
      err = vl_file_meta_parse (&gss, optarg) ;
      if (err)
        ERRF("The arguments of '%s' is invalid.", argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case 'O' :
      /* --octaves ............................................... */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%d", &O) ;
      if (n == 0 || O < 0)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be a non-negative integer.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case 'S' :
      /* --levels ............................................... */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%d", &S) ;
      if (n == 0 || S < 0)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be a non-negative integer.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_first_octave :
      /* --first-octave ......................................... */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%d", &omin) ;
      if (n == 0)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be an integer.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_edge_thresh :
      /* --edge-thresh ........................................... */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &edge_thresh) ;
      if (n == 0 || edge_thresh < 1)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be not smaller than 1.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_peak_thresh :
      /* --edge-thresh ........................................... */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &peak_thresh) ;
      if (n == 0 || peak_thresh < 0)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be a non-negative float.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_magnif :
      /* --magnif  .............................................. */
      n = sscanf (optarg, "%lf", &magnif) ;
      if (n == 0 || magnif < 1)
        ERRF("The argument of '%s' must be a non-negative float.",
            argv [optind - 1]) ;
      break ;

    case opt_orientations :
      /* --orientations ......................................... */
      force_orientations = 1 ;
      break ;

    case 0 :
    default :
      /* should not get here ...................................... */
      assert (0) ;
      break ;

  /* check for parsing errors */
  if (err) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: %s (%d)\n",
            argv [0],
            err_msg, err) ;
    exit (1) ;

  /* parse other arguments (filenames) */
  argc -= optind ;
  argv += optind ;

     if --output is not specified, specifying --frames or --descriptors
     prevent the aggregate outout file to be produced.
  if (! force_output && ( || { = 0 ;

  if (verbose > 1) {
#define PRNFO(name,fm)                                                  \
    printf("sift: " name) ;                                             \
    printf("%3s ",  (fm).active ? "yes" : "no") ;                       \
    printf("%-6s ", vl_string_protocol_name ((fm).protocol)) ;          \
    printf("%-10s\n", (fm).pattern) ;

    PRNFO("write aggregate . ", out) ;
    PRNFO("write frames .... ", frm) ;
    PRNFO("write descriptors ", dsc) ;
    PRNFO("write meta ...... ", met) ;
    PRNFO("write GSS ....... ", gss) ;
    PRNFO("read  frames .... ", ifr) ;

    if (force_orientations)
      printf("sift: will compute orientations\n") ;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   *                                         Process one image per time
   * --------------------------------------------------------------- */

  while (argc--) {

    char             basename [1024] ;
    char const      *name = *argv++ ;

    FILE            *in    = 0 ;
    vl_uint8        *data  = 0 ;
    vl_sift_pix     *fdata = 0 ;
    VlPgmImage       pim ;

    VlSiftFilt      *filt = 0 ;
    int              q, i ;
    vl_bool          first ;

    double           *ikeys = 0 ;
    int              nikeys = 0, ikeys_size = 0 ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                                 Determine files
     * ............................................................ */

    /* get basenmae from filename */
    q = vl_string_basename (basename, sizeof(basename), name, 1) ;

    err = (q >= sizeof(basename)) ;

    if (err) {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Basename of '%s' is too long", name);
      err = VL_ERR_OVERFLOW ;
      goto done ;

    if (verbose) {
      printf ("sift: <== '%s'\n", name) ;

    if (verbose > 1) {
      printf ("sift: basename is '%s'\n", basename) ;

    /* open input file */
    in = fopen (name, "rb") ;
    if (!in) {
      err = VL_ERR_IO ;
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Could not open '%s' for reading.", name) ;
      goto done ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                                       Read data
     * ............................................................ */

    /* read PGM header */
    err = vl_pgm_extract_head (in, &pim) ;

    if (err) {
      switch (vl_err_no) {
      case  VL_ERR_PGM_IO :
        snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
                 "Cannot read from '%s'.", name) ;
        err = VL_ERR_IO ;
        break ;

      case VL_ERR_PGM_INV_HEAD :
        snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
                 "'%s' contains a malformed PGM header.", name) ;
        err = VL_ERR_IO ;
        goto done ;

    if (verbose)
      printf ("sift: image is %d by %d pixels\n",
              pim. width,
              pim. height) ;

    /* allocate buffer */
    data  = malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                   vl_pgm_get_bpp       (&pim) * sizeof (vl_uint8)   ) ;
    fdata = malloc(vl_pgm_get_npixels (&pim) *
                   vl_pgm_get_bpp       (&pim) * sizeof (vl_sift_pix)) ;

    if (!data || !fdata) {
      err = VL_ERR_ALLOC ;
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
               "Could not allocate enough memory.") ;
      goto done ;

    /* read PGM body */
    err  = vl_pgm_extract_data (in, &pim, data) ;

    if (err) {
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), "PGM body malformed.") ;
      err = VL_ERR_IO ;
      goto done ;

    /* convert data type */
    for (q = 0 ; q < pim.width * pim.height ; ++q)
      fdata [q] = data [q] ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                     Optionally source keypoints
     * ............................................................ */

#define WERR(name,op)                                           \
    if (err == VL_ERR_OVERFLOW) {                               \
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),                        \
               "Output file name too long.") ;                  \
      goto done ;                                               \
    } else if (err) {                                           \
      snprintf(err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),                        \
               "Could not open '%s' for " #op, name) ;          \
      goto done ;                                               \

    if ( {

      /* open file */
      err = vl_file_meta_open (&ifr, basename, "rb") ;
      WERR(, reading) ;

#define QERR                                                            \
      if (err ) {                                                       \
        snprintf (err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),                             \
                  "'%s' malformed", ;                         \
        err = VL_ERR_IO ;                                               \
        goto done ;                                                     \

      while (1) {
        double x, y, s, th ;

        /* read next guy */
        err = vl_file_meta_get_double (&ifr, &x) ;
        if   (err == VL_ERR_EOF) break;
        else QERR ;
        err = vl_file_meta_get_double (&ifr, &y ) ; QERR ;
        err = vl_file_meta_get_double (&ifr, &s ) ; QERR ;
        err = vl_file_meta_get_double (&ifr, &th) ;
        if   (err == VL_ERR_EOF) break;
        else QERR ;

        /* make enough space */
        if (ikeys_size < nikeys + 1) {
          ikeys_size += 10000 ;
          ikeys       = realloc (ikeys, 4 * sizeof(double) * ikeys_size) ;

        /* add the guy to the buffer */
        ikeys [4 * nikeys + 0]  = x ;
        ikeys [4 * nikeys + 1]  = y ;
        ikeys [4 * nikeys + 2]  = s ;
        ikeys [4 * nikeys + 3]  = th ;

        ++ nikeys ;

      /* now order by scale */
      qsort (ikeys, nikeys, 4 * sizeof(double), korder) ;

      if (verbose) {
        printf ("sift: read %d keypoints from '%s'\n", nikeys, ;

      /* close file */
      vl_file_meta_close (&ifr) ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                               Open output files
     * ............................................................ */

    err = vl_file_meta_open (&out, basename, "wb") ; WERR(, writing) ;
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&dsc, basename, "wb") ; WERR(, writing) ;
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&frm, basename, "wb") ; WERR(, writing) ;
    err = vl_file_meta_open (&met, basename, "wb") ; WERR(, writing) ;

    if (verbose > 1) {
      if ( printf("sift: writing all ....... to . '%s'\n",;
      if ( printf("sift: writing frames .... to . '%s'\n",;
      if ( printf("sift: writing descriptors to . '%s'\n",;
      if ( printf("sift: writign meta ...... to . '%s'\n",;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                                     Make filter
     * ............................................................ */

    filt = vl_sift_new (pim.width, pim.height, O, S, omin) ;

    if (edge_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_edge_thresh (filt, edge_thresh) ;
    if (peak_thresh >= 0) vl_sift_set_peak_thresh (filt, peak_thresh) ;
    if (magnif      >= 0) vl_sift_set_magnif      (filt, magnif) ;

    if (!filt) {
      snprintf (err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
                "Could not create SIFT filter.") ;
      err = VL_ERR_ALLOC ;
      goto done ;

    if (verbose > 1) {
      printf ("sift: filter settings:\n") ;
      printf ("sift:   octaves      (O)     = %d\n",
              vl_sift_get_noctaves     (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift:   levels       (S)     = %d\n",
              vl_sift_get_nlevels      (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift:   first octave (o_min) = %d\n",
              vl_sift_get_octave_first (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift:   edge thresh           = %g\n",
              vl_sift_get_edge_thresh  (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift:   peak thresh           = %g\n",
              vl_sift_get_peak_thresh  (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift:   magnif                = %g\n",
              vl_sift_get_magnif       (filt)) ;
      printf ("sift: will source frames? %s\n",
              ikeys ? "yes" : "no") ;
      printf ("sift: will force orientations? %s\n",
              force_orientations ? "yes" : "no") ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                             Process each octave
     * ............................................................ */
    i     = 0 ;
    first = 1 ;
    while (1) {
      VlSiftKeypoint const *keys ;
      int                   nkeys ;

      /* calculate the GSS for the next octave .................... */
      if (first) {
        first = 0 ;
        err = vl_sift_process_first_octave (filt, fdata) ;
      } else {
        err = vl_sift_process_next_octave  (filt) ;

      if (err) {
        err = VL_ERR_OK ;
        break ;

      if (verbose > 1) {
        printf("sift: GSS octave %d computed\n",
               vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt));

      /* optionally save GSS */
      if ( {
        err = save_gss (filt, &gss, basename, verbose) ;
        if (err) {
          snprintf (err_msg, sizeof(err_msg),
                    "Could not write GSS to PGM file.") ;
          goto done ;

      /* run detector ............................................. */
      if (ikeys == 0) {
        vl_sift_detect (filt) ;

        keys  = vl_sift_get_keypoints     (filt) ;
        nkeys = vl_sift_get_nkeypoints (filt) ;
        i     = 0 ;

        if (verbose > 1) {
          printf ("sift: detected %d (unoriented) keypoints\n", nkeys) ;
      } else {
        nkeys = nikeys ;

      /* for each keypoint ........................................ */
      for (; i < nkeys ; ++i) {
        double                angles [4] ;
        int                   nangles ;
        VlSiftKeypoint        ik ;
        VlSiftKeypoint const *k ;

        /* obtain keypoint orientations ........................... */
        if (ikeys) {
          vl_sift_keypoint_init (filt, &ik,
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 0],
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 1],
                                 ikeys [4 * i + 2]) ;

          if (ik.o != vl_sift_get_octave_index (filt)) {
            break ;

          k          = &ik ;

          /* optionally compute orientations too */
          if (force_orientations) {
            nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations
              (filt, angles, k) ;
          } else {
            angles [0] = ikeys [4 * i + 3] ;
            nangles    = 1 ;
        } else {
          k = keys + i ;
          nangles = vl_sift_calc_keypoint_orientations
            (filt, angles, k) ;

        /* for each orientation ................................... */
        for (q = 0 ; q < nangles ; ++q) {
          vl_sift_pix descr [128] ;

          /* compute descriptor (if necessary) */
          if ( || {
              (filt, descr, k, angles [q]) ;

          if ( {
            int l ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&out, k -> x     ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&out, k -> y     ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&out, k -> sigma ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&out, angles [q] ) ;
            for (l = 0 ; l < 128 ; ++l) {
              vl_file_meta_put_uint8 (&out, (vl_uint8) (512.0 * descr [l])) ;
            if (out.protocol == VL_PROT_ASCII) fprintf(out.file, "\n") ;

          if ( {
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&frm, k -> x     ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&frm, k -> y     ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&frm, k -> sigma ) ;
            vl_file_meta_put_double (&frm, angles [q] ) ;
            if (frm.protocol == VL_PROT_ASCII) fprintf(frm.file, "\n") ;

          if ( {
            int l ;
            for (l = 0 ; l < 128 ; ++l) {
              double x = 512.0 * descr[l] ;
              x = (x < 255.0) ? x : 255.0 ;
              vl_file_meta_put_uint8 (&dsc, (vl_uint8) (x)) ;
            if (dsc.protocol == VL_PROT_ASCII) fprintf(dsc.file, "\n") ;

    /* ...............................................................
     *                                                       Finish up
     * ............................................................ */

    if ( {
      fprintf(met.file, "<sift\n") ;
      fprintf(met.file, "  input       = '%s'\n", name) ;
      if ( {
        fprintf(met.file, "  descriptors = '%s'\n", ;
      if ( {
        fprintf(met.file,"  frames      = '%s'\n", ;
      fprintf(met.file, ">\n") ;

  done :
    /* release input keys buffer */
    if (ikeys) {
      free (ikeys) ;
      ikeys_size = nikeys = 0 ;
      ikeys = 0 ;

    /* release filter */
    if (filt) {
      vl_sift_delete (filt) ;
      filt = 0 ;

    /* release image data */
    if (fdata) {
      free (fdata) ;
      fdata = 0 ;

    /* release image data */
    if (data) {
      free (data) ;
      data = 0 ;

    /* close files */
    if (in) {
      fclose (in) ;
      in = 0 ;

    vl_file_meta_close (&out) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&frm) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&dsc) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&met) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&gss) ;
    vl_file_meta_close (&ifr) ;

    /* if bad print error message */
    if (err) {
         "sift: err: %s (%d)\n",
         err) ;
      exit_code = 1 ;

  /* quit */
  return exit_code ;