static int Seek(access_t *access, uint64_t position) { access_sys_t *sys = access->p_sys; const rar_file_t *file = sys->file; if (position > file->real_size) position = file->real_size; sys->position = position; /* Search the chunk */ const rar_file_chunk_t *old_chunk = sys->chunk; for (int i = 0; i < file->chunk_count; i++) { sys->chunk = file->chunk[i]; if (position < sys->chunk->cummulated_size + sys->chunk->size) break; } const uint64_t offset = sys->chunk->offset + (position - sys->chunk->cummulated_size); if (strcmp(old_chunk->mrl, sys->chunk->mrl)) { if (sys->s) vlc_stream_Delete(sys->s); sys->s = vlc_stream_NewMRL(access, sys->chunk->mrl); } return sys->s ? vlc_stream_Seek(sys->s, offset) : VLC_EGENERIC; }
int DoAcoustIdWebRequest( vlc_object_t *p_obj, acoustid_fingerprint_t *p_data ) { if ( !p_data->psz_fingerprint ) return VLC_SUCCESS; char *psz_url; if( unlikely(asprintf( &psz_url, "" "acoustid.php?meta=recordings+tracks+usermeta+" "releases&duration=%d&fingerprint=%s", p_data->i_duration, p_data->psz_fingerprint )) ) return VLC_EGENERIC; msg_Dbg( p_obj, "Querying AcoustID from %s", psz_url ); int i_saved_flags = p_obj->obj.flags; p_obj->obj.flags |= OBJECT_FLAGS_NOINTERACT; stream_t *p_stream = vlc_stream_NewMRL( p_obj, psz_url ); free( psz_url ); p_obj->obj.flags = i_saved_flags; if ( p_stream == NULL ) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* read answer */ char *p_buffer = NULL; int i_ret = 0; for( ;; ) { int i_read = 65536; if( i_ret >= INT_MAX - i_read ) break; p_buffer = realloc_or_free( p_buffer, 1 + i_ret + i_read ); if( unlikely(p_buffer == NULL) ) { vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } i_read = vlc_stream_Read( p_stream, &p_buffer[i_ret], i_read ); if( i_read <= 0 ) break; i_ret += i_read; } vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); p_buffer[i_ret] = 0; if ( ParseJson( p_obj, p_buffer, & p_data->results ) ) msg_Dbg( p_obj, "results count == %d", p_data->results.count ); else msg_Dbg( p_obj, "No results" ); return VLC_SUCCESS; }
static picture_t *ImageReadUrl( image_handler_t *p_image, const char *psz_url, video_format_t *p_fmt_in, video_format_t *p_fmt_out ) { block_t *p_block; picture_t *p_pic; stream_t *p_stream = NULL; uint64_t i_size; p_stream = vlc_stream_NewMRL( p_image->p_parent, psz_url ); if( !p_stream ) { msg_Dbg( p_image->p_parent, "could not open %s for reading", psz_url ); return NULL; } if( vlc_stream_GetSize( p_stream, &i_size ) || i_size > SSIZE_MAX ) { msg_Dbg( p_image->p_parent, "could not read %s", psz_url ); goto error; } p_block = vlc_stream_Block( p_stream, i_size ); if( p_block == NULL ) goto error; if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { char *psz_mime = stream_ContentType( p_stream ); if( psz_mime != NULL ) { p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Mime2Fourcc( psz_mime ); free( psz_mime ); } } vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); if( !p_fmt_in->i_chroma ) { /* Try to guess format from file name */ p_fmt_in->i_chroma = image_Ext2Fourcc( psz_url ); } p_pic = ImageRead( p_image, p_block, p_fmt_in, p_fmt_out ); return p_pic; error: vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return NULL; }
static int FindDesignated( addons_finder_t *p_finder ) { char *psz_manifest; const char *psz_path = p_finder->psz_uri + 7; // remove scheme if ( asprintf( &psz_manifest, "file://%s#!/manifest.xml", psz_path ) < 1 ) return VLC_ENOMEM; stream_t *p_stream = vlc_stream_NewMRL( p_finder, psz_manifest ); free( psz_manifest ); if ( !p_stream ) return VLC_EGENERIC; if ( ParseCategoriesInfo( p_finder, p_stream ) ) { /* Do archive uri fixup */ FOREACH_ARRAY( addon_entry_t *p_entry, p_finder->entries ) if ( likely( !p_entry->psz_archive_uri ) ) p_entry->psz_archive_uri = strdup( p_finder->psz_uri ); FOREACH_END() } else {
static int Retrieve( addons_finder_t *p_finder, addon_entry_t *p_entry ) { vlc_mutex_lock( &p_entry->lock ); if ( !p_entry->psz_archive_uri ) { vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_entry->lock ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } char *psz_archive_uri = strdup( p_entry->psz_archive_uri ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_entry->lock ); if ( !psz_archive_uri ) return VLC_ENOMEM; /* get archive and parse manifest */ stream_t *p_stream; if ( psz_archive_uri[0] == '/' ) { /* Relative path */ char *psz_uri; if ( ! asprintf( &psz_uri, ADDONS_REPO_SCHEMEHOST"%s", psz_archive_uri ) ) { free( psz_archive_uri ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } p_stream = vlc_stream_NewURL_ND( p_finder, psz_uri ); free( psz_uri ); } else { p_stream = vlc_stream_NewURL_ND( p_finder, psz_archive_uri ); } msg_Dbg( p_finder, "downloading archive %s", psz_archive_uri ); free ( psz_archive_uri ); if ( !p_stream ) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* In case of pf_ reuse */ if ( p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile ) { vlc_unlink( p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile ); FREENULL( p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile ); } p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile = tempnam( NULL, "vlp" ); if ( !p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile ) { msg_Err( p_finder, "Can't create temp storage file" ); vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } FILE *p_destfile = vlc_fopen( p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile, "w" ); if( !p_destfile ) { msg_Err( p_finder, "Failed to open addon temp storage file" ); FREENULL(p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile); vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } char buffer[1<<10]; int i_read = 0; while ( ( i_read = vlc_stream_Read( p_stream, &buffer, 1<<10 ) ) > 0 ) { if ( fwrite( &buffer, i_read, 1, p_destfile ) < 1 ) { msg_Err( p_finder, "Failed to write to Addon file" ); fclose( p_destfile ); vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } fclose( p_destfile ); vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); msg_Dbg( p_finder, "Reading manifest from %s", p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile ); char *psz_tempfileuri = vlc_path2uri( p_finder->p_sys->psz_tempfile, NULL ); if ( !psz_tempfileuri ) return VLC_ENOMEM; char *psz_manifest_uri; if ( asprintf( &psz_manifest_uri, "%s#!/manifest.xml", psz_tempfileuri ) < 1 ) { free( psz_tempfileuri ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } p_stream = vlc_stream_NewMRL( p_finder, psz_manifest_uri ); free( psz_manifest_uri ); if ( !p_stream ) { free( psz_tempfileuri ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } vlc_mutex_lock( &p_entry->lock ); int i_ret = ( ParseManifest( p_finder, p_entry, psz_tempfileuri, p_stream ) > 0 ) ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_EGENERIC; vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_entry->lock ); free( psz_tempfileuri ); vlc_stream_Delete( p_stream ); return i_ret; }
int RarAccessOpen(vlc_object_t *object) { access_t *access = (access_t*)object; const char *name = strchr(access->psz_location, '|'); if (name == NULL) return VLC_EGENERIC; char *base = strndup(access->psz_location, name - access->psz_location); if (unlikely(base == NULL)) return VLC_ENOMEM; name++; vlc_uri_decode(base); stream_t *s = vlc_stream_NewMRL(access, base); if (!s || RarProbe(s)) goto error; struct { int filescount; rar_file_t **files; unsigned int i_nbvols; } newscheme = { 0, NULL, 0 }, oldscheme = { 0, NULL, 0 }, *p_scheme; if (RarParse(s, &newscheme.filescount, &newscheme.files, &newscheme.i_nbvols, false) || newscheme.filescount < 1 || newscheme.i_nbvols < 2 ) { /* We might want to lookup old naming scheme, could be a part1.rar,part1.r00 */ vlc_stream_Seek(s, 0); RarParse(s, &oldscheme.filescount, &oldscheme.files, &oldscheme.i_nbvols, true); } if (oldscheme.filescount >= newscheme.filescount && oldscheme.i_nbvols > newscheme.i_nbvols) { for (int i = 0; i < newscheme.filescount; i++) RarFileDelete(newscheme.files[i]); free(newscheme.files); p_scheme = &oldscheme; msg_Dbg(s, "using rar old naming for %d files nbvols %u", p_scheme->filescount, oldscheme.i_nbvols); } else if (newscheme.filescount) { for (int i = 0; i < oldscheme.filescount; i++) RarFileDelete(oldscheme.files[i]); free(oldscheme.files); p_scheme = &newscheme; msg_Dbg(s, "using rar new naming for %d files nbvols %u", p_scheme->filescount, oldscheme.i_nbvols); } else { msg_Info(s, "Invalid or unsupported RAR archive"); for (int i = 0; i < oldscheme.filescount; i++) RarFileDelete(oldscheme.files[i]); free(oldscheme.files); for (int i = 0; i < newscheme.filescount; i++) RarFileDelete(newscheme.files[i]); free(newscheme.files); goto error; } rar_file_t *file = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < p_scheme->filescount; i++) { if (!file && !strcmp(p_scheme->files[i]->name, name)) file = p_scheme->files[i]; else RarFileDelete(p_scheme->files[i]); } free(p_scheme->files); if (!file) goto error; access_sys_t *sys = access->p_sys = malloc(sizeof(*sys)); sys->s = s; sys->file = file; access->pf_read = Read; access->pf_block = NULL; access->pf_control = Control; access->pf_seek = Seek; rar_file_chunk_t dummy = { .mrl = base, }; sys->chunk = &dummy; Seek(access, 0); free(base); return VLC_SUCCESS; error: if (s) vlc_stream_Delete(s); free(base); return VLC_EGENERIC; }