Esempio n. 1
                        f i c l T e r m S y s t e m
** Tear the system down by deleting the dictionaries and all VMs.
** This saves you from having to keep track of all that stuff.
void ficlTermSystem(FICL_SYSTEM *pSys)
    if (pSys->dp)
    pSys->dp = NULL;

    if (pSys->envp)
    pSys->envp = NULL;

    if (pSys->localp)
    pSys->localp = NULL;

    while (pSys->vmList != NULL)
        FICL_VM *pVM = pSys->vmList;
        pSys->vmList = pSys->vmList->link;

    pSys = NULL;
Esempio n. 2
                        f i c l F r e e V M
** Removes the VM in question from the system VM list and deletes the
** memory allocated to it. This is an optional call, since ficlTermSystem
** will do this cleanup for you. This function is handy if you're going to
** do a lot of dynamic creation of VMs.
void ficlFreeVM(FICL_VM *pVM)
    FICL_SYSTEM *pSys = pVM->pSys;
    FICL_VM *pList = pSys->vmList;

    assert(pVM != 0);

    if (pSys->vmList == pVM)
        pSys->vmList = pSys->vmList->link;
    else for (; pList != NULL; pList = pList->link)
            if (pList->link == pVM)
                pList->link = pVM->link;

    if (pList)
Esempio n. 3
void VBoxTrayIcon::showSubMenu ()
    if (!mActive)

    UIVMItem* pItem = NULL;
    QMenu *pMenu = NULL;
    QVariant vID;

    if ((pMenu = qobject_cast<QMenu*>(sender())))
        vID = pMenu->menuAction()->data();
        if (vID.canConvert<QString>() && mVMModel)
            pItem = mVMModel->itemById (qvariant_cast<QString>(vID));

    mVmConfigAction->setData (vID);
    mVmDeleteAction->setData (vID);
    mVmDiscardAction->setData (vID);
    mVmStartAction->setData (vID);
    mVmPauseAction->setData (vID);
    mVmShowLogsAction->setData (vID);

    if (pItem && pItem->accessible())
        /* look at vmListViewCurrentChanged() */
        CMachine m = pItem->machine();
        KMachineState s = pItem->machineState();
        bool running = pItem->sessionState() != KSessionState_Unlocked;
        bool modifyEnabled = !running && s != KMachineState_Saved;

        /* Settings */
        mVmConfigAction->setEnabled (modifyEnabled);

        /* Delete */
        mVmDeleteAction->setEnabled (!running);

        /* Discard */
        mVmDiscardAction->setEnabled (s == KMachineState_Saved && !running);

        /* Change the Start button text accordingly */
        if (   s == KMachineState_PoweredOff
            || s == KMachineState_Saved
            || s == KMachineState_Teleported
            || s == KMachineState_Aborted
            mVmStartAction->setText (UIVMListView::tr ("S&tart"));
            mVmStartAction->setStatusTip (
                  UIVMListView::tr ("Start the selected virtual machine"));
            mVmStartAction->setEnabled (!running);
            mVmStartAction->setText (UIVMListView::tr ("S&how"));
            mVmStartAction->setStatusTip (
                  UIVMListView::tr ("Switch to the window of the selected virtual machine"));
            mVmStartAction->setEnabled (pItem->canSwitchTo());

        /* Change the Pause/Resume button text accordingly */
        mVmPauseAction->setEnabled (   s == KMachineState_Running
                                    || s == KMachineState_Teleporting
                                    || s == KMachineState_LiveSnapshotting
                                    || s == KMachineState_Paused
                                    || s == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM

        if (   s == KMachineState_Paused
            || s == KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM /*?*/
            mVmPauseAction->setText (UIVMListView::tr ("R&esume"));
            mVmPauseAction->setStatusTip (
                  UIVMListView::tr ("Resume the execution of the virtual machine"));
            mVmPauseAction->blockSignals (true);
            mVmPauseAction->setChecked (true);
            mVmPauseAction->blockSignals (false);
            mVmPauseAction->setText (UIVMListView::tr ("&Pause"));
            mVmPauseAction->setStatusTip (
                  UIVMListView::tr ("Suspend the execution of the virtual machine"));
            mVmPauseAction->blockSignals (true);
            mVmPauseAction->setChecked (false);
            mVmPauseAction->blockSignals (false);

        mVmShowLogsAction->setEnabled (true);

        /* Disconnect old slot which maybe was connected from another selected sub menu. */
        disconnect (mVmConfigAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmSettings()));
        disconnect (mVmDeleteAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmDelete()));
        disconnect (mVmDiscardAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmDiscard()));
        disconnect (mVmStartAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmStart()));
        disconnect (mVmPauseAction, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (vmPause (bool)));
        disconnect (mVmShowLogsAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmShowLogs()));

        /* Connect new sub menu with slots. */
        connect (mVmConfigAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmSettings()));
        connect (mVmDeleteAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmDelete()));
        connect (mVmDiscardAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmDiscard()));
        connect (mVmStartAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmStart()));
        connect (mVmPauseAction, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (vmPause (bool)));
        connect (mVmShowLogsAction, SIGNAL (triggered()), this, SLOT (vmShowLogs()));